Wild Bastard: A Dark Sparrow Novel

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Wild Bastard: A Dark Sparrow Novel Page 20

by Kells, India

  As if on cue, his brother came into the kitchen. “I’m only apoplectic with you. Wherever you go, you eat and you put your sticky fingers everywhere. That damages the material.”

  Kai rolled his eyes. “It doesn’t damage anything. It only makes it a little dirty, but it’s still functional. Such a stuck up! Aren’t you supposed to be working on the key we put on Finch’s laptop at the office?”

  Lazarus started digging in the box, retrieving some of the Chinese food Kai had brought. “Yeah, but now I’m running an algorithm to try to bypass the security. Hacking is not my forte.”

  “Then why aren’t we using hackers? Gabrielle knows some.”

  Gabrielle started packing the materials to be used at the campaign launch into a bag. “I know two hackers who are worth it. My main man, or I should say woman, is unavailable right now, on a sensitive mission overseas. My key guy is working on the connection Isabel made with Finch’s desktop, hence Oz is here doing the leg work.”

  Kai took a box of fried rice and opened it. “And it can’t be quicker than that?”

  Putting the bags on the floor to free up some space on the table, she snatched the box from Kai and dug in. “If you want quick, you will get sloppy. The goal here is to protect Isabel’s involvement as much as possible because we still want her close to Finch until the campaign launch tomorrow night. And speaking of my friend, how is she doing?”

  The last twenty-four hours had been difficult. Hell, the last thirty-six hours had been a hellish roller-coaster ride, from the moment Isabel had disappeared from the restaurant until her bathroom door opened, revealing her beautiful tear-stained face. Then, as he held her against him he finally relaxed and thanked all the gods his grandmother had taught him about.

  Only when he’d got a grip of his own galloping heart, had he finally loosened his grip. Isabel didn’t seem to mind. Kai hadn’t let her out of his sight as they went to bed, bodies heavy with the fatigue of a sleepless night.

  “Better. I know she’s hiding how much she’s been shaken, but she underestimates her own strength. Her mind is focused on tomorrow’s event and how close we are to ending this nightmare. She’s impatient to know if her key has given us any information. I promised to call her if it did.”

  Lazarus grabbed a bottle of water and tossed one to him. “Sam is guarding her, right?”

  Kai nodded. “She’s with her mom who’s helping her out with the last details. They are at her mother’s place and they are staying there for the remainder of the evening. The area is secured, and Liam is on guard dog duty outside. Izzy stole Chewy and brought him inside, probably stuffing him with more food from the table than is good for him.”

  “That dog won’t complain. Since Zoe rescued him and Liam took him to his place, that mutt is living a royal life.”

  “You wouldn’t say royal, Gab, if you saw Liam’s flat. The benefit for Chewy is that if Liam ever forgets to feed him, he can survive on what’s on the floor.”

  Gabrielle stole Lazarus’s water bottle. “Let’s leave Chewy to his doggie paradise and focus on the task at hand. So far, apart from conjecture, we have nothing to throw off Finch’s campaign, or even better, have him arrested.”

  “We don’t know that until we crack his computers and see if there is something there.”

  The three of them pondered Kai’s words when Gabrielle’s phone went off.

  The bell was obviously a text message. As he watched, he saw disappointment, anger, and then curiosity and scheming on her face. Kai had learned that it was only when she was comfortable and trusted someone that she let her emotions show like that.

  “There is nothing on Finch’s laptop or desktop. No pictures, no videos, no nothing that may be useful as evidence.”

  Lazarus cursed and punched the nearby wall. Kai wanted to do the same, but suspected that there may be more for Gabrielle to say.

  Another phone buzzed again, this time it was Kai’s. Frustration was swamped by a wave of anticipation when he saw Isabel’s transferred email from Jenny. “It seemed that Izzy’s arch enemy has been true to her word after all. She had sent her some information. I’m transferring it to both of you now.”

  Without waiting for it, Gabrielle went to Lazarus’s high-tech computer and sat down, hitting the keyboard like a woman on a mission. “Whoa, this is a long list of clients’ code names.”

  “Well, code names without actual names or a comparative list is worth shit.” Lazarus was clearly pissed.

  “Wait a second, big guy. There is a list of real names.”

  Gabrielle’s fingers flew over the keys at an amazing speed, but it was what he saw on the screen that Kai found fascinating. “I recognize a couple of names. Influential people indeed. But it’s a long process to associate the name with the code name and prove they are active members of The Gallery. For all we know, Jenny gave us a fake list.

  “Another thing she sent us is a bookmark.”

  When Gabrielle clicked on it, a black page came up.

  “Computer trouble?” Kai leaned closer and couldn’t see anything.

  Gabrielle shook her head. “No, I’ve seen this type of page before.” She put her fingers on the side of the computer screen and started fiddling with the buttons until the black became gray and it was possible to see something. There in front of them was the name: The Gallery.”

  “Oh yeah. Gentlemen, we’ve been given a portal to The Gallery. I would bet my son and husband that those scumbags have all the pictures, videos, and more we need beyond this point. Too bad Jenny didn’t send us the access codes as an extra gift from her heart.”

  “Can your hacker get beyond that point?”

  Gabrielle leaned back looking up at Lazarus. “Not without a lot of time and the risk of raising a red flag.”

  Kai crossed his arms. “And if we send this to Liam, is there anything he can do?”

  “Not in the short term. As for the page, it’s a sketchy address. To prove anything, we need to access what is beyond that page. And time-wise, it doesn’t look good. We need more time.”

  “Why don’t we apply or find a way to enter as a member?”

  Gabrielle looked at Kai as if he had sprouted another head. “It will be tricky, especially if the members know each other well. It’s a long shot, but it is possible. We just don’t know how long it would take my guy to get in. Once we get in, we can try to hack an account or create a new one. Maybe that would warrant us access. And by us, I mean one of you guys.” Gabrielle looked at Lazarus before turning back to Kai. “And I suppose you would be the one to do it?” He nodded.

  Gabrielle took her phone and dialed her contact.

  Lazarus pulled Kai aside. “It may not be the best solution. There are a lot of blind spots and I’m not sure it can be done, let alone be useful at all. This can go any possible way. I don’t want you caught in a trap, brother.”

  Kai knew the possibilities, and even the possibility of being considered a pedophile just for being there. “If you have a better idea, I’m open to suggestions, Oz. So far, Isabel’s efforts have been in vain.”

  Lazarus nodded. “The more I think about it, the more I think it’s better to put a bullet in his head and be done with it.”

  Kai laid a hand on his shoulder. “That’s not our way, brother. And we want to pull at the root of it. If we cut off one head, another is certainly prepared to strike. If we take him down the way you had planned, we are smothering his power and that will ultimately work in our favor. We don’t want to only cut the tree, we want the roots to rot too.”

  It was obvious how much this entire thing weighed on his brother, and Kai wished for a better solution too. So far, they had all sacrificed so much without gaining enough leverage, and it had to change.

  “Let me get Liam in on the plan. We need to involve the police on this one.”

  Lazarus got his phone to call their brother, and Kai suspected that everyone else would be updated as well.

  Kai had never felt this uncomfortable and an
xious in his life, but he also knew that deep down, it was the right thing to do, even if he’d preferred facing ten terrorists without a single weapon and his hands tied behind his back.

  His fingers itched to call Isabel, to hear her voice. He also doubted he would tell her about his plan as she had enough to deal with right now. He was the one who’d convinced her to go to see her mother, not necessarily to talk about what had happened, but to have that comfort, that reassurance.

  Lazarus came back. “Liam is contacting the division in charge of the case and will call me back. Officially, he said we shouldn’t get involved. Personally, he said to name the place and time, and he will be there for the takedown.”

  Kai hoped it would be an opportunity to take down the entire organization in one sweep. But it was now a waiting game without knowing if there would be an opening at all.

  It was a risky gamble, but Kai was game.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Something was in the air, and Isabel could sense it. Not that Kai or the others were not acting according to the plan, it was more like concealed anticipation. They were planning something and not telling her about it.

  When she’d brought it up with Kai and Sam earlier that morning on their way to the office, they’d shrugged it off. And of all the days she couldn’t be distracted, it was this one. The sun had barely started pushing away the darkness when she’d met Shelby in her office to gather all they needed to bring to the venue.

  Finalizing the small details with the different vendors before the guests arrived took most of the day. Hopping around to make sure everything was perfect, she only had time to quickly glance at Kai from time to time to make sure he was still around. Sam was nearby too, disappearing from view on occasion, but always coming back.

  Finch made his appearance as the first guests and journalists started arriving. As planned, he remained in a side room. A room Isabel forced herself to enter when Shelby was able to take care of the final details and start mingling.

  He was sitting on a large chair in a corner, like the king he thought he was, his eyes on his phone. It took only half a second to notice her presence and offer her that smile she despised. “Isabel. You look like the most beautiful of vision, as always.”

  Pushing himself up, he left his phone on his seat and immediately went to her, taking her mouth in a deep kiss. The way he held her didn’t allow for any building up or sweet tenderness, only possession.

  When he ultimately allowed her to come up for air, Isabel had to remind herself to smile and touched his cheek. “You can’t think about that now. Not when you are about to step in front of a whole bunch of people and announce your intentions.”

  “All professional on me again, when the only thing I can think of is you in that torn, red dress. Do you know how incredible you looked like that, as an offering on my bed? Of course you do. You must have seen yourself so many times, but I can assure you that you look much more stunning with blond hair.”

  Time felt suspended as she tried to wrap her mind around the words he had just said and make some sense of it. “What are you talking about, Jamieson?”

  His smile turned feral, like he was closing in on his prey. “I have to admit, it took me a while to understand what was going on until I started to see minute details. Isn’t the devil in the details?”

  It was becoming more and more difficult to get hold of the fear that was freezing her body to the bone, but it may only be a way of testing her somehow. No way was she going to willingly reveal anything that may compromise the team.

  His grip on her hair tightened enough that she winced. “You’re hurting me, Jamieson.”

  “Oh my dear, you are far from hurting, I can tell you that. Since I hired you, tons of small details made me wonder if I wasn’t having a streak of bad luck, but once I linked them all together they made more sense. With what’s happened, I may have chosen you as a consultant, but I also saw the hand of my son, Lazarus. He intervened so you stayed in my path, knowing how I would react, and once the fly was on the fruit, it was only a matter of time before you put your pretty little paws on what doesn’t concern you. I found the bug you put in my office.”

  Isabel opened her mouth to deny it, but his hand went around her throat in warning to stay silent. “And I found the one you planted in my home office. Deny it all you want, but it was the same kind, and you were the only person who’d had the opportunity. I would never have found it if one of them hadn’t caused interference, initiating an alarm at the office the night you were at my apartment, interrupting our little rendezvous. Another thing that confirmed that more people were involved was what you left behind. Your broken brooch. Or should I say, your broken tracker. It seems that you are surrounded by my bastard sons, who are one by one trying to close in on me, trying to take me down. And their latest agent is a former porn star. Isn’t it brilliant? My instincts knew you were going to be a good fuck.”

  “You are delusional.” It was a weak card, but she had to try it.

  “Am I? I may have been slow to catch on, but as I’m now up to date, I intend to make the most of it. I have men keeping your little friends close, making sure they will not cause trouble. This soirée will go off without a hitch and when it’s over, you will finish what you started with me. I intend to make you crawl on your knees and weep at my feet. If you’re into it, we can even film ourselves. I wouldn’t mind you wearing that wig of yours. A splendid idea, don’t you think? After tonight, your contract changes where you become my personal fuck toy. Its a better use of your talents from what I saw on the internet, although don’t expect me to go easy on you. I’m more of a traditionalist in the genre, if you know what I mean.”

  This time, Isabel was able to tear herself away. “You can screw yourself, I’m out of here.”

  “I wouldn’t go through that door if I were you. Unless you want to lose everything you’ve worked your ass off for, so to speak. If you dare walk out, I will make damn sure I take down all your businesses, leaving your employees and your mother on the street. I will invest my money in ensuring none of them, and you, ever work in this city again, and that even returning to spreading your legs on tape is not an option. And as for my sons? Rest assured that they will have the punishment they deserve, including that bodyguard of yours and son of mine, that mongrel you care about. Be a good little girl, and I will let him live. Disobey, and live with the consequences.”

  The only thing keeping Isabel from collapsing was sheer will and fury. Her brain was desperately trying to come up with a solution when someone knocked at the door. When Shelby peeked inside, Isabel was glad that it wasn’t Kai. She needed to keep him safe and unaware until she could find an escape.

  “Sorry to interrupt, but the journalist you wanted to talk to before the announcement is here.”

  The successful and respected businessman was back. “Perfect! I will leave Isabel to prepare as she will introduce me in a couple of minutes.”

  Finch came close and kissed her before striding out of the room. Shaking inside and out, Isabel went to the small bar and poured herself a glass of hard liquor, not caring which bottle her hand grabbed. The fire going down to her stomach didn’t help much, but if it steadied her hands, she would take it.

  Focusing on breathing and drinking, her heart rate slowed enough to steady herself. She had a lot to do and not much choice for the time being. Kai and the team would start to worry if she didn’t appear soon.

  With one last gulp to finish her glass, Isabel pushed back her shoulders to get the show going when her eye caught on something. Jamieson Finch’s phone. It was on the chair, shining like a lighthouse in the dark, and it was unlocked.

  Thoughts vanished when she hid it in her hand and left the room. Isabel made sure to walk slowly and school her features because there wasn’t a lot of time before she had to act. When she crossed the venue, she saw Gabrielle relax and nod at her, and Kai analyzing her features trying to confirm she was all right. As she smiled at him, she checked if s
he could see the threat shadowing him. Had Finch bluffed or was this real?

  Standing on the side of the stage, partly hidden by the podium, she started scrolling the contents of the phone. Kai had told her on the ride there that they had found a portal to The Gallery but couldn’t access it without the codes. Isabel knew she had to find them. The surprise came when she opened the browser. It opened to The Gallery’s login page, as described by Kai, but in the username and password fields were small stars, indicating that they were prefilled. Could it really be that simple?

  When she clicked to access it, Isabel was transported in a world of horror, making it almost impossible to keep her composure. It took her a moment to realize that none of the pictures she saw showed Finch in action, and that was what she needed.

  Time was tight and Finch would soon appear for his speech. The pictures were scrolling so fast, they were becoming a blur, and it was obvious that she was getting nowhere fast. Her heart pounding hard in her throat, she minimized the site to do another search when her fingers paused over the photo app. Would it be that simple? Could Finch be that stupid? A quick look confirmed what she suspected, and her knees went weak with relief.

  People started clapping. Finch was on the move. At that moment, Isabel wanted to reach out to Gabrielle and Kai, but there was no time, and too much was on the line.

  Instead, she plugged the phone into her laptop to start sending what she had found to Gabrielle. Finch turned once more under thunderous applause before hopping on stage and taking Isabel in his arms.

  “I own your ass from now on, whore, and I’m gonna make sure you never forget it. Ever.”

  Isabel swallowed hard, and it took every ounce of courage in her not to run the other way. Instead, she forced herself to turn to the assembly and offer them her brightest smile on the podium. “Thank you for coming here today for a major announcement that will change the city of Chicago forever. You’ve known him as a successful businessman, a family man. An individual who has a deep love for the American people. His intelligence is only superseded by his compassion as he is the benefactor of many charities and non-profits around the country. From this night on, you will see the man for who he truly is as he humbly presents himself before you to be the next mayor of Chicago. Mr. Jamieson Finch.”


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