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Crossroads Page 8

by Blake Haugen

  “It’s not super serious is it?”

  “Uh, no, it’s not. It’s just… you look so damn sexy and I want to enjoy you. It’s very, very tempting.”

  “Wow, well, I feel hot now!” she smiled and shimmied her shoulders a little.

  “Keep it up, sweetpea, and you’ll see what happens.”

  When he let go to take his seat at the bar, Persephone missed his hands on her body. With one tight, brief hold he had set her on fire. The way he began barking Russian into the phone after making a call didn’t help either. Vanya’s deep, angry voice thoroughly aroused her; a heavy tingle settled in her nipples and her pussy swelled and contracted of its own volition.

  Persephone shook herself from her fog of admiration and took her seat beside him. She shivered when he took hold of her hand mid-sentence. She squeezed it and then sighed. Everything was going to be okay. He would settle whatever the problem was the same way he always did and would then remember how horny he was. He was going to love her surprise.


  To Vanya, there were few things better than seeing Persephone at the end of a bad day. He found that she was always willing to sooth him. Sometimes, when she could gage his mood before her arrival at his condo, she would order his favorite takeout and bring it over. On other occasions, she prepared his favorite dessert: peanut butter and jelly ice cream sandwiches. She would make them just the way he liked: very moist peanut butter cookies sandwiching a hearty glob of chilled raspberry jam and softened vanilla ice cream. They made love in whatever way he cared for, and he got to hold her tight all night, even though Persephone preferred to sprawl all over the bed. Those nights were some of the most peaceful he’d ever had.

  So, given all this, seeing Persephone at her sexiest before his bad day had ended was hell on his nerves. She looked gloriously hot and Vanya had no doubt that Finn was to thank for it. Persephone wasn’t drab in her clothing choices, but the word ‘sensible’ did come to mind when describing her wardrobe. There was no way she had picked out this stunner for herself.

  The glinting, beady, stringy things brought attention to every sway of her curves. The dress looked as if it was made for her sexy little body. He wanted to hike it up to her waist and take her roughly on the nearest table. But he couldn’t. He couldn’t because he was in public and he was also in the midst of fixing Mikhail’s colossal mistake.

  When setting Gupta and Gudral’s place afire, his cousin had managed to get himself spotted on a security camera down the block. That in and of itself wasn’t much proof of guilt. However, a snoopy detective had taken it upon himself to make something of it. Once he connected the tape to the arson, he started showing up at the family’s shops and offices, asking questions and getting no answers. Killing this cop wasn’t really an option.

  The Pravdins could count on Gupta and Gudral not to take the matter to the law, but this was not the time to leave any loose ends dangling. Lina’s wedding was about eight weeks away. She had taken painstaking measures to make sure that their business didn’t interfere with her marriage to Austin. The couple had agreed to confront Kirill together after the real estate purchase incident. Even so, Austin had a private man-to-man with Kirill. Though they would never be bosom buddies, Vanya believed the two had achieved a certain peace. Things were settled and nothing would destroy that peace more than a police investigation into the Pravdin’s dealings.

  Vanya continued to rail at Mikhail through the phone. The man was a professional for crissakes! Things like this typically didn’t happen with Mikhail, so it was baffling as to why he would screw up now. Vanya knew something must have been going on with his cousin.

  Vanya nearly lost it when Mikhail argued that dating Persephone was a distraction that was causing trouble. He spat that she hadn’t landed a detective on their doorstep, told Mikhail never to speak about her, and unconsciously grabbed Persephone’s hand. The action served two purposes.

  Even though she had no idea what they were saying he felt a need to impart his protection to her. Secondly, Vanya noticed the barkeep’s wistful glances in Persephone’s direction and wanted to make his position as her man clear. The bastard had the gall to pant after his woman right in his face! When the cheesy looking guy dropped off her next whiskey sour, Vanya gave him a harsh stare, not pausing in his tirade at Mikhail. That was sure to get the message through – mine. He could feel Persephone rolling her eyes, but he didn’t care.

  “Whatever, Mishka,” he finished and hung up the phone abruptly.

  “So, you all done?” Persephone asked expectantly.

  “Yes, for now,” he frowned. He snatched up her whiskey sour and took it down in one gulp.

  “Hey, get your own!”

  “How many have you had so far?”

  “That would have been number three.”

  “Hmm, I guess you can have two more. I want you nice and alert tonight.”

  “Well, that’s almost enticing enough to make me forget that you stole my drank, fool.”

  Vanya eyed her lasciviously. He loved the way she slipped into a country twang when she teasingly reprimanded someone. It made him want to –

  “Ah, ah, ah, Ivan. Hold that thought. It’s almost sixty seconds to midnight,” Finn said, cutting off his descent. She pulled them both along with her. At first, he thought it was jealously, but then he realized that Finn was merely excited to bring them to a circle of friends.

  Ever thoughtful, Persephone escaped Finn’s clutches for a moment to leave a generous tip at the bar. When she returned they stood before the floor-to-ceiling windows that provided a breathtaking view of the city. Finn catapulted herself into the arms of Lauren Vickers who then swung her around and placed her by her side.

  “Allen, over here!” Finn called out, waiving over a waiter. His tray was full of champagne. He politely served a flute to everyone in the circle. As if it had been planned precisely, the countdown from ten began when everyone had their drink.

  “…FIVE! FOUR! THREE! TWO! ONE! HAPPY NEW YEAR!” the guests all shouted. Vanya looked down at Persephone who beamed up at him with an expression of pure joy. Suddenly, his chest was filled to the brim and he found himself wishing the moment would last much longer.

  “I love you, Percy,” he spoke to her softly before taking her in his arms. He kissed her longingly and deliberately, not quite hearing the popping corks or the chorus of Auld Lang Syne. He could only smell, and feel and taste. For ten seconds, her d’iris scent, soft body and lemony tongue were his world. He began to breathe her breath and she pulled away from him a bit, kissed each of his cheeks, and went back in for an embrace.

  “Woooot! Paaaassssiiiioooooonnn!” Lauren swiveled her hips in front of them crudely, holding two flutes of champagne. This was especially amusing because her expensive looking designer pants suit slightly resembled an Elvis costume. Persephone laughed and buried herself deeper into his arms. Vanya suspected she was trying to shield herself from the stares in their direction.

  Not to be outdone, Lauren quickly gulped down each of her flutes and dumped them on a nearby table. She turned back to Finn and dipped her into a V-J Day style kiss. Vanya rolled his eyes and steered Persephone away.

  “Alright, it’s time for us to go.”

  “What? No,” Persephone pulled away slightly. “You just got here!”

  “These aren’t my friends,” he shrugged, closing the space she’d put between them.

  She shook her head in annoyance. “They could be. Just let me make some rounds to say goodbye, okay?” She went over to Finn and Lauren without waiting for his reply.

  Vanya knew it bugged Persephone that he didn’t socialize with the other students as much as she did. She imagined him an unsocial creature, but he surmised that was only because she never saw him with his gang of friends. Mikhail, Yulian, Sophia, Eva, and, in more recent years, Max, were his faithful troupe. Vanya had grown up with the first four and Max, three years his senior, came over to the States when Vanya and the twins were fifteen.
r />   Even in his assigned leadership role, there was a friendly, familial ease between all of them. They gabbed and poked fun with each other, speaking Russian for Max’s sake. Some of the most fun he’d had was on those days when they were all working shifts at the jewelry shop the summer before senior year. It now seemed strange to him that he had never spoken to Persephone about it. He wondered what she had done for a summer job back in Texas.

  He waited patiently as Persephone said her goodbyes to more than half the people in the crowded room. As she did so, he took some time to assess and appreciate her outfit some more. It was smashing. She hardly ever wore heels that high; this pair was suede, hunter green, and at least four inches tall. He thought about his hands moving up and down her rich brown legs. There was no way she was going to want to walk the fifteen blocks to his city apartment in those shoes. They’d have to take his car. Subconsciously, he palmed around his breast pocket for the keys.

  Vanya’s face paled when he found it empty.

  He wiped his mouth as a wave of anxiety washed through him. He’d had them when he’d locked up the car before entering the bar. He’d entered, searched for Persephone, and then found her. He was on the phone the entire time and didn’t order a drink because he had stolen her whiskey sour. There was no way he’d dropped them accidentally.

  Vanya whirled around and scanned the crowd. No one here would have had a reason to steal keys from him. He was too stealthy and the guests at this party were a little too boozed up to pull that off. Persephone noticed him scoping out the people sitting at the bar when she returned to him.

  “What’s up with the death stare?” She looked at the bar, too, seeing nothing suspicious. She wacked his arm lightly, demanding an answer when he failed to reply. She couldn’t stand to be ignored, even for a short while.

  “My keys are gone,” he answered abruptly.

  “Okay, we can retrace your steps –”

  “I already did. It’s not in any of the places where it could have been left.”

  “Okay… well, maybe you locked them in your car. We could –”

  “No, my car won’t let me lock my keys inside. Besides, I beeped the key to lock the car. If they’re in this room, which they are, we should stay here and try to find them.”

  “I mean, even if we can’t find them tonight, Finn’s crew is gonna clean this place like crazy tonight. They won’t miss them.”

  “Unless someone took them.”

  “Alright, well, I’ll start asking around. Just stay calm,” she brushed past him making her way over to the bar.

  For the next twenty minutes they searched high and low and Vanya interrogated the bartender. No amount of reasonable suggestions and soothing words from Persephone could assuage Vanya’s growing agitation. He grew more focused and snappy as each minute passed.

  Those keys weren’t the keys to his car. The car keys were still with him. The missing keys were the keys to the house, the jewel shop, and had his flash drive –

  Shit! Vanya cursed inwardly as he thought about the contents of the flash drive. It was unlikely that anyone who didn’t know what to look for would find it to be of any use, but the bank records there weren’t anything the government would look too kindly on… He actually felt ill and had to sit down to avoid succumbing to his nausea.

  Persephone came over and patted his brow. She tilted his head toward her and looked him in the eyes. “They couldn’t have gone far.”

  Vanya was still tall for her even when he was seated. When she moved her hand up to brush her fingers through his hair, she froze. Her eyes bulged with surprise, and she reached into her cleavage quickly. “Oh, my god,” she mumbled with chagrin.

  Just as quickly as it dove in, her hand emerged from her dress, tightly enfolded around itself. She slowly raised her fist and unfurled her fingers to reveal a set of four silver keys and a flash drive attached to a magnesium bar key chain.

  “I’m sorry,” she rushed.

  Vanya pursed his lips, closed his eyes, and clenched his fists. He quickly sucked in a breath. “Persephone!” he barked loudly. His cheeks were stained with red and he fought to control his puffing chest. She went visibly still at the sound of his outburst.

  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!” she sputtered. She grabbed his fists and tried to force the keys into them. “I had this surprise planned where I was going to make you come back to this hotel with me rather than go back to your place, but then I got tipsy and then I forgot I even had them and now I realize that it was a weird and stupid way to coerce you and seduce you back to the hotel. You’d have probably been more than willing to go. I took them while you were on the phone. I’m really, really sorry.”

  Vanya felt the tightness of the muscles in her hands and knew that she was truly contrite. He sighed; he’d nearly overreacted. That was something he rarely did before they were together. Why was she able to bring about those feelings in him?

  “It’s okay,” he replied, taking her hands in his. “It’s okay, and I’m sorry for almost yelling at you.”

  “It’s fine. Let’s just go.”

  “And now I’ve ruined your surprise.”

  “No! You haven’t ruined it. I shouldn’t have forgotten I had them.”

  “Heh. Yeah, you shouldn’t have.”

  Persephone rolled her eyes and then grinned. “Well, I think it will actually help out with the surprise.”


  “You’ll see; just follow me. We’re not going to the car.”

  “In those shoes?”

  “It’s not that far. Will you carry my bag, please?”

  Persephone handed him the overnight bag she had retrieved from the office and took his other hand. With that, all tension was gone. They took the elevator to the street level exit and strolled silently and gaily down the street.

  Vanya couldn’t hide his excitement from her. After every few steps he snuck a glance down at her. She was smiling openly, and he was pretty sure she was more psyched than he was. That was just the kind of person Persephone was; seeing him very happy gave her pleasure. He slipped his arm around her waist when he saw other New Year’s revelers look their way. As much as she loved pleasing him, he loved possessing her.

  They entered a boutique hotel down the block from the bar. European looking young men, dressed head to toe in black, opened the large glass doors at the entry. She led him by the hand to one of the lobby’s gilded elevators. Vanya felt hypnotized by the sway of her hips. She was really working those heels. No matter what happened after they entered their room, he decided, she was going to get fucked in those shoes.

  Once they shut the door to their suite, she turned and reached up to cover his eyes. “Stay right here, don’t move, and close your eyes. If you move or peek, the deal is off.”

  “What deal?”

  “Just do what I say,” she replied while slipping a silk sleep mask over his eyes.

  “On one condition: keep your shoes on no matter what.”

  “Done!” Persephone replied with a guffaw. “Okay, brb.”

  Vanya was glad she couldn’t see him rolling his eyes at the fact that she actually said “B-R-B” aloud. He wasn’t going to do anything that could jeopardize her good mood and this surprise. He heard her enter the suite’s bathroom and all he could hear afterward were the faint, periodic clicks of her heels on the floor’s tile. The doors and walls must have had some soundproofing. From what little he had glimpsed before being blinded, he could tell the hotel had an arabesque theme. The scenery made his time here with her even more surreal.

  It wasn’t too long before he heard the bathroom door open. Persephone was moving farther away from him rather than closer. This confused him. He’d expected her to come closer and tease him or something. As if she could sense his uncertainty, her voice stopped him before he could proceed.

  “Just stay there, it won’t be too much longer before you’re the one calling the shots,” she called out to him. He could hear that she was no
w in the bedroom, which was separated from the living area by the space in which he stood, just outside the bathroom. The rustling of sheets caught his attention and then – clanking? His interest, as well as his dick, became fully engaged. If she was doing what he thought she was doing…

  “Okay, come in!”

  Vanya wasted no time removing the mask. He darted into the bedroom to find his treat. What he saw there made him convulse. He didn’t know blood could rush to his cock that quickly, but the sight before him overwhelmed his body.

  Persephone lay on the bed with her left wrist bound to the headboard by a leather cuff. As promised, she was wearing the hunter green heels, but not much else. Seamed, sheer black stockings rose up her legs, daintily held up by silk black bows and a matching garter belt. A lacey black thong accompanied the getup. By the way a sliver of her smooth pussy lips peeked through, he suspected garment had no crotch. The lace of the thong was the same fabric as the elbow high gloves that she wore on her arms. That was it.

  There was no question that it was dirty; he liked it very much.

  “Jesus fucking Christ, I’m dreaming,” Vanya breathed out. He immediately began shrugging off his charcoal gabardine jacket. The tie, shirt, shoes, and socks couldn’t come off fast enough. His hands moved to his belt, but he decided to leave his pants on for now.

  “Vanya, potty mouth,” Persephone gasped and giggled. Her cheeks flushed. She closed her legs and brought her free arm across her bare breasts.

  “Nuh uh,” Vanya grunted, climbing on the bed, “You can’t act shy now.” He took her right arm and buckled it into the other leather cuff dangling from the headboard. His hands immediately descended to her breasts, cupping them and using his thumbs to roll her hard, chocolate nipples. “What are the rules here?”

  “Well, you can use any of the stuff laid out here within reason. You’re pretty much in charge unless one of us says we need to stop. I guess we should do like a, mmm, a safe word or something.” She struggled to remain focused as he added pinches to the ministrations on her nipples.


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