Plain and Fancy

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Plain and Fancy Page 14

by Wanda E. Brunstetter

Johnny chuckled and flicked a little water in her direction. “Wonder where he gets that trait from?”

  She wrinkled her nose. “Maybe you’d best look in the mirror.”

  “Ha! I’d say we both tend to be a bit headstrong at times.” “I guess you’re right about that.” She glanced out the window again. “Eli’s putting his horse away, so he’ll probably be in shortly. Did Lewis and Jonas say when they were coming inside?”

  Johnny dried his hands on a towel before answering. “They had a couple of things to do in the barn, but I’m sure they’ll be in soon, too.”

  “I’ll go ahead and serve up the soup. By the time they come in, it will probably be cool enough to eat.”

  “Makes sense to me.” Johnny kissed Mary Ellen’s cheek, then ambled across the room and took a seat at the table.

  A few minutes later, Jonas and Lewis entered the kitchen, followed by Eli, whose face was all red and sweaty.

  Mary Ellen felt immediate concern, and she placed the ladle back in the pot of soup and rushed to his side. “Is there anything wrong, son? You look kind of flushed.”

  “That’s what Pauline said right before I told her the news.” Eli flopped into a chair and let his head fall forward into his hands.

  Pop reached over and touched Eli’s shoulder. “What news is that? What’s got you so worked up?”

  Eli looked up and blew out his breath. “There’s something I need to tell you.”

  “Are you and Pauline gettin’ hitched?” The question came from Lewis, who had also pulled out a chair and sat down.

  Eli shook his head. “I think it might be good if everyone took a seat. What I have to say will probably be quite a shock.”

  Mary Ellen’s heart slammed into her chest. Was Eli going to announce that he’d decided not to join the church in the fall, after all? With a sense of dread, she took the chair closest to him.

  “So, tell us what’s on your mind,” Johnny said, after Jonas took his seat.

  “You all remember Laura Meade, right?”

  “The pretty redheaded woman you brought by the house a few months back?” Lewis asked with a grin.

  Eli nodded. “The thing is—I saw Laura today, and she wants to join the Amish church.”

  “What?” Mary Ellen could hardly believe her ears. Eli hadn’t mentioned the English woman in some time, and this made no sense at all.

  “I’ve just come from Martha Rose’s place, and she’s agreed to let Laura stay there.”

  “She’ll be staying with Martha Rose and Amon?”

  “Jah, Mom.”

  “It just doesn’t seem right, her being so fancy and all,” Jonas said with a shake of his head.

  “Jah,” Lewis agreed. “It’s not gonna be easy for Laura to give up all the modern things she’s been used to and start livin’ as we do.”

  “If Laura stays with Martha Rose, she can teach her all the things she’ll need to know about being Amish, and Laura and I can both take the membership classes this summer. Then by fall, we’ll both be baptized and join the church.”

  “Whose idea was this?” Johnny asked, leaning his elbows on the table.

  “The part about joining the church was Laura’s idea, but I’m the one who thought of asking Martha Rose to help her.” Eli scrubbed a hand down his clean-shaven face. “Laura wants it, and so do I. She knows what she’s giving up, and it’s her decision to do this. So won’t you please give her a chance?”

  “It will take a lot of gumption for her to make all the sacrifices needed to join the church,” Johnny put in. “If she can do it, then I’m willing to give her a chance.”

  “How about the rest of you?” Eli looked around the table.

  Lewis and Jonas both nodded, but Mary Ellen couldn’t seem to find her voice. If Laura wanted to join the church, and Eli wanted them to take classes and be baptized together, then in all likelihood, he had plans of marrying the girl soon after that. Mary Ellen didn’t like the idea, but she knew if she voiced her concerns it might drive Eli away. They had waited a long time for him to reach a decision about joining the church, and she wouldn’t do anything to discourage him. She finally nodded and forced her lips into a smile. “I’ll give Laura a chance, too.”


  As soon as Laura returned to the school, she went straight to the admissions office and told them she would be withdrawing and would try to move her things out in the morning. Then she went to her room to call her parents.

  She felt relief when Dad answered the phone, because she was sure the news of her decision would be harder for Mom to handle. “Hi, Dad, it’s me,” she said, drawing in a quick breath for added courage.

  “It’s good to hear from you, Laura. How are things going with your studies?”

  She shifted the phone to her other ear. “I ... uh ... need to tell you something.”

  “Oh? What’s that?”

  “Starting tomorrow morning, I’ll be done with school.”

  “Done? What do you mean? You haven’t even finished your first year there yet.”

  “I’m ... uh ... not planning to finish, Dad.”

  There was a pause, then, “Irene, you’d better pick up the phone in the kitchen. Laura’s on the line.”

  Laura held her breath as she waited for her mother to come on. Maybe it was better this way. She could tell them both the news at the same time and be done with it.

  “Hello, Laura. How are you, dear?”

  “I—I’m okay.”

  “Our daughter has some news she wants to share with us,” Dad said before Mom could add anything more.

  “What news is that?”

  “I’ve withdrawn from school, and tomorrow morning, I’ll be moving in with Eli’s sister so I can join the Amish church.”

  “What?” Mom and Dad shouted in unison.

  “I’m planning to join the Amish church.”

  “This is not April Fool’s Day, Laura,” Dad said with a chuckle. “Now quit fooling around.”

  “I’m not kidding. I’m in love with Eli Yoder, and the only way we can be together is if I join his faith.”

  “Why can’t he leave the Amish faith and join our world?”

  “Because, Mom, his roots are deep, and he’s committed to his family as well as to his religion.”

  “Oh, and you’re not committed to your family?”

  “I am, but you and Dad have your own busy lives, and you’ve raised me to be independent and make my own decisions.” Laura paused as she groped for the right words. “This is the decision I’ve chosen to make.”

  “Laura, do you know what you’re saying?” Mom’s voice had risen at least an octave, and Laura had to hold the phone away from her ear. “I’m catching the next flight to Pennsylvania so I can talk some sense into you.”

  “You may as well save your money, because nothing you can say will make me change my mind. Besides, by the time you get here, I’ll be moved out of my dorm room and into Martha Rose’s house, and you don’t know where that is.” Laura sucked in her bottom lip. The truth was, she had no idea where Eli’s sister lived, either. For that matter, she wasn’t even sure Martha Rose would agree to take her in. What if the woman had said no to Eli’s request? What if Laura had quit school for nothing and now had no place to go?

  She shook her head, trying to clear away the troubling thoughts. It would all work out. It had to work out. Eli had said it would.

  “What about Dean?” Mom asked. “I thought the two of you were—”

  “It was over between me and Dean months ago. The last time we talked, I told him so, too.”

  “Laura, your mother and I want you to be happy,” Dad said. “But is giving up the only way of life you’ve ever known and becoming Amish really going to make you happy?”

  “Being with Eli will make me happy, and if I have to make a few sacrifices along the way in order for it to happen, then I’ll learn to deal with it.”

  “She’s got a determined spirit, this daughter of ours, and it took a lot of courag
e for her to make a decision such as this. I think we should give her our blessing.”

  Laura knew Dad was talking to Mom now, so she waited to hear what her mother’s response would be.

  “I don’t see how you can expect me to give Laura my blessing when I know she’s making the biggest mistake of her life. She won’t be happy living without electricity and many other modern conveniences. She might think she’s in love with this Amish man, but a few months from now, she’ll change her mind; mark my words.”

  Laura released an exasperated sigh. “I’ve got to go now. I need to pack. I’ll give you a call on my cell phone after I get moved so I can give you my new address. Maybe you can send me that quilt I bought at the farmers’ market. It would be nice to have it in my possession again.”

  Mom released a couple of sobs and hung up.

  “If you change your mind about this or ever need anything, don’t hesitate to call,” Dad said.

  “Thanks, I’ll remember that.”

  “Be happy, and please keep in touch.”

  “I will, Dad.” Laura clicked off her cell phone and flopped onto the bed. Mom had reacted to the news pretty much the way she’d expected her to, but her father’s reaction had been a complete surprise. Had he been so compliant because he wanted her to be happy, or was it possible that some part of Dad could actually identify with Laura’s desire to go Plain?


  As Laura sat on a bench in front of the variety store in Paradise, she began to worry. She had turned in all of her books at the school, sent everything home that she didn’t think she would need in her new life, and dropped off her rental car. Now she was waiting for Eli to pick her up. But what if he didn’t show? What if he’d changed his mind about asking his sister to take Laura in? Maybe his folks had talked him out of his plans. Or maybe his sister had said no to his request.

  She drew in a deep breath and tried to calm her nerves. The last time she’d waited on this bench for Eli and had been worried he wouldn’t show, he’d only been running late. That was probably the case this time, too. At least she hoped it was.

  She leaned her head against the wall behind her and tried to focus on something else. It was useless. All she could think about was Eli and how much she wanted to be with him. If he didn’t show up, she would be devastated, and she’d never be able to face Darla again.

  Darla had tried again this morning to get Laura to change her mind about joining the Amish faith. She’d reminded her of how hard it was going to be and said that Laura needed to give it more thought.

  Ever since the day Laura had met Eli, he’d never been far from her thoughts. She dreamed about him at night, compared him to Dean during the day, and imagined what it would be like to be Mrs. Eli Yoder.

  The clip-clop of horse’s hooves drew Laura’s attention to the parking lot, and a feeling of relief flooded her soul. Eli was here. He had come for her just like he’d promised. Everything would be okay now.


  As Eli led Laura up the steps to his sister’s home, her insides quivered with anticipation. She’d been relieved when Eli had told her that Martha Rose had agreed to let her stay, but that was only half the battle. Laura still had lots to learn, and she worried about whether she would be accepted among Eli’s friends and family.

  “Don’t be nervous now,” Eli whispered as he opened the back door. “You’ll like it here, I promise.”

  Laura forced a smile. “I—I hope so.”

  When they entered the kitchen, they were greeted by a tall, large-boned woman with a flawless complexion, hair the color of chestnuts, and dark brown eyes. She offered a warm, friendly smile. “You must be Laura.”

  Laura’s only reply was a quick nod.

  “I’m Eli’s sister, Martha Rose.”

  Laura extended her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, and I appreciate your letting me stay here.”

  Martha Rose glanced over at Eli and smiled. “I’d do most anything for my little brother.”

  Eli chuckled. “Should I bring in Laura’s things while you show her around?”

  “Jah, sure.” Martha Rose motioned toward the door leading to a hallway. “Why don’t we start with the upstairs, since that’s where Laura’s bedroom will be?”

  Eli disappeared out the back door, and Laura followed Martha Rose up the stairs.

  “This will be yours,” Martha Rose said, opening the door to the second room on the left. “It’s right across the hall from the bathroom.”

  Laura breathed a sigh of relief. At least this Amish farm had indoor plumbing, and for that she felt grateful. Darla had told her that most Amish in the area used diesel or propane-operated generators, so they had indoor bathrooms with hot and cold running water, but a few homes still used outhouses.

  As Laura stepped into the bedroom where she would soon take up residence, a shockwave spiraled through her. It was even smaller than her dorm room at the school had been. Plain ... so very plain. There was a double bed, a chest of drawers with a washbowl and pitcher sitting on top, and a small cedar chest at the foot of the bed. Dark shades hung at the two windows, and except for a small, braided throw rug, the hardwood floor was bare. Instead of a closet, a row of wooden pegs was connected to a narrow strip of wood lining one wall.

  “Here are a few dresses you can wear.” Martha Rose handed Laura two long, cotton frocks. One was navy blue, the other a dark shade of green. “You’re a bit shorter than me, so they might be kind of long.” She grinned. “Better too long than too short.”

  Laura was too dumbfounded to even speak. In her excitement to join the Amish faith and win Eli’s heart, she had almost forgotten that she would be expected to wear such plain, simple clothing.

  “I have a white head covering for you. And you’ll need a dark bonnet to wear over it when you go out at certain times.”

  Laura nodded mutely as she was given the rest of her new wardrobe. What have I gotten myself into? Can I really exchange my jeans and T-shirts for long, plain dresses? She inhaled deeply, reminding herself that she could do this and that it was for a good cause. Her determination and love for Eli would see her through.

  “We’ll go to the boot and harness shop tomorrow and buy you some black leather shoes for church and other special occasions,” Martha Rose said. “If you already own a pair of sneakers, you can wear them for everyday.” She looked down at her bare feet and smiled. “Of course, most of us just go barefoot around home, especially during the warmer weather. It saves our shoes, and it’s much cooler.”

  Laura shifted from one foot to the other. Barefoot? Sneakers and black leather shoes? Were those her only choices? “Don’t your feet get dirty and sore, running around barefoot?”

  “Jah, but they toughen up, and I always wash my feet before going to bed.”

  Laura shrugged. What could she really say? She’d gotten herself into this predicament, and it was of her own choosing that she had decided to go Plain. She would simply draw from her inner strength and do whatever was necessary in order to convince Eli and his family she was worthy of being part of their clan.


  The next few weeks were busy ... busier than Laura ever imagined. She had so much to learn about cooking, sewing, baking, and doing laundry and other household chores, not to mention the outside jobs. Gathering eggs, slopping the hogs, and cultivating the garden were all things she had never done before. It was dirty, backbreaking work, and she made so many foolish mistakes at first.


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