Voyages of the Solar Wind 1: A Fire in Heaven

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Voyages of the Solar Wind 1: A Fire in Heaven Page 10

by Michael Erickston

  "We're linked on a physical and emotional level, Dex. We adapt to each other's needs. It's part of being sek'natha. When you accepted me finally, we became attuned to each other after the first time we made love." She kissed me again and we heard the beep of the five minute warning.

  We both laughed at the timing. "Perfect!" I said. "But seriously, sweetheart, I'm glad that we're attuned to each other. I love you."

  "I love you too, Dex." She stroked my cheek as she finally got off my damp lap so we could both go shower and change.

  It was a quick shower together and we were dressed again in no time. When we dropped out of slipstream, we saw the big battlewagon in front of us.

  "Yamato to Solar Wind. You are clear to land in shuttle bay one." Captain Richter said. "Welcome aboard."

  "Solar Wind copies. Thank you, Yamato. We're docked. Solar Wind, out." I replied as I piloted us into the docking bay and landed.

  We went down the ramp to see Captain Richter himself meet us. I gave him a copy of the conversation we'd had with Mr. Davys on Rigel VII, and he thanked us.

  "These guys have been doing this for quite a while, Captain. Judging by how smooth their operation is, anyhow." I informed him. I gave him their names, and let him know they have two goons with them as bodyguards.

  "Thanks, Captain Relway. We'll bring Mr. Jayms Davys into custody immediately." We shook hands, and Rilar and I boarded our ship. We noticed a few of the guards ogling Rilar, and I smiled to myself. She's mine, boys. I'm all hers. and she's all mine! She'd thrown on a black miniskirt shorts, boots, and her favorite halter top, and that was it. Yeah, she was dressed to kill, and made a show of rubbing herself all over me when she noticed the Yamato crew members staring at her.

  We lifted off and exited the Yamato. We entered slipstream to Port Royal to report in to Jeka. She would definitely want to know about this intel. Yeah, Nieman and Davys were about to get blacklisted, and it couldn't happen to two nicer drug dealers. A four hour trip. At least Yamato was on the way.

  "Ok, so even though Humans have a monogamous religion and culture in most cases, you don't limit yourselves to one mate?" Rilar asked. We were getting into the finer points of Human culture when it comes to mating and marriage. On Gurhin, she told me, there's no such thing as divorce, so I had to explain it to her.

  "Not in all cases, but some. My parents got divorced when I was a baby. Which is why I was still single when I met you. I hadn't found the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with yet." I shrugged.

  "Dex, you thought about being with me before, right?" She asked.

  "Yeah, for a little while. I somehow thought you wouldn't be interested in me." I blushed.

  "Why, exactly?" Rilar kissed me as we lay in our bunk.

  "I don't know. I guess it was because you're beautiful. Ri, you're more beautiful to me than any other woman I've ever seen. I've always thought you were beautiful. The first night together on the Lu Bu, I was hoping and praying that you would kiss me. When you didn't, I figured we'd just be snuggle buddies." I shrugged and smiled apologetically.

  "Oh, Dex..." She stroked my cheek. "If I'd known..."

  "I know, kitten. If I'd known, we would have been together that night." I said softly.

  She kissed me, then. More passionately and with more love than I'd ever known before. I returned her kiss just as passionately, pouring my entire soul into it.

  "I guess I was dense too, Dex." She blushed when we broke the kiss finally.

  "It's ok, kitten. We're together now." I reminded her.

  She purred lovingly as we snuggled close.


  "Yes, Dex?"

  "Do you think your parents know that you're in love with me?"


  "Oh shit. Seriously? God, I was dense!"

  "Yes you were, sek'natha." She giggled.

  We chuckled like that for a while until we fell asleep in each other's arms.


  Five minute warning. Great! "Ri, baby. Rise and shine. We're almost there." I kissed her neck as she moaned.

  "Mmmmmmm I was having the most wonderful dream, honey!" She stretched like a cat, then kissed me lovingly.

  "I was too, baby. Unfortunately, we have to get up to dock at Port Royal." I shrugged, and we got up reluctantly.

  A quick shower and change of clothes, and we were all set.

  Ri was back in her armored leggings and vest over her halter top. I love it when she shows off her midriff like that. She also noticed that even though I hadn't done many situps lately, my beer gut was damn near gone!

  "It's all the sex, sweetheart. It's burning the fat away." I flexed, and could just make out my old sixpack underneath what was left of the gut.

  She giggled and purred as she rubbed my stomach. I was getting hard AGAIN!

  We dropped out of the slipstream and I hailed Port Royal.

  "Solar Wind to Port Royal, requesting permission to land." I said, in a really good mood.

  "Port Royal to Solar Wind, you're cleared at Docking Bay 948. Welcome back, Dex!" Rick said over the com.

  "Thanks, Rick. Is Jeka in her office? We have some juicy gossip for her!" I used the code we had for hot intel.

  "Yeah, she should be. I'll let her know to expect you. Royal, out." He cut the com as we landed and shut down.

  We were down the boarding ramp quickly, and striding towards Jeka's office. This docking bay was even closer to it, and I made a mental note to reserve it with Jeka. It would cost an extra hundred a month, but it would be worth it.

  When we got there, Jeka's waiting room was deserted. We asked Rela, Jeka's assistant, and a Selarian that I wasn't comfortable with yet, if she was around.

  "Sure, Dex. Go right in!" Rela smiled.

  "Thanks, Rela." I replied as we went on in.

  "Hey, guys! What's up? Rick says you have something I need to see." Jeka greeted us both with hugs.

  I handed her the other copy I made of the convo with Davys on Rigel VII. She listened to it, shaking her head in disbelief.

  "Nieman and Davys have been hiring FTA Captains for years! They've been putting everyone in danger!" She did some quick typing on her keyboard. "And welcome to the blacklist, motherfuckers!" She hit ENTER, and that was that.

  "Thanks, Jeka. We've also got CFC after them." Ri said with a grin.

  Jeka grinned back. "Between us and CFC, we'll bleed those fucktards dry!"

  "I love it when you talk dirty, Jeka." I grinned and chuckled.

  "You had your chance, Bubba. I'm Rick's woman now, and I love it!" Jeka held up her left hand.

  "Holy shit! When did that happen?" I was awestruck by the size of the rock on that engagement ring.

  "Yesterday. We thought we'd surprise you." Jeka loved surprising us.

  "Ha ha! Very funny. I hope we're gonna be Best Man and Maid of Honor!" I chuckled.

  "We're having a Selarian ceremony, Dex. I seriously doubt you want to drink my blood during the wedding, do you?" I just about upchucked.

  "Urp... Oh, that's ok, thanks anyway." I said, and Ri giggled.

  "So we have a couple more on the table now if you're interested." Jeka said, down to business.

  "Any going to Gurhin? I promised Ri a vacation there." I smiled. I love Gurhin. It really is a tropical paradise. Blue skies and oceans, palm trees, white sand on the beaches, and scads of bikini clad women! It's basically the vacation spot of the Confederate Military. The first time we were there together was during our first Leave after taking command of the CSS Lu Bu. We'd met Ri's parents on that trip, and they both liked me as much as I liked them. They kind of adopted me into the family.

  "Let me check.... Hmmmm. Oh, here's one that just came up. Pickup here at Port Royal, delivery of two crates of... weapons to Gurhin." Jeka paused before saying weapons, knowing I don't like hauling them, except for friends.

  "Client for the weapons shipment?" I asked.

  "Oh, this one looks legit, Dex! NanoMark Armory is the listed client!"
  "Ooooh! I might need to see if they can spot us a discount on the new 5mm Railpistol!" I said with a grin. "What's the payout?"

  "Eight K. Not horrible." Jeka shrugged.

  "Sign us up, Jeka!"

  We called the com number and set up the meet in our Hangar bay.

  I turned to Jeka. "Hey, I need to reserve Hangar 948 for a year, Jeka. Take it off this credit chit." I tossed her the one given to me by Mr. Davys.

  She inserted it, then flipped it back to me. "Done and done, Dex. It's about time you started reserving your favorite!" She grinned.

  "Well, it's only a hundred meters from there to here. I'm not big on walking." I smirked.

  Rilar chuckled. "I can vouch for that!"

  "Thanks, Jeka. You're the best!" I grinned at our friend. "Now we have to go. Got the meeting set up for our Gurhin run."

  "Go then! Shoo! Let me get back to doing nothing!" Jeka smiled and chuckled as we left.

  We had just stepped out when I clocked two armed men moving towards us with a purpose. They looked like military or ex-military. Probably Marines from their stride and haircuts. I squeezed Ri's hand and we popped our widow straps.

  "If they go for their guns, draw and fire." Ri said. She's the gunner, so I follow her lead.

  "Good copy, sweetheart." We kept walking as they closed with us. One reached for his gun and was punctured by Rilar's pistol before he'd even cleared leather. I shot his buddy through the neck, severing the head as his hand twitched on his pistol grip and he dropped his weapon. We ran to the bodies to search for ID.

  "Mercs, Dex! Fucking mercs!" Rilar showed the PMC credentials of one (now deceased) Rian Sunderland.

  I checked the other one. Kevyn Ryder. Both employees of Stellar Executive Security, LLC. Shit. I think I know who hired them, but the only way to find out would be to visit the SES offices. Our meeting was in five minutes, so we didn't have time.

  "We can check it once we finish the meeting and call Jeka. She can find out who hired them." I told Rilar as we took their pistols. "Let's go, kitten."

  "I love it when you call me kitten, honey." She purred as we walked back to the hangar bay while looking over her new NanoMark railpistol. "And I love it when you get me a new toy or two."

  "I figured that when you started purring the first time I called you that, baby. And you're welcome. Merry Christmas." I kissed her lovingly as we walked.

  "Dex, only you would call spoils from a gunfight a Christmas present!" Rilar laughed.

  "Waste not, want not, Ri." I winked.

  We got to our hangar just in time. No sooner had we walked in than two NanoMark reps with our cargo arrived. I pulled my Blip7 Scanner out and scanned the crates to make sure no hidden surprises were inside. I've had it for years, but never needed it until after the spores shit. After the last job, I wasn't going to take any chances.

  "Now that I've verified the cargo, let's talk terms." I smiled professionally. "Eight thousand for delivery of two crates of NanoMark Armory weapons to Gurhin. I have a counter offer if you'll hear it? If not, we'll take this one." I shrugged.

  "What's your counter offer, Captain?" asked Representative Kilon. He grinned and I resisted the urge to close my collar. I really dislike most Selarians out of instinct.

  "We'll do it for seventy five hundred with two NanoMark Viper 5mm's thrown in." I smiled again. "Rilar wants an early birthday present."

  Kilon laughed. "Retail on them is a bit higher than that, my friend."

  "But you're still making money, since wholesale is quite a bit lower." I reasoned.

  He nodded. "Very well, Guns now, seventy five hundred upon delivery."

  "You give me the best toys, sek'natha!" Ri enthused when he handed us our new toys. Kilon raised an eyebrow.

  "Thank you, Kilon. Pleasure doing business." I nodded.

  Kilon chuckled. "It was worth it to see your lady's enthusiasm, friend. She really knows her weapons."

  "Ri is the best damn gunner in the galaxy, in or out of the cockpit. She's also my wife." I winked to him, and he smiled back with a bow.

  "You are a lucky man, Captain. Good journey to you." He turned and left with his partner.

  "Your wife? Why?" Ri asked, wide eyed.

  "Sweetheart, we're married by your customs already. You are my sek'natha. The closest Human equivalent other than 'lovemate' is 'spouse'." I explained. "So in this case, I'm your husband and you're my wife. We won't be getting divorced, though." I kissed her lovingly.

  She purred. "I like the sound of that, sek'natha." She returned my kiss lovingly and passionately.

  "Mmmmmm. Ok, baby. We need to get this hovercart onboard. You took the last one, so I got this one." I grinned and switched on the hovercart.

  I got it up the ramp and down the corridor to the cargo bay. Easy enough. Once it was locked down tight, we went to the cockpit and lifted off. I plotted the course to Gurhin and the two hour flight through the slipstream.

  "Everything's diamond, Dex." Ri reported from her gunnery station.

  "I need to call Jeka real quick and have her find out what the deal is with those mercs that tried to blaze us." I told her as I dialed her up on the com.

  "FTAA, Administrator Jeka."

  "Hey, Jeka. It's Dex. I need you to look into a possible merc hit on me or Rilar. The PMC is Stellar Executive Security, LLC." I reported.

  "Can do, chief. It should only take a couple hours. You on the way to Gurhin yet?" She asked.

  "About to enter the slipstream now, Jeka. Two hour flight. I'll com once we exit. Clearcut?" I told Jeka.

  "Diamond, sweety. I should have something when you exit over Gurhin. Jeka, out." She cut com.

  "Now we're ready, kitten. Time for a quick delivery and a vacation with the lady I love. I need this vacation with you." I engaged the drive and entered the slipstream.

  She sat on my lap and purred. "So do I, honey."

  We kissed and kissed and kissed some more. I kissed her ear and she just about came.

  "Baby!" She screamed. "Not unless we're in bed!" She kissed me hotly and passionately. She now smelled like cherries.

  "I love the way you smell and taste when you come, sweetheart. Just like cherries." I smiled and held her close as she purred.

  "I noticed that. Do you remember when I first smelled cherry ice cream in flight school?" She raised one eyebrow and blushed.

  "Holy shit! Yes I do!" I laughed. "You were blushing! Oh sweetheart, I love you!"

  "I love you too, Dex." She kissed me again. I never get tired of her kisses.

  Before we knew it, the five minute warning beep sounded. "Almost home!" Rilar bounced on my lap.

  "Do you have a bikini, baby?" I asked.

  "Of course I do. Why?" She asked back.

  "Because I want to be seen with you on the beach." I replied.

  She lifted the bottom of my shirt. "Hmmm. I can see sixpack now!" She winked and grinned.

  "It's all the sex we have, kitten." I kissed her as she started purring.

  "You have to get in shape to keep up with me, sek'natha." She grinned widely.

  "Ain't that the truth!" I agreed one hundred percent with her assessment of our love life.

  She got up and took her gunnery seat just before we exited slipstream. "And we're good. Dropping now." I saw the vortex of the slipstream disappear to be replaced by the stars and planet Gurhin below us.


  "Shit! Energize armor plating, Ri! Fire up Hugs and Kisses! Prepare for battle!" I flipped the switch and opened the missile bay, prepared to lock targets.

  "Armor energized, Dex. I have five bogies at 4 low! Tracking now." Rilar reported. She's beyond expert at tracking and eliminating targets.

  "Class and designation?" I asked. I like knowing what we're up against. I dodged and weaved as the enemies kept shooting and missing now.

  "One man fighters, Dex. Looking like merc ships!" She reported as she fired both batteries at once. "Scratch two of them, baby!"

  "That's why you'
re the best, kitten!" I grinned. She can target and fire two batteries on two different targets with deadly accuracy. It's part of the Gurinkan physiology. She can split her concentration up to five times for different tasks. The more she splits, the worse she gets. But only splitting once for two tasks, she's unbeatable.

  I kept bobbing and jinking as I started to nose down into the atmosphere.

  "One more down, Dex. These guys are pulling evasive shit out of their asses!" She was getting a bit flustered. She always waits until she has a perfect crosshair before she fires. It's why she's the best.

  We had two left, so I looked at the missile bay monitor and trained it behind us. I locked one and fired. The missile closed rapidly and impacted the fighter, destroying it.

  "Splash one!" I was a bit proud of myself.

  "That did it, boss. Scratch last bogie!" We kick ass!

  "Outstanding shooting, gunner!" I blew her a kiss.

  "Thanks, honey!" She purred and giggled.

  "Gurhin Control, this is the SS Solar Wind. We were just ambushed by merc craft. Requesting permission to land." I reported over the com.

  "Gurhin to Solar Wind. Good copy. Use landing bay 23. What is the nature of your stay, Captain? Business or pleasure?"

  "Copy that, Control. Landing bay 23. Both, actually. Business first, then a honeymoon with my wife." I grinned and winked at Rilar as I said it. She giggled like a school girl.

  "Congratulations, Captain! We've reported your incident to CFC and are awaiting reply. Welcome to Gurhin. Control, out."

  As soon as we set down, I got Jeka on the com.

  "Hey, Jeka. Could you find anything about the mercs hired to kill us?" I asked.

  "Yes, Dex. It appears that Mr. Nieman hired them." Jeka replied.

  "That doesn't surprise me. Rilar and I probably cost him a few hundred thousand credits the other day." I didn't regret it, though. Roshol spores, and the drug Rush that they're made into are deadly and should never have been synthesized.

  "Well, I wish you luck, Dex. Jeka, out."

  "Well, baby. They knew where we were going before we lifted. I think this job might be another set up." I hate shit like this!

  "I agree, my love. Let's get down there and kill anyone who comes to collect the shipment." That's my kitten. Shoot first, and ask questions if anyone survives. I love her!


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