Disorder (The Stellar Series Book 2)

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Disorder (The Stellar Series Book 2) Page 8

by Rebecca Clark

  A soft hue of blue swirls behind my eyelids while the fresh cotton scent from my dress tickles my nose. Calm. The welcome sensation courses through me. I can hear the soft murmur of voices growing stronger. Then I see it. I see him. It's Kalus dancing with a little girl. She squeals in delight when he picks her up and squeezes her. They both laugh as he twirls them around the room. He's so happy.

  As quickly as it appeared, it's gone, revealing the next image. Again, it's Kalus and the little girl. This time they are whipping down a snowy hill. Both of them with wide smiles. The soft colors that whirl around them must symbolize love because I can feel both of their emotions and it's overwhelming.

  The images continue. One after another—Kalus and this little girl playing outside, inside, and driving in a car. I can't help but smile and I'm not sure why. The next image is different. It's Kalus tucking in the little girl. He appears different, almost sullen.

  "I love you, Alexa. Always remember how much I love you."

  The words are singed into my brain. He said Alexa. That's my name. I'm the little girl. Tears freely flow from my closed eyes. I watch as he tucks me into bed and stares at me from the doorway. The last image I see is Kalus and Elena in an embrace.

  My eyes flutter when he removes his fingers from my temple.

  "Dad?" I squeak.

  Tears roll down his face. "Yes, I have always loved you. You are my everything, Alexa."

  He pulls me in and ferociously hugs me. He squeezes me so tight I struggle to breathe, but I don't mind. In response I weep into his shirt. I can feel how much he loves me and it brings me right back to when I was a child. Those warm memories have kept his presence alive. They kept him moving. I understand why he left me, it was his only option, that is now clear to me.

  He pulls back and stares at me. "I've wanted to tell you since the day I left you." He continues to sob. I can see how hard this has been. "I was afraid. I'm not anymore. I will fight for you, for Miri, for our family."

  "I will, too," I quickly respond.

  "I know. You've always been stronger than me. You are a force to be reckoned with, Alexa. I'm so very proud of you."

  We both look at each other and smile.

  Finally, I feel like I'm home.

  Chapter Nine

  "You're left with a decision, and you're not sure what to do?" Kalus looks out over the water. "The fact is that you know what to do. You're afraid of what will be thought of you if you do it."

  I soak up what he's saying. It's true, disappointing Jax, Kasper, and Tam again would be awful. They'd probably never speak to me if I snuck out of Aurora again. I don't blame them either. I've put their whole existence down here in a constant state of danger. Why can't Ry do this himself?

  "Maybe that means it's not the right thing to do. If so many people will be negatively affected by my actions then how can I justify them?" My stomach flips as the worry over disappointing someone takes over.

  Kalus nods. I know he understands. "You have to ask yourself what's more important. Would you rather not disappoint the beings here in Aurora and chance their fate at a battle? Or is it best to make a move that may preserve more life yet result in some beings—possibly the ones close to you—being mad at you? These are rhetorical questions. I don't expect you to answer me. Think about it and do what your gut says."

  A giggle escapes me. "You sound like Dolon."


  "Yes, your father. He talks to me when I need help or am in some sort of situation. He says we're connected."

  I watch Kalus's face soften and his eyes light up. "That…that's amazing, Alexa. Is he talking to you now?"

  "No, he only comes out when a part of me calls him. I don't seem to have control over this part, it happens." I look over and see the disappointment in Kalus's slumped over posture. "Sorry, it's hard to explain." I look down at my hands, slightly embarrassed that I can't connect Kalus with his father on demand.

  "Don't be. I miss him dearly. I've never heard of anyone connecting to someone that is no longer living. You are quite remarkable, Alexa."

  I blush at his praise and change the subject. "I bet you do miss him. He's quite persistent and kind," I reply.

  "Yes, persistent he is. I would definitely listen to him. He was always a wise source to turn to. He died before you were born. I've always been sad at the fact he never got to meet you, but you telling me that you two speak is…I can't even tell you. The thought renders me speechless." A single tear falls from his eye.

  I squeeze his hand. "I'll tell him you miss him."

  "Thank you, Alexa," he whispers.

  A comfortable silence falls between us. A large part of me wishes this was it. Now that I'm reunited with my father and I finally get it, I wish I had more time with him.

  "We have forever, Alexa. It's time you make a decision." I forgot he can read my thoughts.

  "I've already made up my mind. I need to follow through."

  He gives me a reassuring hand squeeze and winks. "I know you have. I'm so very proud of you."

  * * *

  I leave Kalus by the falls and return to the forest on the other side of Aurora. The light above me dims. I hope he doesn't leave without me. I pick up my pace and jog through the dense forest.

  "Wait up, princess!" Ayu hollers after me.

  Great, what's he doing here? "Ayu, you shouldn't be here," I sternly respond.

  "I'm not letting you go alone. I don't trust the Triban."

  "Good thing you don't need to. I'm doing this and I'm doing it alone."

  "I can't let you." Boy he's feisty for a six-inch, green alien.

  "You can, Ayu. I'm not going to endanger you."

  "I'm going because I want to. You need someone to watch your back. The Triban is no good. I will not allow this." Persistent little bugger. He lands on my shoulder and pleads, "Please, Alexa, I'll never be able to stay here and do nothing. I'm meant to be with you. I'm your protector."

  "Protector?" I question with a disbelieving snort.

  "Okay, so I made it up. Please don't leave me here without you though," he wails.

  "Ugh, why are you making this so hard?" I playfully ask. "I guess it's okay. We must clear it with the Triban, first."

  "Fine." He jumps off my arm and flies a few feet above me. "This way." He points to the right and I follow, thinking maybe he will be helpful after all. Maybe I can sell that to Ry and he won't mind if Ayu comes with us.

  Sweat trickles down the side of my face as I scale the steep incline. I can sense the change in energy as I close in on Ry. The air is cooler here, which sends a shiver down my spine. One last big step and I enter a clearing. Ry's back is toward me but I can sense he knows I'm here.

  "Princess," he calls out without turning toward me.

  "It's Alexa. Please don't call me princess." His smug behavior irks me. I can already tell this is going to be a long trip.

  "Oh-oh, Master Ry," Ayu stutters. "I didn't realize you were the Triban here."

  I look at Ayu confused and somewhat shocked. How does he know him, or of him?

  "Why'd you bring the little green sidekick?" He hasn't even turned around to greet us.

  "He's coming with us. Or I don't go." I wasn't planning on serving him up an ultimatum, but I want him to know how serious I am.

  Ry turns around quickly and watches me with his black, ominous eyes. "It's fine."

  Wow, that was easier than I thought it would be. "Make sure he doesn't get in my way," Ry says as he heads out of the clearing toward the forest.

  Ayu speaks up before I can speak on his behalf. "Of course not, Master."

  "Wait up!" I run after him. Almost stepping on his heels, I dart off to the side of him. I comfortably match his stride with little to no effort. I can't believe how my endurance has changed. On Earth I'd be lucky to walk a mile in fifteen minutes.

  "Try and keep up, princess—I mean Alexa." A smile tugs at the corners of his mouth. He quickly hides it by turning his head away from me.

nbsp; "How do the two of you know each other?" I ask, eyeing both Ry and Ayu.

  "Princess, everyone knows of Master Ry. He comes from—"

  "That's enough, green one. She doesn't need a history lesson, nor do I." Ayu was cut off before he could finish his sentence.

  "What's the plan?" I ask, ignoring the awkwardness in the air. Ry's hands coarsely run through his hair, letting it fall behind his ears. I notice at the bottom of his right ear is a black number seven. I move my line of sight before he sees me staring.

  He swings his gaze over to me. "First we must leave Aurora and escape Pumalia with no one seeing us. There's a set of stairs this way." He motions his hand straight ahead. "When we get to Pumalia we have a short walk to a spacecraft that will take us to Mapu. You'll use your abilities and place an invisible cloak over us so we are not seen."

  I quickly ball up my hands so the trembling is less visible. My nerves are shot. I need to do this for Miri, but I'm so nervous. Looking to my right I catch Ayu staring at me with a grin. A knowing nod sends a little comfort my way. At least I have him.

  "You're not nervous, are you, Prin-Alexa?" Ry asks dryly.

  "Um, no, I'm not." I try and recover my faulty response by increasing my stride so we're neck and neck.

  "She should be," Ayu adds. "It wouldn't be natural if she wasn't."

  "Maybe she's a different kind of princess, one that can't be stopped even if it's dangerous?" Ry raises an eyebrow and shakes his head. Internally, he was definitely mulling over something.

  The forest thins and I see a tree that is unmistakably familiar. The width is remarkable and puts any other tree to shame here. Ry advances toward the tree and places his hand flat against the bark. A door is revealed, and without another word, he's disappeared into the darkness. Ayu flutters by me and moves through the opening. I hold my breath and follow right behind them.

  Chapter Ten

  Light emits through the doorway at the top of the stairs. I'm instantly drawn to the comforting warmth it gives off. We emerge onto a field of purple-stemmed flowers, the ones that have always been present in my dreams and visions with Jax. I look up and see the three moons staring back at me. The mere thought of Jax sends a stabbing pain through my chest. There's no way he'll forgive me. This is the second time I've left without telling him. I fight back the urge to cry and instead focus on Miri.

  "This way, Alexa. We need to hurry and leave Pumalia before we're seen. Remember you're still wanted here; they don't know which side you're on and this is not the time to explain your case." He reaches for my hand in an effort to hurry me. A shiver slices through me when our hands meet. A similar chill from when we first met returns.

  "Sorry, Princess. I'm a lot cooler than most." His grip tightens as he pulls me along. I imagine myself warmer and, to my surprise, I'm no longer feeling an arctic blast. Ry swings his gaze towards me and smiles. I think that means he can feel my warmth now, but I'm not sure. He's a tricky being to understand.

  We're moving fast through the field as the lavender scent swirls around in my head and tickles my nose. Every now and then Ry takes a longer stride than normal, which makes me have to do the same. I feel myself quickly tiring.

  "What are we searching for?" I ask Ry as we begin to slow.

  "Over there!" He releases my hand and draws a finger up to his lips, indicating that we must be quiet.

  Ayu flies by and scopes out the scene. As quickly as he takes off, he returns. "We can make it to the craft before the Pumalian guards arrive. Apparently, they are still after the princess."

  "Let's do it then," Ry says sharply. "Now."

  I draw in a deep breath and run behind them. Panic skirts around my already unsettled feelings, but I do my best to push it away.

  Ry scowls as he turns and looks directly past me. Wanting to know what has changed the mood I swerve my head slightly to see what could be behind me. Instantly, I trip over a rock and go flying into the air. I brace myself for impact by bringing my hands up to my face. But I never hit the ground. Ry catches me and continues running toward the spacecraft. Over his shoulder I see the Pumalians from the compound sprinting after us.

  Why does Maddox still want me? I'll prove to him I'm not the monster he fears I am. They'll see that I'm not the bad guy eventually. Maddox's insecurities over my powers have driven a wedge between Jax and the militia already. What's next?

  "Princess," Ry grunts as he runs with me. "This may be a good time to practice your power."

  Quickly, I close my eyes and imagine a barrier, an impenetrable glass wall. A few moments later Ry slows his inhuman pace and drops me. "Good work," he says, gesturing behind us.

  I turn and see the angry guards waving their guns and screaming. Even though their voices are muffled, I can easily sense their rage. "Thanks—I think."

  Ry opens the door and lets Ayu in. I'm the last to embark the odd-shaped spacecraft. It is not a typical car like the one Jax picked me up in. Nor does it resemble the saucer Makin piloted from Pumalia to Mapu. This is simply a glass box, no chairs, no dials, no nothing.

  "How do you plan on taking us anywhere in this?" I nervously watch the guards through the glass and nibble away at my thumbnail.

  "Where's your sense of adventure?" Ry throws back his head and laughs.

  "It's a glass box," I say, sounding more sure of myself. "How do you expect us to go anywhere?"

  "Ah, yes, it is a glass box. It blended in nicely, didn't it? It's a camouflage spell I've been working on. I'd say it was a success!"

  I watch intently as Ry chants a few words under his breath. Moments later the walls of the square box we are standing in start to become visible. Dials, screens, and lights of all colors are flashing. Two seats rise from the floor, and a satisfied smirk spreads across his face.

  "We are flying in this?" I ask while sizing up the small compartment.

  "Yes, this is mine. Do you have a spacecraft of your own?"

  "No, that's not what I meant. It doesn't seem very sturdy." I nervously take a seat.

  "Princess, we'll be fine." Ayu buzzes over and sits next to me. "I hate to bring this up, Triban, but the guards are lining up behind the wall and they don't appear pleased."

  Ry moves about the ship and enters codes so quickly it is hard to keep track of him. A loud noise erupts beneath my feet and the spacecraft begins to shake. Within moments we're airborne, moving so fast it is hard to remain upright.

  Pumalia is now a small, spherical object below us. The three moons lay ahead of us and to the right is Mapu. At this altitude, I'm able to survey the characteristics of both Pumalia and Mapu. It's uncanny how similar both planets look to Earth.

  "Beautiful, isn't it?" Ry's tranquil voice catches me off guard. I am so accustomed to his mocking comments and harsh tone that the calmness is a welcome change. He stares out the window to where we're headed. His messy blonde hair clouds his peripheral vision. I notice that the number seven I saw before we left Aurora has changed from black to red. Instinctively, he moves the hair from his face and I glance away before he sees me watching.

  I glance down through the glass floor. A fiery red tail that must be emitting from the engine obstructs most of the view. However, I see Pumalia and my heart aches. Leaving Jax behind in Aurora is not easy, but I have to remind myself that it's for the best. I need to find Miri. I need to help rid the galaxy of my mother so the beings can move on and live their lives.

  Ry takes a step over to me and extends a hand. He swiftly helps me to my feet and directs me to the controls. "I want to show you how to do a few things so I can rest. I haven't slept in eighty-six hours."

  I shake my head in agreement. "Okay." Our eyes lock. Helpful, who would have thought? This is a whole new side to him that I didn't know was possible.

  "It's not hard, and if you run into any issues, you can wake me. Pumalia's militia won't follow us to Mapu. They are not sanctioned to leave the planet unless there is a galaxy-sized war taking place."

  What? That never even crossed my
mind. I didn't think they could follow. Apparently I still have a lot to learn.

  "These dials on the right indicate our speed and fuel. Our speed is set, there's no messing with that. We have more than enough fuel, so that's not a concern, either. Over here we have a place where we can steer if our trajectory becomes clouded with obstacles."

  "Obstacles?" I gulp.

  I watch as his long arm reaches above his head and he flips a switch. "That's the auto-pilot. You'll be fine. I need to lie down for a bit."

  Before I can come up with a witty response, he curls his lengthy body up on the makeshift bench and closes his eyes. Ayu gazes right at me with a fake smile. I can tell he's a bit uncomfortable, as well, but there's not much we can do. He needs to rest.

  "Oh, yeah, Princess, can you wake me in an hour or so? We'll need to go over the details before landing."

  My stomach tightens as I picture Ry killing my mother. I want this ordeal to be over. I need Miri back. I need life to be restored for all. But envisioning my mother's death makes me a bit nauseous. How can I be okay with her death? That must make me a monster.

  I dutifully nod as I contemplate putting this spaceship down safely and infiltrating the castle. However, he couldn't care less. He doesn't wait for a response; instead, he turns back over with a slight smirk and makes himself comfortable.

  My hands tremble as I stare into the vast galaxy. I've never felt so small. I turn to Ayu and he too appears exhausted. I offer him the chance to rest, but he firmly states that his duty is to be with me at all times. Part of me is happy, but another part of me wants him to be well rested. I have a feeling a lot will happen—and soon.

  The low-lit cabin is oddly comforting. I sit at the controls and take a few deep breaths. Easily, I lose track of time staring out the window. My mouth hangs open in awe of what I'm seeing.


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