How Sarah Became a Nudist

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How Sarah Became a Nudist Page 9

by NTS

  "I can't believe you didn't notice you real present right away!" Fleur laughed. "Dork."

  Kierra picked up the vibe and waved it seductively in front of Sarah. "We thought you could use it here, you know?" she said in a low tone. "Since you're so immodest, and everything... nudists aren't ashamed about their bodies at all."

  Sarah blushed hard. There was no way...

  "Why don't you go ahead and give it a spin, Sarah?"

  Kierra didn't even have to suggest it. It was on the minds of every guy in the office, all standing around hoping she'd take the chance to masturbate in front of them. Even the women looked on curiously.

  "I.. I..."

  Kierra egged her on: "What's the matter? You're a real nudist aren't you? Spread your legs wide and go for it! No one here minds."

  There were chimes of agreement, mostly from men.

  Sarah was ready to implode. Or cry. Or blow up. Being naked 24/7 was one thing. But masturbating... the most intimate thing imaginable... that wasn't public. She couldn't do that. She stood frozen - it took all her self control not to start shaking. Something else was said. Then someone else said something else. She didn't hear it thought; she withdrew into herself, a tiny world that was just her and the vibrator. Trapped in her own deception, she had no choice but to debase herself lest her ruse be uncovered. She couldn't handle it though - the mere thought was a completely new, crippling level of humiliation and embarrassment.

  She wasn't sure how long she sat frozen for. It couldn't have been too long in retrospect - no one acted like it was an inordinate amount of time. But it felt like days.

  Marietta returned with some fresh matches for the extinguished candle. "Time to do the birthday candle!" she shouted, dispelling the moment.

  Sarah let out the breath she hadn't realized she was holding. She tossed the vibrator in a desk drawer as Marietta relit the candle on the cake. "Make a wish!"

  Sarah blew hard. There was some applause as the smoke from the blown out candles lazily filled the air, and then Marietta brought the cake to the kitchen. The crowd began to disperse.

  Kierra seemed annoyed, apparently having realized that the moment with the vibrator had passed, but it turned out she had more tricks up her sleeve. She bent over whispered to Sarah "It's a pity you can't wear that outfit... but I still hope you'll come out clubbing with us tonight. For your birthday, and all."

  Sarah, still a little shaken at nearly being made to masturbate in front of the whole office, reacted quickly to the suggestion. "I can't," she said simply.

  Kierra didn't like that answer. "That's a shame," she said coldly. "I'd hate if HR started asking questions about your nudism... can't imagine what they'd do if it turned out you were only taking advantage of affirmative action policies..."

  Sarah's heart skipped a beat. Kierra wouldn't, would she? But a look at the black girl's icy stare told Sarah that Kierra had meant busy. Kierra was proving that she was going to make Sarah's life miserable one way or the other. After all Sarah had been through for this job already, she couldn't let Kierra ruin it for her... but on the other hand, capitulating now would only confirm to Kierra that she was making a viable threat.

  Caught between a rock and a hard place, Sarah chose the lesser evil. With a forced smile she said "Sure, Kierra. I'll go."

  Kierra's demeanor changed instantly, adopting a bright smile - though to Sarah it still looked evil. "Great Nubbly! I'll see you at The Ruck at 10."

  Marietta returned with the cake, now neatly divided into a dozen pieces to share with the office. Sarah looked at the candles, partially melted and laying in a small pile on the side of the plate. Two days ago, Sarah had wished to end her nudity. Today, her wish had been much more vindictive.

  Chapter 13

  Sarah stood in the line outside The Ruck with Kierra and Fleur, waiting for the bouncer to let them into the club. She couldn't believe that she was here... and didn't want to think about what humiliations might await her once they got inside. The only positive note was that Yukiko had agreed to join her; she'd seemed surprised that Sarah had suggested it, but was happy to come along.

  Even so, just standing out here was bad enough. Everyone else was dressed up to like sexy - tight, sexy, revealing clothes abounded - but only Sarah was revealing everything. To make matters worse, the night had turned out to be uncharacteristically chilly for the end of June, and Sarah's body was reacting appropriately with hardened nipples and goosebumps. She was also drawing even more attention than usual - she knew that every single guy in this line was eying her with the intent of trying to hook up with her before the end of the night - and why not? She was, after all, the only girl here showing everything on offer, even if she had no intention of offering anything. But even just being looked at like that made her feel slutty. And given the way her body liked to react to showing off, she found it hard to argue with herself on that.

  Finally they reached the front of the line, and the bald, muscular bouncer looked them over - his eyes lingered particularly long on Sarah. They showed their ID's and Sarah and Yukiko accepted the "under 21" wrist bands before heading inside.

  The deafening techno music hit Sarah's ears as soon as they walked inside. The club was a fairly large place; it was located near the pier and had been converted from a warehouse. Most of it was simply an open dance floor; but there was also a raised stage in front of the DJ, as well as cages, polls, two catwalks above, a bar area and some tables and couches in one corner. It was already filled with hundreds of clubbers. Sarah could immediately see she was the only naked one.

  Kierra took hold of Sarah's wrist and led the group to the middle of the floor, where they started dancing. Pretty soon Yukiko had lost herself to the rhythm, and Fleur had disappeared from sight. Kierra kept pretty close to Sarah as she bumped and grinded random partners, apparently goading Sarah to do the same.

  Sarah initially kept her distance from other people, but otherwise did her best to join in and dance, but felt too self conscious to really let herself go - her movements stayed awkward and stiff. The last time she'd been clubbing, she'd been dressed not unlike everyone else here; today she couldn't stop thinking about every twist, turn, and thrust of her naked body, as if inviting the whole club to look... or do more than just look.

  It didn't take too long for the whole club to notice the naked girl in the middle of the dance floor. Most guys seemed to take Sarah's presence as an invitation to bump, grind, and grab her, much to Kierra's delight. Sarah tried to fight them off, but quickly realized the futility of trying to stop it. Every time she shook off one boy, another would grab hold and start grinding his crotch into her ass, or rubbing his torso against her breasts. It was absolutely humiliating and objectifying.

  And she was getting off on it. Dammit, she thought, as she shrugged off yet another guy who wanted into her pants. Not that there were any pants to get into.

  It was also very warm in the club, aided by the throngs of active dancers. The sweat helped to mask some of the other moisture her body was producing, but it was also making things that much more uncomfortable for Sarah, who felt it drip down the length of her body with nothing to absorb it. She felt gross, but if anything it attracted even more attention - her body shined in the lights.

  Finally, unable to take any more, Sarah excused herself to find some water. Yukiko followed; thankfully Kierra didn't.

  "You okay?" Yukiko asked once they'd reached the bar area, where they could hear each other over the music.

  "Yeah, fine. Just tired, I think," Sarah answered, though she felt bad lying to her friend. She wanted so bad to tell the truth, that this hadn't been her idea and she was miserable being exhibited like this. But she knew she couldn't.

  "You looked hot out there," Yukiko offered as encouragement. Sarah gave a weak smile.

  The two girls sat out a song while Sarah went through a bottle of water. Yukiko was kind enough to sit between Sarah and anyone that might try to hit on her, giving Sarah some time to think. She couldn'
t believe she'd gotten herself into this situation - embarrassed and yet turned on, dancing naked in a place that was just wall to wall sexuality, all at the hands of a girl who wanted nothing more than to humiliate her. The emotional roller coaster just kept going.

  "What do you say to one more dance, then we can get going if you're still tired. I'm sure your other friends will understand," Yukiko suggested, lightly touching Sarah as she spoke.

  Sarah didn't really feel like any more dancing, but took Yukiko up on the offer anyway. They made their way back out onto the floor just as the music changed to a slower, more intense beat. This encouraged the two of them to dance closer, but to Sarah's surprise she felt a lot more comfortable dancing with Yukiko than any of the random guys who'd been grabbing her earlier. The two girls found a rhythm together, and Sarah moved much more fluidly and comfortably than she had all night.

  After a few minutes the song wound down, and the girls' dance wound down with it. Sarah was just about to suggest leaving when the DJ's voice came over the sound system. "I'm told we have a birthday girl today," he said.

  Suddenly, Sarah felt the heat of a bright spotlight on her, as well as every eye in the club. "Let's see if we can't get her a cage dance!"

  Sarah almost freaked. The cage hung a few feet from the floor, and was just big enough for one person... who would have a full view of the club, but could be seen from anywhere in the club as well. There was no way she'd subject herself to that, and was about to go running when Kierra emerged from the crowd. "Do it, Nubbly," was all she said.

  Sarah looked desperately for a way out, but she was already trapped by the throng of onlookers, pushing her towards the cage. She felt someone's hand on her ass as she climbed up into it; she wasn't sure if that bothered her more or less than the click of the door behind her, trapping her inside. And so Sarah found herself naked, on display for a club full of horny teenagers and 20 somethings, trapped in a cage like an animal. Naked, like animal.

  The music started playing again - it was loud, fast. She was too panicked to think, and wasn't even sure she was breathing. So she did the only thing she could do: she let her body move instinctively and dared not think about where she was or what she was doing.

  Sarah danced.

  Her hips rotated as her hands criss crossed her body and climbed up her sides. Her nipples were hard. She moved her hands behind her head and thrust her hips out, wiggling them for her audience. Her huge audience. She thrusted, turned, and moved with complete abandon. Her heart raced, her breath came in ever shorter gasps. Every eye in the club was on her, without a single exception. Hundreds were watching her gyrating naked body. Her bounding boobs. Her wiggling ass. Every twist of her legs. They were getting off on her.

  And holy shit, she was getting off on them.

  The tempo changed; it was even faster now. Sarah grabbed the bars of the cage, bending far over, shaking her ass and showing off her soaking wet sex from behind. Reason escaped her. The music fueled her. The base reverberated through the room, through the metal bars and her hands gripping them so tightly, and on through her whole body. She'd never felt like this - it was amazing and frightening at the same time, she felt paralyzed but unable to stop herself from moving.

  And then the world exploded.

  When Sarah regained her senses, she was on her knees, breathing heavily, and drenched in sweat. She had to pry her hands from their grip on the bars before she could shakily open the cage door and climb down, re-joining the crowd below. It was only then that it really hit her: she'd just orgasmed in front of hundreds of people. She felt embarrassed, slutty, disgusted, weak. Wave after wave of humiliation washed over her, the likes of which she'd never felt before.

  She stumbled, Yukiko caught her. She didn't know where her friend had come from, but she was glad. "Let's go," Sarah managed to gasp, and together they walked out of the club.

  They took a taxi home. Yukiko seemed to sense that something was wrong for Sarah, but didn't know how to address it.

  "Well, thanks for having me out with your friend," Yukiko said, as they walked back into their apartment a little bit later.

  Sarah only offered a single response to that. "She's not my friend."

  Chapter 14

  Things seemed to go downhill for Sarah over the next two weeks. She rarely saw Tom in the office anymore, and he'd grown pretty distant when he was there - Sarah wondered if her after hours "performance" had made Tom to lose respect for her, and see her as the naked slut she felt like. She hadn't found much by way of friendship among the rest of the staff, either. Some were genuinely nice people, but the vast majority looked at her and only saw a naked woman to ogle, not someone who was worth knowing as a person, who might still be uncomfortable with that sort of attention.

  Kierra, meanwhile, was getting worse. Since Sarah had confirmed the leverage she held over her, Kierra had stepped up her torments and teasing. Thankfully Kierra didn't seem to have any real interest in going to HR and getting Sarah fired, but she had no problem using that threat to make Sarah show off far more than she would have otherwise. Attention whoring was a game that both girls knew well, and Kierra made sure that's exactly what Sarah was doing. She'd frequently coming down to visit Sarah with new "requests" designed to exhibit and embarrass her, by putting Sarah on display for as many groups of people as possible - clients, co-workers, colleagues, anyone who ever came in the office, really. Sarah could at least be grateful that Kierra hadn't planned any more after work outings (probably because Kierra had no interest in actually hanging out with Sarah, just like in high school), but the all the small torments in the office were still enough to make her miserable. It was one thing to be walking around naked, and another to be paraded around naked. Kierra understood and exploited the difference every chance she could make.

  Sarah, for her part, had never felt more enmity towards Kierra, but had no choice but to act as a nudist would... grin and bare it, all of it, no matter how awful it made her feel. If her real motivations for being naked were exposed, everything she'd endured because of it would be for nothing.

  The humiliation suffered at the dance club on her birthday had at least curbed her exhibitionist impulses, and she'd successfully kept them bottled since then. She wasn't eager to get sexually excited in public again anytime soon; once in a lifetime was enough for that. But the flip side is that it seemed to make her feel even meeker and more embarrassed to simply be naked and have the world see her that way, and Kierra was just making it all the worse.

  Meanwhile, she'd continued to mend her somewhat rocky relationship with her parents, and her mom especially. They actually had a long phone conversation about nudism the previous night, which her mom seemed to respond well to. Sarah hated lying about her feelings towards it - but what could she do? Her whole life now was a lie.

  The one positive thing in her life lately was Yukiko, who continued to be a great friend. Oddly, Yukiko rarely wore clothes around their apartment anymore. She couldn't legally go naked outside like Sarah did, but nevertheless Sarah appreciated it. It made her feel less alone, less abnormal. Their shared apartment had become a sanctuary for her - the only place in the world where she didn't feel self conscious about being naked.

  These were her thoughts on a Friday morning when another naked woman entered the office. This wasn't so unusual in of itself - there were a number of nudists who'd been through the office since Sarah had started working there, all plaintiffs in the class action case against S-Mart. Most were pleased to see Sarah working there and took an interest in her, and chatted a bit. It never failed to make Sarah feel guilty though; being around real nudists just reminded her of how fake she was.

  This particular nudist was particularly gorgeous though - platinum blond hair, a D cup capped by small, impossibly red nipples, an hourglass frame, long legs with a shaved pussy between them - everything about her just screamed perfection. And unlike the other nudists who'd been in the office, she carried an air of class and wealth about her. She had s
tyled hair, manicured nails, designer heels, and expensive looking jewelry. Even Sarah was stunned by her looks, and couldn't help but stare.

  The woman approached Sarah before anyone else, which was a little surprising. "You must be Sarah Mariano?"

  Sarah was very surprised and a little confused. "Yes... hi," she answered.

  "I'm Lisa... Tom Matthews' wife," the naked woman said. "I'm sorry for walking in on you like this, but I'd like to talk. Would you care to join Tom and I for lunch?"

  Sarah's mind went into a tizzy. Tom's wife was a nudist? And suddenly she felt immensely guilty for the way she'd acted that night in the office with Tom - was Lisa mad at her? Still, she nodded her head in agreement, put her work aside and got up to join Lisa.

  Sarah followed Lisa through the office and towards the elevators, with her anxiety growing the whole time. Sarah desperately tried to think of everything she'd ever known about Tom's wife. In these many weeks of working together though, she was sure he'd never hinted that she was a nudist. Sarah realized that Tom hadn't talked about her at all, really, and Sarah had never asked. She'd heard they were separated, but that was about the extent of it. She simply had no idea why Lisa would take an interest in her today.


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