Double Down (The Drift Book 1)

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Double Down (The Drift Book 1) Page 18

by Susan Hayes

  “How is she?” Luke asked in hushed tones as he slipped back into the room.

  “The same. Why hasn’t she woken up yet?” Kit rose from his chair to pace the small space around her bed.

  Luke crossed over to the bed and leaned down to kiss her cheek. “Come on, gorgeous. It’s time to wake up. You know Kit gets cranky when you make him wait.”

  “Like you’re any better,” Kit shot back.

  “I’m not the one who snapped at that very nice Dr. Jefferies when she told you to be patient.

  “It wasn’t what she said, it was how she said it,” Kit grumbled.

  “Like she was a trained professional being asked the same question for the fiftieth time in one day?”

  “You’re an ass.”

  “Yep, but I’m a diplomatic ass. They still like me.”

  “Go fight somewhere else. I’m sleeping here,” Zura muttered groggily.

  Kit was at her side in a second. “No more sleeping, little one. You’ve slept enough already.”

  “Hey, gorgeous, welcome back.”

  She stirred and finally opened her beautiful silver eyes, and Kit felt the weight of the universe slip from his shoulders. She was going to be okay.

  “Is Royan all right? Did we win? Where are we, and why do I feel like I got hit by a comet?” she asked, her voice a raspy croak.

  “Yes, we won. Vin’s dead, and everyone else on that other ship is either dead or in custody. You got shot in the back while we were rescuing your brother. He’s fine. A little battered and bruised, but nothing serious. You’re the one we’ve all been worried about,” Kit said, taking her hand and holding it tight.

  “We’re back on Astek Station, in the medical center. Everyone’s been asking about you. Even Cyn’s been by every day to visit.”

  “Every day? How long was I out? And where’s my ship?” Zura’s mind wasn’t as awake as her body, but things were slowly coming back to her.

  “It felt like forever, but you were only out of it for a couple of days,” Luke told her.

  Kit chuckled. “I wondered how long it would take you to ask about the Sun Sprite. She’s back at her berth, undergoing some minor repairs.”

  She sat up slowly. “So, my brother’s okay, my ship is mostly okay, and you two are in one piece. Good. Next question: If I got shot, why aren’t I in more pain? I ache, and my mouth feels like I’ve been eating cotton balls dipped in dust, but that’s it.”

  Luke cleared his throat and looked at Kit. “You want to explain it, or shall I?”

  “Explain what?” Zura demanded.

  Kit cleared his throat. “You were dying, Zura. There was no way to get you to help in time, so we had to make a decision.”

  Her brain was still only working at half speed, but she didn’t like the sound of that.

  “What decision did you make?”

  “We transferred some of the nanobots we carry to you. It’s not exactly a standard procedure, but we couldn’t think of anything else to do,” Luke said.

  “What does that mean, exactly?”

  “It means that you’ve got millions of microscopic medi-bots in your body now. The doctors say there’s no way to remove them. They’re self-replicating, and apparently your body can handle their presence without rejecting them, which is almost unheard of. There was a lot of medical jargon involved in the explanations, but the short version is you’re not likely to get sick again,” Kit explained.

  “Ever?” she asked, her mind reeling at the implications of what they’d just told her.

  “Ever. The medi-bots will keep you healthy, heal you when you’re injured, and uh… some other stuff.” Luke rubbed the back of his neck and avoided looking at her.

  She narrowed her eyes at Luke. “Care to explain what you mean by other stuff? Because I’m betting that it’s something I’m going to want to know about.”

  “No one’s sure what a cyborg’s natural lifespan is. Most of us died in the wars, and the rest of us are still too young for there to be any data. All the experts know for sure is that we’re going to live a long time, and we’ll likely do it in perfect health. So…” Kit squeezed her hand again.

  “So in theory, I’m going to live a long, very healthy life?” She exhaled sharply. Of all the news she had been expecting, perfect health and longevity weren't even on the list.

  “We think so, yes. You okay with that?” Luke asked, swooping in to kiss her.

  “You saved my life and made me quasi-immortal in the process. Why wouldn’t I be okay with it?” Zura was still struggling to wrap her head around everything she had been told. Royan was safe. Her ship was okay. Her vardo were with her and she was infested with lifesaving microtech.

  “In that case, it was all my idea. I love you, Zura. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to keep you with me,” Luke said between kisses.

  “I love you, too. You might want to wait until I’ve brushed my teeth before you kiss me, though. I must have serious morning breath.”

  “I don’t care. I’ve been waiting ages for you to wake up. It hasn’t been easy for any of us. Kit was ready to start breaking heads if you didn’t wake up soon.”

  “I got discharged two days ago, but I wasn’t leaving here without you,” Kit confirmed.

  “Discharged? Back up. You got hurt? When?”

  “I got shot about thirty seconds after you did. It’s only a graze, though. I’m fine, little one. I promise.”

  “If anything happened to you…” The thought made her heart ache. Kit and Luke had risked their lives to protect her and help rescue her brother. It was a gift without price, and she had no idea how to begin thanking them.

  “We feel the same way about you,” Luke said.

  “I don’t remember much about what happened. There was a fight, I was running back to the ship, and then it all goes blank.”

  “Trauma will do that. You got hit as you were heading through the door of the Sun Sprite. We found you on the deck just inside. Royan flew us out of there, and I got to blow a hole in the bay doors. If it wasn’t for you getting hurt, the whole thing was kind of fun,” Kit said.

  She rolled her eyes. “Your definition of fun needs work. Is there a program I can upload to fix that?”

  “Ha-ha. No. No messing with my software. Now, you’re welcome to mess with my hardware anytime you’d like. The second you’re released from this place, we have plans for you. Honeymoon type plans,” Kit said, his eyes filling with heat.

  “Oh hell no. No sexy talk in front of the brother, thanks very much.” Royan appeared in the doorway and grinned at her. “Hey, sis. Nice of you to finally come back to us. These two have been climbing the walls waiting for you to quit the sleeping beauty routine. I still can’t believe you took a pair of cyborgs as your vardo. Having spent a few days in their company, I can tell you that they’re both crazy.”

  “Yeah, but they’re my kind of crazy,” Zura said, earning herself a wink from Kit.

  “Damn right we are.”

  “I owe you an apology, Royan. I got you dragged into my mess, and I’m sorry.”

  Royan scoffed. “The way I hear it, we both got dragged into one of Dad’s messes. Trust him to keep something like that a secret from us but manage to let Vin the asshole know about the money. You don’t owe me anything. In fact, once you’re out of here, I’m buying you a drink as thanks for coming to get me.”

  “Screw that. Drinks are on the house. You’re family now, Royan. You don’t pay for drinks in our club,” Luke declared.

  “Really? In that case, I might consider relocating to the Drift. Free booze for life!”

  “Behave yourself, little brother or I’ll have my vardo kick your ass.” Zura sat up the rest of the way, then eased herself to the edge of the bed.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Luke asked.

  “Up. According to the two of you, I’ve been in bed for days. It’s time I got back to my life.”

  She moved slowly, lowering herself to the floor a few inche
s at a time. No pain.


  Once she was on her feet, she took a few cautious steps and found herself being tugged into Kit’s arms.

  “Come here, little one. There’s something I need to return to you.” He drew her in close and then held up her dad’s lucky ring on its familiar gold chain.

  “You got it back for me. Thank you,” she said as he carefully fastened it around her neck.

  “I had to. The first time you took the damned thing off you nearly died. It’s your good luck charm, and we don’t want you to ever take it off again.”

  It was funny, but she felt better for having the comforting weight of the ring back around her neck. For a fleeting moment, she wondered if her dad could see her right now and if he would approve of her choices. Somehow, she thought he would. The message he left for her said he hoped that she would find a better life for herself, and she had. She was with two men who loved her completely. Her brother was back in her life, which meant she had another chance to bridge the distance between them, and she had the gift of her father’s money. For the first time in her life, she could do whatever she wanted, instead of what she had to.

  “Zura? You okay? Do you need to go back to bed?” Kit asked, staring down at her with concern.

  “I’ll go back to bed in a minute. I’m okay, I guess it finally hit me that it’s over. It is over, isn’t it?”

  “It’s over. Vin’s dead. Royan’s safe. Corp-Sec is looking into the Drojo Cartel, which Vin mentioned was the name of the group who owned that big, ugly ship. We even know who was watching you. It turns out Vin was paying a couple of station crewmen to send updates whenever they saw you. They’re all in custody now. Well, two are. Owen got a hold of the third one, he’s in the secure section of the medical center, recovering. It’s really over, Zura. It’s time for us to go home.” Kit told her.

  Zura sighed happily and nestled into Kit’s arms. “Home. I like the sound of that.” She wasn’t sure what her future would look like yet, but whatever she decided, Zura knew that from here on in, home wouldn’t be the Sun Sprite anymore. It would be with her men and the family she had found here in the Drift.

  * * * *

  “You look amazing,” Cyn told her as she finished zipping Zura into her dress.

  “I barely recognize myself. You are a wonder with a make-up kit and a hairbrush, Cyn.”

  Cynder laughed. “Don’t tell anyone, okay? That’s our little secret.”

  “I won’t tell a soul. I have to ask, why don’t you ever…” Zura gestured to herself, and then to Cyn, who was dressed in her standard outfit of dark pants, a sleeveless Nova Club t-shirt that showed off her hard body, and combat boots. Her short hair was spiked up into gelled points, and as far as Zura could tell, she wasn’t wearing any cosmetics.

  Cyn shrugged. “I’ve had more than my share of male attention in my life already.”

  “I’m not surprised; you’re beautiful.”

  The other woman laughed. “Thanks, but that’s not what I meant. The corporations tinkered with a lot of behavior modifications over the years, but they quickly discovered that if they messed with our sex drive, it made the guys less aggressive in general. So instead of dialing it down, they dialed it up. Way up.”

  “So that’s why Kit and Luke are, uh, the way they are?”

  Cyn snickered. “Uh huh.”

  Zura already had an inkling where Cynder’s explanation was going to lead, but she hoped Cyn would keep talking. Over the last two weeks, they had started to form a deeper friendship, and Zura wanted to know more about the woman she was coming to think of as family.

  There was a long pause, and Cyn sighed. “You really want to hear this?”

  “I want to know who you are, Cyn. So yes, I’d like to hear why you work so hard to keep men at a distance. I’ve gone my whole life feeling invisible and wishing someone would see me, so I know there’s got to be a reason a beautiful woman like you is trying to hide.”

  “Because now I have a choice. Back then, I didn’t. It took us years to overcome our conditioning and the behavior modification software those bastards installed in us. In the early years, I couldn’t say no to any order I was given. Some of those orders included accommodating the sexual needs of my fellow cyborgs.”

  “That’s horrible. I’m so sorry,” Zura said. What else could she say? She couldn’t imagine what Cyn had been through.

  “Before you ask, no, I was never with your guys. For some reason, the corporation higher ups didn’t like the idea of us having sex with our batch siblings. When we were fighting, there was no fraternizing, period. When we were back in barracks or being transported to a new location, that’s when we were expected to make ourselves available.”

  “Now I understand why you don’t want anyone to look at you that way.”

  “One day, maybe. But when I do, it will be my choice, you know? No one else’s.”

  “I hope your one day comes soon, Cynder. You deserve to be happy and loved.”

  “You’ve certainly done that for Kit and Luke. I’ve never seen them so happy as they’ve been since the three of you finally got together.” Cyn grinned. “You just keep doing what you’re doing, little blue. You’re good for them.”

  “They make me happy, too. I can’t believe how much.” Zura smoothed her hands over the long, cobalt blue and silver dress she had chosen to wear. They’d gotten married only a few hours ago in a small, private ceremony. Now, it was time for the reception. Everyone was invited, and from what she had heard, half the Drift planned on making an appearance at the club tonight.

  “Come on; if we take any longer, my former commanders will be banging on the door demanding to know what we’re doing in here. They hate having you out of their sight for very long.”

  Zura nodded. “I’ve noticed. I think they’ll be even happier once they hear my news.” Cyn had been the one person she had confided in about her plans. She loved her vardo, but she wanted this to be a surprise for them.

  “Are you kidding me? They’re going to be ecstatic. Come on. It’s time we joined the party. You have an announcement to make.”

  They left Cyn’s quarters together, passing Zura’s new living quarters along the way. While the three of them were off rescuing Royan, Cyn had taken it upon herself to do a little remodeling. She had combined Kit and Luke’s rooms, creating a larger space for the three of them. It was comfortable and far more spacious than anything Zura was used to, and it was already starting to feel like home.

  The moment she stepped through the doors, she was met with smiles and greetings from all directions. Before she could say more than a few hellos, a powerful pair of arms wrapped around her waist, and she was pulled back behind the bar.

  “There you are, my bride. About time you got here,” Luke said before spinning her around and sealing her mouth with a long, heated kiss that had several of the patrons cheering.

  “Your sister was helping me get myself together. You like?” she asked when he finally lifted his lips from hers.

  “I like. You look amazing. Of course, you’re also going to look incredible when I get you out of that dress and make love to you all night.”

  “Sounds good to me,” she replied. She reached up to brush her fingertips over the braided blue and silver metal band he now wore on his left hand. “Have I mentioned how sexy I think this is?”

  He chuckled softly. “Not in a few hours, at least.”

  “Don’t make me come back there and drag you to your own party. Put your bride down and get out here. You’re not on duty tonight; you’re supposed to be the guest of honor!” Cyn said, leaning on the far side of the bar with an amused expression.

  “I’m not the only one working. Last time I saw Kit, he was headed to the front doors to check in with the two working security there.”

  Cyn threw her hands in the air. “I give up. Zura, they’re all yours. Good luck.”

  “It’s all a matter of incentive,” Zura replied before lifting her comm de
vice to her mouth and whispering something into it. Less than a minute later, Kit appeared through the crowd, his dark eyes gleaming as he made straight for her.

  “What the hell did you tell him?” Luke asked.

  Kit vaulted over the bar and pulled her into his arms. “No panties. Really? You’re going to kill me, wife.”

  Cyn burst out laughing. “Nicely done, little blue.”

  “What? Did I miss something?” Kit asked as his hands cupped her ass, pulling her in close before kissing her.

  “Not a thing,” Cyn said with a slight snicker. “You ready, Zura?”

  Zura held up a hand while she kissed Kit back with enough heat to make him groan deep in his chest. “Now, I’m ready.”

  “Ready for what?” Luke asked.

  “You’ll see.”

  Zura looked around at the throng of people that filled the bar. They were all here because they wanted to be part of the celebration. It was humbling to see so many familiar faces and to realize that they were all here for her and her vardo. She had come out to the Drift because she had no other place to go, but somewhere along the way, it had become more than just a place to hide. It had become her home.

  “Can you lift me onto the bar, please?” She asked her vardo.

  “It’s a good thing that’s a long dress, or the answer would be no,” Kit said before placing his hands on her hips and lifting her into the air. Luke moved in to help, and within seconds, she was standing on the bar top. Both men then moved around to the front of the bar, putting themselves between Zura and the crowd.

  From here she could see every corner of the club, from the gaming tables to the booths in the far corners of the bar. There were friendly faces everywhere. Even a few of the medical staff were in attendance, including her doctor, Alyson Jefferies. Zura was still under medical supervision, and would be for some time to come. The doctor was writing a paper on Zura and her unique ability to survive the medi-bots that still coursed through her blood. So far, she was the only non-cyborg to survive such a transfer, and there were a lot of questions as to why and how.

  Unofficially, the doctor wanted to know more about the cyborgs in general. The corporations guarded the facts about their creation and abilities so tightly that very little was known. With a number of the cyborgs calling the Drift home, Dr. Jefferies wanted to learn what she could about their unique physiology so they could turn to her for help, instead of the corporations that had created them.


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