A Mate for Gideon (The Program Book 2)

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A Mate for Gideon (The Program Book 2) Page 11

by Hartnady, Charlene

  Lazarus chuckled. “Don’t look so shocked. Have you seen yourself in that dress?” He whistled, his gaze traveled back downwards to her breasts. “You have really big…beautiful… eyes. I could look at them all freaking day.”

  Jenna couldn’t help but to choke out a laugh. “My eyes are up here.”

  “Soft looking as well.”

  “Soft eyes…I don’t think so.” Her shoulders shook she was laughing so hard. Lazarus was such a sweetheart even though he was a little rough around the edges. She felt bad for him that he hadn’t met anyone and probably wouldn’t. She heard some of the women talking about how big and scary he was.

  He made a low growling noise. “Damn…you know who is one lucky fuck. Makes me wish I had earplugs.”

  “It’s not going to be like that. Tonight is not what you think,” she whispered.

  “Not what I think huh? I’ve heard that one before.” He threw her a wide grin. “You should take that dress off the second you’re in my suite. I wouldn’t want to see it ruined.”

  Tonight was about them talking, getting to know each other again. Who was she kidding? She knew exactly what she wanted. Gideon was the one for her. She just had to convince him of that fact. It had been easy to see how unsure he still was. How guarded. They didn’t have much time before she would be sent away though. It would be better not to think on that right now. She would concentrate on getting Gideon to trust her first, to reawaken his feelings for her. It had to work, it just had to.

  Chapter 8

  Gideon could see that Jenna’s eyes were clouded in thought. Even though Lazarus spoke with her, she ignored him flat.

  “Do you want to dance?” The big male tried again. He gripped Jenna’s elbow as he spoke, shaking her from the trans-like state.

  She blinked rapidly a couple of times. “What did you say?”

  “I asked you if you wanted to dance. We’re supposed to be acting like we’re having a really good time. Hitting it off…I believe was the term that you know who used.” Lazarus winked at Jenna and Gideon clenched his jaw. He was not a jealous male, well not normally. Jenna tied him up in knots. Then again, she always had. It was why he was hesitating instead of jumping in with both arms raised.

  “Sure.” Jenna nodded. “But no more talk about my eyes.”

  Lazarus laughed. “I can’t help how this dress accentuates them. How is that my fault?”

  Jenna shook her head. Gideon could see how she was trying to look stern but it didn’t work since her full lips were pulled into a smile. She threw back the last of her champagne and placed the glass on the tray of a passing waiter.

  Mother fuck. That dress was just plain sinful. Her ass, the feminine curve of her back, her succulent breasts. Damn! It was clear she wasn’t wearing a bra. Vampire females didn’t wear them but they didn’t have to. The red fabric molded her curves lovingly. All eyes turned towards her as Lazarus led Jenna to the dance floor. He didn’t blame the males but that didn’t stop him from wanting to kill all of them. Possessiveness rose up in him, forcing him to suppress a growl.

  From the first moment that he had scented her unique essence, he knew that he was in trouble. He’d been walking past the bar that night when it hit him in the nose. Her scent had drawn him in. He planned on playing it cool. Going into the bar, checking her out from a distance, possibly going over and introducing himself at some point, but the moment his eyes landed on her, his plans fell to the wayside.

  She was utter perfection. Everything he’d ever wanted in a female and more. He’d had a major fallout with his king and had decided to leave the coven. Any dealings with humans were still strictly forbidden. Going anywhere near Jenna, spending any amount of time with her would only bring him trouble in the long run.

  In the end, it was a possible death sentence. Yet, it was useless to even try and resist. Even when the alluring female had proceeded to empty her stomach contents on the both of them, he had been helpless but to take her with him. Crazy, one would’ve thought that being vomited on in such a way would put a male off. That the pungent scent would drive him away and as fast as his legs could take him. It didn’t happen. Not even close. When he picked her up and held her soft form against him, he knew he was in deep shit.

  Eight dates…

  With one down and seven to go, he couldn’t wait to test compatibility. To push himself deep into her welcoming flesh. Gideon knew without a doubt that they would be dynamite together.

  It almost made him climb out the bathroom window in just his jeans, but instead he had turned the shower on and pulled off his pants. When he’d fisted his throbbing dick, it was Jenna’s pleasure filled eyes that he had pictured. Being such a little human, her pussy would be tight. The heavy scent of arousal meant that she would be slick and ready. He could just imagine her panting, how her little hands would scratch at his back. It didn’t take more than a couple of strokes and he was coming hard. It reminded him of when he was just a teenager who lacked control. It shamed him, but at the same time it excited him. It had been a very long time since Gideon had wanted a female so badly. In fact, he didn’t think he had ever wanted a female quite this bad. It was probably because she was forbidden but maybe there was more to it. He planned on finding out despite logic telling him to stay the fuck away from her. He didn’t particularly care for Brant or his rules. Not right now. Not after the way he had been treated. To hell with the fucking rules.

  Once he was done, Jenna had taken his place in the bathroom. Their clothing had arrived while she was still showering. His dick hardened up all over again when he heard her soft pants. A ragged moan. It didn’t take long before her heart rate sky rocketed. There was a barely audible, low drawn out moan that signaled her orgasm. Fuck if Gideon didn’t need to grip his dick to prevent himself from shooting off again. It didn’t matter that he’d already come twice. The need to do so again was almost overwhelming. He could hear her panting softly, trying to catch her breath. He couldn’t wait to bring this female pleasure. Couldn’t fucking wait.

  It took a few more minutes for his dick to start listening. For his mind to start working. Where the hell was he going to take her? There were two ways to win over a vampire female. One would involve his cock, so that was out. The other would involve his fists and somehow he doubted that aggression and power would win over a human female. They were strange, timid creatures.

  Gideon pulled out his phone and typed in date ideas. He had never dated a female…not ever. The first recommendation was to go bowling. Apparently it was a sport that involved heavy balls. Gideon felt himself grin. If he wasn’t allowed to use his cock, he wasn’t about to let Jenna play with heavy balls either. No fucking way. Anything to do with balls was out. The next idea, was taking a female out for a meal but since they had already eaten in, and since his idea of a meal differed greatly from hers, he decided to forget that one as well. At least for the time being. That left hiking, a walk in the park or going sightseeing. Humans were a fucking boring bunch.

  Jenna said she was looking for fun and a chance to get to know him better. He continued to scroll through the various ideas until he found one that held his interest. Out in the open air, public enough that he wouldn’t be tempted to fuck her outright - the eight date rule be damned - but also tranquil enough that they would be granted some privacy.

  He couldn’t wait to get his mouth on her. He’d never been so excited about a boring as fuck kiss in his whole life.

  Her eyes lit up when they parked. “We’re going rowing?”

  Gideon glanced at her. “Yeah, it’s supposed to be really romantic. At least according to one of the websites about dating.”

  She gave him a wide, smile. “You googled places to go on a date?” Her whole face softened. “That’s so sweet.”

  “I’ve never dated before so I had no idea what was required. I’m still not really sure, so you’ll need to tell me if I’m doing it right.”

  Her eyes widened and her brows lifted. “Seriously? I don’t believ
e it. You’re shitting me? A guy like you must go out on plenty of dates.”

  “I’m very serious, Jenna. Vampires do not lie. I have fucked a lot of females but have never dated one.”

  Her beautiful eyes clouded and she bit down on her lip. “Okay…well. I guess I…I don’t really know what to make of that.”

  He leaned in a little closer to her. “It’s a good thing. I am excited about dating you. About getting to know you. I can’t wait to get my…mouth on you.” He dropped his gaze to her lips. Pink, soft looking, full and ready for him. “That’s just the start.”

  The scent of her arousal filled the vehicle and he couldn’t help but to inhale deeply. Fucking amazing!

  Jenna leaned a little more towards him before tensing up. “We had better get out there then.”

  There were two males on a boat similar to theirs. They held long rods that Jenna had explained were for catching fish. There were also two longer thinner vessels that moved swiftly through the water. It looked as if the males in the longer vessels were exercising. As they moved swiftly from one side of the large expanse of water and then back again. Stopping to talk with one another from time to time.

  Gideon held the oars, he pulled them through the water. A breeze blew Jenna’s hair about her face and she dipped a hand into the cool, blue depths every so often. There were sounds of water lapping on the sides of the row boat and the creak of wood as he worked the oars.

  “It’s so peaceful out here.” Jenna sighed, leaning back in her seat. They faced one another. Their legs in a tangle somewhere in the middle. Her small feet were bare, her blue nails stark against her porcelain skin.

  She wriggled them when she caught him staring. “Don’t vampire females use nail polish?”

  He shook his head. “No. There are definite differences between our two species.”

  She smiled. “What kind of differences?”

  “Coloring on your toes…” He frowned. “I do like it.” Then he looked her in the eye. “I tried not to look but I noticed that you have fur on your pussy.”

  She turned a darker shade of red, her eyes flashing away from him. “Oh god, that’s so embarrassing.”

  “Do not be embarrassed. I had to remove everything. You did a really good job of it when you vomited.”

  She waved her hand. “Please don’t remind me.”

  “I promise I didn’t touch you in anyway. I removed your clothes as quickly as possible and pulled the sheet over you.” His chest rose as he pulled in a breath. “Do not misunderstand, I could’ve stared at you until sunrise, fuck, longer than that but it would not have been right.”

  She shivered and he caught a nose full of her arousal. This female was not as timid as he had expected humans to be. Maybe it was just her. Maybe the rumors about humans weren’t all that true. Either way, he was intrigued.

  “What else is different?” Jenna asked, a small smile played with the corners of her lips.

  She was a sucker for punishment. He couldn’t help but to grin, forcing himself to keep his eyes on hers. “Are you sure you want to know the answer to that?”

  She chewed on her lip for a few seconds. “Maybe not,” she huffed out.

  He shrugged, continuing to row. “It is a beautiful day.” He pretended to breathe in the fragrant air. To lean back for a few seconds so that he could soak up the sun.

  When he looked at her once again, her jaw had tensed and her shoulders were not much better. “Yes, it certainly is,” was her flat reply.

  Gideon had to hold back a laugh, she was dying inside. Jenna wanted to know what the differences were. She wanted to know badly. He didn’t try to make any further small talk, just continued to row, allowing the boat to drift slowly through the water.

  “Fine,” she huffed. “I want to know.” It looked like the words had pained her. “What else is different?”

  Gideon put a leash on the wide grin that threatened. His mouth gave a little twitch of protest. He nodded once. “You asked for it.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Out with it already. I’m a big girl, I can take it.”

  His eyes dropped to her chest and she squirmed under the scrutiny. “Vampire females don’t have breasts that look like that.”

  She immediately hunched her shoulders. Her cheeks turned red. It looked as if she wanted to fold her hands across herself.

  “Don’t do that,” he growled.

  “Do what?” She all but whispered.

  “Don’t hide yourself like that. Fuck, Jenna, you have magnificent breasts. I would say that you should walk around naked but strangely enough I don’t like the idea of other males seeing you like that.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “Please don’t tell me that you are the jealous type.”

  Gideon found himself frowning. He shook his head. “I’ve never been jealous before yet the thought of others eyeballing you, touching you…” The wooden oars creaked under his hands and he forced himself to release his hold. “I guess I am experiencing it for the first time. Odd since we haven’t even rutted yet.”

  “How does it work then with vampires? How do things work if there is no dating?” She smiled. “It’s weird to me.”

  “If two vampires are attracted to one another, they rut. If they find that they are compatible they rut…a lot. Don’t get me wrong, we also talk and find out things about each other. It is normally clear very early on if the other person is a possible mate. These feelings are sometimes one sided but on the rare occasion where both parties feel the same, it normally ends in a mating. There is no long drawn out affair. It all happens pretty quickly.”

  Her cheeks were very red. “So sex is the foundation of your relationships?”

  He put all his focus on her, watching as her pupils dilated and her scent of arousal filled the air. She was an enigma. Hot and cold. Her cheeks were heated with both embarrassment and excitement. Her heart raced with trepidation and exhilaration. Her rock, hard little nipples pushed up against her shirt and yet, she clasped her hands tightly in her lap.

  He fucking loved it.

  Gideon nodded. “Most definitely. The bodies of mates tend to be drawn together on a cellular level. There is an alignment of sorts. The way the other person scents…tastes…” He paused, watching how her mouth rounded in a silent O.

  “Um…okay…so that’s why you were saying that the scent of the hotel manager lady didn’t attract you?”

  He nodded.

  Jenna licked her lips. “Yet you’ve somehow got it into your head that we would be good together…based on the way I smell?” She frowned. “It’s a little strange.”

  Gideon had to smile. “I have a feeling that your scent…sugar and spice—”

  Her brows lifted.

  “—is going to be addictive. That the taste of you…when I finally get that privilege…is going to be my undoing. There might be no going back…for either of us.” He paused, keeping his eyes locked on her. “I should be afraid but I find myself impatient as fuck. I want to run, Jenna, but not away from you…”

  She licked her lips again, looking distinctly uncomfortable. “And how do you know I’ll feel the same way? My senses aren’t nearly as developed.”

  “You will,” Gideon growled.

  She picked some nonexistent lint off her skirt. “I’m not ready for any kind of relationship. This is moving too quickly. It’s too soon.” She shook her head.

  He frowned. “Too soon, what do mean by that?”

  She huffed out a breath. It felt like forever before she responded. “This is moving fast, that’s all.”

  He nodded. “You’re not with anyone else are you?” He hadn’t scented another male on her but he needed to be sure. This was moving quickly despite her fears. Gideon had a feeling about this female. Human. Forbidden. She felt like she might be his anyway, so none of that mattered in the least.

  He pushed out a breath he was holding when she shook her head, looking off into the distance. “No. I’m not with anyone else.”

Gideon grit his teeth.

  Thank fuck.

  “Come here.” He growled, watching as her eyes snapped to his.

  She sucked in a ragged breath. “Why? I told you this was moving too quickly. Maybe I should stay on this side of the boat.”

  Gideon narrowed his eyes, keeping them on her. He released the oars and gestured for her to come with his hands. “Please, I promise to stick to your dating rules, besides, there are others on the lake and if we move too much, the boat will tip.” His mouth pulled into a wide grin. “Trust me, Jenna, if I tried to fuck you here and now, we would definitely sink. I couldn’t go gentle or easy on you, even if I tried.”

  She gasped. Then narrowed her eyes at him. “You have one dirty mouth on you.”

  “Just wait until my mouth is on you, then you’ll see just how dirty it really is.” His dick was being squashed behind his zipper. His pants, suddenly, far too tight. This female did crazy things to him.

  She choked out a laugh and shook her head. “You are too much.”

  “Come here…I want to show you something.”

  “I’m sure you do.”

  Gideon smiled. “You already saw my cock…that’s not it.” He snorted. “At least not today.”

  She tried to throw him a dirty look but it wasn’t possible with the big smile on her lips.

  “I want to prove to you that your senses are better than you think.”

  “No funny business.” She looked at him from under her lashes.

  Gideon had to laugh. “Seriously, Jenna? I could’ve taken advantage of you already and I didn’t. I will follow your rules…I promise.” He held his hands up.

  She swallowed thickly and nodded. Although the boat rocked, she made it over to him without incident. Gideon pulled her onto his lap, making sure that she was across his thighs and not anywhere near his straining erection.

  Jenna squealed, her squirming seriously threatened to tip them. “Stop that,” Gideon growled. “Just relax.”


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