Where Love Grows

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Where Love Grows Page 2

by Jerry S. Eicher

  “You’re right. Da Hah has blessed you!” Susan opened the front door. It squeaked on the hinges, the sound echoing through the house. “Looks like you need oil on this door.”

  “I’m leaving it like it is unless James objects. That way I can hear the door every time he comes into the house so I can come running from wherever I’m working. Oh, Susan! I can’t believe this is happening!” Teresa paused and tears sprang to her eyes.

  Susan set the supplies on the hardwood floor and went to stand beside her. “I’m so glad you’re happy, Teresa. You don’t know how worried I was about you those first few months here. I thought Deacon Ray and Yost were going to mess your life up with their scheming. And you went along with their plans, having such a sweet attitude about what you couldn’t control. I’m sure that’s why Da Hah has chosen to bless you.”

  “He has blessed me,” Teresa agreed. “And I’m not going to rest or stop praying until you’re as happy as I am.”

  “You’re a very precious friend, Teresa. I can never tell you that enough. If my attitude toward life’s trials can become as pure as yours, I’m sure I’ll be okay.”

  “I’ll always be your friend, Susan. Please tell me if I ever do something that harms our friendship. I don’t want marriage, or children, or busy days and nights to keep our hearts apart.”

  Susan wiped away her own tears. “Life changes things, Teresa. But, yah, I hope we will always be sisters in heart. In many ways you are much more of a sister to me than my eight real ones. They think I’m spoiled, pampered, and hardheaded. And they’re probably right…which is why I like you—you’re so nice to me in spite of how I act sometimes.”

  Teresa gave Susan a quick hug. “You liked me for some reason long before I was ever nice to you. I shudder to think how I must have looked going into Laura’s bakery in Asbury Park. I was all swelled up and pregnant with Samuel. And then I asked you to help me arrange for my baby to be adopted by Amish parents when he was born. It’s a wonder you didn’t throw me back out on the street.”

  “Your beautiful heart was clear to me, Teresa. I could see it in your face. You just didn’t know it. It would have taken a heart of stone to send you away. And mine wasn’t quite frozen over. And now here we are. You have a beautiful baby boy and a soon-to-be wonderful husband.”

  “In some way I’ll pay you back.” Teresa sighed. “I’m going to do all I can to help you and Thomas get together. I want both of you to have what James and I have. Love is too wonderful to keep to myself, Susan.”

  “I won’t object,” Susan said. “Now, I suppose we’d better get to work.”

  “Yes…I mean yah,” Teresa corrected. Both girls laughed.

  Teresa continued. “I want to thank you and Thomas for agreeing to be an attending couple at the wedding. If you wouldn’t have said yes, I have no idea who I would have gotten for my side of the family. James said it absolutely had to be one couple from each side.”

  “I’m glad to do it.”

  Teresa tilted her head. “You’ll be a better-looking couple than James and I when you wed. I’m almost jealous.”

  Susan laughed. “You have nothing to worry about. Really you don’t. The joy on your face will make you look like an angel. Okay, we really do need to get started. ”

  “First I want to take you upstairs,” Teresa said.

  “I’ve already been up there.”

  “Not today you haven’t. Come. Samuel’s little room is ready!”

  Susan followed Teresa up the steps and listened to the squeaking of the old farmhouse. The noises of these old homes soothed her spirit even after all these years. As a young girl she’d raced up and down stairs like this, just as Samuel soon would. How quickly time passed, and oh how the little things in life grew in value.

  Teresa pushed open a door and walked into a light-blue room. A small bed was set up against the wall facing the window. A dark-brown knitted rug was on the floor. On the bed, a Texas star quilt lay. Teresa tossed back the quilt edges to reveal plain white pillows.

  “It’s adorable,” Susan cooed. “Samuel will grow up exactly like you imagined before he was born.”

  “And he’ll have a real father,” Teresa whispered. “James has so taken to him. Samuel already calls him Daett.”

  “That’s so wonderful.” Susan ran her hand over the quilt.

  “Come!” Teresa motioned for her to follow. “I want to show you the other three bedrooms.”

  “You have redone them already?”

  “No, and we may not get to them for a while. That is, we may not need them for a while. You know what I mean…when we have…um…other babies.” Teresa’s cheeks turned bright red.

  Susan laughed. “You already are a wonderful mamm, Teresa.”

  “I hope so. But these will be James’s children. And what if I mess things up for him? What if I don’t give him healthy children? Susan, do you really think I’ll make a good Amish mother?”

  Susan gave Teresa a warm smile. “Don’t worry about it. Da Hah will give you grace just like He did with you and baby Samuel. You don’t see James or anyone else in the community complaining about him, do you?”

  Teresa took a deep breath. “No, I don’t. But I wonder sometimes if people might be covering for my mistakes.”

  “Mamm and I would tell you if you were doing something wrong.”

  “Thank you. That so helps with my nerves. You have no idea how much.” Teresa opened another bedroom door. Bare white walls and a high ceiling greeted them. Cracks ran everywhere across the plaster.

  “Phew! This room does need work,” Susan said.

  “I know. What color would you make this room?”

  “Hmmm…okay.” Susan stepped inside. “The window faces the east, so the first sun rays every morning will be coming in. That will make everything look brighter. I’d go with a darker color. Maybe a nice blue…or red even.”

  “But those are boy colors,” Teresa said. “Our first child together is going to be a girl.”

  Susan laughed. “You’re awful sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

  Teresa blushed. “Just hoping. So I suppose we have to stay with neutral colors just in case. And I don’t want to make it pink, right?”

  Susan gasped. “Most certainly not! That would be very…well, it certainly wouldn’t be Amish.”

  “Then a cream color, maybe a little on the dark side. I think I’d like that.”

  Susan turned to face the window. “I’d still go with a darker red or blue. Either way, it’ll be wonderful.”

  “I know.” Teresa beamed. “So many choices, but they can wait. There will be plenty of time after the wedding. Come on downstairs. I want to show you the main bedroom.”

  “Have you already fixed that up?” Susan asked as she followed Teresa down the squeaky stairs.

  “Only the bed is in. I haven’t brought over any bedding yet.” Teresa pushed open the door, leading Susan inside. “We haven’t painted in here yet, but that can also wait. I might not even bother right away. There’s so much to do.”

  “But you have to!” Susan said. “You can’t leave it looking like this. I’ll come over and help with the work.”

  “You and Mamm have already done so much. I can’t ask for more.”

  “But there are cracks all over the walls.”

  “I know, but it’s an old farmhouse. James understands.”

  “I’m coming over this week to work on this. My sisters can help Mamm at home. Betsy and Edna were offering more of their time just last Sunday.”

  “Oh!” Teresa exclaimed. “Your help would be awesome. James is so wonderful. He deserves a fixed-up bedroom.”

  Susan laughed and glanced out of the window. “There’s James coming now. I’m sure I didn’t see his buggy when we arrived.”

  “He works here on the farm when he can get away. His buggy could be in the barn.” Teresa was all aflutter now. “Oh, Susan, my neck and face are burning. He’ll think I’m a total scatterbrain.”

won’t think anything like that.” Susan took Teresa’s hand and pulled her toward the living room. Teresa gathered herself together, smoothing her apron with little swipes of her hand.

  “You just saw him Sunday night,” Susan commented and giggled. “You’re acting like a schoolgirl.”

  “You don’t know how much like a schoolgirl I feel,” Teresa confessed.

  James burst through the doorway. “What have we here?” he said. “Well, if it isn’t my lovely bride!”

  “Not yet, she isn’t,” Susan corrected.

  James laughed.

  “Where were you?” Teresa asked.

  “I was working in the back field,” James said, sweeping Teresa into his arms. He kissed her several times on the cheek. “James, there’s someone here!” Teresa whispered.

  “I suppose Susan’s seen boys and girls kissing before.” James laughed and let go of Teresa. “I heard Thomas took you home again on Sunday, Susan. I’m glad to hear it.”

  “Thank you,” Susan said. “Everyone does seem happy about it.”

  “So what do you plan on doing today?” James asked as he turned back to Teresa. He smiled ear to ear.

  “Clean the house,” Teresa said. “Or at least the parts we can get to. I don’t know, though, if this house will ever be good enough for you.”

  “Ah, you’re wonderful enough for me. Don’t worry about the house,” he said.

  “I am going to worry about the house,” Teresa retorted. “And I’m keeping it clean for you.”

  “I’m sure you will.” James was still smiling. “Let me get back to my work before the horses take off. I left them standing in the field.” He turned and headed toward the door. They watched as he opened it, walked through, and then shut it behind him.

  Several moments later Teresa was still staring after James.

  “Earth to Teresa!” Susan called. “Come on, girl! We have work to do.”

  “Oh, isn’t it just a dream, Susan? A total dream. One from which I hope I never awaken.”


  I can’t believe my mom is actually coming to visit,” Teresa said. “It’s been so long since I’ve seen her.”

  “Of course she’d come for your wedding,” Susan responded. “What mother would miss her daughter’s wedding? And besides, she hasn’t seen Samuel since you left.”

  The two young women were waiting in the afternoon sunlight, and Toby was tied to a light pole at the gas station. The sounds of traffic rose and fell on the main road leading through the small town of Livonia. Vehicles coming into town slowed at the speed-limit sign, but accelerated when they caught sight of the open fields beyond the few houses.

  Teresa looked down the street in the direction the bus would be coming from. She played with her bonnet strings until she noticed Susan looking at her with raised eyebrows. “Sorry,” Teresa muttered. “But when Mom sees me for the first time in Amish clothing, it will be quite a shock. I feel like a completely different person now. She’ll think I’m from Mars or something.”

  Susan laughed. “I’m sure she’s seen Amish people before. You told me you used to watch movies about the Amish when you lived in Asbury Park. Your mom must have seen some of those.”

  “I guess so,” Teresa said, crossing her arms and then letting them drop to her sides. “It’s just that I’m so nervous. It seems like it’s been years and years.”

  “It hasn’t been that long,” Susan said. “Calm down. We got here a bit early.”

  Teresa peered down the road again. “I can hardly stand it! What if the bus doesn’t stop? This isn’t a regular stop.”

  “We’ll step further out toward the street when we see the Greyhound coming,” Susan said. “The driver will see us. He’ll know that someone from the Amish either wants to get on or is waiting for relatives or friends.”

  Teresa fidgeted as the minutes ticked past. “Mom never thought I could make it in your world.” Teresa’s face was pensive. “I think she didn’t want to come until she was sure I wouldn’t be racing back with her to Asbury Park.”

  Susan laughed. “Well, getting married to an Amish man certainly makes the move pretty permanent, I’d say.”

  Teresa smiled. “I guess it does. I so hope Mom decides to stay on for a while. That would be great.”

  “Does she plan to?” Susan asked, watching the road.

  “I don’t know, but it wouldn’t surprise me. She doesn’t have much reason to stay in Asbury Park.”

  “Well, you know she’s welcome anytime. Ah, here comes the bus. Looks like your mother has arrived in Amish country.”

  “Da Hah, please...” Teresa’s voiced trailed off as she stared at the bus. “Please let Mom still like me…even though I’ve changed.”

  “Come!” Susan pulled on Teresa’s hand. “We need to stand closer to the road.”

  Trembling, Teresa followed.

  The huge bus slowed to turn into the gas station and then stopped in front of them.

  “Mom!” Teresa hollered as the form of a woman stood up inside the bus and walked forward. Teresa ran toward the bus steps, while Susan stayed a few steps behind.

  This was Teresa’s moment. Her first meeting with her mother since she had left Asbury Park after baby Samuel had been born. They should have a few moments to themselves.

  Teresa looked up the bus steps, her face expectant. Maurice appeared and made her way down the steps.

  “Mom, it’s me!” Teresa cried out.

  A smile started at the corners of Maurice’s mouth and spread across her face.

  “Teresa!” she said, pushing forward into her daughter’s arms and exchanging kisses on the cheek.

  The bus driver appeared and stood still for a few moments, watching as the two women, one in Englisha dress and the other in Amish attire, hugged each other. Finally he cleared his throat. “Excuse me, ma’am, but I need to get your luggage.”

  The two didn’t seem to hear him, so Susan tapped Teresa on the shoulder. The two women parted, smiling at each other as they moved away from the side of the bus.

  The driver opened the luggage compartment. “Nothing like mother and daughter reunions,” he said to Susan.

  Maurice stepped up and pointed out her suitcase.

  The driver pulled it from the compartment and set it on the pavement. “You folks have a good day now,” he said as he slid the large metal door shut. He climbed into the bus and closed the door.

  “Thank you,” Susan called after him.

  The motor roared as the bus pulled away.

  When the sound had faded, Teresa turned to her mom. “Mom, do you remember Susan?”

  “I certainly do,” Maurice said. “Susan, thank you so much for all you’ve done for my daughter. She looks very happy.”

  “You’re welcome,” Susan replied. “Teresa has taken great care of herself and baby Samuel. She’s looking forward to telling you about the adventures she’s been having since she arrived.”

  “Adventures? In Amish country?” Maurice raised her eyebrows.

  “Believe me, Mom, it’s not boring around here,” Teresa said.

  “Well, okay, if you say so,” Maurice said with a laugh. “I assume you’re not marrying some boring farmer? Since you didn’t send me any pictures, how would I know? I can’t even imagine what an Amish farmer looks like.”

  “James is the best-looking man around! And Amish people don’t send out pictures with wedding invitations. In fact, they don’t take pictures at all.”

  “Oh sure, I remember now. I really don’t know that much about the Amish.”

  Susan stepped forward, picked up the suitcase, and carried it toward the buggy. She called over her shoulder, “Let’s go! We can talk on the way.”

  “How was your trip on the bus?” Teresa asked as they followed Susan.

  “Not too bad. I don’t care much for buses though.”

  “Well,” Susan said, “we have your room ready. You can sleep all night and all day tomorrow if you want. We plan to pamper you
the entire time you’re here.”

  Maurice laughed. “Let’s start with instructions on how to climb into this chariot. I’m afraid this princess hasn’t ridden in one before.”

  “Mom,” Teresa said as Susan placed the suitcase behind the two bench seats, “it’s very simple. Everything about the Amish is simple. You take a hold of this handle inside the buggy and pull yourself up. You’re going to sit up front with Susan so you can see better. I’ll ride in the back, but we can talk over the seat all the way home.”

  “Okay, here I go!” Maurice grasped the handle and pulled hard. With a groan she landed on the buggy seat. “My this chariot sits high in the sky.”

  “That’s because you’re used to riding in cars,” Teresa said, jumping on the back step and then sitting on the seat.

  “I like this!” Maurice said.

  Susan climbed in, gathered up the reins, and slapped them gently on Toby’s back to get him going.

  “How far do we have to go?” Maurice asked.

  “Only a few miles up the road. It will take us about twenty minutes,” Susan said.

  Maurice turned around to give Teresa another quick kiss on the cheek. “I still can’t believe you’re looking so well. Perhaps it’s the country living.”

  “It’s all the wonderful people. That and James. I can’t wait for you to meet him! It won’t be today though…or even tomorrow. James is out of town at an auction to buy some stuff for our place.”

  “I’m sure I’ll see him soon enough, dear.” Maurice looked down at the jeans she was wearing. “Looks like I’d better do some clothes shopping the first chance I get. I would have brought along a dress, but I don’t own any. I didn’t feel like visiting the Goodwill only to come away with something that still didn’t look Amish enough to blend in. Susan, do you think your mother could perhaps lend me one of hers? At least until I can get into town? I doubt if I can fit into one of Teresa’s or yours.”


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