Thug Passion 2

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by Mz. Lady P

  Once we arrived home, I had plans on leaving back out to check on shit in the hood. I decided against it since Tahari was already mad at me. The last thing I wanted to hear was her cussing me out. I stayed downstairs in my man cave and smoked a couple of blunts and knocking back some shots of Patron. My mind drifted to thoughts of my mother and everything that had been going on since her arrest. I was glad she told Ta'Jay about Venom being her father.

  Ta'Jay and Tahari now knew that they were blood sisters and had become closer than ever. I had to let the reigns loose and let Tahari get out more. She was right I couldn’t keep her in the house. I was just going to have to suck it up and pray that she was safe.


  It was three in the morning when I received a call from Malik. He wanted me to meet him at the Chop Shop. I haven't had to take a trip out there since we murked Nico and Detective Grimes. I was able to slip out of bed without waking up Tahari. I was happy she was knocked out because the last thing I needed to hear was her mouth before I got ready to murk a muthafucka, that shit throws me all off.

  As I pulled into the parking lot, I noticed Malik and Sarge were already there. Using the key code to get in, the door opened and I heard Malik and Sarge putting the paws on a muthafucka.

  "Y'all niggas couldn't wait for me, huh?" The overhead light was shining down over the person that was tied to the chair. As I moved closer, the person's face came into view. It was the cat Black that used to get money with Nico. He was cool with Sarge; so I was confused as to why he would even go against him. Him hating me was understandable; I'm hated by a lot of niggas. It came with the territory.

  "You see this shit, Bro? A nigga we have looked out for over the years is trying to take us down by being a fucking snitch." Malik hit Black so hard his teeth flew from his mouth.

  "Damn my nigga I thought we were better than this," Sarge said rubbing his fingers through his goatee.

  I slapped his face a couple of times to make his ass alert since he was semi-conscious from the ass whopping Malik and Sarge had put on him before I made it there.

  "Wake the fuck up nigga! It's not time for you to go night night just yet. I never took you for being a snitch, Black. Let's talk about it. Maybe I'll consider letting you walk out of here with your life."

  "If I walk out of the door I'm a dead man anyway, so y’all might as well kill me now. I'm not saying shit.”

  "Just a minute ago your bitch ass had diarrhea of the mouth. Now all of sudden your ass isn't talking. Well I got something that's about to make you talk." I grabbed a gasoline can and a blowtorch. I was glad he was already stripped and had on nothing but his boxers. I poured a small of amount of gasoline onto his thigh. I turned on the blowtorch as high as it could go. Black started to fidget around in his seat.

  "Hold his bitch ass still!" Malik and Sarge held the nigga in place while I placed the fire on his leg.

  "Aaargh! Aarrgh! Okay! Okay! I'll tell you what you want to know!" The whole top part of his right leg had burned down to the muscle. The smell of his burning flesh was sickening. I got a hard on as I watched tears fall down this snitch ass nigga's face. I doused the upper part of his body with gasoline letting his ass know he better tell me what the fuck I wanted to hear. "Your ass got less than a minute to tell me something good."

  "A couple of months back this nigga by the name of Venom comes over to the projects where we get money at looking for Nico because he was trying to get in contact with his daughter Tahari. Once he got with Nico, he found out that she was now fucking with you. He went into beast mode and wanted to take y’all down. Nico was already planning on robbing you and getting his girl back. We agreed to help Venom, but we didn't know that Venom was going to be shooting up y'all crib and shit. We didn't understand why he claimed to want his daughter from your family, but he was constantly doing shit that could have her killed. Him and his bitch is crazy. I don't know what went on, but he wants y’all dead."

  "I still don't understand why you’ve been getting my traps raided?"

  "Nico followed you around, so that's how we ended up knowing where all the trap were located. With Nico being missing, I haven't been able to get money. So, I snitched to the police so that I could get your clientele. I have boatloads of shit that Venom has here in a warehouse. He put me in charge of it so that he could lay low behind the incident at your wedding. He plans on taking the throne from you." I couldn't fucking believe what I was hearing right now. This shit just kept getting worse.

  "Where the fuck is Venom at?" Malik asked through gritted teeth.

  "Now, that I don't know. He never told us any info on him. Him and his wife would just pop up whenever they felt like it.”

  "What the fuck do you know because the shit you just told me is really not helping me spare your life?" I turned the blowtorch back on full force.

  "Okay! Okay! I know where the warehouse is located."

  "You better not be playing no fucking games or I'm putting your ass in that wood chipper," Sarge said as he kicked the chair over causing Black to fall over and hit his head on the floor. Once we got his ass up and back dressed, we hopped into Sarge's truck. There was no way his funky ass was getting into my brand new 2014 Mercedes Benz truck. I didn't even like my kids in that car.

  The drive to the warehouse was a familiar one and once we made it to the warehouse, Malik and I looked at each other and flashbacks from our childhood took over us for a moment. It was the same area in which we burned Snake's dead body inside the trunk of his car. We exited the car and Black ushered us to the side door of the warehouse. He pulled the door back and we all went inside. There were kilos inside, but nowhere near what I had in my warehouse.

  "What y'all want to do?"

  "Let's take his shit!" Malik said.

  "What the fuck you still standing there for nigga, get to loading that shit up in the trunk.”

  We watched as Black made about ten trips in and out of the warehouse. Once he was finished; Malik, Sarge, and I pulled out our custom made Desert Eagles and emptied the clip into Black's ass. We left his snitch ass right there stanking. Any nigga giving up all the info he just did was the reason why the game was all fucked up now. I was doing every real nigga in the hood a big ass favor.

  All the traps were officially closed down. I had to find new locations. I'm not worried about my clientele. A dopefiend would travel the seven seas to get some good dope. As far as Venom's shit goes it was about to be Christmas in the hood and I was about to give back to streets; in honor of Venom. I bet I bring his bitch ass out of hiding now by giving his shit away for free.

  Chapter 8- Tahari

  It's All About You

  I'm so proud of myself. After enrolling in a four-week course, I received my G.E.D. It felt so good to accomplish something on my own. Thug was more excited than I was. At first, I was nervous about being in a classroom after all these years, but once I got used to it, I got right into the swing of things.

  I had been debating on what I wanted to take up in college and decided I wanted to be a registered nurse. I had enrolled for the fall classes so since it was July, I had time to get myself prepared. I was so happy Thug encouraged me to go back to school. A woman wasn't nothing without a supportive man behind her.

  Thug and I hadn't been able to spend a lot of time together lately being he had been busy opening up his new traps and I had been studying. Ms. Brenda had the kids tonight, so we were about to have date night. I wanted to be comfortable, so I decided to wear a pair of white True Religion shorts with the matching fitted shirt and a cute little pair of sandals from Akira.

  "I'm ready, Babe."

  "Where are you going in them little ass shorts? I can see your ass cheeks bouncing out from the bottom when you walk."

  "They are not that short." I looked down and examined the shorts. I looked behind me and my cheeks were playing peek-a-boo. "It's not my fault I got ass for days. Plus, I thought you liked my big ole booty."

  "That's my ass and it's not for other n
iggas to be looking at. I let you out of the house with that shit on and I will have to put a bullet in a nigga’s head. Now go change, so we won't be late for the movie or our dinner reservations at Brazazz Steakhouse."

  I hurried up and changed into a long black Maxi dress and we were out the door. We made it the show just in time to grab us a drink from the bar and go watch our movie. We decided to see Think Like A Man 2. Kevin Hart was hilarious. After the movie, we headed to our dinner date. It was really nice how they brought the steaks to your table and cut it off on to your plate. About an hour into our dinner date, we were talking and laughing when two plain-clothes detectives approached our table.

  "If it isn't the Drug King Pin Ka'Jaire "Thug" Kenneth."

  "What the fuck your fat ass want now, Detective Arnez?" Thug said, obviously pissed.

  "Don't think that I don't know your ass is opening back up shop. I'm just dying to arrest your ass and have you in the Federal Prison right next to your Momma."

  "Your wife must not give you pussy on a regular because you keep a hard on trying to take me down." Thug took a fork full of steak and put it into his mouth.

  "All you need to worry about is who your pretty little wife will be giving her pussy to when I lock your ass up for the rest of your life." The detective turned around and tried to caress my face and I hurried up and moved away from his ass.

  Before I knew it, Thug had jumped up and was about to kick his ass, but I grabbed his hand. The detectives just walked off laughing. I had lost my appetite and was ready to go home. I wasn't really mad at Thug for what happened. He didn't have to edge him on either.

  During the ride home, I was tied up with my thoughts. Since meeting Thug, I had been very aware of his line of work. It never crossed my mind what I would do if he were to get killed or go to jail. Thug was my world and I couldn't even imagine life without him in it. Sometimes I wondered would he ever get out of this life. I watched him day in and day out as he handled business and held court in the streets. He loved this shit. It was like he got an adrenaline rush from it.

  "You want to grab something from Applebee's takeout since we didn't get a chance to finish dinner?” Thug asked as he grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight. When he does that it meant that he was angry. He wanted to talk about things, but was too pissed off at the moment.

  "I'm good. I just want to go home."

  When we pulled into the garage, Thug got out the car without even waiting for me to get out. He went straight to his office. I didn't want to bother him, so I went to take a shower and get ready for bed. After my shower, I exited the bathroom and Thug was lying in bed staring at the ceiling.

  "Why did you do that back at the restaurant?" His question caught me off guard.

  "What did I do?"

  "You grabbed my muthafuckin’ hand when I was about to beat dude ass for disrespecting me!"

  "I stopped you because I didn't want you to go to jail for assaulting a police officer or even worse killing him."

  "You don't worry about that. Let me do that shit. I don't let no muthafuckin body disrespect me or my fucking wife! Don't ever do that shit again. Do you hear me Tahari?" I remained silent for a couple of seconds before responding to him because he had officially took me to another level.

  "Yeah. I hear you with your selfish ass."

  "What the fuck you mean selfish?"

  "You don't get it, Ka'Jaire. It's not all about you. Your actions will affect your kids and me. I'm not ready to be a wife who has to come and visit you in jail or at your fucking gravesite. So, if it's not too much to ask the next time you get the urge to do the shit you was about to do tonight, think of your family because you are all that we have."

  I went into the guest bedroom to sleep. That was something I never did because I hated sleeping alone. Tonight was different, though, I didn't even want to look at his ass let alone lay next to him. I really was scared to lose him. Now that I thought about it, not too long ago, I did tell him I was able to handle being with a man like him, but that didn't mean that I shouldn't have the fear of losing him.

  I drifted off to sleep and was awakened the next morning to the sounds of someone banging on the door. My first thought was that it was the police raiding the house. I sat up and watched Thug rush past the guest bedroom door and I jumped out the bed and followed him. We both got downstairs and Thug swung the door open. It was Ms. Brenda and she looked a mess. The kids were still in their pajamas; they all looked like a total wreck.

  "Ka'Jaire, they found my baby dead! I can't believe somebody killed her and just dumped her body in the lake like she was trash! Lord what I'm I going to do without my only child!" Ms. Brenda fell into Thug's arms and cried so bad. I really felt sorry for her. My heart broke into pieces as I looked at Ka'Jaire Jr. and Ka'Jairea; they were crying their poor little hearts out.

  I immediately grabbed them and took them upstairs to calm them down. Before I turned to leave the room with the kids, I made eye contact with Thug. He didn't have a hint of sadness in his eyes as he consoled this woman. Immediately the conversation we had when he told me about her trying to set me up replayed in my mind. Please Ka'Jaire tell me you didn't have anything to do with this? I thought to myself.

  Chapter 9- Thug

  Watery Secrets

  "Calm down, Ms. Brenda, before you make yourself sick. Don't worry I'm going to find out who did this. Have the police giving you any details yet?" I was fishing for information. I had to find out what they had told her and what she said to them.

  "They came by at eight this morning and said that they found a body floating in the pond at the Forest Preserve yesterday. They were able to identify her because she still had her purse around her body. That's how they got my address off of her State I.D. They asked if she had any enemies or a boyfriend that she was having trouble with. I didn't know nothing about Kelis' personal life."

  "Did you tell them anything about me?"

  "Only that you were the father of her children. They said that they would like to question you as soon as possible. The female detective left her card with me. I didn't tell them your address because I know how you feel about that. Lord help me. I can't afford to pay for a funeral." I was waiting for her to say that shit. I knew for a fact her ass had insurance on Kelis. Ole greedy bitch wanted to keep the money for herself.

  "Don't worry about it, Ms. Brenda, just make all the arrangements to your liking and call me. I will come to the funeral home and pay for everything." That was the least I could do since I was the one who killed her trick ass. I was so happy when her ass got up to leave. I know it was wrong, but I felt no fucking sympathy. I simply could not spare Kelis' life after she tried to set Tahari up.


  I stood outside our bedroom door and I could hear my children as they sniffled. Tahari was trying her best to console them. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. I thought about how I had hurt my kids. I had to put on my game face before I entered the bedroom. Tahari’s ass was going to be eyeing me like a hawk. I hated that she knew how to read me so well. I twisted the doorknob and entered the bedroom. I climbed in the bed with them and they both climbed on my lap.

  "Can Tahari be our mommy now since our mommy is never coming back." Ka’Jairea looked up at me with those big beautiful eyes that I have fell in love with.

  "Tahari already is our mother stupid."

  "Aye! Don't call your sister stupid."

  "Go into y’all room and put on some clothes. We'll go to IHOP and you can get as many pancakes as you want." The kids exited the room and I watched as Tahari got up and started to get dressed.

  "Damn, I know that you're not that mad at me that you're not going to say shit to me."

  "Did you kill her?" I thought long and hard before I answered her question. I got up and closed the door. The last thing I wanted was for my kids to hear our conversation.

  "Does it matter, Tahari?"

  "Hell yeah it matters. In my heart I know that you did it to protect me. I just want t
o hear you say it. I know the police are going to want to question you about your whereabouts, so we need to come up with an alibi. Can you remember anything that happened day?"

  "It was the night that you had the miscarriage." I could tell Tahari was thinking what the fuck was I doing with Kelis on the day that she lost our baby.

  "Despite the fact that your ass left me alone, that's your alibi. You were at the hospital with me. Don't worry about the time of death. I watch Investigative Discovery all day every day. It's been hot as hell outside. Her body has been in the water for so long that it's going to be hard determining the exact time of death. Her body has to be in an advanced state of decomposition. That's our story and we're sticking to it. Now, come here and give me a kiss." Tahari grabbed me into her embrace and kissed me so passionately. I let her slip her tongue in mouth and she sucked my bottom lip so seductively. It felt like she was making love to my mouth.

  "Look I don't want you getting in this shit."

  "We are in this shit together, Ka'Jaire. I'm your ride or die bitch. End of discussion. Now, come on let's go take our babies to breakfast so we can cheer them up.” Tahari left me speechless after the things that she said to me. She was everything I wanted in a ride or die chick. I just hated that she had to go through so much and be harmed behind it. It was official that she was not the weak Tahari I seen walking down the street battered and bruised. I had turned my wife into a beast. Looking at her get dressed, made my dick hard as hell.

  "Come here with your sexy ass!" I grabbed her and threw her on the bed.

  "No! Ka'Jaire, the kids are in the next room. They are going to hear us."

  "Well then you better not make no noise." I pulled her to the edge of the bed and placed her legs on my shoulders. I placed my head in between her legs and started to assault her pussy with my tongue. I methodically flicked my tongue up and down her clit and in and out of her pussy. Tahari was grinding in and out of my mouth. I knew it was taking a lot out of her not to scream.


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