Time Catcher

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Time Catcher Page 11

by Cheree Peters

  I make haste to get away from Casteel before pausing at the corner. There is a gap between here and Dominion Hall, the next section of cover. I dash across the even paving, focussing only on the laneway behind the hall. No one calls out or seems to notice me and I breathe a sigh of relief. I creep along the laneway, cast into shadow by Dominion Hall.

  I step out onto the street as a group of chatting tradesmen are passing and I hang my head, trying to keep my face from view. From memory, the cells are only a block or so to the north and I head in the general direction, hoping I will recognise the building when I see it.

  The black-painted building is obvious, its columns making it look bigger than it is. I look for sentinels approaching but I see only a few citizens making their way home from work and I cross the road after a heavily laden mason’s cart lumbers by. It isn’t until I reach the giant black door that I realise my problem. How do I explain myself to Francis? And how do I free Jay? I decide my best option is to be myself – my old self, Princess Althea.

  I keep my head high as I climb the paved steps to the door. It slides open and two sentinels standing behind a cast-iron desk turn their attention to me. The head sentinel (extra gold bars on the shoulders of his scarlet jacket) rushes out from behind the desk and bows while the sentinel behind the desk looks on, confused. The young sentinel runs a hand through his white-blond hair before he speaks. ‘Hello.’

  The head sentinel clicks his fingers at him before stepping forward. ‘Good afternoon, Your Highness. What brings you here?’

  ‘Father has sent me here to interrogate one of the prisoners with Sentinel Francis as my aide. Father wishes for me to acquire interrogation skills.’ Not bad, Thea.

  ‘I apologise, Your Highness, but we haven’t been informed of any such interrogation. And Sentinel Francis is on his half day.’

  I pause, unsure how to proceed. I hadn’t thought about Francis not being here. ‘Of course you would not have been informed, it is a secret interrogation. Regardless of Sentinel Francis’ presence, I would like to see the prisoner who was just brought in.’

  The head sentinel looks back to his colleague, who shrugs. ‘Apologies again, Your Highness, but we haven’t admitted a prisoner today.’

  My skin becomes hot and my palms start sweating. I didn’t anticipate Jay not being here, either. He has to be here, they brought him this way.

  ‘You Highness, do you need us to escort you somewhere?’

  I wish I had a telepathic Ability so I could find Jay. ‘No, no, everything is fine. This was, ah, a test.’

  ‘Excuse me?’

  ‘Father wanted to test the performance of his sentinels.’

  The sentinel behind the desk looks baffled. ‘A test? Did we pass?’

  ‘I cannot say. But you are not to let anyone know about this. I was not meant to tell you about the test. The king would be very displeased with me – and with you – if he found out.’

  The head sentinel opens his mouth, but pauses before speaking, ‘Of course, Your Highness. I hope we have impressed you.’ He bows his head again and the sentinel behind the desk stumbles forward and opens the door for me.

  ‘Please, Your Highness, I can’t fail. I’m already on a warning. Why do you think I’m guarding the cells?’

  With authority, I say, ‘Are you questioning me?’

  He shakes his head. ‘No, Your Highness, I would never–’

  ‘I should hope not!’ I say.

  The transceiver clipped to his belt pipes, ‘Confirming we have the Impure in possession. He is sedated and should present no trouble.’

  ‘However, I would not have you punished on my behalf,’ I say quickly, as though I have heard nothing. ‘You have passed.’

  The young man smiles wide and reaches forward to hug me before stopping himself. ‘Thank you, miss, I mean, Your Highness, thank you so much!’

  ‘You are welcome.’

  ‘Excellent. I will be in the kingdom tomorrow to assess the subject. Keep him contained in the Chamber until then.’ Although the voice is grainy, I recognise it immediately. It is the raspy voice of Mr Corbin.

  ‘Remember though, you were not meant to know about the test,’ I say brightly.

  ‘Absolutely, Your Highness. What test?’ He chuckles.


  Once the front door closes behind me, I exhale.

  My authoritative manner was useful but it scares me how well I can act like Duncan. I feel deflated. If Jay isn’t in the cells, I don’t know where he could be. Who is this ‘Impure’ I overheard mentioned? Jay? I need to find him. I need to help him.

  The sun is in the west and I must return to Casteel before anyone discovers I am missing.

  I open my door and find Tahan relaxing on my bed. She jumps up and storms over. ‘All right, missy, tell me everything!’

  I forgot that Tahan would be waiting for me. I can’t answer her honestly so I turn the attention to her actions. ‘No, you tell me everything.’

  ‘What are you talking about, A?’

  ‘I saw you in the markets earlier, and you were not manning a fish stall.’

  She loses her confidence. ‘I don’t know what you mean.’

  ‘Please, T, I saw you talking to a jewellery trader, and he gave you a note. What were you doing?’

  For a moment I think I see fear in her eyes, but then she smiles. ‘Oh that? That was nothing. Aunty J was in some trouble about a necklace and I was helping her out. That jeweller’s a well-known pawnbroker, A.’

  I am relieved and worried at the same time. This seems to be yet another scrape Tahan has entangled herself in. Hopefully this incident turns out better than the time she sold a supposed bolt of North Empire cobalt satin that dyed his skin blue for a month.

  She winks at me before returning to the bed. ‘Your turn, Princess.’

  I have to think of a lie and my stomach drops. Everything else in my life seems to be a lie, I don’t want our friendship to become another one.

  I am spared answering by a knock and Lucy entering. ‘I am sorry to break up your evening but the king wishes to speak with you.’

  ‘About what?’

  ‘That is not for me to know, Your Highness. He expects you in fifteen minutes.’

  I need to find out where the Chamber is and I doubt Duncan will tell me if I ask.

  ‘Thank you, Lucy.’

  Lucy leaves and Tahan says, ‘I believe you were about to tell me about your mystery date.’

  My mind flashes to Jay.

  Tahan takes my pause as a hint. ‘Wait, were you . . . were you seeing a boy? Were you on a mystery date?’

  ‘Ah, yeah. Yes I was.’ I was trying to see a boy.

  ‘You were keeping this a secret from me?’

  ‘I didn’t want Finn to find out. I don’t want to hurt his feelings.’

  ‘Oh no, you cannot keep this secret from me. I’ve got fifteen minutes to painfully extract every last detail from you.’

  ‘He’s just a boy. There’s not that much to know at the moment.’

  ‘There’s everything to know. What does he look like?’

  I sigh but play along. ‘He has black hair and the darkest eyes I’ve ever seen.’

  ‘How do you feel about him?’

  ‘I don’t know, Tahan. One minute he’s smiling and joking around, the next he stops talking and gets all sullen.’

  ‘Ooh, a mysterious man on your mysterious date.’

  ‘I feel . . . I feel like I’ve known him my whole life.’

  ‘Wow, A, you never said that about Finn.’

  ‘I haven’t known Finn my whole life.’

  ‘That’s ridiculous, A. There’s no one you’ve known your whole life apart from Duncan.’

  My throat is tight, not wanting to lie anymore to Tahan.

  ‘Is he a delegate?’

  ‘Yes. I mean no.’ I know how easy it would be for Tahan to find out if there was a young, dark-haired delegate. ‘He works for one, and I don’t think Father would be
happy if he found out. Hence, it’s a secret.’

  ‘Fine. But at least tell his name.’

  Tahan looks at me expectantly. ‘John. His name is John.’

  ‘The day had better come when you tell me everything.’

  ‘Yes, when the time is right.’ I doubt there ever will be a right time but Tahan doesn’t need to know that.

  Duncan stands on the balcony, looking out over the city. But he is not alone. Finn is beside him, and they are having a heated discussion. I tiptoe through the foyer.

  ‘Sire, I must protest the treatment of the Impure,’ Finn says passionately. ‘I overheard Mother talking about what will happen to him and I–’

  ‘That is none of your concern, Finn. What is your concern is my daughter. You know what you must do.’

  ‘Sire, I do not think–’

  ‘I do not care what you think, Finn. I care that you do what I have asked. Althea is expected any moment and it would not do for her to find you here.’

  As I inch my way forward, I knock into a painting of Jasper Cardiff laying the first stone of the Rampart, and it crashes to the floor.

  I look up to see Duncan and Finn staring at me through the glass.

  I put on my best smile and wave. ‘Sorry, Father!’

  Finn hastily makes his way inside and stops before me. But he doesn’t speak; he regards me with a mixture of sadness and confusion, and then turns and leaves. I wonder if it is me or Duncan that has caused the sadness.

  I turn back and meet Duncan’s eyes, and my own concerns return. I join him on the balcony, keeping one hand firmly against the window behind, away from the railing. A few people walk below, most making their way home before the sun sets. Somewhere in the city Jay is a captive. Is he being tortured? Will he tell whoever has him about me? It seems impossible I will ever find him.

  I breathe deeply, settling my nerves. ‘Father, what were you discussing with Finn?’

  ‘Security measures. As you are aware, Finn has started working with his mother on kingdom defences.’

  ‘But he seemed bothered by something.’

  ‘He is a teenage boy, Althea, there is always something bothering him.’ He pauses. ‘Althea, when you look out over the kingdom, what do you see?’

  ‘I see the Imperial Gardens?’

  ‘No, Althea. What do you see?’

  I think I understand what he wants to hear. Stepping forward, I grip the railing with trembling hands. I must be strong; I must conquer this fear of heights. ‘I see the Kingdom of Cardiff, the land that our ancestors fought to build, the land I hope to rule one day half as well as you.’

  He turns to me, a half smile on his face. ‘Is that so?’

  ‘Yes, Father. But that is not all I see. I see the people of our land, the people who need protecting, not just from outside enemies, but from the enemies within our borders.’

  ‘That is an interesting thought, Althea.’

  ‘After today’s incident with the thief, I understand that not all dangers lie outside of the walls of the Rampart.’

  Duncan arches an eyebrow. ‘Althea, there is going to be danger wherever you go.’

  ‘What did you wish to speak to me about?’

  ‘You have not been yourself these past few days. You seem distracted and it was so unlike you to elude your protection.’

  I almost sigh in relief; this is easy to answer. ‘I know, Father, and I apologise. Since Kingdom Day I have felt contaminated by the Manipulators.’ Duncan’s eyebrows rise. ‘I keep thinking how I was almost taken, which makes me think about where I would be right now if they had succeeded. What would they be doing to me?’

  Duncan’s brow furrows in concern. ‘You are fortunate, Althea, or, I should say, I was fortunate that those amoral Manipulators did not succeed. They would have tortured you with their evil powers, trying to extract information about the kingdom, and me.’ I feign worry. ‘And then they would have killed you, like they did your mother.’

  ‘The serum will stop them forever?’

  ‘We are confident it will. For generations, our family has searched to counteract the powers of the Manipulators. This serum has been in development for over twenty years, but in the last few months its development has leapt forward.’

  ‘What has caused its sudden progression?’

  ‘I do not completely understand myself.’ He smiles at me. ‘The scientists speak of genetic sequencing and refined distilling techniques and I nod and try to understand, but it is almost another language to me. I am just a king.’

  I smile back, forcing down my fear. ‘Where is the serum being developed? At the Jasper Institute?’

  Duncan pauses, looking out over the dimming city before answering. ‘Yes. Although we do not possess the advanced technology of the old world, the scientists of the Jasper Institute are passionate about ridding us of the Manipulators. The head scientist assures me that the serum will soon be ready for human trials.’

  My spine tingles. Has Duncan always known I am a Variant? Does he mean for me to be the first to test the serum?

  ‘Come inside, I know you do not like to be on the balcony for long.’ He takes my arm solicitously and leads me into the sitting room, settling me on a plush cream sofa.

  ‘I am so very pleased you are showing interest in the affairs of the kingdom, Althea.’ He looks at me so benevolently – surely he doesn’t know?

  An idea occurs to me. Jay is a Manipulator, and kingdom sentinels have captured him. Jay must be the ‘Impure’. He is the perfect candidate to test the serum upon. The Chamber must be within the Jasper Institute.

  ‘Father, do you remember I asked if I might shadow you in your day-to-day activities? Perhaps we might begin soon, over the next few weeks before lyceum starts again. It would be helpful to see how you manage so many important affairs of state. After all, I will rule the kingdom one day.’

  ‘A splendid notion, Althea. What say you join me tomorrow for the day?’

  ‘That sounds wonderful.’ Almost there. ‘What is on the agenda? I am so intrigued by this Manipulator serum and would love to meet the scientists at the Jasper Institute.’

  Duncan’s eyes light up. ‘Of course, darling. I shall organise a tour. Dr Kelvin, you are familiar with, of course. And you will meet Mr Corbin again, a key developer of the serum.’

  I repress a shudder. It was Mr Corbin’s voice on the sentinel’s transceiver. What is he doing to ‘Impure’ Jay? He never returned to his group, Concord, after confirming I really am Thea Reid. Eli and Vaughn must be so worried about him.

  Eli! I jerk upright in the soft cushions. He said he would return for me tonight. Jay said Vaughn wanted to wait and see but I hope Eli comes. He may already be waiting for me. What if Lucy walks in on him?

  ‘Is something the matter, darling?’

  ‘I – yes. I was thinking of the book I have been reading, the one you gave me about reconnaissance work through the far-eastern lands. I am almost at the end and am anxious to find out what happens.’

  He smiles again. ‘I shall see you tomorrow, darling. Nine o’clock at my office in Dominion Hall.’

  ‘Yes, Father.’ We stand and he leans down and kisses my cheek. His lips feel icy against my hot skin.

  I hurry down to my floor. Surely Eli will know what to do about Jay.

  The cool breeze licks my face as I wait a couple of metres from the window for Eli. He and Vaughn must be told that Jay has been captured.

  I haven’t turned on any lights in my room and the night is dark – the sky is covered in dark clouds and the moonlight shines softly from behind them. It is almost midnight and my stomach sinks lower as each hour passes. I curse my stupid Ability; why can’t I manipulate time to go faster?

  I’m startled when Eli appears in the corner of my room with a sudden rushing sound.

  I force out one word. ‘Jay.’

  ‘He didn’t return as planned,’ Eli says. ‘Where is he?’

  ‘The sentinels took him to some place called the Chamb
er. It’s in the Jasper Institute, but that’s all I know about it.’

  ‘There have been rumours of a place where captured Variants are taken. I never knew if it was real or a myth. How was he caught?’

  ‘I don’t know. I saw his blue light in the Imperial Gardens and then I watched as he was dragged through the streets.’

  ‘I knew I shouldn’t have let him come!’ His voice is raised. ‘I should have made him believe that you were really you!’

  ‘I’m sorry. I warned him to be careful.’

  ‘It’s not your fault. But we have to rescue him. I can only imagine what they’re planning to do to him.’ He looks at me, stricken. ‘He knows about you, and that you know who you really are. We can’t let him talk.’

  ‘He won’t.’ I say it so confidently that I almost convince myself, but Eli looks doubtful.

  He starts pacing, mumbling to himself. Each step makes me edgier.

  I take a seat at my round dining table, but my feet start tapping. ‘Wait!’ I leap out of my chair. Eli looks at me expectantly. ‘You can Vault to him!’

  Eli’s expression of hope dies. ‘I can only Vault to places I’ve seen.’

  ‘But you Vaulted us to my room on the day of the Parade!’

  ‘I told you, Thea, I think you somehow redirected us.’ Deflated, Eli takes a seat on the edge of my bed.

  ‘What are we going to do?’

  He looks up at me. ‘Dad wants . . . he wants me to bring you back regardless of Jay.’

  My heart lifts for a moment before plummeting once again. I desperately want to leave the kingdom and meet my dad – well, re-meet. But I can’t leave without Jay, he came to see me and then he was captured. ‘What do you think we should do?’

  ‘I want you to be safe but Jay is my best friend. You don’t remember, but we all grew up together. He’s like my big brother, always making fun of me but always there for me when I need him.’ His head drops. ‘I should take you home. We can always try to rescue Jay another time.’

  I sit next to Eli on the bed. ‘How would we get home?’

  ‘The same way I got in here: Vaulting to a side street, walking to the Rampart and Vaulting over it. I don’t think I have the verve to Vault us the whole way.’


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