Disorder (The Stellar Series Book 2)

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Disorder (The Stellar Series Book 2) Page 15

by Rebecca Clark

  "What a relief, I'd hate to think of how bad it could have been if they hadn't helped us." I flash a smile and continue on to the biggest battle of my life. "Why would Maddox not support the help?"

  Sheri smirks. "I believe he's somehow connected to Makin and the Queen. No one knows for sure, though."

  Mid-stride a light blinds me. I freeze. My stomach sinks as an excruciating pain explodes in my head. I collapse on the floor, landing on Sheri's feet. I find the source, Makin. I narrow my eyes at him, "Why are you doing this?" I ask.

  He responds with a sharpened glare. Kalus is trying to reach me but Makin has him in a tight hold.

  "Alexa!" Sheri tries to help me up but I can't stand the pain, it's far too great. I sandwich my head between my hands and roll around. I try to focus and render some sort of ability to stop him but I can't. My teeth begin to chatter as my body numbs.

  "Princess, say goodbye to your dearest friend," Makin orders.

  I try to move to protect her but the agony is too debilitating. Tears stream down my face as I peer for the last time into Sheri's lavender eyes. "No, please!" I cry.

  Makin streams a light from his hand that blasts Sheri in the chest. She flies back several feet landing on her stomach. I claw at the ground trying to inch my way over to her. The pain in my skull escalates. My head feels moments away from imploding. With each minute movement I pray that Sheri is going to be okay.

  Ry appears by my side. He kneels down and places his cool hands on my forehead. The searing pain lifts. I continue to pull myself closer to Sheri. I watch Ry sprint after Makin.

  "Sheri, Sheri, wake up!" I shake her. She doesn't move. "Please, Sheri open your eyes!" I place my head on her chest feeling for a heartbeat. Nothing. I hit her chest trying to stir her looking for some sort of response. Nothing.

  She's gone.

  I rise to my feet and swipe the tears from my face. I take one last look at my best friend on the grimy floor. Time to hunt for Makin. The anger and pain of Sheri's loss ignites something scary within me. It doesn't take me long to find him. He has Ry pinned to the wall with his hand clutching his throat.

  Makin's power is coming from somewhere. I sense darkness to this other magic. It's not like before when I sensed Vella's abilities. He's so much stronger than us beings with the natural ability. I make a quick decision to draw from the buzzing I faintly hear. Not sure if this tactic will work or what the ramifications will be, but I focus on the energy. Hastily, I consume it all.

  The moment our eyes meet, he looks away, almost as if he doesn't want me to see the pain I'm causing him. I watch as Makin falls back and clutches his chest. Gradually I approach him enjoying my view of him writhing in pain on the floor. "How are you doing this?" he cries out.

  I bat my eyelashes while crouching down next to him. A cynical version of myself surfaces. I'm not in complete control. I watch myself in horror as I make him suffer. Makin chokes, struggling to breathe. Both of my hands ignite into flames. Terror etches in Makin's face right in front of me and I revel in it, enjoying every moment he fears me.

  "Enough, Alexa, this isn't you! Stop what you're doing." Jax approaches me from behind.

  "No, I will not stop until this monster is dead. He killed Sheri and other countless beings," I answer with a grin.

  "You're not a murderer. There are other ways to hold him accountable." I don't want to hear what Jax has to say. I need to end Makin now. "If you become dark like him we may not get you back, Alexa. Fight it."

  I laugh in response to Jax's plea. "Maybe darkness isn't so bad." The words came from my mouth but it wasn't me talking. I'm losing control. I flash Jax an apologetic glance and continue to taunt my prey.

  This is the darkness Ry and Ayu told me about. It seeps into beings in order to destroy everyone and everything. I've consumed this. I took it from Makin. The power feels so good though. I can't hide the smile that pulls at the corners of my mouth. Maybe mother dearest wasn't all that bad before she consumed this deadly energy.

  I imagine Makin's head in pain and within seconds he's rolling on the floor. Jax places his hand on my arm and the buzzing stops. A burning sensation runs through my body. The powerful electric current is Jax. He holds onto me tightly while the real me emerges. The relief is brief as I come out of the darkness.

  "I got you. I'll always have you," Jax whispers in my ear. I gaze into his big blue eyes. I wish I could stare into his soul forever but something won't let me. I drift away back into the darkness.

  Chapter Nineteen

  When I came to after my showdown with Makin, I was ashamed. It was a relief to hear that I didn't end his life. I did injure him but he's still breathing. Some moments I'm happy I didn't end him and there are moments where I'm angry I didn't kill him.

  It's been a few days and I'm still trying to convince myself that it was all a dream. The recollections of my memories are still spotty at best but equally as terrifying. I feel as if a hole has been cut out of my heart because Sheri's gone. She isn't coming back. That mad man, Makin, killed her right in front of me. When I think about this the anger builds deep within me and I work hard at hiding it, afraid to let it go. Afraid of what I might do.

  No words can explain the guilt I feel for her death. She was helping me and instead of killing me, like he should have, he killed my best friend. Besides her untimely death the other turmoil that swirls within me is my time spent in darkness. How I had Makin's life in my hands and how I swooned at the idea of taking his life. As much as I try, I can't shake those feelings.

  A knock at the door startles me. That's my cue. I brace myself for visitors by slapping on a fake look of contentment. "Alexa, are you awake?" Miri's hopeful voice warms me a bit. Her pleasant demeanor has always been contagious.

  "Come in," I respond as cheerfully as possible. I hate that it's not genuine.

  The door slowly swings open revealing both Miri and Vella. Side by side their likenesses are undeniable. Same eye shape and color, same hair color and skin tone. Vella's hair is a bit longer than Miri's but the texture appears identical.

  "We wanted to come check on you to see how you were feeling," Miri says with a toothy grin. "Our big sister saved us all. I always knew you'd come for me."

  "Thank you, Miri. How are you settling in Vella?" I ask.

  "I'm good," she says. Vella did look better. She isn't so thin. However, she's still a being of few words. But I have no doubt that Miri will take good care of her.

  "Alexa, are you going to stay in bed again today?" Miri looks hopeful that my answer will be different than it was yesterday or the day before. But it isn't.

  "No, I'm still not feeling well, Miri. Maybe tomorrow." I let out an exaggerated breath. "Any word on the whereabouts of the Queen?"

  "No, not yet." Miri's eyes dim at the mere mention of my mother.

  Jax enters right before she attempts to talk me out of another day in bed. Flashes of Sheri's body still haunt me as well as the look of fear in Makin's eyes as the darkness consumed me. It's only been three days since the battle but my body is still reeling from the trauma. I know all of these ailments will take time, especially the loss of Sheri. I don't think I'll ever get over that.

  "How're you feeling?" Jax brushes the stray hair from my face.

  "Not too much better that the last time you asked," I say.

  "I brought you some juice and a snack. I figured some energy might help you heal." Jax slowly pulls out a warm toasted pastry from his pocket. The smell instantly brings back memories of Elena and our normal life together.

  "How did you get this?" I ask bewildered.

  "I brought it for you," a familiar voice answers. Elena steps in the room. I open my mouth to talk but no words come out. "I wanted to check on you and I know how much you love these things. Even though it's not a great choice for breakfast."

  I can't help but giggle and cry at the same time. "I thought you might be dead because of me. I'm so happy you're okay."

  Elena sits on the edge of the bed a
nd wipes my tears away. "I'm right here and I don't plan on leaving your side, unless you want me to. But I'll never be far. I'm so proud of you, Alexa." Tears stream down Elena's face.

  "I let her die. Sheri's dead and there was nothing I could do to save her." Elena pulls me in close and lets me sob into her shirt.

  "It's not your fault, that monster was responsible. Makin will never be able to hurt another, thanks to you." Elena confirms what I already expected that he's in custody and he'll probably never see the light of day again. Semi-relieved I sit straight up and take a bite of my strawberry frosted pop tart.

  "It's still as delicious as I remember." We both laugh at the sentiment. I quickly devour my treat and drink my juice.

  Elena shares what happened to her after I escaped. She was locked up for a bit until Jax realized she was trying to save me. When Jax realized that something wasn't right he asked some of his guards to help her escape. Thankfully they agreed to help and they whisked Elena to an undisclosed location. Sheri worked hard to find her. When they finally met up they banded together to help me from afar. They were also able to get a group to follow their lead. That group helped at the compound where I almost killed Makin.

  I tell her everything that has happened at the castle under my mother's rule and how Miri and Vella are actually my half-sisters. I think she knows that already but she lets me talk. It's nice. It almost feels like the good old days.

  "Kalus wants to see you as well as some other friends. I told them to let you rest for the time being. However, it would mean a lot to Kalus if you saw him sooner rather than later. He sat vigil next to you while you were unconscious. He wouldn't let anyone near you except for Jax. He's quite protective, that father of yours." Elena smirks and pulls me in for one last hug. "I'll be down the hall if you need me. You look tired and need to rest. Jax, don't keep her too preoccupied, she needs to sleep."

  "Of course, Elena." Jax smiles. He stands as Elena rises from my bed. What manners, I think to myself. He walks her to the door and then shuts it behind her. My stomach knots with anticipation. I've missed our alone time and over the past few days when he's been with me I've either been sleeping or too tired to talk. It's exhausting trying to keep the darkness hidden within me.

  The fire in his eyes indicates that he wants to do anything but talk. My face flushes as he crawls into bed next to me. The moment our lips touch I can sense his hunger for me. The electrical charge between us warms me while making me feel alive. I close my eyes and run my hands through his hair. I inhale his scent and find comfort that his body fits perfectly around mine.

  He pulls away with a look of concern. "Am I hurting you, Alexa?"

  I can't help but giggle. "No. Definitely not hurting me."

  "Once you're properly rested I'll come back for some more, 'not hurting you' time."

  My face reddens at the thought of him coming back. It makes resting seem a bit more important. My face falls as he sits up on my bed ready to make his exit.

  "Okay, Jax. Thanks for bringing Elena back. I truly appreciate all that you've done for me and her." Jax places an ever so gentle kiss on my forehead. A tingle runs down my spine. How can he make me feel these things?

  I watch as his broad frame barely passes through the door. I pull the blankets up and get comfortable. Resting is now my top priority. I smile thinking about Jax and our connection. He seems to be the silver lining right now. My momentary escape from my mind is amazing. Everything is still so twisty and confusing.

  I close my eyes and picture Jax lying next to me. It isn't long before sleep finds me with a satisfied grin on my face.


  Hello, Alexa. Alexa, can you hear me? The deep voice taunts my unconscious state.

  I blink a few times trying to focus on my whereabouts. The last thing I recall is falling asleep after Jax and Elena visited. Now I find myself standing in a room void of light. The darkness has swallowed my whole being up and anything else around me. Frantically, I rub my eyes hoping it's my sight that's skewed and I'm not engulfed in darkness.

  "Glad you could join me," the voice mocks.

  "Who are you?"

  "I'm you." The voice echoes in my head, leaving me pulling at my ears.

  "What are you talking about?"

  "You know exactly what I'm talking about. No need to play games with me. I know you better than you know yourself. No sense in trying to deceive me."

  "I really don't know what you're talking about." My body quakes with uneasiness. I need to wake up from this horrid nightmare.

  "I'm the darkness that consumes you. You try and hide me but I'm here within you ready to rule." The maniacal laugh teases me as my head is thrown back involuntarily. My mouth opens and an eerie laugh spews out. The voice is coming from me?

  "What's happening?" I whisper, afraid of the answer I may get. Something pulls on my right arm. Still unable to see I try to pull away but can't. Then my left arm, something is attacking me. "Please leave me alone!"

  "We're merging. Finally, I'll have control over you. Makin was a poor choice for a vessel. He wasn't strong enough. But you, you're perfect. Your mother was too much work. She could never get the job done. But that's okay, all of my hard work led me to you."

  "No! Whatever this is you need to stop," I cry.

  "It's too late, dear Alexa, it's too late. You summoned me when you needed more power. I went to you. I allowed you to use me to defeat Makin. Now it's my turn to use you."

  "Alexa, are you awake?" Kalus' voice stings my ears and travels through my head.

  I spring up from bed as he opens the door. Our eyes meet and instantly I realize what happened was not a dream. I look down and notice I'm not only drenched with sweat but I have scratches all over my arms.

  "What happened to you? Who did this?" Fear creases his face. He flies around my room looking for a source of the animal-like abrasions. I know he won't find anyone. Too afraid to admit what happened I sit there in silence watching the blood drip from my arms.

  "Alexa can you hear me?" he finally asks.

  I nod my head in response, unable to say what I want to. Something is blocking the words from coming out.

  "Don't worry we'll figure this out, I promise." He gently lifts me in his arms. Hastily he whisks me away from the room as if that is going to help anything. The darkness is in me. I'm the darkness.

  I drape my arms around his neck and moan for good measure. "Please Daddy, help me," I whisper. This is going to be too easy. The smile easily slides across my face. I quickly pinch myself in order to look pained in case someone sees me.

  This is going to be fun.


  About the Author

  Rebecca Clark is a mother, wife, and science teacher. When she can steal away some quiet time, you will find her reading or following her passion—writing. She enjoys crafting young adult science fiction, fantasy and anything that involves a paranormal romance or twist. Rebecca also loves to travel and connect with her friends. This is the second book in the Stellar Series, and the third book—Duty—will be out in 2017.

  For more information contact Rebecca Clark




  [email protected]




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