A Mate for Gideon (The Program Book 2)

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A Mate for Gideon (The Program Book 2) Page 20

by Hartnady, Charlene

  “The only problem is…” He nudged Anthony out of the way and cupped her cheek, almost lovingly. “I don’t want a vampire lover as a girlfriend.” He cocked his head. “Tell me, did you actually let one of them fuck you? You did, didn’t you?”

  He squeezed her jaw hard, making her whimper.

  “That’s what I thought. You’re tainted, used goods. I think I’ll let you suffer for a couple of days…by the time I’m done with you, you’ll beg me to kill you.” He released her, a look of disgust crossed his face. Liam stood up. “Your boyfriend must have realized what a terrible fucking lay you are. That’s why he sent you away.” He shook his head. “Good fucking riddance.” He choked out a laugh. “I should take you back to those bloodsuckers…the joke would be on them then, wouldn’t it?” He looked away from her. Clearly done with her, at least for the moment.

  “Wait,” her voice shook.

  His back stiffened as she spoke. For a second she thought that he might listen and then he turned and took a step towards the door.

  “Do you want to make money? Lots of it?” Thankfully her voice sounded a little stronger this time.

  He paused.

  “I’m worth a lot of money to the vampires. They are rolling in it. You could make millions. It would be an easy trade off, my life for a truck load of cash.”

  Liam laughed. “You really expect me to believe that? I’m not an idiot, Jenna. You weren’t dropped off at the bus station because you were important. They couldn’t give two shits about you.”

  “Wait!” She yelled as he took another step away from her. “You’re wrong. The vampire I’m seeing doesn’t know that I was sent away. He will be frantic with worry. He’s really wealthy and would easily pay a million or two for my return.”

  Liam seemed to think on it for a time. Jenna was too scared to breathe. Please God, let him buy it.

  Then he nodded. “You might be onto something. That motherfucker of a vampire that jumped me last night seemed really into you. Quite frankly, I was shocked to see you get out of that SUV that we had been following from the gates at the bloodsucker’s territory.”

  She felt her brow crease. “No….you must be mistaken.” Gideon wouldn’t have gone to see Liam, would he?

  “A dickhead broke into my house and threatened to kill me if I didn’t stay away from you. He was wearing a ski mask. Must’ve hoped that I wouldn’t pick up on the fact that he was a bloodsucker. What an idiot! His eyes glowed and he said things like female instead of woman.”

  “Is that why you were outside the vampire gates waiting?”

  Liam shook his head. “You were not the target, but certainly an added bonus, Jen-doll.”

  “Why were you there then?” She had to ask.

  “None of your fucking business!” He snapped back at her. She noticed how his hands curled into fists and she shut her mouth so that she wouldn’t say anything to really anger him.

  Now that Jenna really looked at Liam, she noticed he had bruises around his neck. That his nose was swollen. Had Gideon really visited him? Threatened to kill him? Her heart warmed as she realized that he probably had.

  “You see,” she spoke softly and carefully. “That particular vampire really cares about me…a lot. He will pay…I promise. Call him…please.”

  Liam frowned and shook his head. “Let’s just say hypothetically, and for the purpose of this conversation, that the bloodsucker loves you…I’m not convinced he has the cash. You just want to alert him about your current predicament. Want to hatch some sort of a plan for escape. You can fucking forget it.”

  She shook her head, trying hard to ignore the pain. “That’s not it. Look in my purse, you’ll see a withdrawal statement.”

  Liam grinned. “Yeah, about that, thanks for the cash.”

  “Think about it for a second. I don’t have any money. Have a look at that withdrawal slip. You’ll see that two cash deposits were made into my account, one from the vampires and a second one from him.”

  Liam stared at her for a while before finally nodding once. “Wait right fucking here.” He strode from the room.

  “You can just forget it, little missy. Liam would never take filthy, bloodsucker money and risk our organization in the process,” Anthony whispered as soon as Liam left the room. “We are going to put a stop to this filthy program. Our women should not be breeding with those monsters.” Anthony looked her up and down. “You’re a stunning woman, Jenna. You could have any man you want. I don’t understand why you would choose a bloodsucker?” He leaned in, his hot breath on her cheek. She tried to move away but couldn’t. “The first chance I get, I’m going to show you what a real man can do. I’ll make you feel real good. You can count on that.”

  Not a chance. She felt her stomach lurch at the thought. “I’ll tell Liam. Don’t you dare come near me.” She bit back a choice name like pig or better yet disgusting pig.

  “You’ll tell Liam?” Anthony snorted. “That dickhead plans on killing you, which would be a crying shame. If you play your cards right, show me that you can actually enjoy what a real man can give you, then I might put in a good word with our superiors. I might be willing to take you.” There was a slurping noise and she realized that he was licking his lips. “I can’t wait to put my dick inside…” Anthony moved away as soon as footfalls sounded, moving steadily closer. She’d never been so happy to see Liam before.

  “What is his number?” He had a cellphone in his hand. “You’d better not be fucking with me, Jen, or so help me…” Liam growled.

  “I’m not lying.” She pleaded. “You saw my bank balance. Both he and the vampires have money and lots of it.”

  “I can fucking read, thank you. Give me that cunt’s number.”

  By some miracle, she had decided to memorize Gideon’s number, just in case. She gave him the numbers and he typed them into his phone.

  Liam put the device to his ear. It felt like a lifetime before something finally happened. “I have her,” Liam said.

  There were loud growling noises on the other end. She couldn’t make out what Gideon was saying. Only that he was pissed. That much was clear.

  “Are you fucking done?” Liam growled. “The next time you threaten me, I’m going to cut off one of her fingers. Are we clear?”

  There was a barked response.

  “Good.” Liam smiled. “Right, let’s get to business. I want three million dollars in unmarked bills in return for Jenna.”

  He paused, while Gideon said something.

  “She is perfectly fine. At least for the time being.” Liam smirked. Then he grimaced and Liam held the phone away from his ear. Jenna clearly made out one of two choice expletives in amongst all the growling and snarling.

  When it became silent once again, Liam put the device back to his ear. “You obviously didn’t listen the first time, I will fucking cut off her finger if you do that one more time.” Liam winked at her, like she was somehow in on a big joke. He raised his brows, looking amused. Liam pointed at the phone. “He wants to know if you’re alive. Wants proof.”

  Then he put the device against her ear. “Gideon,” her voice broke as she said his name.

  “Jenna,” a loud growl. So filled with emotion that she felt it deep inside of her.

  Then Liam reached over and pinched her nipple between two of his fingers. He twisted cruelly and a loud scream was ripped from her.

  She wasn’t sure what happened during the next few seconds because the sharp pain drowned out everything else. When she was finally able to focus again, Liam was laughing into his phone. “I want the money by five o’clock today. I will inform you of the drop off location and the details, closer to the time. Will you be able to deliver it by then? Think very carefully before answering because if you agree and then try and delay, I will kill her.”

  There was a long pause as Liam listened. “Excellent. We’ll talk in a few hours.” He ended the call. Grinning broadly.

  “What the fuck, Liam? You didn’t just do a deal wi
th those bloodsucking bastards.” Anthony looked like he was in a state of complete disbelief. “Our superiors will never stand for this. The plan was to watch and learn. To take out those vampire kings and to put a stop to this whole fucked up program. I’m calling—”

  Liam pulled a gun from the holster on his chest. There was a loud bang and a flash of light. Something wet sprayed her arm. Anthony fell like a ton of bricks, on the floor next to her. His dead, staring eyes seemed to look right at her. The hole in his forehead leaked blood.

  She screamed.

  Liam grinned and walked from the room. There were screams and shouts, two more shots were fired and then there was silence.


  Gideon stood in the middle of fucking nowhere. He had been following Liam’s instructions for the last hour. The large duffel bag on his back, housed three million US dollars. Even though he was a vampire, super strength, badass as fuck, he was beginning to feel its weight.

  It didn’t matter, none of it did. Placing one foot in front of the other, he kept on walking, headed due north as Liam had instructed. The only thing that mattered to him was Jenna’s safety. Getting her back alive and well.

  There was a team waiting to close in as soon as that bastard left with the money. Right now, he was on his own.

  Liam had warned that he could intercept any communications and so while he had Jenna in his clutches, Gideon would fly solo. No immediate backup, no outside comms.

  His phone rang. A look at the caller ID told him it was Liam.

  Gideon accepted the call, not bothering to say anything.

  “That’s far enough,” the male said. “Sit tight. I’ll be there in a few. Just remember, don’t try anything. I’ll put a bullet into your girlfriend’s sweet little head without fucking hesitation. Are you packing heat?”

  “No!” Gideon barked. Heat. As if he needed a weapon to take the dickhead out.

  “Good. If I see another soul or find that you are packing or trying to trick me in any way. She fucking dies.” There was an edge of panic to his voice.

  Damn. Gideon was afraid that he might accidentally kill Jenna. “Stay calm. I won’t do anything. I am alone and unarmed. I give you my word. Her safety means everything to me.” He chewed the inside of his cheek, to stop himself from threatening the bastard. If he hurt her in any way. The fucker was dead. There would be zero hesitation from his side as well.

  The bastard laughed. “Your word? Right. Just be ready with the money. The sooner this transaction is over the better.” He ended the call.

  For once, he and the bastard agreed on something. Gideon dropped the bag at his feet. He folded his arms across his chest and waited. It didn’t take long for an SUV to arrive. Gideon watched its approach. He unfolded his arms, putting them out at his sides so that Liam would be able to see his hands clearly. His plan was to move slowly and deliberately so as not to scare the male.

  Instead of pulling up, Liam stopped up ahead and reversed back to Gideon, stopping when the trunk was a few feet away from him.

  The passenger door opened and Jenna’s scent hit him deep in the nose. Adrenaline surged but he forced himself to hold still. His female climbed out of the vehicle but remained standing at the door opening. From his vantage point, Gideon could see that Liam had a gun aimed at Jenna’s head.

  He’d never felt so fucking useless in all of his life.

  “Are you okay?” He growled.

  She sniffed and nodded. Her face was a mess. Caked with blood. Her eye was swollen shut, the lid was bright red with black and blue coloring around the edges. Her nose was swollen as well. He bit back a deep growl. The fucker would pay for this.

  “Show me!” Liam shouted.

  Gideon moved to open the bag.

  “Don’t do anything stupid!” Liam shouted.

  Gideon ignored the male, he opened the bag, reached in with both hands and pulled out several tightly packed wads of cash.

  “That’s what I’m fucking talking about.”

  Gideon could hear that the male was smiling.

  “Put the bag in the back!” Liam shouted.

  Gideon heard a soft click as the vehicle lock was disengaged. He pushed open the hatch, then, moving slowly, he reached down and lifted the bag, carefully putting it into the back as Liam had instructed.

  “Close it!” Liam commanded.

  Gideon did as instructed. He held his hands up and away from his body as a show of submission. “Let her go,” he growled.

  Without bothering to close the passenger door, Liam floored it. Dirt and stones flew as the vehicle tires struggled for purchase. A whole clod of grass was pulled up in the process. The vehicle pulled away quickly.

  In a split second, he had his arms around Jenna. “Are you okay?” He worked hard at keeping his voice soft and even. He didn’t want to scare her.

  “I am now.”

  He shoved his phone into her hand. “Call Zane. Tell them that the coast is clear.”

  “Wait.” Her eyes widened.

  “Stay here.” He growled, his eyes on the fast moving vehicle.

  He may have chosen a remote location. The ground flat and the surroundings open, but it was still rough going.

  The fucker had put his hands on Jenna one too many times. The deal with his female was that if Liam came anywhere near her again, that Gideon would kill him and he intended to do just that.

  Gideon roared as he picked up speed. He forced his legs to pump faster. Kept his eyes on the prize. By the time he reached the moving vehicle, he was sweating profusely. His thighs burned. None of it mattered.

  Using everything he had in him, he leapt, landing on the roof of the moving vehicle. Shots were fired. His right thigh burned and he nearly lost purchase. Ignoring the pain, he punched right through the car window, immediately pulling back and punching again. It felt fantastic when his fist was met with flesh. There was a loud grunt, and the vehicle veered to the right almost toppling over. Gideon managed to hang on.

  Moving much more slowly, the SUV kept going. Gideon punched again and again until it finally came to a stop.

  Gideon jumped off the vehicle, falling hard. His leg hurt like a bitch. The wound was bleeding profusely. Silver fucking bullets. It had to be.

  He managed to pull himself to his feet and staggered to the vehicle. Liam was bleeding. The rise and fall of his chest indicated that he was still breathing though. Un-fucking-fortunately! Gideon’s hands itched to close around the male’s throat. To choke the life from him but there was no way he was killing an unconscious person. Even if he was tempted as hell.

  Liam moaned. His eyes fluttered. Then he moaned again, louder this time. His eyes opened and widened. The male sucked in a deep breath, his eyes moved around the vehicle interior.

  Gideon took a step back, giving the male the space he needed. It was crazy of him to do this but he seriously hoped that the male would take the bait and come at him.

  Liam’s eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched as the male opened the door. Gideon took another half step back. The other male lurched forward, his hand grappling underneath the seat. Gideon held back, interested to see what the bastard had in store for him. Liam withdrew a firearm.


  Moving in an arc, he twisted his body as he slowly turned towards Gideon, who was done waiting. In one giant leap, he sprang forward and knocked the weapon from Liam’s hands. The male made a frustrated, groaning noise as the weapon was flung away.

  “I warned you to stay away from her,” Gideon growled.

  “Fuck you!” Spittle flew from Liam’s lips.

  Gideon slapped him with an open hand. A loud crack sounded as flesh connected with flesh. The male’s head was whipped to the side.

  Liam laughed. “She’s not worth all the effort, you know?”

  “You hit her…abused her. You have no honor.” The rage he felt was edged into every word.

  Liam shrugged. “Jenna is fucking stupid and clumsy. The bitch wouldn’t know what to do with a cock i
f it hit her upside the head.”

  “You beat her while she was pregnant. You are the reason she lost her baby.”

  Liam frowned, his jaw tightened. “It was also my baby she carried. Fucking cunt wasn’t watching where she was going and fell down the stairs…how is that my fault?” There was a loud cracking noise. Liam’s eyes became impossibly large and the next breath he pulled in made a wheezing noise. “Fuck.” The male groaned, blood spilled over his lips. Then he looked down at his open chest. “Fuck.”

  Gideon pushed his hand into the cavity. It was warm and sticky. He clutched onto the male’s still beating heart and removed it with a sharp yank. Liam groaned as his last breath left his body. His lifeless husk, fell back into the vehicle.

  The bastard had been a poor excuse for a male. He didn’t deserve the right to live. Chances were good that he would find another female to hurt, humiliate and abuse. It was unacceptable. Gideon could not allow it. He was at total peace with his decision to put an end to Liam.

  There was a sound of a vehicle approaching. Gideon tossed the heart into the car. It landed, unceremoniously on the passenger seat. Then he turned and tried to walk towards the approaching vehicles. He staggered, tried to right himself but his wounded limb protested, giving out beneath him. When he looked down, his jeans were covered in blood. Come to think of it, he felt a little woozy. His head felt too heavy. There was a distant sound of vehicle doors slamming. It was hard to concentrate.

  Maybe if he just rested for a second.

  “Gideon!” His female called, she sounded very far away. He couldn’t seem to open his eyes.

  Needed to sleep…

  Chapter 14

  Gideon cracked open an eyelid.

  The light was harsh. Too harsh. It hurt his eyes. He squeezed them shut for a few beats before trying again. His leg hurt. Gideon blinked his eyes a few times. Why did his leg…


  He pulled himself up onto his elbows, sucking in a deep breath through his nostrils.

  “Oh my god.” Jenna sat in a chair next to his bed. She jumped to her feet. “You’re awake. How are you feeling?” Her eye was still swollen, not as badly as it had been before. A small sliver of her eyeball was visible. An ugly blue spread across her cheek and the bridge of her nose.


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