Romance of the Three Kingdoms

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Romance of the Three Kingdoms Page 86

by Guanzhong Luo

  “I am deeply grateful that you think so well of me. But the Prefect being a member of the family, I should lay myself open to general execration were I to attack him.”

  “When a hero finds himself in the world, his duty is to work out his destiny, to exert himself and perform his task as best as he can, to press forward among the foremost. At the moment the position is that, if you fail to seize this opportunity, some other will take possession and you will regret when too late.”

  “And I have heard much of the difficult nature of the country, its many high mountains and numerous streams, and its narrow roads. How could such a country be invaded?”

  Then Chang Sung drew the map from his sleeve.“I am so deeply affected by your virtue that I offer you this map of the country, whereby its roads and rivers may be known.”

  Yuan-te unrolled the map; it was covered with notes, on the lie of the land, lengths and widths, and such matters. Strategical points on rivers and hills were shown, and storehouses and granaries and treasuries. Everything was plainly stated.

  Chang Sung went on,“Sir, you can prepare your plans promptly. I have two friends who will certainly help you. And when they come to see you, you may be perfectly frank with them. Their names are Fa Cheng and Meng Ta.”

  Yuan-te thanked him with joined hands. Said he,“As the blue mountains grow not old and the green waters always remain, so shall I never forget. And when I shall have accomplished my task you shall have no mean reward.”

  “I look for no reward. Having met with an enlightened lord I felt compelled to unbosom myself to him.”

  Chang Sung left soon after and Kuan Yu escorted him for a long distance.

  After arrival in Ichou, Chang Sung lost no time in sending for his friends, Fa Cheng and Meng Ta. The former was the first to come and he was told of Ts’ao Ts’ao’s arrogance and haughtiness toward men of parts.“As for the man himself,” said he,“he is a man to grieve with but not a man to rejoice with. I have promised Ichou to Liu Pei, the Imperial Uncle, and I want your especial advice and assistance.”

  “I think Liu Chang incapable,” said Fa Cheng,“and I have felt drawn to Liu Pei for some time past. So we are in sympathy here.”

  Shortly after Meng Ta arrived. Meng Ta and Fa Cheng were fellow townsmen. When Meng Ta entered the room and saw the other two in earnest and secret conversation, he said,“I know what you two are about; you are scheming to hand over Ichou to somebody.”

  “It is really so; you have guessed right,” said Chang Sung.“But to whom ought it to go?”

  “There is but one, Liu Pei, said Meng Ta.

  All three clapped their hands and laughed.

  Then said Fa Cheng to Chang Sung,“You will see our lord tomorrow; what about that?”

  “I shall recommend that you two be sent to Chingchou on a mission.”

  They thought that a suitable scheme. And when the lately arrived messenger saw his master and was asked how he had fared, Chang Sung said,“Ts’ao Ts’ao is a rebel who desires to get the whole country into his hands. I need hardly tell you that. But he also hankers after this district.”

  “Then what will become of us?” said Liu Chang.

  “I have a plan to check both our enemies. Liu, the Imperial Uncle, now in Chingchou, is a relative of yours and he is generous and well disposed. This is a matter of common knowledge. Ts’ao Ts’ao was simply overwhelmed at the result of the battle at Red Wall and Chang Lu more so. Now my plan is that you ally yourself with your distinguished relative against Ts’ao Ts’ao and Chang Lu.”

  “I have been thinking thus for a long-time, can you recommend a suitable emissary?”

  “The only ones are Fa Cheng and Meng Ta.”

  These two were summoned and, meanwhile, a letter was prepared. Fa Cheng was to proceed as emissary to open up friendly relations and Meng Ta would follow in due course with an army to welcome Liu Pei into the west country.

  While still discussing the details of the policy, a person forced his way in, his face all running with sweat, and cried out,“My lord; your land will be lost to you and pass to another if you listen to Chang Sung.”

  Chang Sung turned a startled look on the intruder, who was a certain Huang Ch’uan of Hsiliang, an accountant in the Prefect’s Palace.

  The Prefect said,“Why do you use such language? Yuan-te is of my family and so I am seeking his support.”

  Said Huang Ch’uan,“I know all about him; he is liberal-minded to gain people to his side and his softness can overcome the hardest. He is bolder than any other. He gains men’s hearts from afar off and those near him look up to him. He also has the wisest advisers and the boldest warriors. But if you call him here as a soldier, think you that he will be content to remain in a lowly condition? And if you treat him as an honoured guest, can a State stand two rulers? Hear me, my lord, and you stand secure as Mount T’ai, be deaf to my words and your position is as precarious as a pile of eggs. This Chang Sung has lately come home through Chingchou where he has certainly been plotting with Liu Pei. Slay this man, and make an end of Liu Pei. That will be for the happiness of this land.”

  “But how else am I to fend off my two enemies?”

  “Fortify your country; dig out your moats and raise your ramparts. Then you can wait on events.”

  “If these rebels invade this land the position will be critical, as when fire singes one’s eyebrows. It is idle talk to tell me to wait on events.”

  No notice was taken of Huang Ch’uan, and Fa Cheng was about to set out when another interfered, crying,“No, No.” This was a secretary, Wang Lei.

  With bowed head Wang Lei stood and said,“My lord will bring misfortune upon himself if he listens to this Chang Sung.”

  “Not so; I make an alliance with Liu Yuan-te in order to withstand Chang Lu.”

  “A Chang Lu invasion would be but a skin disease. Liu Pei’s entry into this country would be a mortal malady. Liu Pei is an unscrupulous bravo; he was once in Ts’ao Ts’ao’s service and plotted against him. Then he hung on to Sun Ch’uan and seized Chingchou. This shows his character and his designs. Think you that you two can dwell together? If you invite him, then Hsich’uan is lost.”

  “No more wild talk!” cried Liu Chang angrily.“Yuan-te is of my clan and family and will not ravish me of my possessions.”

  He bade the lictors escort both men outside and ordered Fa Cheng to set out. So he did, and before long came to Chingchou. When the salutations were over he presented his letter, which Yuan-te opened and read.

  “I, Liu Chang, a younger brother of our family, now write to General Liu Yuan-te. From my humble place long have I gazed in your direction, but the roads of Shu are precipitous and I have failed to send my tribute. This is to my shame. The victims of misfortune aid each other and those in trouble support each other. If friends act thus, how much more should members of the same family? Now Chang Lu is mustering an army of invasion on my northern frontier, much to the injury of my tranquillity. Wherefore I send this letter that you may know of my distress and if you remember the kindly bonds of family and will play a brotherly part and lead your armies to destroy these ruffians, you will be my eternal protector and I shall be ever grateful. This letter leaves much unsaid, but I await your coming.”

  This letter greatly pleased Yuan-te. He made a banquet for the bearer thereof, and when they had mellowed themselves with wine, he dismissed the attendants and spoke to Fa Cheng in confidence.

  “Friend, I have long admired you, and Chang Sung extolled your virtues. I shall always feel grateful for this opportunity of hearing you.”

  Fa Cheng bowed.“That is too great praise for a humble emissary from Shu. But they say that horses always neighed in recognition of Po Lo, the supreme judge of horses, and when a man has found his lord he dies for him. Have you thought further of Chang Sung’s proposals, General?”

  “I have always been a wanderer, often in suffering and sorrow. I have often thought of the wren for even that tiny bird has a twig to rest on; and
of the cunning hare, that secures safety with three openings to its burrow. Does not a man need at least a shelter? Your land of Shu is fertile and a temptation, but its ruler is of my family and I cannot plot against him.”

  “Yes; Ichou is a very paradise. But without a ruler it cannot exist. Liu Chang knows not how to use the wise man and his heritage must speedily pass to another. Today it is offered to your hands and you must not miss the opportunity. You know the saying, that the leader in the hunt gets the quarry. If you will only consent, I will serve you to the death.”

  Yuan-te signified his gratitude. Said he,“Let me reflect for a time and take advice.”

  The banquet terminated and the guest left. K’ungming conducted Fa Cheng to his lodging while his master sat thinking. Then P’ang T’ung said,“You must decide; not to decide is foolish. You are of high intelligence, my lord, and why do you hesitate?”

  “What should my reply be?” asked Yuan-te.

  “You know these surroundings and with them you cannot attain your ends. Now before you lies a populous, fertile and rich land, a base with the greatest possibilities. You have the promise of assistance from two men within and it seems like a gift of providence. Why hesitate?”

  “Now there are two men in the world as mutually antagonistic as fire and water. My opposite is Ts’ao Ts’ao. He is impetuous and I am long suffering; he is cruel and I am humane, he feigns, while I am true. In all particulars I act the direct contrary to him. I refuse to risk the loss of the confidence and trust of the world for a trifling advantage.”

  P’ang T’ung smiled at these sentiments.“My lord’s words are quite in accord with abstract rectitude, but such ideas scarcely suit the days of rebellion. There are other ways of fighting than with warlike weapons, but to adhere too obstinately to the idea of abstract rectitude is to do nothing. One must be an opportunist, annex the weak and attack the wilfully deluded: seize the recalcitrant and protect the docile. These were the teachings of T’ang and Wu. If after the settlement you reward with righteousness and make of the land a great country, will you be guilty of a breach of trust? Remember if you do not take it now another will.

  Yuan-te, a prey to confused emotions, replied,“These words are as jewels, they should be engraven on my very heart.”

  Thereupon he summoned K’ungming to settle the details of an army to march west.

  K’ungming said,“This is an important place and must be well defended.”

  Liu Pei replied,“I, P’ang Tung and my two captains Huang Chung and Wei Yen will go into Hsich’uan; you and our three best captains, my two brothers and Chao Tzu-lung, can defend Chingchou.”

  Kuan Yu was told off for Hsiangyang and the narrow pass of Ch’ingni, Chang Fei went along the river and Chao Yun camped at Chiangling. For the march westward, Huang Chung led the van, Wei Yen had the rearguard, while Yuan-te moved in the centre. P’ang T’ung was commander of the whole army.

  Just as the five legions were starting there came Liao Hua to surrender, he and his men were attached to Kuan Yu.

  It was in the winter that the expedition started. Soon they met the force under Meng Ta, five companies, to act as escort into Ichou. Liu Pei informed Liu Chang that he had started and the latter sent orders to the districts along the road to entertain them well on the march.

  The Prefect proposed to go out in person to welcome Liu Pei and ordered carriages to be prepared and tents and banners. All the escort were dressed in glittering armour. At this the accountant, Huang Ch’un, the sturdy opponent of the invitation to Liu Pei, again remonstrated.

  “My lord, if you go out you will be exposed to danger. I have been in your service for many years and I would prevent you from being the victim of another’s wiles. I pray you reflect.”

  Chang Sung said,“His words are those of one who would sow discord in a family and encourage the power of the robbers who threaten you. Assuredly such action is to your detriment.”

  Liu Chang then spoke angrily to Huang Ch’uan saying,“I have decided, and why do you oppose me?”

  The objector bowed his head and wept. Then approaching nearer he seized hold of the Prefect’s robe with his teeth to hinder him. Liu Chang angrily shook his robe and rose from his seat, but Huang Ch’uan still held on till two of his teeth fell out. Then the lictors forced him away and he retired, still crying.

  As Liu Chang was starting another man cried,“My lord, do you neglect the loyal words of your faithful Huang Ch’uan to go to your death?”

  And he threw himself prostrate at the steps in remonstrance. He was one, Li K’uei, of Chienning.

  “The prince may have Ministers who remonstrate with him and the father may have sons who oppose,” said he. Huang Ch’uan has spoken faithfully and you ought to listen. To let Liu Pei into this land is to welcome the tiger into your gates.”

  “Yuan-te is my brother and will not harm me,” said the Prefect.“And any other who shall oppose me shall suffer death.”

  So Li K’uei was thrust out.

  “The officers of Shu regard the safety of their families and no longer render you service. The captains are arrogant and each has some scheme of his own to further. If you do not get Liu Pei to oppose the enemy without and your own people oppose you within, surely you are on the road to ruin.”

  So spoke Chang Sung and the Prefect replied that he knew the plan was for his advantage. Whereupon he mounted his horse to ride out to Elm Tree Bridge.

  Then it was reported to him that Wang Lei had suspended himself, head downwards, at the city gate. In one hand he held a written remonstrance and in the other a knife.“And he says that if you heed him not he will cut the rope and die at your feet,” concluded the messenger.

  Liu Chang went to the gate, took the writing and read:— “Good medicine is bitter in the mouth but good for the disease; faithful words offend the ear but are good for the conduct. Of old the king of Ch’u listened not to Ch’u Yuan, but attended the meeting at Wukuan and was captured. Sir, you are thoughtlessly leaving your place to go to welcome Liu Pei, but I fear there is a way out and none in. Could you but behead Chang Sung in the market-place and have nothing to do with this league with Liu Pei, it would be for the happiness of old and young, and assure the safety of yourself.”

  Anger rose in his breast as he read.

  “Why do you insult me when I go to meet a kindly man? I feel as if I were about to enjoy the delight of seeing a brother?”

  At this Wang Lei gave a great cry, severed the rope and fell to the ground battered and dead.

  Head downwards at the city gate one hung,

  A last remonstrance in his outstretched hand,

  Resolved that, were his words rejected, he

  Would not survive defeat. Sincere was he

  Who, desperate, held to Liu Chang’s silken robe

  Until his broken teeth released their grip.

  Sincere indeed, but how can he compare

  With stern Wang Lei, who went to awful death?

  Liu Chang with a great company went out to welcome his clansman and there followed many waggons laden with supplies and rich stuffs.

  Liu Pei’s advanced guard had arrived at Shuchu. During the march the people had brought presents, and Liu Pei had given an order to pay for everything, under penalty of death for disobedience. Thus no one suffered and the people came out in trusting crowds to watch the soldiers marching by and welcome them in every way. Liu Pei soothed them with very gracious words.

  Then Fa Cheng secretly showed P’ang T’ung a letter from Chang Sung advocating the assassination of Liu Chang near the place of welcome.

  P’ang T’ung said,“Say nothing about this; after the two Lius have met there may be opportunities but this is too early to talk. Any plot would leak out.”

  So nothing was said. Fouch’eng, where the meeting was to take place, is three hundred and sixty li from Ch’engtu. Liu Chang arrived first and sent messengers to welcome Liu Pei. The two armies camped on the bank of the Fou River. Liu Pei went into the city
to see the Prefect and they met cordially as brothers should. Both shed a few tears, and by and bye they began a heart-to-heart talk. Then followed a banquet and after this each returned to his own camp.

  The Prefect said,“How ridiculous have been proved the fears of Huang Ch’uan and Wang Lei! They do not understand the force of family affection. I see he is really a kindly and noble man, and with him as a support I shall fear neither Ts’ao nor Chang. And I owe all this to Chang Sung.”

  To show his gratitude he took off the green silken robe he wore and sent it as a gift to Chang Sung, together with five hundred liant) of gold.

  However, some of his officers were not so content and a group of them bade him beware.

  “Do not rejoice too soon, O Master,” said they,“for Liu Pei is hard enough within in spite of his mild exterior. You have not sounded him yet and should be on your guard.”

  “You are all too anxious,” said he, laughing,“my brother is no double-dealer, I am sure.”

  When Liu Pei had returned to his own tent, P’ang T’ung came in to ask what impression he had of his host of that day.

  He seems a very honest man,” said Liu Pei.

  “He is good enough, but some of his servants are discontented at this turn of affairs and I would not guarantee there will be no murders. If you took my advice you would have Liu Chang assassinated at the return banquet. A hundred ruffians behind the arras, a signal from you, and the deed would be accomplished. All that would be needed then would be a rush on the capital. No sword need be drawn, no arrow fitted to the string.”

  “He is a brother of my house and has treated me with sincerity. I am a newcomer and so far unknown in this land. Such a deed would be abhorrent to all the world and these people would resent it. I will not establish myself by such means.”


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