Romance of the Three Kingdoms

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Romance of the Three Kingdoms Page 36

by Guanzhong Luo

  Unto his latest breath.

  Seeing his victim had passed beyond the realm of punishment Ts’ao had the slave led in.

  “Do you know this man, Uncle?”

  “Yes,” cried Tung Ch’eng.“So the runaway slave is here; he ought to be put to death.”

  “He just told me of your treachery; he is my witness,” said Ts’ao.“Who would dare kill him?”

  “How can you, the first Minister of State, heed the unsupported tale of an absconding slave?”

  “But I have Wang and the others in prison,” said Ts’ao Ts’ao.“And how can you rebut their evidence?”

  He then called in the remainder of his followers and ordered them to search Tung Ch’eng’s bedroom. They did so and found the decree that had been given him in the girdle and the pledge signed by the conspirators.

  “You mean rat!” cried Ts’ao,“you dared do this?”

  He gave orders to arrest the whole household without exception. Then he returned to his Palace with the incriminating documents and called all his advisers together to discuss the dethronement of the Emperor and the setting up of a successor.

  Many decrees, blood written, have issued, accomplishing nothing One inscribed pledge was fraught with mountains of sorrow.

  The reader who wishes to know the fate of the Emperor must read the next chapter.



  T he last chapter closed with the discovery of the “girdle” decree and the assembly of Ts’ao Ts’ao’s advisers to consider the deposition of the Emperor Hsien. Ch’eng Yu spoke strongly against this saying,“Illustrious Sir, the means by which you impress the world and direct the government is the command of the House of Han. In these times of turmoil and rivalry among the nobles such a step as the deposition of the ruler will certainly bring about civil war and is much to be deprecated.”

  After reflection Ts’ao Ts’ao abandoned the project. But Tung Cheng’s plot was not to go unpunished. All five of the conspirators with every member of their households, seven hundred at least, were taken and put to death at one or another of the gates of the city. The people wept at such merciless and wholesale slaughter.

  A secret decree in a girdle sewn,

  In red blood written, the Emperor’s own,

  To the staunch and faithful Tung addressed,

  Who had saved him once when enemies pressed,

  And who, sore grieved at his Sovereign’s fate,

  Expressed in dreams his ceaseless hate,

  Carried misfortune and death in its train

  But glory to him who died in vain.

  Another poet wrote of the sad fate of Wang Tzu-fu and his friends:—

  Greatheartedly these signed the silken roll,

  And pledged themselves to save their King from shame.

  Alas! black death of them took heavy toll,

  To write their names upon the roll of fame.

  But the slaughter of the conspirators and their whole households did not appease the wrath of the cruel Minister. The Emperor’s Kuei-fei was a sister of Tung Ch’eng and, sword in hand, Ts’ao Ts’ao went into the palace determined to slay her also. The Emperor cherished her tenderly, the more so as she was then in the fifth month of pregnancy. That day, as they often did, the Emperor, his Consort and the Kuei-fei were sitting in their private apartments secretly talking of the decree entrusted to Tung Ch’eng and asking each other why nothing seemed to have been done. The sudden appearance of the angry Minister, armed as he was, frightened them greatly.

  “Does Your Majesty know that Tung Ch’eng conspired against me?” said he.

  “Tung Cho died long ago,” replied the Emperor.

  “Not Tung Cho; Tung Ch’eng,” roared Ts’ao.

  The Emperor’s heart trembled but he gasped out,“Really I did not know.”

  “So the cut finger and the blood written decree are all forgotten, eh?”

  The Emperor was silent. Ts’ao bade his lictors seize the Kuei-jei. The Emperor interposed asking pity for her condition.

  “If Heaven had not interposed and defeated the plot I should be a dead man. How could I leave this woman to work evil to me by and by?”

  Said the Emperor,“Immure her in one of the palaces till her confinement. Do not harm her now.”

  “Do you wish me to spare her offspring to avenge the mother?” said Ts’ao.

  “I pray that my body may be spared mutilation and not put to shame,” said Tung Kuei-jei.

  Ts’ao bade his men show her the white silk cord. The Emperor wept bitterly.

  “Do not hate me in the realms below the Nine Springs,” said the Emperor to her.

  His tears fell like rain. The Empress Fu also joined in the lament, but Ts’ao said,“You are behaving like a lot of children,” and told the lictors to take her away and strangle her in the courtyard.

  In vain had the fair girl found favour in the sight of her lord,

  She died, and the fruit of her womb perished.

  Stern and calm her lord sat, powerless to save,

  Hiding his face while tears gushed forth.

  When leaving the palace Ts’ao gave strict orders to the keepers saying “Any one of the Imperial relatives by marriage who enter the Palace will be put to death, and the guards will share the same punishment for lack of zeal.”

  To make more sure he appointed three companies of Imperial Guards from his own men and appointed Ts’ao Hung to the command.

  Then said Ts’ao to his counsellor, Ch’eng Yu,“The conspirators in the capital have been removed, it is true, but there are yet two others, Ma T’eng and Liu Pei. These must not be left.”

  Ch’eng Yu replied,“Ma T’eng is strong in the west and would not be easily captured. He might be enticed to the capital by suave words and kindly praises, when he would be at your mercy. The other is at Hsuchou, strongly posted, and not to be lightly attacked. More than this, Yuan Shao is at Kuantu and his one desire is to attack you. Any attempt on the east will send Liu Pei to him for help and he will come here at once. Then what will you do?”

  “You are at fault,” replied Ts’ao Ts’ao.“Lu Pei is a bold warrior and if we wait till he is fully fledged and winged, he will be more difficult to deal with. Shao may be strong but he is not to be feared. He is too undecided to act.”

  As they were discussing these things Kuo Chia came in and Ts’ao Ts’ao suddenly referred the matter to him.

  “If I attack Liu Pei, then Yuan Shao is to be feared: what do you think of it?”

  “Shao by nature is dilatory and hesitating and his various advisers are jealous of each other. He is not to be feared. Liu Pei is getting together a new army and has not yet won their hearts. You could settle the east in one battle.”

  This advice being in harmony with Ts’ao Ts’ao’s own opinion was pleasing to him and he prepared an army of twenty legions, to move in five divisions against Hsuchou.

  Scouts took the news of these preparations to Hsuchou. Sun Ch’ien first went to Hsiap’i to tell Kuan Yu and then went to Hsiaop’ei to tell Yuan-te. The two discussed the position and decided that help must be sought. So letters were written to Yuan Shao and given to Sun Ch’ien, who went north, sought T’ien Feng and asked him to take him into the presence of Yuan Shao. He was introduced and presented his letters.

  But Yuan Shao was of melancholy countenance and his dress was all awry. T’ien Feng said,“Why this disarray, my lord?”

  “I am about to die,” replied Shao.

  “But why do you utter such words?”

  “I have five sons, but only the youngest is clever enough to understand my ideas. Now he is suffering from a disease which places his life in jeopardy. Think you that I have any heart to talk over any other affairs?”

  “But,” said T’ien Feng,“the present combination of circumstances is unparalleled. Ts’ao Ts’ao is going to attack the east and Hsuch’ang will be empty. You can enter it with a few volunteers and so perform good
service to the Emperor and save the people from sorrow. You have only to make up your mind to act.”

  “I know the chance is excellent but I am worried and distressed and fear failure.”

  “What are you distressed about?” said Feng.

  “Among my sons only this special one is remarkable and if anything happens I am done.”

  Thus it became evident that no army would be despatched. In confirmation of this Yuan said to Sun Ch’ien,“Go home and tell Yuan-te the real reason and say that if anything untoward happen he can come over to me and I will find some means of helping him.”

  T’ien Feng struck the ground with his staff.“It is such a pity!” cried he.“Just as an unique opportunity presents itself everything is spoiled by the illness of a child.”

  He went out. Sun Ch’ien saw that no help could be hoped for and set out to return. When he had arrived and related what he had seen Yuan-te was quite alarmed and asked what could be done.

  “Do not be troubled, brother,” said Chang Fei.“We can destroy Ts’ao Ts’ao merely by a sudden attack before his army shall have time to camp.”

  “That would be according to the rules of war,” said Yuan-te.“You have always been a bold warrior and that move against Liu Tai shows that you are becoming a strategist too.”

  So he gave his younger brother command of enough men to carry out his plan.

  Now while Ts’ao Ts’ao was in the midst of his march toward Hsiaop’ei a tornado sprang up and the howling gale tore down one of the banners and broke the staff. Ts’ao Ts’ao called together his advisers arid leaders to ask them what this portended. Hsun Yu said,“From what direction was the wind at the time and what was the colour of the flag?”

  “The wind was from the southeast and the flag was blue and red.”

  “There is only one interpretation; there will be a raid on the camp tonight.”

  Ts’ao nodded. At that moment Mao Chih entered and reported a similar incident. Ts’ao asked him the portent.

  “My foolishness tells me that it means a night raid,” replied he.

  Alas for the weakness of this descendant of kings!

  He placed his faith on a night raid,

  But the broken staff of a banner warned his enemy.

  Why should the ancient of days favour the wicked?

  “This is evidently providence,” said Ts’ao Ts’ao and he began to make preparations. He told off nine bodies of men to take stations, leaving only one of them as if camped while he placed the others in ambush at eight points.

  There was but little moonlight as Yuan-te and Chang Fei marched their respective armies toward Ts’ao Ts’ao’s camp. They had left Sun Ch’ien to guard Hsiaop’ei. Chang Fei, since he was the originator of the stratagem, led the way with some light horse. As they drew near everything seemed very quiet and no one seemed moving. Then suddenly lights flashed out all about them and Chang Fei saw he had fallen into a trap. At once from all the eight directions came out the ambushed troops.

  Chang Fei, dashing this way and rushing that, guarding his van and protecting his rear, vainly tried to clear himself. The soldiers he had, being originally Ts’ao Ts’ao’s men, soon gave in and returned to their old leader. The position became very desperate.

  Chang Fei met Hsu Huang and engaged him but his rear was also attacked by Yo Chin. At length he cut his own way out and with a half score of his men started to return to Hsiaop’ei. The retreat was cut off. He thought to make for Hsuchou but felt certain that way was also barred. No other way seemed open and so he made for the Mangyang Hills.

  As Yuan-te drew near the camp he intended to attack he heard the din of battle. Then he was attacked in the rear and very soon had lost half his force. Next Hsiahou Tun came to attack. Thereupon Yuan-te bolted. He was pursued by Hsiahou Yuan. Presently he looked about him and found he had less than half a hundred men following him. He set his face in the direction of Hsiaop’ei.

  But before long he saw that place was in flames. So he changed his plan and went toward Hsiap’i. However he found the whole countryside full of the enemy and he could not get through. So he bethought himself of the promise of Yuan Shao, that he would find refuge if things went agley, and determined to go to him till he could form some other plan. Wherefore he took the Ch’ingchou road. But it also was blocked and he went into the open country and made his way north, not without being pursued and losing the remainder of his few followers.

  He hastened toward Ch’ingchou, travelling three hundred li a day. When he reached the city and summoned the gate the guards asked who he was and they told the governor, who was Yuan Shao’s eldest son, Tan. Yuan Tan was greatly surprised, but he opened the gates and went to meet Yuan-te, whom he treated with due consideration.

  Liu Pei told the story of his defeat and said he wished for harbour. He was given suitable quarters and hospitably entertained, while the young man wrote to inform his father. Then he provided an escort and sent Yuan-te on his journey as far as the boundary of P’ingyuan.

  At Yehchun he was met by Yuan Shao in person, with a great escort. Yuan-te made a humble obeisance which Yuan Shao hastened to return and said,“I have been very distressed that, on account of my son’s illness, I did not come to your aid. It is great joy to see you; the one desire of my life is satisfied.”

  Yuan-te replied,“The poor Liu Pei you see here has long desired to take refuge with you, but fate has hitherto denied him that privilege. Now, attacked by Ts’ao Ts’ao, my family lost, I remembered that you, General, would receive gentlemen from all sides. Wherefore I put my pride in my pocket. I trust that I may be found worthy and one day I will prove my gratitude.”

  Yuan Shao received him with much pleasure and treated him exceedingly well. And they both lived in Ch’ichou.

  After the capture of Hsiaop’ei, Ts’ao Ts’ao pressed on toward Hsuchou, which, after a short defence and the flight of the defenders, was surrendered by Ch’en Teng. Ts’ao Ts’ao led his army into the city, restored order and pacified the people. Next he wanted to press on to Hsiap’i, where Kuan Yu was holding out and keeping guard of Liu Pei’s family.

  Hsun Yu said,“Kuan Yu is there, in charge of his brother’s family, and he will defend the city to the last. If you do not take it quickly Yuan Shao will get it.”

  “I have always loved Kuan Yu, both for his warlike abilities and his intelligence. I would engage him to enter my service. I would rather send some one to talk him into surrender.”

  “He will not do that,” said Kuo Chia; “his sense of right is too solid. I fear any one who went to speak with him would suffer.”

  Then suddenly a man stepped out, saying,“I know him slightly and I will go.”

  The speaker was Chang Liao. Hsun Yu looked at him and said,“Though you are an old acquaintance I do not think you are equal to talking over Kuan Yu. But I have a scheme that will so entangle him that he will have no alternative; he will have to enter the service of the Minister.”

  They set the fatal spring beside the lordly tiger’s trail,

  They hide the hook with fragrant bait to catch the mighty whale.

  How Kuan Yu was to be entrapped will be told in the next chapter.



  T he plan to seduce Kuan Yu from allegiance to his brothers was now announced by its proposer. Since Kuan was far braver than ordinary men he could only be overreached by superior cunning. So it was proposed to send some of his soldiers who had lately been of Liu Pei’s army into Hsiap’i, where they would say they had come back. They would thus be allies on the inside. Then an attack and a feigned defeat would entice Kuan to a distance from the city. And his return road would be cut.

  Ts’ao Ts’ao accepted the scheme and a few score of the men who had lately been in Hsuchou were sent to the city. The commander believed the story they told and trusted them. So they were suffered to remain.

  After this part of the
game had been played, Hsiahou Tun led forward five companies against the city. At first Kuan Yu would not accept the challenge, but provoked by men sent to hurl insults at him from the foot of the wall, his wrath got the better of him and he moved out with three companies. After the leaders had exchanged a half score bouts Tun made to run away. Kuan Yu pursued. Tun stopped and made a stand; then he fled again. Thus alternately fighting and retiring, he enticed Kuan Yu twenty li from the city. Then Kuan suddenly remembering the risk to the city drew off his men to return homeward.

  Soon, at the sound of a signal bomb, out moved two bodies of men who barred his way. Kuan Yu hastened along a road that seemed to offer retreat, but from both sides his ambushed enemies shot their crossbows and the arrows flew like locusts on the wing. No way past was found and he turned back. Then both bodies joined in attacking him. He drove them off and got into the road to his own city, but soon Hsiahou Tun came up again and attacked fiercely as before. Evening came and still Kuan was hemmed in, so he went up on a low hill upon which he encamped for a rest.

  He was surrounded on all sides by enemies. By and by, looking toward his city, he saw the glow of fire. It meant that the traitors, who had come in to surrender, had opened the gate and the enemy had gone in force. They had made the fires in order to perplex and distress Kuan Yu and indeed the sight saddened him.

  In the night he made efforts to escape from the hill, but every attempt was cheeked by flights of arrows. At daybreak he prepared for one more effort, but before moving he saw a horseman riding up at full speed and presently discerned Chang Liao. When within speaking distance, Kuan Yu said,“Are you come to fight me, Wenyuan?”

  “No,” replied Chang Liao.“I am come to see you because of our old friendship.”

  Wherefore he threw aside his sword, dismounted and came forward saluting. And the two sat down.

  “Then naturally you have come to talk me over,” said Kuan Yu.

  “Not so,” said Chang Liao.“Sometime ago you saved me; can I help saving you?”

  “Then you desire to help me.”

  “Not exactly that,” replied Chang.


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