Branding Gemma [Grizzly Pines 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Branding Gemma [Grizzly Pines 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 12

by Paige Warren

  “You’re leaving?” she asked, as she walked up to him.

  He glanced at her over his shoulder as he closed the back of the SUV. “Yeah. I’ll be gone three days.”

  “For a business trip?”

  “Something like that. There’s a rodeo in San Antonio. It’s been a while since I climbed on the back of a bull and I figured I’d give it a go and see if I still have what it takes. The prize money is pretty good. Syn and I have been eyeing this little farmhouse out off the highway. If I can win in my event, it will go a long way toward a down payment.”

  She bit her lip. “Do you have to go alone?”

  “Syn is busy with his shop. Why? Did you want to go?”

  “And if I did?”

  He grinned broadly. “Then that would be awesome. I’ve never had someone in the stands cheering me on before. Well, anyone I actually knew.”

  “You mean someone other than the buckle bunnies?” she asked, her eyebrow arched.

  “Yeah.” He laughed. “You can save me from them this time. Worse than a swarm of locusts. Especially if you win.”

  Gemma smiled. “You’d have to follow me home so I could pack a bag.”

  “Then let’s get going! Day’s slipping by. I’d like to be on the road in less than hour, if we can. It’s a few hours to San Antonio and I had hoped to spend the night relaxing with a bottle of wine and a hot tub.”

  “Hot tub?”

  “It’s part of the suite I reserved. But, uh, you don’t have to pack a bathing suit.”

  “Skinny dipping, huh?” She smiled. “I’ll think about it.”

  Gemma climbed into her truck and pulled away from the curb. Just think, if she hadn’t decided to surprise the boys with a visit, she’d have never known Ryan was leaving. Was he going to tell her at all that he would be gone? It hurt a little that he hadn’t thought to include her. But then, he’d said no one had ever gone to watch him before. Maybe he’d thought she wouldn’t be interested.

  When she reached the ranch, Ryan pulled in beside her and got out of the SUV. They walked up the porch steps together and Gemma invited him in. The cool air caressed her heated skin as she stepped over the threshold.

  “You can have a seat in the living room, if you want. I’ll only be a few minutes.” She waved a hand toward the room in question.

  Ryan removed his hat and went to have a seat. Gemma just hoped none of her cousins came in and gave him the third degree. Especially Cody, who seemed to have taken on the role of honorary brother lately. She wished he’d worry more about his own life and keep his nose out of hers. It was no secret that he didn’t approve of her relationship with Synclair, but as she’d pointed out to him several times, he didn’t have to like it. As long as Gemma was happy, that’s all that should matter. And she was. She was deliriously happy.

  She crammed a few pairs of jeans and some tees into a bag, some underthings, a nightgown, and, just in case they went out somewhere, she tossed in a sundress. After gathering her toiletries, she zipped the bag and snagged her worn brown boots. She clomped down the stairs and heard voices coming from the living room. Picking up her pace, she nearly ran around the corner into the living room, and then breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that it was Beck and not Cody.

  “Hey, Gem. Ryan tells me y’all are going out of town for a few days,” Beck said.

  “Yeah, I know it’s last minute, but he’s riding in the rodeo and I’d really like to go and watch.”

  “Just the two of you?” Beck asked.

  Gemma glowered at him. “And if it wasn’t?”

  Ryan lifted his hands. “It’s just the two of us. I know y’all don’t approve of the relationship she has with my brother and me, but Synclair will remain home. This time. I get the whole protective family thing, but maybe y’all should stop and realize that Gemma is a grown woman, one who obviously knows what she wants.”

  “You’re only saying that because she wants you,” Beck said. “If she were hanging onto another cowboy, I bet you’d feel differently.”

  “Yeah, maybe. I don’t see what the problem is though. You have a ménage relationship with Elodie and your brothers. Why is that so different from Gemma having one with my brother and me?”

  Beck’s jaw tensed a moment, but then he nodded his head. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. We just don’t like to think of Gemma as being all grown up yet, I suppose. She’s travelled a hard road. You better make sure you treat her right.”

  Ryan smiled. “I’m guessing if we don’t, you’ll be paying us a visit.”

  “All three of us will. And I’m sure her brothers will want to have a chat with you, too.”

  “I wouldn’t expect anything less.” He turned to Gemma. “Ready, sweetheart? We need to hit the road.”

  She lifted her bag and her boots. “I’m all set.”

  Beck frowned. “When did you get an overnight bag?”

  “Elodie gave it to me. I think she picked it up on one of her trips to town. She said something about me needing some real luggage when it came time to move. There’s a matching suitcase, too, but I figured that would be too big for just three days.”

  Beck pulled her into his arms for a hard hug. “You be careful, Gem. I want you coming home in one-piece.”

  “You got it.” She kissed his cheek and pulled away, taking Ryan’s hand and heading out the door. When they reached the front porch, Ryan took her bag from her. In a matter of minutes, they were on their way to San Antonio.

  The drive was uneventful, except for a bit of traffic when they reached the city limits. They’d spent the time listening to the radio and chatting now and then about the rodeo and what Gemma could expect to see. She was excited about going, not having been to one in a long time. At one point, she’d gone to the Stockyards in Fort Worth and the rodeo in Mesquite as often as she could, but that had been a few losers ago. There just hadn’t been time with all the partying she’d done in the last year or two. She missed the sights and sounds of the rodeo. Hell, she even missed the smell. Sweaty animals, sweaty cowboys, and dirt.

  After they checked into the hotel, they carried their bags up to their suite, which had a wonderful view of San Antonio. The suite had a sitting area, a mini-kitchen, and a bedroom upstairs, then a staircase wound down to a lower level where there was a hot tub with a spectacular view. Ryan had assured her that it was private and no one would be able to see them if they climbed in sans bathing suits. She supposed she’d have to take his word for it, since she hadn’t packed one. It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen her naked before.

  “Do you want to go out to eat or order room service?”

  “Can room service deliver that wine you were talking about?”

  He frowned. “Gemma, you’ve done so well staying away from alcohol. I don’t want to order it and have you tempted by it. I’ll get something non-alcoholic.”

  “They make non-alcoholic wine, you know. It might not be as good, but—”

  “It will be perfect for tonight.”

  “Vandalia is known for their non-alcoholic wines. I’ve just never been able to afford a bottle. The cabernet sauvignon runs around two hundred, I think.”

  Ryan pulled her into his arms. “You can have anything you want tonight.”

  She arched a brow. “Does that include chocolate-covered strawberries to go with the wine?”

  “I don’t know. Are the strawberries the only thing I can dip in the chocolate?”

  She laughed. “No, you can play with the chocolate if you want to.”

  “Not your first time playing with your food, hmm?”

  “Actually, it will be, but I’ve read a lot of stories where the hero and heroine played with chocolate or whipped cream. One even painted his lady with cherry pie filling.”

  “Now that sounds tasty. Wonder if they have one of those on the menu.”

  Gemma just shook her head at him.

  “I’ll order room service while you freshen up. I’m sure you’d like to splash some water on your fac
e after being stuck in the car for several hours. Make sure it’s cold water. I want you good and awake for a while.”

  “Don’t you need to rest for your event tomorrow?”

  “I’ll rest later. Right now I want to play.”

  She smiled and leaned up to kiss him. “Then play, you shall. Go order something for us to eat, along with that bottle of wine, if they have any.”

  “If they don’t, do you know of any others to try?”

  “I’ve heard Ariel has a nice red wine.”

  “I’ll see what I can come up with.” He smiled and smacked her on her ass. “Now scoot and let me make my phone call. The sooner room service arrives, the sooner we can have some fun.”

  She left him to call the front desk and went into the rather large bathroom. The tub looked plenty big enough for two and the shower was beyond amazing. She looked at her reflection in the mirror over the sink and realized she looked a little tired. Gemma splashed some water on her face, making herself more alert. Car rides always made her drowsy, but she definitely wanted to stay awake for what Ryan had in mind. It hadn’t ever been just the two of them before and she was looking forward to having some one-on-one time with him.

  Gemma dried her face and went back out into the living area. Ryan was out on the balcony, admiring the view. She joined him, wrapping an arm around his waist. They stood together in silence, reveling in the soft breeze and staring out over the city. There was a knock at the door a short while later and Ryan went to answer it. A hotel staff member wheeled in a cart covered with dishes, along with a mini-chocolate fountain and a huge bowl of strawberries. She saw a bottle of wine chilling in a bucket of ice and smiled, thankful they’d been able to find a non-alcoholic one.

  Ryan tipped the guy and sent him on his way.

  Gemma closed the door to the balcony, and pulling off her boots, she sat down at the small table near the window. Ryan wheeled the cart closer and set out their meal, leaving the strawberries and wine on the cart. When he lifted the dome over her plate, her mouth watered. The best looking steak she’d ever seen sat on her plate, along with a baked potato and rice pilaf. She wasn’t sure she could eat everything, but she was damn sure going to try.

  After Ryan had settled into his chair, she cut a bite of steak and closed her eyes in ecstasy as she chewed. It was perfectly flavored, no sauce needed. It was rare for her to have such a treat and she was going to savor every bite.

  “You never said what brought you by the house earlier,” Ryan said.

  No, she hadn’t, and she wasn’t sure she was going to say anything now. She’d heard from Trevor again, except this time, he’d sounded like he might know where she was, and that terrified her. She didn’t want to bring trouble to her cousins and Elodie, but she didn’t have anywhere else to go. In a moment of panic, she’d sought out Synclair and Ryan, needing the comfort of their presence. She’d lied to Elodie that morning, not wanting to drag her into it. Really she’d just needed to be held and assured that everything would be okay.

  “Gemma, what’s going on?” he asked.

  “I heard from Trevor,” she admitted.

  “Why is that asshole calling you?” Ryan’s gaze narrowed. “You haven’t been completely honest with us, have you?”

  She shook her head. “I just didn’t want you to worry. Trevor’s been calling almost daily with threats of what he’ll do to me once he finds me.”

  “Jesus, Gem. Why didn’t you say something? You should have called the sheriff’s department. Sheriff Crawford, or one of his deputies, will be happy to fill out a restraining order I’m sure.”

  “I was scared if I did that Trevor would be able to find me.”

  “Sweetheart, what if he already has? Wouldn’t you rather be protected?”

  She shrugged. “I doubt Trevor would care if there was a restraining order against him or not. He’d still come for me.”

  “You’re moving in with Synclair and me. And when you aren’t working in the shop, I want you to either be with your cousins or come to my office. I don’t want you to be alone at any time. It isn’t safe for you anymore, Gemma.”

  “I can’t just pack up and move in with you, Ryan. I care about you, but it’s too soon to live together.”

  “Gemma, if we could have, we would have moved you in after that first week of us dating. We knew then that you were special. Hell, we knew before then that you were special. Let us protect you. Once Synclair hears about the phone calls, he’s going to seriously lose it if he can’t keep an eye on you.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  That was the most she could promise right then. On one hand, being around the guys all the time, being able to get a little wild and freaky whenever she wanted, held great appeal. But every time she’d moved in with a guy in the past, things had deteriorated quickly. What if the same thing happened now? She wasn’t ready to lose them.

  When they were finished eating, they pushed their plates aside. She didn’t know about Ryan, but she was too stuffed to play at the moment. He seemed to understand that and helped her from her chair and guided her over to the sofa. Sitting, Gemma handed him the remote. She didn’t really care what they watched, as long as he gave her enough time for her food to settle.

  She was pleasantly surprised when he put on a romantic comedy, one of her favorites. They cuddled together and watched it for a while, then she felt Ryan playing with her hair. After a half hour, he began stroking her back. His touch made her want to purr. While she was enjoying his fingers gliding up and down her back in a soothing motion, it was also turning her on. She looked up to find him watching her.

  “I want you, Gemma, but if you don’t want this, all you have to do is say so. We’ll sit here and watch TV until you’re ready to go to sleep.”

  “I want you. I always want you.”

  Ryan stood, lifted her into his arms, and carried her to the bed. He undressed her slowly before divesting himself of his clothing. Giving her a wicked grin, he stepped away, only to return with a slice of cherry pie in his hands.

  “Pie? You can think about eating at a time like this?” she asked.

  “Oh, I plan to thoroughly enjoy this slice.”

  Before she could say another word, he painted her nipples with the cherry filling, topping each one with a warm cherry. Then he dipped his finger into the filling again and painted a heart on her stomach around her navel. He painted her lips with what was left on his finger before leaning down to kiss her. Gemma parted her lips, inviting him in, needing to taste him, along with the cherry pie.

  Ryan trailed kisses down her throat and between her breasts before closing his lips over one of her nipples. He sucked the cherry into his mouth, stopping to chew, before licking off the rest of the filling. He drew on her nipple long and hard, making it stand at attention. Then he lavished just as much attention on the other one.

  He continued kissing his way down her body, stopping to lick off the heart he’d drawn. Ryan was driving her crazy with his lips and tongue. Her pussy tingled in anticipation, hoping that’s where he was going. She whimpered, fighting the urge to beg for more. Just because she felt needy didn’t mean she had to let him know how much power he held over her.

  Ryan settled between her legs, his shoulders spreading her wide, the lips of her pussy parting. He hummed his appreciation.

  “So pretty,” he said softly, before taking a long, slow lick.

  He held her open so his questing lips and tongue could tease her clit, making her temperature rise. Usually, Ryan could make her go off like a firecracker with little trouble, but he was taking his time tonight, exploring her body with his hands as he feasted on her pussy. As he tweaked her nipples, she felt a burst of pleasure and then she was tumbling, falling into her first orgasm, and she had little doubt there would be another one. Maybe even two more, depending on how long he lasted.

  “Condom,” she reminded him.

  He picked his jeans up off the floor, dug out his wallet, and pulled one out. />
  “Just one?” she asked.

  “I hadn’t planned on you coming with me, remember? This one is left over from the last time we were together. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be prepared at all. As it is, I feel like I’m letting you down by not having any toys with me. Next time I’ll be better prepared.”

  She watched him roll the condom on. “You know, you still haven’t shown me what’s hidden in the third room in your house.”

  He grinned. “We’re saving the playroom for another time.”


  “The toys you’ve seen so far are nothing compared to what we have in there.”

  Her nipples tightened just thinking about it. She hoped they’d show her the room sometime soon.

  Ryan settled over her, bracing his weight on his hands. “Ready for me, beautiful?”

  “I’m always ready for you.”

  He leaned down and kissed her hungrily as his cock slid into her, nice and slow. He was nowhere near as big as his brother, but he wasn’t a disappointment either. He filled her just right, and he definitely knew how to bring her pleasure. Ryan usually had her screaming his name and hanging on for dear life as her orgasm left her breathless and boneless. Both of her men were wonderful lovers. She just wished they’d take her at the same time, but they’d denied her that pleasure so far, thinking it would be too much for her. But damn it! She was more than ready.

  Ryan started a steady, slow rhythm. Gemma arched her hips, meeting each of his thrusts, as her blood heated. Bracing himself on one arm, he reached for her breast, rolling her nipple between his fingers. She tingled from her breasts to her pussy and her inner walls clasped him tighter. He groaned in response and began thrusting faster and harder.

  “You feel so good,” she said, staring into his eyes.

  “It always feels incredible to be inside of you.”

  He began pounding into her, their flesh slapping together, as her hands gripped his shoulders for support. Her nails bit into his skin as she felt her skin warm, now slick with sweat. Just when she thought she couldn’t take another minute of the pleasurable torture, she shattered, crying out his name as her orgasm overtook her.


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