Sex Piston (Biker Bitches)

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Sex Piston (Biker Bitches) Page 9

by Begley, Jamie

  “Why?” Sex Piston asked anyway, seeing the amusement on Beth’s face.

  “I’m not embarrassed,” Lily confided to the women at the table. “I want to meet some cowboys. Since they obviously are not going to be coming to Kentucky then I have to go to them.”

  Sex Piston and her crew just stared at Lily. If the girl wanted a cowboy, all she had to do was put a picture of herself on the internet and there would be a fucking stampede to Kentucky to meet the beautiful girl.

  “I know a cowboy,” Fat Louise said, a fry dripping ketchup poised in midair.

  “No, you don’t,” Killyama argued.

  “Yes, I do, and so do you,” she corrected, popping the fry in her mouth.

  “I would fucking know if we knew a cowboy,” Killyama stated, looking at Fat Louise like she had lost her mind.

  “Pike is from Arizona. He has a cowboy hat he wears sometimes and he has even done some rodeos. That makes him a cowboy, doesn’t it?” Fat Louise asked, trying to steal a pickle off Crazy Bitch’s plate, but receiving a smack on her hand instead.

  “Yes, it does,” Lily answered her. “Who’s Pike?” She didn’t even try to hide the eagerness in her voice.

  Beth choked on her salad, and Killyama smacked her on her back several times until Beth managed to shift away. “Thanks, I’m fine now.”

  Sex Piston wondered at the wary look on Beth’s face, but before she could question her, the diner door opened and Razer, Shade and Rider entered the restaurant.

  Sex Piston watched as the hottie biker leaned down to kiss his wife in greeting.

  “Got anything left?” he teased, looking down at her empty plate.

  “No, you’ll have to order your own.” The men grabbed some chairs and pulled them up to the table, giving Crazy Bitch and Killyama’s side of the table a wide berth.

  Razer sat down next to his wife, placing his arm over the back of her chair. Shade maneuvered his chair between Beth and Lily’s, and Rider sat down next to her.

  Killyama looked unhappy with the seating arrangement. She took turns alternating between pursuing Shade and Rider. Both men, Sex Piston secretly believed, were afraid of her misunderstood friend.

  “What you been up to, Shade?” Killyama’s usually abrasive tone turned seductive.

  He didn’t take off his sunglasses, but his head turned in her direction. It was Saturday, and Sex Piston wondered if he was feeling the after affects of their Friday night fuckfest that The Last Riders participated in weekly if not nightly, from what Beth had confided when she had broke up with Razer before they had gotten married.

  “Nothing much,” he responded, ordering himself a coffee from the hovering waitress. Razer and Rider both ordered burgers and fries.

  “Not hungry, Shade?” Sex Piston asked.

  “No. I already ate,” he said with an expression that dared her to question him further.

  Beth and Crazy Bitch talked about her getting her GED and starting beauty school during the summer. Crazy Bitch had begun helping Sex Piston around her shop, discovering she liked working in a beauty shop. Sex Piston had offered her a job and had agreed to pay her tuition so that she could become a beautician.

  “You going to let me do Beth’s hair?” Crazy Bitch asked Razer.

  “No.” Razer didn’t try to soften his answer. He was wearing a bandana on his own head of long, dark hair.

  “I’ll let you do mine,” Lily offered, finishing her lunch.

  “No.” Shade’s dark sunglasses landed on Lily.

  Lily turned to Shade with a stubborn look on her face. “If I want her to do my hair, then she can do my hair. You don’t tell me what to do.”

  “You still wanting that summer job?” he asked in a soft voice. Sex Piston watched as Lily’s new found courage almost crumbled, but the girl didn’t break.

  “Yes.” She stiffened in her chair, staring defiantly back at Shade.

  “Then she doesn’t touch your hair,” Shade said. “It’s fine the way it is,” he supplied as an afterthought.

  “She’s going to need someone to practice on and I was thinking of getting it cut anyway.” Damn, the meek woman had finally grown up and put her big girl panties on. Sex Piston was impressed; the heavily tatted biker was a hard ass.

  “Then think again.” Shade’s hand went to hers on the table. Her delicate wrist wore no jewelry, but a red rubber band that the woman used to help with panic attacks. Placing his hand over her wrist, he turned more fully toward Lily, leaning into her space. He lifted his other hand to her black hair, twining a curl around his finger and pulling it taut.

  “You want your hair cut? Don’t you know that men like long hair, especially cowboys? I, on the other hand, think short hair is sexy.”

  Lily’s body leaned as far away from Shade as she could without falling out of her chair.

  Sex Piston decided it was time to step in before Beth and Lily both stroked out. Sex Piston had been around Lily very little, but she liked the young girl.

  “I kind of agree with Shade,” Sex Piston butted in. “Your hair is beautiful; leave it alone. It just needs a little trim. Stop by my shop during spring break and I’ll trim it for you.”


  Sex Piston felt Shade’s eyes on her as he released Lily’s hair, letting it slide from between his fingertips. Lily’s long hair suited her perfectly, surrounding her face in a dark, shiny mass, but she could trim it so that it had more of a style.

  “I can give you a new look, but not have to cut much off the length.” The girl needed to let Shade think he was getting his way while she still got what she wanted. Understanding dawned in Lily’s eyes.

  “Do you think that you could introduce me to Pike while I’m in Jamestown?”

  Shade stiffened in his seat. “Who’s Pike?” Shade’s satisfied look disappeared at Lily’s request.

  “Someone that Sex Piston and Fat Louise know. They said he’s from Arizona,” Lily said, waiting for Sex Piston’s answer.

  Fat Louise started to answer, but Sex Piston cut her off.

  “I’m afraid you’re going to have to wait until you move to Arizona to meet a cowboy, Lily. Pike has a girlfriend and I don’t think she would appreciate me introducing him to you.” Sex Piston tried to keep the worry out of her voice at the tension coming from Beth and The Last Riders.

  Killyama straightened from her relaxed position, redirecting Shades attention to her. “When you going to give me a ride on that bike of yours, Shade?”

  Shade’s chair screeched as he slid it back from the table. “I’ll wait for you outside, Razer.”

  Sex Piston watched as the furious biker left the restaurant after throwing a couple of bills down on the table.

  “What ant crawled up his ass?” Crazy Bitch asked.

  “Who gives a fuck? Rider, how about you?” Killyama asked, staring with grim intensity at the laid back biker. “I’ll even return the favor and give you a ride on mine.” The suggestive invitation left exactly what she was offering without question.

  Rider looked like a deer caught in the headlights of a car. “I’m pretty busy at the factory.”

  “I’m available anytime. Give me a call.” She leaned forward, her low-cut top showing the globes of her breasts.

  “I think I’ll wait outside with Shade,” he said, hastily getting to his feet and also throwing down some money before hightailing it out of the restaurant.

  All the women’s eyes turned to Razer. “I think I’ll head on back home.” Leaving his half uneaten meal, it was obvious the cowards were beating a hasty retreat. Razer pulled out his wallet, handing Beth the money to pay for her and Lily’s food.

  “Don’t you want to treat us to lunch, too, Razer?” Sex Piston taunted just to piss him off. Razer pulled out another twenty, giving his wife a kiss before his escape.

  “Don’t we get one of those, too, Razer? If you’re not up to the job, send Rider or Shade back in,” Crazy Bitch said.

  Sex Piston had to put her hand over her mouth
to keep from laughing at the look of horror that came over his face at Crazy Bitch’s comment before he turned on his heel, leaving his wife with a gleam of retribution in his eyes.

  “Wow, I wish I was you tonight, Beth,” Killyama said, watching Razer’s ass as he stormed away.

  Beth laid her head down on the table and Lily buried her face in her hands.

  “Did you see how fast those pussies ran? At least the Blue Horsemen and the Destructors stand their ground,” Killyama said, picking up all the cash from the table and handing it to the waitress.

  Beth and Lily just laughed louder.

  Sex Piston and her crew had a free lunch. No woman could ask for more, she thought. She had a business she loved, a family that was healthy and best friends that could send some seriously dangerous men scrambling in fear.

  Beth sighed. “I’ve got to go. I’ve got another patient to see before I can go home.”

  “That’s cool,” Sex Piston said as they all got to their feet. “Lily, don’t forget to come by for that trim.”

  “I won’t. Thanks, Sex Piston.” Lily gave her a smile that had her pausing.

  Taking her hand, Sex Piston gave it a squeeze. “If they don’t give you a job at the factory, give me a call and you can work at my shop for the summer. Crazy Bitch will be too busy with school. You can replace her for the summer.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” she replied eagerly.

  A worried frown marred Beth’s forehead at her sister’s answer. “We’ll see what happens.”

  “Talk to you later, Beth,” Sex Piston said as they went outside.

  Beth grabbed her for a quick hug, giving each of her crew one also. “Be careful riding home. That car looks like it’s going to break down any minute.”

  “Shit, that car drives like a dream. Killyama keeps it in prime condition.” Sex Piston ignored the insult to their shared possession.

  Killyama ran her hand over the hood of the hideous green car.

  “Some things deserve to be updated and your car is one of them.” Beth’s comment didn’t faze Sex Piston. It was an ugly car, but it had character and it was big enough to hold all of them when they traveled together.

  “It’s a classic. It will last forever, you’ll see. They don’t make cars like this anymore.”

  Killyama and Crazy Bitch climbed in the back seat when Fat Louise grabbed the shotgun position in the front.

  “Thank God for that,” Beth said, waving goodbye as she climbed into her new model SUV.

  Chapter Twelve

  “What’s wrong with Stud tonight?” Crazy Bitch asked.

  Sex Piston turned her body, dancing so that her back was to Stud who was leaning against the bar, glaring a hole through her back.

  “Don’t know, don’t care,” she lied to her friend.

  The first thing Stud had done when her and her crew had entered the Destructors’ clubhouse was catch her alone when she came out of the bathroom to give her hell about The Last Riders joining them for lunch. She didn’t question how he had known—Fat Louise and her big mouth. She was getting tired of her being Stud’s snitch and she was going to give her hell when she had the chance.

  “He looks pretty mad at you,” Crazy Bitch said.

  “I do not give a flying fuck.” She enunciated each word.

  Crazy Bitch’s words were racketing up the seductiveness of her dancing, hoping to make the asshole miserable as he watched her move and not be able to touch her.

  “Playing with fire, bitch,” Killyama said from beside her.

  Sex Piston shrugged. The music changed and she took off her leather jacket, exposing the flesh-colored halter-top, which showed the globes of her breasts. She caught several of the brothers eyeing her, watching to see if her breasts would spill out of her top.

  “Shit,” Killyama said, knowing her friend was determined to pick a fight.

  Sex Piston grinned at her, but stopped when she saw her mouth tighten in anger.


  “Demie is all over him.”

  Sex Piston almost jerked around to see. Demie was the resident slut of the month. She had just started hanging out the last few months and was gaining in popularity by working her way through each of the brothers. They had nicknamed her Demie because she gave each man a demonstration of the skills her mouth was capable of. The men had even begun bragging about who had lasted the longest with her.

  “What’s she doing?” Sex Piston asked, already knowing what was going on behind her back.

  “She’s cuddled up next to Stud, rubbing his thigh,” Killyama stated calmly, even though her hands were clenched into fists by her side. Killyama was the most protective of her and it would piss her off if Stud cheated on her, knowing they had a thing going on whether the club knew it or not.

  Sex Piston casually turned her body so that she could face Stud and see what was going on behind her back. He was sitting on the bar stool, facing her with his eyes challenging. The fucker was giving her a silent ultimatum. Demie was standing between his thighs, her body, she sure, was rubbing up against his cock and the slut’s hand was rubbing his thigh. Her stupid cow eyes were looking up at him, begging him to fuck her.

  Sex Piston’s hand clenched by her side. She never did well with ultimatums. Ace had pulled the same stunt on her numerous times, trying to get her to prove she cared. She never had. Not once. She was about to turn back around when Demie reached up and kissed Stud on the mouth.

  “Hell no.” Pure fury took over and Sex Piston lost the tenuous grip on her temper.

  All her plans of showing Stud she didn’t give a fuck went out the club door when she saw the slut’s mouth on his. She walked across the room, coming up behind the tall blond who had twenty pounds on her. When she was within reach, her hand flew out and grabbed a handful of the blond bitch’s hair, jerking her away from Stud.

  Before the woman could do anything but reach up to her hair with a startled scream, Sex Piston planted her face against the bar. Not satisfied, she lifted her head slightly before banging it back down again.

  “Do Not Ever Fucking Touch Him Again. If I see you even looking at him, I will beat the shit out of you.” Sex Piston used the woman’s hair to draw her from the bar, shoving her away from Stud.

  The stunned blonde caught herself from falling by grabbing a table before righting herself. “You bitch,” she screamed.

  Sex Piston folded her arms across her chest. “That’s right; I am. I’m his bitch.” She nodded her head at Stud. “So that means you don’t touch him. You can slut yourself out to any brother here and I won’t open my mouth if they’re dumb enough to fuck a slut like you, but you don’t touch Stud again and you sure as shit don’t put that nasty mouth of yours on him again.”

  Demie opened her mouth to say something, but her eyes slid sideways, noticing Killyama, Crazy Bitch, T.A. and Fat Louise all standing tense by Sex Piston’s side. The light of battle went out of her eyes and a look of fear replaced it. Nodding her head, she slunk away as Sex Piston turned her fury on Stud.

  “You want a piece of ass, it better be mine because if I ever see another bitch up against you like that again, I’ll fucking neuter you and you’ll be the bitch in this relationship.”

  “Yeah?” Stud said, placing his beer bottle on the bar.


  Stud got up from the bar stool in a movement that had Sex Piston blinking at the deceptively relaxed air he had portrayed. He had her around the waist and was leading her toward the back room before she knew what hit her. She tried to jerk away from him, but he just walked faster with her struggling against him. She saw him open the bedroom door that she knew had been given to him when he had become president.

  He pulled her inside before slamming the door and pushing her up against it. His mouth slammed down on hers, showing her the lust that was fueling his body. His hands went to her hips, tugging up her tight skirt.

  “Damn, Stud, slow down.” Sex Piston tried to catch her breath, but he didn’
t make it easy. His tongue searched hers, twirling with hers in a kiss that was beginning to raise her own lust.

  Reaching between her legs he touched her clit, which had her changing her mind about slowing him down. Wiggling her hips, she managed to put his fingers exactly where she wanted them. Stud moved his hand away and jerked at the tiny, black lace panties she was wearing, ripping at the sides until they fell to the floor.

  Taking her waist in his hands, he lifted her against the door, holding her legs as they wrapped around his waist. Using his body to press her against the door, he unzipped his jeans and pulled out his dick. Then, he spread her wet flesh before putting the tip of his cock at her entrance, teasing her with the feel of him.

  Her red hair brushed her face as her head fell to his shoulder. Trembling, her arms circled his neck as she surrendered to him without a word.

  Slowly, he stroked his bare cock into her warm sheathe. The pleasure of his bare cock inside her nearly drove her into a climax, but Sex Piston gritted her teeth as she tried to hold on to the pleasure as long as she could manage. Her hips began pushing down as he stroked upwards, sending his cock sliding deep within her clenching pussy.

  Her mouth went to his throat, kissing and licking the salty taste of his skin. She sucked a small piece of his flesh into her mouth as he moved within her. Her moans muffled by his skin.

  Stud began moving harder inside her, slamming her against the door as he increased the speed of his thrusts. One hand went to her ass, sliding between the globes to find the tiny rosette he was searching for. Without any warning, he thrust a long finger inside, breaching the tiny hole.

  Lacking any coherent thoughts, Sex Piston bit down on the flesh in her mouth, her hands clenching onto his shoulders as her orgasm hit her with a wave of desire that couldn’t be held back any longer.

  “Fuck,” Stud groaned, pressing her flat against the door as his cock jerked his own climax into her slippery pussy.

  When she finished trembling, she raised her head. Stud let her legs slip down from his waist, setting her back down on the floor.

  Sex Piston slid her skirt back down her hips, not looking at Stud as he took her hand and led her into the bathroom. Taking a wash cloth, he soaped and wetted it and then sat her on the counter before he went down on his knees.


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