Eternal Changes (Mikah)

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Eternal Changes (Mikah) Page 14

by Tiffany Berry

  Lucy eyes fluttered open. She turned her head and the eyes of a wooden cougar gazed back at her. Its head turned the other way as it stalked its way around the wooden bed post. Lucy jumped up and scrambled off the bed.

  Lucy’s eyes widened as she glanced over at Caoilainn. Caoilainn’s hands were sitting in her lap as she sat in a wooden rocking chair by the fireplace. “It moved!”

  “You’re in the land of the shifters,” Caoilainn said. “Most things shift or move. It’s part of our world.”

  “World?” Lucy asked as she sat back down on the bed. “Like, not on planet Earth?”

  Caoilainn nodded. “You’re on the planet Euphranor and you’re in the city of Othniel. This is where you were born.”

  Lucy’s voice lowered to a whisper as she hugged herself. “I just want everything to go back to the way it used to be.”

  “I’m not going to harm you,” Caoilainn said as she stood up and walked over to Lucy. She took Lucy’s chin in her hand and gazed into Lucy’s brown eyes. “I’d never harm you. You’re flesh of my flesh. I love you more than anything in this world.”

  Lucy tore her chin from Caoilainn’s soft hands. “You don’t know what love is,” she spat. “You pawned me off and let someone else raise me. They took care of me. They wiped away my tears. They were there when I needed them.”

  Tears welled up in Caoilainn’s eyes. “I didn’t have a choice.”

  Lucy shook her head, her hair slinging back and forth before pinning Caoilainn with a scowl. “There’s always a choice. Do you have any idea how you’ve messed with my life?

  Caoilainn’s head bowed down as her gaze fell to the floor. “I’m so sorry, Lucy. I just wanted you to be safe.”

  The anger welled up and flowed through Lucy’s veins. “I spent my whole life thinking I was a freak and that I was living with my biological parents. In one day, I’ve gone from the happiest time in my life to the absolute worst. I found someone that makes everything around me fade away into nothing and I finally realized what it was like to belong. As I start to adjust, something else happens. Everything in my life that I thought was real was one big lie.”

  Caoilann’s voice shook. “We wanted you to live. Can you not understand that?” She took a deep breath as she looked up at Lucy. “We loved you so much, but we had so many fears. You were so tiny, so vulnerable. You weren’t safe here and you weren’t safe with your father. It’s a cruel world that we live in Luce. It’s survival of the fittest and some would use any weakness to cripple me or your father. Any. You were and are our Achilles heel.”

  Lucy stared at the beautiful woman in front of her as her emotions rolled through her. “I need some time...alone. Let me go back home.”

  A sigh escaped Caoilainn’s lips as she nodded. “I will grant you your request. You’ll have a year after you change until you have to come back to Euphranor.”

  “Why a year?” Lucy asked.

  “You’ll need to spend a year with the Dragomir,” Caoilainn explained. “One of them will teach you how to control your urges. The blood lust will rule over every rational thought you have for the first year. It’s not something I can help you through.”

  Lucy stared around the room as she tried to contain her emotions. She wanted to cry, scream, and hit something all at the same time. She wiped a shaky hand over her face and then looked back at Caoilainn. “I’m ready to leave.”

  “As you wish,” Caoilainn said as she gently took a hold of Lucy’s hand.

  The room faded away and Lucy’s bedroom took its place. She glanced around expecting to see Caoilainn, but she was gone. A sigh of relief left her lips as she took in the familiar surroundings. Her clothes were still strewn across the floor and the sheets on her bed were still rumpled and twisted.

  Lucy walked over to her bed and sat down. She glanced over at the night stand and looked at the picture in the oak frame sitting on her nightstand. Her dad’s smiling face stared back at her. She grabbed the frame and pulled it to her. Lucy lovingly outlined her father’s face with her fingers. She touched her blonde hair. Both her parents had brown hair.

  Lucy sat the picture back down as she stood up, walked over and looked in the dresser mirror. She touched her face as images of her parents flashed through her mind. She didn’t look anything like them. They both had a darker complexion than her and lighter eyes. How did she not notice the differences before? Was she that blind?

  Tears filled her eyes as she rubbed her arms and walked over to the bay window. She closed her eyes. “Ashton? Are you there?”

  Ashton’s voice whispered through her mind. “Yes.”

  “I wanted to let you know that she let me come back home,” Lucy said. “I’m ok. I just need to be alone right now.”

  “I understand,” Ashton said. “I’m here if you need me.”

  Lucy stared outside her window. The urge to run flowed through her. She looked up at the sun that was slowly making its descent in the blue sky. She only had an hour before sunset.

  She changed her clothes, put her hair in a ponytail, and ran downstairs. Lucy ran out the front door and jumped off the porch steps. Her heart thudded in her chest as her feet pounded against the gravel driveway. Her leg muscles stretched and loosed with each step she took. It didn’t matter which way she ran or where she ended up. Her feet hit the solid ground of the paved road at the end of the driveway as she propelled herself forward. All thoughts left her mind as her feet continued to pound against the pavement, putting distance between her and her house. Power whirled in her body as she ran. Her nerve endings popped with electricity.

  A sigh escaped Lucy’s lips as she unleashed it. Her body felt like it was on fire as she sprung forward. The trees around her blurred as she stared straight ahead.

  Forty-five minutes later, Lucy finally reined the power back and stopped. She bent over her with her hands on her knees as her breathing came in short, hard gasps. She glanced over at the building next to her. The small wooden building was the size of a small kitchen. The wood boards had holes in it where the wood had rotted out and fallen to the ground. There was a hint of white paint above the front door. The only word she could make out from the white paint was the word grocery.

  Lucy walked over in the grass and fell to her knees as the emotions from the day poured out of her. Tears slid down her cheeks. She lay down on the downy soft grass as sobs wracked her body. A frustrated scream left her lips as she pounded the ground.

  Strong arms wrapped around her and Lucy stared up into Ashton’s sweet face.

  “Shhh…it’s going to be ok, baby,” Ashton soothed as he stroked her hair.

  She leaned into him and took the solace he offered.

  Chapter 13

  Jaymes and Ophelia stalked the streets of Nashville. It was two in the morning on a Sunday and the streets were filled with people enjoying the entertainment that the city of country music had to offer. They started to walk past a night club when Ophelia grabbed Jaymes by the arm.

  “Do you smell that?” she asked as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

  Jaymes black eyes narrowed as he stared at Ophelia. “I smell a myriad of smells, ‘phelia. So, what?”

  Ophelia opened her eyes and she looked over at Jaymes. “I smell the suh-weet scent of AB,” she said as she sauntered over towards the night club. A man’s voice rolled through the club’s doors as he sung a country tune. Ophelia cringed slightly before she started to walk through the door.

  Something tightened around Ophelia’s arm, stopping her from entering. Her eyes narrowed as her head lashed back. She looked at the meaty hand holding her arm and frowned. Her voice dropped to a hiss as she looked up into a muscle head’s tanned face. “You’ll let go of my arm and go with my friend over there. You’ll do exactly as he says.”

  The beefy Italian man let go of her arm and started walking to where Jaymes was standing. Ophelia flicked her wrist in a small wave at Jaymes before bouncing through the doors. The club was as black as coffee with strobe
lights rolling around the dance floor. Women were grinding against men as the swayed to the rhythm of the music.

  Ophelia sniffed the air and moved forward as she followed the scent she was craving. She crept up to a small stage in the middle of the club. Her stomach growled and rumbled as she stared up at the band. A scrawny blonde man, wearing jeans a tad too tight, plucked away on a banjo as he tapped his foot to the beat. She glanced up at the man standing in the center of the stage. He pulled off his white cowboy hat and tossed it into the crowd. His sandy blonde hair clung to his temple as he started strumming his guitar. A large silver belt buckle adorned his Levi jeans and his black button up shirt was open enough to show off his jugular and part of his collar bone.

  Ophelia moved closer and breathed in his scent. She smiled up at the guitarist as his scent floated around her. His brown eyes looked down at her and a small smile lit up his face as he started singing. The veins in his neck bulged and vibrated as he sung.

  Ophelia licked her lips as the music hummed through her. She closed her eyes as she swayed her hips. Her raven black hair swished across her back as she ran her hands down her body. She opened her black eyes and stared up at the guitarist as she moved.

  The song came to an end and Ophelia smiled as the guitarist set down his instrument and pounced off the stage.

  “I couldn’t help but notice your moves while I was on stage. I just had to introduce myself to such a beautiful woman,” he told her. “I’m Jeremy.”

  Ophelia leaned forward and whispered into his ear. “My name’s Ophelia and there’s something I need from you.” She lightly grabbed Jeremy by the collar and led him to the women’s restroom in the back of the club.

  “You want me to go in there?” Jeremy asked as he stepped back.

  Ophelia beamed up at him as she leaned up against the restroom’s wooden door. “Don’t you like to live a little on the dangerous side?” she asked as she ran her fingers down his chest. “I promise it’ll be worth it.

  Jeremy’s eyes widened as he smiled back at Ophelia. “You talked me into it.”

  Ophelia smiled as he pulled her to him and opened the door. His warm mouth covered hers as they stumbled into the bathroom.

  Jeremy broke the kiss as he turned and locked the bathroom door. Ophelia backed up, her black boots squeaking on the tiled floor as he turned towards her. “What are you waiting for?” she asked as she crooked her pale finger at him.

  “You don’t have to tell me twice,” he said as he stalked towards her.

  Ophelia delved her hands into Jeremy’s hair as he leaned into her and started nibbling on her neck. She yanked his head back to get his attention. His blue eyes were glazed with desire as he stared down at her. “You’ll not scream or say a word no matter how bad the pain becomes,” she murmured. “You’ll not move a muscle. Do you understand?”

  His brown eyes widened. “Y-yes.”

  Ophelia ran a finger nail down his cheek enjoying the smell of fear radiating from him. “I’m going to enjoy every drop of you,” she said as she shoved Jeremy against the back wall. She jerked his head to the side. The vein in his neck was protruding out lightly. Ophelia licked her lips as she stared at the blue-green vein. She opened her mouth, her fangs elongating as she delved into his soft flesh. Warm blood pulsated into her throat as she sucked. She tore away, blood running down her chin as she glanced up at him. Tears were rolling down his cheeks.

  “You taste so good, Jeremy,” Ophelia whispered right before she leaned down and ripped his jugular out. His body slumped forward. She held him in place as she enjoyed the rest of her meal.

  “What a beautiful evening,” Ophelia murmured as she met up with Jaymes.

  “That it is,” Jaymes said as strolled next to her.

  “So, how was your supper?” Ophelia asked as they walked down the street.

  “It was a little dull, but delicious,” Jaymes said as he glanced over at her. “How was yours?”

  A small smile lit up Ophelia’s face as they walked into a dark alley. “Absolutely delightful.”

  They dissipated in the air and reappeared in the cave that they’d found earlier in the evening. Ophelia could feel the sun starting to rise as they made their way to the deepest part of the cave. She leaned against the wall, closed her eyes, and fell into a deep slumber.

  Ophelia woke up with a start as a surge of power rocked through her. It was stronger than it had ever been before.

  “We need to move north,” Jaymes murmured as his eyes flashed up. “The sun’s almost set and then we can trace it.”

  The ground shook beneath them as the sun set. Ophelia followed Jaymes out of the cave. They flew up into the night sky. Ophelia tuned into her senses as she propelled herself forward. The rolling hills below her passed by like a freight train. Ophelia slowed to a stop as Jaymes hovered in the air. His eyes were closed.

  A small shock shot through Ophelia. She jolted forwards as she traced the power streaming through the air. She glanced over at Jaymes as he caught up to her. Ophelia nodded down at the ground below as she stopped midair. Power was pulsating up at them. She scanned the area, but there were trees everywhere. A flicker caught her attention as her gaze fell upon a small wooden shack. Power was throbbing from a female could smell the power pumping through the girl’s blood. Ophelia’s mouth scrunched up in disgust. The girl was being held by a rafa.

  Ophelia and Jaymes lowered themselves into the nearby woods to get a closer look at the girl. Ophelia watched the interaction between the girl and one of the Dragomir. The power within the girl was slowly ebbing away as she was sobbed. The rafa held the girl in his arms as she unleashed her tears.

  Jaymes signaled to Ophelia before he dissipated into thin air. They reappeared in the caves where the Haemon resided.

  “The little human girl’s going to be powerful,” Jaymes said as he strolled through the caves. “She has to be a Halfling. I could almost taste the power in her blood.”

  “I don’t like it one bit,” Ophelia said with distaste.

  Jaymes glanced over at her. “Are you afraid of the competition?”

  “There’ll be no competition from that frail creature,” Ophelia hissed as she glared at Jaymes. “Have no doubt about that.”

  Jaymes knocked on Karver’s door and waited for permission to enter. The door creaked open.

  “I’ve been waiting a long time for you two,” Karver said from inside the room, “Come in.”

  Jaymes and Ophelia walked in and bowed their heads down.

  “We’ve found out what, or should I say who, is causing the power surges we’ve all felt,” Jaymes informed Karver as he took a seat.

  Karver stared at Jaymes as he tapped his finger against the chair he was sitting in. “Tell me who it is and don’t keep me waiting. I’m not in the mood.”

  “It’s coming from a young female,” Jaymes said as he cleaned out his finger nails nonchalantly. “I believe she’s a Halfling. I could almost taste the power flowing in her blood, but she’s still human.”

  “A human girl was emitting that kind of power?” Karver asked as he stood up and stared from Jaymes to Ophelia. “A Halfling doesn’t usually have that kind of power before the change.”

  “Her blood is unlike anything I’ve ever come across before,” Jaymes said. “She’s going to be a force to be reckoned with when she does go through the change.”

  Ophelia shook her head in denial. “I don’t think she’ll be that powerful.”

  “She will be that powerful,” Jaymes hissed at Ophelia as he glared at her. “He needs to know the truth, so get off your high horse and admit what you felt. The Dragomir obviously already know about her because one of them was holding her. It’s act now or lose her to the rafa. Then we’ll never be able to rule the Earth like we were destined to do.”

  “I want her,” Karver said as he looked at Jaymes. “You’ll bring her to me and she’ll not be harmed. If she hasn’t gone through the change, we’ll have an advantage.” He turned to Ophelia.
“You will stay away from the girl and leave it to Jaymes to bring her here. I want you to find a human she’s fond of to bring back here. I’ve got big plans for our girl.”

  Chapter 14

  Lucy was completely drained as she entered the high school on Monday morning. She looked around the hall. The last person she wanted to run into right now was Michael. He wasn’t going to be thrilled when she told him all they could ever be was friends and she really didn’t feel like delving into that mess right now.

  The halls were full of students buzzing from one place to the next. Lucy almost moaned out loud as she noticed Sam making a beeline for her. She wasn’t in the mood for socializing this morning.


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