Masque: A Hellfire Club Erotique

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Masque: A Hellfire Club Erotique Page 4

by Reed, Kristabel

“Louise left this for me,” she said. Her voice was heavy, confused. “She’s arranged for my marriage to an English earl once we arrive in London.”

  Her words took him by surprise and he glanced at the letter. Quickly reading it, Sebastian felt an unusual tension surge through him. True, he’d just met her today, but Louise’s last letter, her instructions to her niece, didn’t sit well with him. Reading it again, Sebastian tried to shake the tension, but his muscles bunched at Louise’s carefully written words, his jaw clenched.

  Julien eyed him, and Sebastian knew the other man picked up on his soured mood. The damn man knew him entirely too well.

  “I’m surprised,” Sebastian said, folding the letter and handing it back to Olivia, “Louise betrothed you without your knowledge. She was very much against loveless marriages.”

  “I’m sure,” Julien interrupted, “Louise only wanted to secure your future in these uncertain times.”

  Sebastian heard the sharp tone beneath his words, a warning to keep his thoughts to himself. There was another tone there, one he couldn’t quite place. But Julien addressed Olivia, all reassuring smiles and gentle caresses of her hand.

  Julien kissed the back of Olivia’s hand and ushered him out. He closed the door behind him with a decisive click. No one would bother her, not now that Sebastian made sure word had spread that she fell under his, and Julien’s, protection. But she was new, and new blood, especially one as beautiful and innocent as Olivia, always enticed.

  “There was more to that than simple disapproval of a loveless marriage,” Julien remarked. Once again Sebastian cursed his observation skills. Damn man never missed anything.

  “She’s just as beautiful as her aunt,” Sebastian said quietly. Turning to him he shot back, “And I’ve seen the interest in your eye as well.”

  Julien offered a wicked smile, his low laugh seductive.

  * * * *

  Hours had passed since Sebastian and Julien left, but Olivia couldn’t sleep. Everything in this room reminded her of Louise, and her new guardians confused her. She’d been through the room twice now, but found no more letters from her aunt. Nor had she discovered any more about the Hellfire Club or Sebastian or Julien.

  Not that she expected a book on the history of the Club but it would have been nice.

  Louise had kept the room traditionally hers, very Reynard in décor. She recognized several pieces from their old chateau. But none of it held the personal touch Olivia craved of her aunt, now that she was gone.

  Wandering the room, circling it, she focused instead on the two men Louise had entrusted her to. What had Louise been thinking when she chose them? Were they simply to escort her to the Earl of Aycliff in London? Ensure her safety? Was she to befriend them? Olivia didn’t know how to act around Sebastian and Julien—Louise hadn’t bothered to tell her any of this.

  Did she think Olivia still a child?

  Guilty for thinking such things, Olivia sat in the chair and put her head in her hands. Overwhelmed, she banished such thoughts. So much had happened in barely a day. Running through Paris, this club… Louise gone.

  Standing, she moved to the basin and splashed water on her face. Again she wandered the room, now spotting her cloak. Olivia stared at it, knowing what she’d find there. Walking toward it as if bespelled, she removed the poniard from the pocket and studied it.

  Her hands shook, and before she could drop it, set it on the folds on her cloak. Without a backwards look, she grabbed her masque and left the room. Her one goal was to lose herself, to get lost in the catacombs of this sexual Hellfire Club.

  Rooms held people enjoying themselves, couples, ménages, orgies of pleasure. One man stood tied to a pole, naked, as another man cracked a riding crop against his buttocks. Given the state of their obvious arousal, both seemed to be enjoying themselves.

  Did Rousseau also enjoy himself? Did he take his pleasure here, masqued so none could identify him?

  Olivia didn’t know what he looked like. She’d once caught a glimpse of him, when Louise had positively identified him, but her own look had been too fleeting.

  If he joined them on this journey, if he, too, fled Paris, she’d find him. Find him, make sure he knew exactly who she was, and slide the poniard—his own poniard—into his throat.

  Chapter Five

  Everything was set. In the four days since Olivia had arrived, Sebastian had managed to secure their place on the first caravan leaving Paris. He took no chances when it came to her safety.

  Four days. It didn’t seem that long since she arrived, since she’d told him about Louise. And yet it felt an eternity.

  During these past four days he’d dined with Olivia for nearly every meal. Though he’d tried to keep his distance, Sebastian found he could not. More than the last link to his dearest friend, Olivia represented an innocence and intelligence that attracted him. He’d long ago lost such youthful idealism; jaded before the revolution even began, after the killing started nothing seemed to surprise Sebastian any more.

  Pushing that to the side, he stalked down the corridor, ignoring invitations from several people who beckoned him to join them. Sebastian shook his head at the servant carrying a tray of food and smiled absently at the marquise who tried to tug him into her private rooms. They seemed the same as they had a week ago—depraved, drunk, and utterly without regard for others’ lives.

  In the years since la Révolution began, they’d all seen too much, experienced too much loss to let one more death affect them. But then he hadn’t uttered a word about Louise’s death and knew Julien hadn’t either.

  All that could wait until they reached England. For now, Sebastian had to see to Olivia. Her safety was paramount, as was them leaving France. After she was safe, then Sebastian could hunt down Rousseau and kill him.

  “Olivia,” he said as she waved him into the rooms. “I don’t wish to disturb you but I need to speak with you about our arrangements. I know these last several days must have been very hard for you…”

  Sebastian trailed off. The room lay divided into two areas, as if Olivia set things aside she wanted and didn’t. She seemed to understand they wouldn’t be taking much, but several pieces of Louise’s sat on the bed. Including a poniard.

  Ignoring Olivia’s question, he strode to the bed, inexplicably drawn to it. He didn’t remember Louise owning one—there was a small pistol hidden in her vanity, but Sebastian knew she never kept a dagger here.

  No, this didn’t look Louise’s style; the dagger was far too ostentatious for her. She preferred simplicity in her items, claimed it showed her wealth better than the pretentiousness of the newly rich.

  Dried blood stained the hilt. Sebastian froze. With slow realization, he looked up at Olivia. This was the dagger that ended Louise’s life. Why did Olivia hold onto this? Why did it look as if she planned on taking it with her?

  Olivia gazed back at him with defiance. Still holding a small satchel, she strode forward and made a grab for the dagger.

  Sebastian yanked it away, out of her reach. “Why?” he demanded. “Why do you have this?”

  “For protection,” she said, tossing her head as if daring him to contradict her.

  “That’s a lie,” he snapped. “Is this the poniard you spoke of? The one use on…Rousseau’s poniard?”

  Meeting his gaze unflinchingly, Olivia gave a short nod. “I believe so, yes. My intention is to return it to him.”

  “At what cost?”

  “At whatever price I must pay,” she responded evenly.

  “You’ll pay no price,” Sebastian snapped. Olivia grabbed the poniard from him and he let her, but refused to cede the argument. “I intend to see you securely delivered to England, ensconced in the arms of your earl.”

  “You’ve done your duty, Comte de Courville,” she retorted. “I release you from my aunt’s obligation.”

  Sebastian closed the distance between them in two steps and snatched the poniard from her, tossing it onto the bed. Beneath his hands, her arm
s were thin but far from fragile. Shaking her once to ensure her complete attention, Sebastian held her dark gaze.

  “I’ve no interest in being released,” he snarled at her.

  Olivia yanked from his grasp and stalked from the room. Over her shoulder she called, “It’s not your choice.”

  Immediately following, Sebastian caught up with her only a few feet from her rooms. Whirling her around, uncaring who saw them, he pulled her against him. “This discussion isn’t over.”

  With a quick glance around, and still angry he hadn’t discovered what Rousseau’s masque looked like, Sebastian walked them toward his own rooms.

  She started to protest, but he silenced her with a look. “Do you really want to make a scene here? Where others can come for you?”

  He saw she understood his double entendre. Once word leaked they’d quarreled, the rest of the Club would assume her to be free from his protection. The only reason she’d managed to remain unmolested was because word had spread, and rapidly, that she was his. His and Julien’s.

  Storming into his rooms, Sebastian saw Julien where he’d left him, at the desk reading over several letters. He took a deep breath and closed the door firmly behind him.

  “You can’t do this,” he said evenly.

  Julien rose, the graceful movement catching both his and Olivia’s attention. “Why are you two arguing?”

  “Olivia has plans to endanger herself by seeking out Rousseau,” Sebastian said through gritted teeth.

  Shaking her arm free and again tossing her head, Olivia repeated, “I’ve already released you as guardians. I’ll manage on my own. You need not concern yourself with my wellbeing.”

  Julien moved just as fast as his lithe grace implied and caught Olivia’s chin, turning her to face him. “Your wellbeing has been our concern for a very long time. That won’t change.” Turning to Sebastian he added, “But we understand your need for justice.”

  Surprised at this admission, Sebastian glared at Julien. Over the last days they’d discussed Rousseau, and Sebastian had made his feelings perfectly clear on the matter. Anything that placed Olivia in harm’s way was completely unacceptable.

  Sharply shaking his head, Sebastian said, “I can’t understand it if she could be harmed.” Returning his attention to Olivia he said adamantly, “Rousseau is a dangerous man. A killer if he can so easily extinguish the life of someone like Louise. I won’t allow you to discard your life, to trade your life for vengeance.”

  “That’s not your decision,” she snapped and jerked away from both of them. “She was the only family I had left and I know, I know, Rousseau took her away from me. I’ll not stop trying to find him and if I can, I’ll extinguish his life. I don’t care if in doing so I trade my own.”

  Sebastian, her words ringing in his ears, shook off Julien’s restraining hand and walked slowly toward Olivia. With tender fingers, he brushed a strand of hair off her face, cupping her cheek. His thumb brushed over her, the soft skin, the high cheekbone.

  “I care,” he whispered.

  And then he didn’t think but reacted.

  His mouth moved over hers, slow and gentle, seeking permission. She opened beneath him, kissing him back, tongue timidly tasting his mouth. But then his mind cleared and he realized he had taken advantage of her; Olivia was in no position to think clearly, not after all that had happened.

  Stepping back, Sebastian pulled away. Distanced himself from all she promised. Her eyes had lightened, now a golden-brown blazing with newly awakened need. And innocence, it always came back to that innocence. He couldn’t take advantage of that.

  Olivia cast her eyes downward, and Sebastian thought he saw a flash of shame. He let her go, cursing himself the fool. She said nothing but skirted around him. Sebastian took a deep breath, then another, but could only breathe in her scent.

  Puzzled when he didn’t hear the door open, Sebastian turned and saw Julien. His lover had taken Olivia around the waist, gentle, slow. He caressed her cheek, leaning down to kiss her. He saw her hesitate, but only for a moment, before she shuddered and opened beneath Julien’s talented mouth.

  It was no use. Sebastian knew it the moment he’d tasted her but now, seeing her in Julien’s arms, knew it to be hopeless.

  He wanted her. Wanted to teach her all the pleasures to be had in his bed, between him and Julien. Crossing the room, he stopped just shy of where Julien continued to kiss her, hands now on her bare shoulders.

  And he intended to have her.

  * * * *

  Olivia had gone her entire adult life without feeling this rush. Julien’s kiss sent a flood of warmth through her, and the smooth caress of his hands had her skin tingling. Whereas Sebastian’s mouth demanded her response, Julien’s coaxed it from her.


  Shocked at her wanton reaction, at her enjoyment of both men, Olivia jerked back. Her breathing came hard and fast, and her heart pounded in her ears. She looked up at Julien; his normally deep brown eyes had darkened to nearly black. His hands still gently caressed her, over her shoulders, along her collarbone, teasing the tops of her breasts.

  She tried to stifle a sharp intake of breath, but knew it to be useless. Julien knew exactly what he did to her. Turning her head, Olivia searched for Sebastian, uncertain as to what she’d see in his gaze.

  Captivated by the deep blue that watched her, Olivia’s heart skipped a beat. The desire she recognized in Julien as he watched her was mirrored in Sebastian’s mesmerizing gaze. Struggling with this, with both men looking at her as if they wanted to devour her, Olivia fought her instinct to run.

  She didn’t want to run, didn’t want to hide from what Sebastian and Julien promised. She wanted to embrace it, wanted to experience everything they offered.

  Sebastian reached for her, and Olivia willingly went into his arms. When his mouth touched hers again, Olivia felt the shock of it race through her. She kissed him back, bolder now. Tasted him, the wine he’d drank and beneath that something darker. She wanted more.

  He walked her backwards, and when the backs of her thighs hit the bed, Olivia knew she wouldn’t stop.

  Arousal had her shuddering in Sebastian’s arms, and when he pulled back, she looked to where Julien stood next to her. She made her choice. Not between Sebastian and Julien, Olivia didn’t think that was up for debate. She made the choice for her. She wanted to experience this, the passion, the pleasure these two alluring men promised.

  Her hand shook, but Olivia held it out to Julien even as she looked up at Sebastian. Something shifted in his gaze, primal and dark.

  Then his mouth captured hers again, taking and taking. Julien’s hands were on her gown, making quick work of the buttons until it pooled at her feet. She thought she’d be embarrassed, standing naked before the two of them, but they gave her no time for that.

  Sebastian’s mouth drifted down her neck and he lifted her breasts. His fingers teased her nipples, rolling the tight peaks, tugging them sharply. Olivia cried out, arched into his touch. She wanted more but didn’t know how to say that. So she showed him instead.

  The fingers of one hand threaded through his hair. When Sebastian bent his head to take one nipple into his mouth, Olivia held him closer. Julien’s hands slipped down her body, using the muslin of her chemise to tease her.

  Overwhelmed, Olivia shuddered. Julien urged her legs wider apart, and she eagerly obeyed. Heart racing, blood running hot through her, Olivia let go all her inhibitions—her grief, her fear, her anger and simply felt.

  Her head fell to Julien’s chest as one of his fingers slipped between her legs, circling her nub. Sebastian bit down on her nipple and she cried out in a flood of pleasure. She heard the rending of fabric, but it took Olivia a moment to realize it was her chemise. Sebastian had torn it in two, his hands on her body, relentless.

  He lifted her onto the bed and spread her open, naked but for her stockings. Sebastian’s mouth found hers again, fingers tugging her nipples. Julien’s mouth tasted her and
Olivia cried out, arching off the bed at that first touch. Neither stopped their assault.

  Julien’s tongue swept over her nub. One finger entered her and Olivia cried out with the unreserved pleasure of it. Her body shook with the release, but Julien was unrelenting. His fingers continued to tease her, thrusting in and out, and Olivia moved to meet every thrust.

  But then he moved, and for a heartbeat Olivia lay alone on the bed. She struggled to open her eyes, to sit up. A hand pressed against her belly, warm and reassuring. Sebastian knelt before her, eyes steady despite the flame of desire she saw burning in them.

  He looked to the side to where Julien knelt and Olivia understood. This was to involve all three of them. She didn’t know how that would happen, but she wanted both of them.

  Sebastian’s hands gripped her hips. Her blood raced and her skin tingled with every touch. Julien kissed down her back, hands cupping her breasts. In one smooth thrust Sebastian entered her and Olivia cried out, slight pain mixing with the pleasure of contact. But then Julien lay behind her, the hard masculinity of his body pressing her against Sebastian until she didn’t know where she began, only where the three of them began.

  He stilled, waited, then moved. In slow even thrusts he drove deeper into her and Olivia relished every moment. Sebastian rolled her onto her side, one finger circling her nub and she shuddered again. Behind her, Olivia felt Julien and she understood. His finger, slick with some kind of scented oil, slipped into her puckered entrance.

  Scandalized, Olivia screamed as her orgasm shuddered through her. She reached up and clutched at Sebastian’s arm, clinging for any type of support, trying to ground herself as they continued to pleasure her.

  Julien didn’t stop, stretching her even as Sebastian pounded into her. She felt Julien behind her, wanted to see him, wanted to see both of them but not wanting this to stop. She couldn’t stop, and when she felt Julien stretch her further, the tip of his cock at her back entrance, Sebastian pinched her nub and she was lost.

  Olivia knew she cried out, body arching against Sebastian even as she thrust back against Julien’s unfamiliar touch. She wanted more, but instinctively knew her body wasn’t prepared for Julien’s. Not yet, but she wanted to feel him, wanted to feel both of them within her.


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