First Witch (Awakening Series Book 2)

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First Witch (Awakening Series Book 2) Page 9

by Jane Hinchey


  They'd been walking several hours when Georgia realized Zak was so far ahead she could barely see him. Melissa's pace had slowed and Georgia had unconsciously changed her gait to match her aunt’s. She looked up as Melissa stumbled, dropping to one knee before struggling to her feet again. She was clearly exhausted.

  "Stop!" Georgia placed a hand on Melissa's shoulder and the woman stopped immediately, turning a tired, sweaty face to Georgia. "You need to rest. Here, sit." She led her over to the base of a tree and helped her down. Melissa let out a long sigh, leaning back against the trunk and closing her eyes.

  "I'd kill for a drink right now," she groaned, her voice rough.

  "Wait here. I'll catch up with Zak. His GPS map thing might show us where water is. A lake or river or something."

  She left her aunt under the tree and ran after Zak. He must have heard her running footsteps for he'd stopped and was turning back.

  "Problem?" He looked as fresh as a daisy as if they hadn't spent the last four hours trudging through the wilderness. He'd removed his jacket and the black T-shirt beneath molded to his muscles. She dragged her eyes away.

  "Melissa needs to rest. And water. She needs water."

  "Ah yes, delicate humans. I'd forgotten. Here." He swung his backpack around and rummaged around in it, finally pulling out a water bottle and handing it to her.

  "You've had this all along?"

  He nodded, then handed her an energy bar. "You're welcome," he drawled.

  Frustration and anger pulsed through her, but she pushed those feelings down. Fighting with him would get her nowhere. Carrying the water and energy bar back to her aunt, she handed them over before settling at the base of her own tree, sliding her legs out in front of her and tipping her head back to look at the canopy overhead. It really was beautiful and if she'd been here under different circumstances she'd have enjoyed it. With a sigh, she cast her eyes to the man who was turning her world upside down.

  Zak had settled himself opposite her. She'd felt his eyes on her but refused to look at him. Until now. His black eyes regarded her coldly, and her breath hitched in her throat. She'd never had Zak look at her with hatred, and it stung. He's not Zak, she reminded herself. But it was his eyes looking at her, eyes that had only ever looked at her with love, lust, and amusement. Never this cold bleakness. The hurt spiraled, curling through her, forming a knot in her stomach. She was unprepared for the shredding of her heart. She jerked her head away, her pain raw, palpable.

  He cocked his head, eyes moving to the rock she was absently playing with. As tempting as it was to throw it at him, she dropped it, not missing the grin that swept across his face.

  They rested for an hour and then Zak had them on their feet and moving again. He gave Melissa another water bottle and energy bar and let her lead the way. Their pace was slow going and Georgia knew they weren't going to reach their destination as quickly as Zak would have liked. He'd consulted his map and changed course slightly and soon they came across a stream winding through the trees. It was comforting to know they had water. Zak could only fit so many bottles in his backpack.

  Georgia wanted to stop and soak her feet in the flowing water, but he pushed them on. She could feel the blisters on her feet, the moisture in her boots telling her the blisters had burst and she was most likely bleeding. She didn't complain though. She'd heal. She was more worried about Melissa, whose feet were dragging, dust puffing up as she shuffled along.

  "We need to stop for the night." She spoke over her shoulder to Zak, indicating her aunt with a nod of her head. His eyes went past her to the other woman, and he nodded grimly.

  "Stop," he called out. Melissa practically sobbed in relief, dropping to her knees, head to her chest.

  "Wait here. I'll find a suitable place to set up camp and come back for you."


  He moved with lightning speed until he was in front of her, chin held in a hard grip.

  "I mean it. Stay here. Don't think of doing anything stupid." His voice low, his words for her alone. She looked at him, incredulous. Seriously? Her aunt could barely walk. What was she going to do, leave her here with him? Never. He must have read the answer in her eyes for he let go and was gone.

  "Are you okay?" Georgia knelt in front of her aunt, eyes traveling over the sunburnt face, hair drenched with sweat.

  "I'm exhausted." Melissa laughed, shaking her head.

  "We'll set up camp and you can heal yourself, right? I don't know about you, but I've got blisters on my blisters!"

  "Yeah, pretty sure my feet are a mess. Not to mention my muscles."

  Zak returned, eyes traveling over the two exhausted women kneeling in the dirt. With a sigh, he strode forward and swept Melissa up into his arms. "Follow me." He directed Georgia. She did. He led them to a small clearing with an outcrop of rocks to one side. While they couldn't see the stream, she could hear it in the distance. She wondered why he hadn't chosen a campsite closer to the water.

  "Wild animals," he commented, easing Melissa to the ground. She hobbled over to the rocks and sat on one, untying the laces of her boots and easing them off.


  "Any wild animals in the vicinity will be attracted to the water. Best to put some distance between us and them."

  "Oh. Right." She frowned at him. "How did you know that was what I was thinking?"

  "Told you. You're an open book." Disconcerted, she frowned even harder before helping Melissa with her boots and examining the other woman's feet, which were indeed blistered and bleeding. She helped her get what she needed out of the backpack, then stood back and watched while she healed herself. Zak kept a close eye on them but didn't interfere.

  "If you want to clean up in the stream, go now, before it gets dark," he told them, gathering wood and dumping it in the middle of the clearing.

  Georgia held her aunt’s hand and together they made their way to the stream. Stripping to their underwear, they waded in, the cool water blissful on their sweaty, dusty skin. Melissa splashed around for a minute or two, then started to make her way back to the bank.

  "You're leaving already?" Georgia called after her, reluctant to leave the blissful water.

  "If I stay I think I'm going to fall asleep in there and drown. I'm beat. With all the walking and then using my magic, I'm running on empty. I'm hitting the sack."

  "Are you okay to get back by yourself?"

  "Sure. You stay, enjoy." She waved a hand, not looking back as she hobbled out of sight.

  Georgia grabbed the end of her braid and undid the hair tie holding it together. Slipping the tie over her wrist, she shook her hair loose, then dove beneath the crystal clear water, swimming out to the center of the stream where the water was deepest. Pushing to the surface, she floated on her back, watching the sunset paint the sky in stunning streaks of orange, pink and purple. It was nice to relax, even if only for a moment. All day her stomach had churned with anxiety over their situation, that and tendrils of anger that kept creeping through, but she couldn't afford to lose her cool with “Zak.” Her future depended on it.

  Speak of the devil, he appeared at the bank. She watched, treading water as he toed off his boots, his intention clear. She should get out of here. Now. His eyes never left hers as he pulled his T-shirt over his head. She gulped, her heart kicking up a notch as the fading light danced across his sculpted chest. Slowly his hands moved to the button on his jeans, flicking it open, lowering the zipper. Still, she stared.

  "Really?" he drawled, breaking the trance she'd been in. "I'm all up for it, beautiful." He slid his jeans down his legs, kicking them free. When his thumbs looped into the top of his underwear he arched a brow, as if daring her to look away.

  Oh, my God. Clamping her eyes shut she quickly turned around, breath coming in harsh gasps. She'd forgotten, in that moment, that he wasn't Zak. Again. This man who wasn't her man was doing her head in. And now she was in a potentially explosive situation with him. She hadn't looked away
, not until the very last second. She'd let her eyes drink their fill of him, rove over him, memorize each sinew of muscle, the tantalizing vee leading to his groin. Oh, God.

  She heard the splash as he entered the water. She had to get out of here. Now! Kicking her legs, she swam for the shore, half expecting it when she felt his fingers wrap around her ankle and jerk her to a halt. Her sudden halt had her sinking beneath the surface. He released his hold and she bobbed to the surface, spitting out water.

  "Are you always such a jerk?" she spat, angry at him and even angrier at her reaction to him.

  His eyes were black as they regarded her. Before she could guess his intention he clasped her head between his hands and planted his mouth on hers. Like a spark to a dry forest floor, she went up in a whoosh of flames. His hands left her head to drift across her shoulders, brush past her breasts to rest on her waist, each caress, each touch leaving a path of sizzling flesh in its wake. She groaned into his mouth, her tongue dueling with his.

  "My sweet Georgia." He groaned, dragging his mouth from hers to travel down her neck. Her legs wrapped around his waist and he cursed, his hands digging into her behind and holding her tight. She cried out in bliss when his teeth scraped across her shoulder, bucking against him as he nipped, then soothed with his tongue. She pulled him up; she wanted that mouth on hers. Now. It was hot. He was hot. She couldn't think, only feel, her tongue dancing with his, her hips rocking against him. She felt a tug as her bra gave way, then his palm cupping her breast. Unable to hold back, she arched into him, the movement lifting her upper body out of the water. Taking advantage, he dropped his mouth to her breast, sucking her nipple into his mouth, grazing the sensitive tip with his teeth. She whimpered, blood flowing hot and fast.

  "Tell me what you like," he growled against her skin.

  It was like a bucket of cold water had been dumped over her head. She stiffened in is arms; then she was pushing, struggling out of his hold, moving back, away. Her slap echoed loudly in the silence. How dare he! How dare he keep using her, using Zak’s body.

  "Do that again and you'll regret it," he warned.

  "Bite me," she spat. Turning, she waded towards the shore, her long wet hair plastered to her back, hiding her from his view. He grabbed her wrist and jerked her back, but she was ready this time. Her fist swung up, connecting with his jaw and knocking him backward. He lost his footing and fell into the water.

  "Don't fucking touch me." Her voice was ice, her body rigid with anger. She stalked away, uncaring that her bra was now floating downstream and she was wearing nothing but her knickers. She scooped up her clothes and clutched them to her chest, hurrying back to camp. Thankfully he didn't follow. She dressed in her jeans and a fresh tank top Melissa had left out for her. The sun had set and darkness obliterated the landscape, bringing with it a chill. She shrugged into her jacket, then pulled her wet hair over her shoulder, squeezing as much water out of it as she could. She settled in front of the fire, staring into the dancing flames and hating herself.

  Across from her, Melissa was out, head cradled on her backpack, curled toward the fire, breathing softly and evenly. Georgia envied her. With a sigh and a single tear tracking down her cheek, she pulled her knees up and rested her head on them.


  She must have fallen asleep. One minute she'd been in front of the fire, wet hair dripping around her, the next, dawn was streaking the sky and she was on her side, tucked up against Zak’s chest, her hair flowing out in a wave behind her, the warmth from the fire at her back.

  "I know you're awake," he murmured, yet he didn't move. Didn't hold her tighter, forcing her to stay. She had no words. Having him so near, waking up in his arms like she always did, only to remember that he wasn't Zak…it was killing her. She hurt in a million different ways and couldn't articulate a single one. Not that he'd care. He was the hunter.

  "If it's any consolation," he continued when she didn't respond, "I'm sorry. For last night. It wasn't fair and it wasn't necessary." His apology was unexpected. Sitting up, she looked at him, her dark hair a wild tangle around her shoulders. Silently he reached up and brushed it away from her face.

  "I can't keep doing this," she choked, moving out of reach, even as her body screamed at her to move closer, to lie with him again.

  "I know." His face was solemn. He meant it.

  More confused than ever, she rose to her feet, brushing the dirt from her clothes and moving to stand by the fire. When she glanced at him over her shoulder, he'd gone. Sighing, she braided her hair and took the empty water bottles down to the stream to refill them. When she returned, her aunt was awake and chatting with Zak next to the fire.

  "Zak was telling me we made good time yesterday, that we're still on track to reach Baxter today. Then we can hire a car and drive the rest of the way to Azure Falls."

  "That's excellent." She plastered a smile on her face and enthusiasm in her voice. As long as she remembered he wasn't Zak and he held everyone she loved at risk, she'd get through this.

  That night they stayed at a hotel on the outskirts of Baxter. They'd stumbled upon a walking trail late in the afternoon and following it had led to a car park, that had led to another hiker packing his gear into his car. Zak had compelled him to give them a lift.

  "I'm calling dibs on the shower!" Melissa tossed her backpack on the closest double bed and made a beeline for the door across the room. Georgia wearily stepped inside. Sinking onto the end of the bed, she let out a heartfelt sigh. She heard the shower turn on and couldn't wait for her turn. Covered in dust and sweat, her feet blistered and continually healing, she could feel the dampness of blood in her boots.

  Zak closed the door and moved to the second double bed. He'd insisted they all share a room, safer this way. Against the hunter. She'd almost snorted. Easier for him to keep an eye on her and Melissa more like it.

  "Everything okay?" he asked, watching her as she tipped her head back and looked at the ceiling.

  "Just peachy, thanks," she snapped.

  He laughed. "It'll all be over soon."

  "Great. Meaning we'll all be dead. How comforting." What a douche! She turned her head to look at him. "And what about Zak? Is he in there with you? Watching all this?"


  "What?" She shot to her feet, alarmed. She'd assumed Zak was a passenger in his own body, that he was still in there somewhere and that when the hunter vacated the premises, he'd be fine.

  "Relax. Loverboy isn't dead. But he's not aware. He's not watching all of this and desperately trying to claw his way to you, although that would be a unique and satisfying torture..." He drifted off, probably thinking of ways he could make that happen. "He's sleeping. If I decide to leave his body, he'll awaken with no memories of me and what I've been up to."

  "If you decide to leave?" Her voice rose several octaves.

  "I quite enjoy his body. It's strong. And the connection between this body and yours? It's tantalizing and addictive. Maybe I won't want to give that up." He shrugged, clearly enjoying her discomfort.

  She paced in front of the bed, agitation making her movements jerky. They both heard the shower shut off and Zak grinned at her.

  "Showtime." He winked. Reaching out, he grabbed her wrist and tugged her down onto the bed. She fell in an awkward tangle on top of him, instantly struggling to get away.

  "Keep wriggling, sweetheart." He grinned, one hand wrapping around her nape and the other clasped tightly around her waist. "It's having the desired effect."

  "Oh!" She gasped, cheeks flushing. But she stopped struggling.

  The bathroom door opened and steam billowed out. "Hey, can you toss me my bag?" Melissa appeared in the doorway with a towel wrapped around her. Then she noticed them on the bed and grinned. "Oops, never mind. I'll get it." She skipped past them to grab her bag before shutting herself back in the bathroom to get dressed.

  As soon as the door closed again Georgia pushed against Zak’s chest. "Let me up, asshole"

t." He released her, laughing again when she shot away from him like a cat on a hot tin roof to stand by the window.

  "I'm going to get some food for the human. And I guess you need to feed too?" He rose to his feet, cocking a brow at her.

  She shook her head. Not if it meant feeding on him. The truth was she was starving, that she'd barely been able to keep herself from sinking her fangs into the hiker Zak had compelled to drive them. She'd been seated behind him in the car and her eyes hadn't left the pulse in his neck. Being near her aunt was getting difficult too. The physical demands she'd put on her body today, the constant healing from the sunburn and blisters had drained her even faster. Unlike Zak, who only needed to feed every few weeks, she was a new vampire and needed blood every day.

  "Liar." He moved to the window. Reaching past her, he pulled the curtain aside to peer outside. They were on the ground floor of a budget hotel. She'd been curious as to why he hadn't sprung for somewhere nicer, but this hunter had a plan and he sure as hell wasn't going to share it with her.

  "You do know your fangs are showing, right?" he murmured, letting the curtain drop.

  "What?" Her hand flew to her mouth. Oh shit, he was right.

  "Mmmmm. They're" He kept his head close, his voice vibrating through her, making her tingle all over. "They popped out when your aunt opened the bathroom door. Must've been the scent of all her delicious blood pumping through her veins, just waiting for you to take a sip."

  "I can't feed on her," Georgia whispered, hand still covering her mouth, her words muffled. "She's not strong enough. She keeps healing herself with her magic, but she doesn't have the inner reserves to spare me her blood."

  "Guess it'll have to be me then."

  "No." Her voice was a whisper. Pleading. He moved back, watching the storm of emotions cross her face.


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