Fight or Flight (Fire & Vice Book 2)

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Fight or Flight (Fire & Vice Book 2) Page 3

by Nikita Slater

  It took him a minute to figure out what she wasn’t saying. “Oh, you never came like that before?”

  “Not with a… with a partner. Only on my own,” she agreed, enjoying the erotic play of his lips over her sensitized skin.

  “You must be dating assholes.”

  That was none of his business, she thought, but just shrugged. “Now can we talk business?”

  “You are one focused woman, baby,” he said, using his teeth a little more forcefully, taking tiny nips at her skin. “Fine, talk.”

  Forcing her brain to work, she whispered, “I can offer $8,000 per fight plus a $25,000 signing bonus. We’d sign you for a guaranteed four fights. If you became a winning bet, we’d renegotiate for more. The bonus can be transferred to your account as soon as tomorrow if you agree to sign.”

  He stiffened against her, his lips stopped moving on her skin and then he jerked back to look at her. He looked angry. The muscles in his arms bulged against the fabric of his shirt and the tendons in his neck popped out. She was still trapped against the counter.

  Her heart sunk. Well, at least he was taking her seriously now.

  “Who the fuck are you?” he snapped. “And don’t give me any bullshit nickname, Anya, who I’ve never seen or heard of before. I know all the players in this game and you aren’t one of them. I don’t take well to surprises. Not when it comes to an illegal fight contract.”

  She laughed. “You think I’m a cop or something?” She couldn’t imagine anything more ridiculous. If this guy only knew her a little better, he would know how laughable that was.

  “You want to search me for a badge?” she asked flirtatiously, toying with the edge of her skirt.

  He continued to look annoyed, though his eyes strayed to her thigh. “I don’t know who the fuck you are, that’s what I’m saying. You’re trying to tell me that my dream woman happens to walk into that change room out of nowhere because she needs a fighter? I don’t buy it,” he snapped angrily. “Start talking.”

  Frustration flickered across her face. “You are such a jackass!” She shoved at his chest to get more space. Now that sexy time seemed to be over, she didn’t want the angry, hulking giant in her space.

  He grabbed her wrists and, spinning the stool around, crowded her into the counter. She gasped and tried to tug her hands back, but he easily held them in one of his massive paws. He tangled the fingers of his other hand in her hair and pulled her head back. He held her that way for a minute, both of them breathing heavily. As though he couldn’t resist, he dropped his head into her neck and licked her.

  “Fuck, you taste like you fucking smell. So goddamn good.” He inhaled and continued to hold her tightly. He was still annoyed, but it was warring with the sexual tension rolling off of them in waves.

  “Not letting you go this time,” he muttered against her skin.

  She shivered, streaks of pleasure racing through her body. “Please, Ash, just listen to me,” she gasped. “I’m legit. I represent someone you’d recognize, but he sent me to negotiate because he can’t be seen here.”

  “Who?” he demanded, his tongue and lips still playing across her skin. He used his hand in her hair to move her head, like a dolls, to gain access to other parts of her skin.

  “I can’t say,” she moaned, sliding her body backwards into the cradle of his to maximize their contact. “Not until we’ve negotiated. Then he’ll agree to a sit down in a location of his choosing.”

  Ash lightly bit down on the lobe of her ear, causing her to nearly jump out of the chair. “I negotiate, not sign,” he stressed, “and you tell me who you work for?”


  His kisses became more distracted as he clearly thought over her offer. Finally, after what felt like hours, he said, “I’d take $10,000 per fight and a $50,000 signing bonus. I can agree to renegotiation after I win the four fights. And we meet in a public place. You have to be there too.”

  She nodded. “Done.”

  He went still against her back and then chuckled darkly. “You suck at negotiating, baby.”

  “Actually,” she snickered, “I had permission to go as high as $12,000 per fight with a $65,000 signing bonus.”

  “You’re going to pay for that!” He nipped her ear. “Now tell me who your boss is?”

  “Okay,” she agreed, her breath coming out in a gasp. “After…”

  “After what?” he growled.

  “After you fuck me, Ash. I can’t wait any longer!”


  The explicit request coming from those perfect lips of hers was too much. Ash swung her back around on the stool, picked her up by the waist and set her ass on the counter. He kicked the stool away and forced his way into the warmth of her body. He yanked her tiny spaghetti strap shirt down, revealing small breasts that were, to his surprise and intense pleasure, not confined by a bra.

  “Fuck yeah,” he growled, immediately palming one of her breasts in a huge hand. “I’m going to make you come so hard, it’ll make the locker room look like child’s play.”

  She moaned and tipped her head back, the vibrant blue tips touching the counter top. Her silken skin filled his rough hands. The way her body moved against him, expressing her pleasure, made his head swim and his dick grow so hard against the zipper of his jeans he thought he might explode in his pants.

  “Can’t wait, baby,” he mumbled, reaching under her skirt and yanking her panties down her legs. They caught on her boots. He pulled the boots off then proceeded to strip her panties and socks off. Her tiny feet caught him off guard. The were so perfectly shaped, the delicate bones filling his big hands and the tiny toenails, painted bright purple, wiggling against him. He’d always thought foot fetishes to be laughable, but now he was reconsidering. His girl had the sexiest feet he’d ever seen.

  Ash dropped her feet, stood to his full height and, unsnapping his jeans, shoved them just low enough to allow his heavy erection to spring free. He pulled a condom from his pocket and rolled it over his thick penis. She stared down at him and moaned, licking her lips.

  Seizing her hips he dragged her to the edge of the counter and tilted her pelvis forward. He smoothed his hand down her front and under her skirt. She widened her legs as he slipped his fingers into her dripping cunt. She gasped and arched her hips, encouraging him to pump his fingers, seeking the orgasm she knew he could give her.

  Fuck. He was lost.

  In one rough move he pulled his fingers free, jerked her off the counter, fit her against his body and shoved hard up into her slick heat. She screamed, her face twisting as pleasure and pain merged. She clutched desperately at his shoulders, her nails digging deep into the skin.

  “Easy!” she gasped.

  Ash tried to give her time to accommodate. Her small body clung to him like a vine, her vagina fluttering against his cock trying to accept the sudden invasion. It felt so fucking good his head swam from trying to keep his body upright and breathing.

  She wiggled her hips experimentally, as if to see if she was ready to continue. That small movement was enough to ignite the flames. He gripped her hips tightly, fingers pressing into her smooth flesh, and grunted. “Not this time, sweetheart. I need to fuck you hard.”

  He lifted her until the squeeze of her pussy slid off him and then slammed her back down, forcing her to accept his full length. She yelled again and then held on tight as he started to fuck her with enough force to knock the wind out of her with each stroke.

  Ash knew he should slow down, he knew he should have played with her more in the beginning, made sure she was completely ready for him. It wasn’t like him to lose control with a woman. Hell, he was pretty sure he had never been so turned on in his life, and he had plenty of other encounters for comparison. But something about this chick just did it for him. She was so perfect he didn’t understand how she was single.

  That one stray thought had him stopping his frantic motion. What if she wasn’t single? What if he was fucking a married woman? Not
that he hadn’t been there before. But the thought of Anya married made him want to rip out some guts, specifically those of her imaginary husband. Suddenly Ash understood the possessiveness of his boss towards his previously married woman.

  Anya lay limply in his arms, gasping for breath, her face flushed from trying to keep up with him. “You stopped?” she whispered, disappointed.

  “Boyfriend?” he growled, pulling her head back with a fist full of hair so he could look into her glazed eyes while he questioned her. “Married?”

  “What?” she asked, dazed.

  “Are you seeing anyone?” he gritted out between clenched teeth.

  She laughed weakly and shook her head. “You have hella timing big man. No, I’m not seeing anyone.”

  He grunted in acknowledgment and then gripping her once more pulled her off of him. He took a few steps and then tossed her on the couch. She yelled as he dropped down on top of her, lined himself back up and then filled her body with cock again. She clung to him, lifting her hips to meet his thrusts.

  “Going to come baby,” he groaned against her throat. “Want you… come with me.”

  “Yes!” she gasped, shoving her hand between their bodies.

  Understanding her intent he planted his fists into the couch on either side of her head and levered himself up to give her space. He dropped his head so he could watch her hand dance over her own body and hover over her clit. Ash groaned when she began circling one finger over her clit, her knuckles coming into contact with his dick every few strokes.

  It was enough to send him over the edge.

  With a hoarse shout, he widened his knees to give himself more leverage and thrust into her so hard he shoved her up the couch.

  “Fuck!” he yelled, coming harder than he’d ever done in his life.

  She followed him a few seconds later, lifting her hips against him and opening her mouth in a silent scream, while her finger masturbated furiously over her clit. She followed the orgasm through the little explosions afterward, her finger circling slower and lighter as she gently drifted back.

  Ash pulled out of her and rolled to the side so he wouldn’t continue to crush her much smaller body. He instantly regretted it. He forgot they had moved to the couch and hit the floor hard. He heard her breathless giggle, but could only grin stupidly and let his body relax against the hotel carpet. Hell, he’d fucked in much worse places. He planned on enjoying the afterglow for as long as he could.

  Anya rolled onto her side and peeked over the edge of the couch at him with big blue, heavily made up eyes. They were still cloudy with the haze of passion and a little uncertain. Ash didn’t like that uncertainty. He reached up, grabbed her arm and yanked.

  She shrieked as she fell off the couch and landed on his hard chest. She sort of slid sideways and then laughed when he grabbed her naked waist and hauled her back on top where he wanted her. Ash liked her like this. Smiling. Relaxed. Soft. There was none of the usual sass or guardedness he was beginning to understand was her essential armour against the world. She was such a mix of interesting contradictions. She talked big, walked the walk in the big boy clubs, became a sexual vixen in his arms and then an innocent in the afterglow of her orgasm.

  “What are you looking at?” she asked quietly, her eyes still smiling down at him, her hair a riot of blue and black around her shoulders.

  “Your tits,” he replied, earning himself a slap on the shoulder.

  Ash traced her jaw with his finger and tucked a stray lock of hair back behind her ear. He touched her lips, marvelling at the still vivid purple of them. Somehow her lipstick hadn’t rubbed off when he kissed her. He had never bothered to spare a thought about women’s cosmetics before, but now he wanted to know everything about this mysterious woman, including what lipstick brand she favoured and why it didn’t rub off.

  “I’m looking at the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on,” he said, enjoying the slight flare of her blue eyes. “You’re perfect, Anya. The complete package. I can’t wait until my dick recovers, because I plan on doing that again, except slower.”

  He knew eventually her prickly armour would have to come back, but he hoped maybe he’d chipped enough away to start getting to the heart of her. Apparently he’d assumed wrong. Her face wiped of any expression and, with a hand on his chest, she pushed herself up.

  She reached for her clothes, which were scattered around the kitchen island. She tossed him a sharp look. “Don’t mistake this for anything other than a quick fuck, Ash,” she said coldly, yanking clothes on with shaking fingers. “It was good, but I don’t plan on repeating the experience. This isn’t a relationship.”

  Fuck. The ice queen was back.

  Ash stood up, rolled the condom off and tossed it in the trash. He pulled his jeans back up, zipped and buttoned them. His cock apparently hadn’t gotten her ‘not interested’ memo, because the sight of her bent over yanking her boots on with jerky, hurried movements had him going hard again.

  Ash pressed the heel of his hand against his crotch to adjust. “I didn’t ask for a relationship baby, only a repeat performance,” he sneered, grumpy that she was turning what they’d done into something less than it was. He knew she had also experienced a life-altering event when his dick plowed into the heart of her. But a guy had his pride and Ash wasn’t about to admit to her that he’d lost his heart the moment she flipped him off at the match.

  “Fuck you, Ash!” she snapped, yanking her shirt into place and heading for the door.

  “Been there, tapped that,” he snapped back, reaching for his shirt and following her out, determined not to leave her alone in the casino. He knew what kind of predators frequented the place. They would most definitely take advantage of a fine woman like Anya, especially with her current pissed off sex-mussed vibe making her look unbelievably fuckable.

  Ash wanted to punch something but managed to refrain, not wanting to break casino property, which his scarred fists were entirely capable of. He followed her into the elevator looking like the lethal killer he knew he was.

  Anya looked at him out of the corner of her eye, some of her annoyance fading to be replaced with fear. It wasn’t his intent to scare her, but he wanted answers. Like why the fuck did she keep showing up where he was, the epitome of his fantasy woman, twitching her little tail and then running when things got serious?

  “What’s with you?” he asked, stepping in front of her, crowding her. “Why are you leading me on and then pretending there’s nothing between us? I know you feel it, feel whatever this connection is.”

  He could tell she was seriously considering not answering or pretending she didn’t understand. Then she did the worst thing he’d seen her do so far. She collapsed a little, her small shoulders slumping, and her blue eyes looked at him with fear and vulnerability.

  “I’m complicated, Ash,” she admitted quietly. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years, its that I’m not worth the effort. I’m a spoiled brat who doesn’t give a damn about anything but the next good party.”

  Ash was confused. Her words didn’t jive with anything he knew about her so far. Granted, he had only met her once before, but there was nothing about her that indicated she was the person she had just described.

  “I don’t buy it,” he said. “Yeah, you’re a strange mix of mouthy and hot. And while I’ll give you the label brat, I don’t see party girl. You aren’t on drugs. I would know. You look like a loner that gives zero fucks about what people think of her, but not spoiled. Give me a reason why we can’t spend time together. Two loners, hanging out.”

  She sighed, frustrated at his perceptiveness, and looked him in the eye. “I can’t be with you, Ash. I don’t belong to myself.”

  “What do you mean, you don’t belong to yourself? You told me you were single when I was balls deep in your hot little cunt,” he said, his crude language a purposeful attempt to shock away her sudden melancholy.

  She shook her head, frowning. “I’m not attached, b
ut there’s more than one way to belong to someone else. You should know that. You’re the one that’s up for sale, fighter.”

  “I don’t belong to any man,” Ash corrected. “I choose the contract and I walk away when I’m ready. Are you telling me someone own’s you?”

  “In a manner of speaking,” she replied hesitantly.

  A chill went down his spine. It explained her tough and sexy personality. Sexual slavery happened. It was entirely possible Anya was owned by someone, or a group of people, like the mafia. Had they sent her to seduce him into accepting a contract? Furious, Ash growled, “I’ll buy your contract.”

  She laughed, a little hysterically, and shook her head.

  “If they won’t sell, then I’ll kill them. The cocksuckers won’t even know what hit them.”

  She was looking at him strangely now, her head tilted back and her eyes studying him, as though seeing him for the first time. Finally she spoke. “You really meant what you said. About us, about wanting to be with me?”

  “I mean every word. I’ll kill for you, if that’s what it takes.”

  She shook her head and smiled sadly. “I’m not a slave, Ash. I don’t belong to anyone in that way. But I’m not free to choose you either. It’s better for both of us if we just walk away from this.”

  “Now that I’ve had a taste, I’m not walking Anya.”

  “You’ll change your mind.” She shook her head sadly. “They all do.”

  The implication of other men wanted him to break something. It was so unlike him to become this emotionally charged over anything, let alone a woman. He had stopped using drugs a lifetime ago, but they had left him with permanently dulled senses. Until Anya followed him into the locker room, he had considered himself a machine. Living to protect the casino owner and his interests, but rarely enjoying life. Now that he’d had a taste of Anya – of joy – he wasn’t letting go. It was everything he could do not to reach for her and force her to stay with him. But he realized on a more rational level that he needed to get to know her better. Find out what made her tick. Then kill it so she could come to him free and clear.


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