An Idea Whose Time Has Come: Two Presidents, Two Parties, and the Battle for the Civil Rights Act of 1964

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An Idea Whose Time Has Come: Two Presidents, Two Parties, and the Battle for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Page 44

by Todd S. Purdum

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  The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

  Abernathy, Ralph

  Abram, Morris

  Adams, Abigail

  Adams, Sherman



  integration of University of Alabama

  protests in Selma

  violence against Freedom Riders in

  voting case in

  See also Birmingham

  Albert, Carl

  civil rights bill and

  LBJ and

  Allen, Steve

  American Communist Party

  American Nazi Party

  Americans for Democratic Action

  Anderson, Marian

  Area Redevelopment Administration

  Arends, Les


  Armwood, George

  Arvad, Inga

  Ashbrook, John

  Ashmore, Robert T.

  Atkinson, Brooks

  Auchincloss, Janet

  Baez, Joan

  Baines, Rebekah

  Baker, Howard

  Baker, Robert G.

  Baker, Russell

  Baldwin, James

  Barnett, Ross

  Bartlett, Charles

  Bartlett, E. K. (“Bob”)

  Battle, Virginia

  Bayh, Birch


  Beck, Dave

  Belafonte, Harry

  at Baldwin’s dinner

  Birmingham protesters and


  J. Richard Kennedy and

  JFK and

  March on Washington and

  Bennett, Wallace

  Berry, E. Y.

  Bevel, James

  Biemiller, Andrew

  Big Six

  Bilbo, Theodore

  Billings, Lem


  bombing of church in

  federal employment in

  Freedom Riders in

  mayoral election in 1963 in

  protests in

  Bishop, Jim

  Black, Hugo

  Black, W. E.

  Blaik, Earl “Red”

  Blue, James

  Boggs, Hale

  Bolling, Richard

  Bolton, Frances P.

er, Cory

  Booker, Simeon

  Boozer, Yolanda

  Boston Red Sox

  Boutwell, Albert

  Bradlee, Ben

  Brando, Marlon

  Braskamp, Bernard

  Britt, May

  Brooklyn Dodgers

  Brooks, Jack

  Brown, Clarence

  Brown, Jim

  Brown, Robert J.

  Brown v. Board of Education

  Brownell, Herbert

  Bruce, Preston

  Bryan, William Jennings

  Buck, Muriel

  Bunche, Ralph

  Burke, Edmund

  Busby, Horace

  Byrd, Harry F.

  LBJ and

  reaction to suit against school districts

  tax cut bill and

  Byrd, Robert

  “Calendar Wednesday”


  Campbell, Judith

  Candid Camera

  Cannon, Howard

  Caplan, Marvin

  Capone, Al

  Carroll, Diahann

  Carson, Johnny

  Carter, Cliff

  Carter, Jimmy

  Carver, Ann

  Carver, David

  Carver, Louella

  Case, Clifford

  Cater, Douglass

  Celeste, Vincent

  Celler, Emanuel

  on amendments

  background of

  civil rights bill and

  death of

  response to McCulloch’s measure

  at signing of civil rights bill

  Smith and

  Chamberlain, Neville

  Chaney, James

  “children’s crusade”

  Christianity & Crisis

  Civil Rights Act of 1875

  Civil Rights Act of 1957

  controversial sections of

  Dirksen and

  JFK and

  LBJ and

  Russell and

  Thurmond and

  Civil Rights Act of 1964

  acceptance of

  progress after

  unrest after

  civil rights bill H.R. 7152

  call for House vote on

  House amendments to

  House debate on

  House Judiciary Committee hearing

  House Judiciary Committee voting on

  House passage of

  House Rules Committee hearing

  House Rules Committee’s stalling of

  JFK and

  LBJ and

  main provisions of

  March on Washington and

  National Council of Churches and

  negative reactions to

  negotiations about


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