DEVIANT (Iron Kings MC, #3)

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DEVIANT (Iron Kings MC, #3) Page 7

by Franca Storm

  "Yes!" she screamed.

  "Faster," I told her.

  I licked my fingers of my free hand as I watched her picking up the pace, still keeping away from her clit.

  And then I brought my wet fingers to the party, brushing and rolling her clit mercilessly.

  She shrieked, bucking violently, as she came again, more intense than the first time.

  Her walls clamped down so fucking hard around my cock.

  I lost it, hurtling over the edge with her.

  Pulling out quickly, I shot my load, painting her back with my cum. "Fucking yeah!" I roared.

  It took me some time to come back down and when I finally did, I smiled at her sprawled out spent over my desk.

  I eased the plug out of her ass, then freed her from the cuffs.

  She lifted up and turned around to face me, her eyes glazed, and her cheeks flushed. "Wow," she said, grinning.

  I grinned back at her. "Always."




  I leaned against the wall as Sky sat in my office chair recounting the unprecedented visit she'd had earlier from the pretentious, controlling society queen herself. My fucking mom.

  It'd been sixteen glorious years since I'd freed myself from the strangling influence of my family. I didn't like even thinking of them as family. They didn't come close to fitting the definition. Support, care, and unconditional love wasn't their thing.

  What I'd found with the Iron Kings brotherhood was true family. The others, outsiders to me now, were just unfortunate blood connections. Judgment, betrayal, and manipulation were the only things my parents had brought to the table. It was all about public perception and the ridiculous Reilly legacy to them, fuck what their sons actually wanted. We'd just been puppets to them.

  All I'd seen back then was a cage that'd been keeping me down on my knees, forcing me to stay down and submit to their will, their wants, and expectations for my life. Every time aspects of my individuality had shone through, they'd crushed it. Brutally. It'd been on the verge of breaking me, until I'd gotten up the courage to run.

  And I'd never looked back.

  My only regret had been leaving my brother behind. But he'd been gung-ho about living his life the way they'd wanted. I'd figured he'd been better off staying there.

  Now, though, Sky's report was telling me I'd been wrong.

  Matt was in trouble.

  Apparently, he hadn't followed my parents' plan after all. He'd grown his backbone in his first year of law school. He'd been suffering from burnout and had dropped out. He'd gone into the restaurant business, choosing the freedom of being an entrepreneur, running his life completely on his own terms with no boss or parents to answer to.

  But from what Sky was telling me, he'd gone about it the wrong way, a desperate way.

  "So, he's brought a bunch of bad investors on board and now he's supposedly caught up in something down and dirty?" I asked, making sure I was clear about the situation. "Did she give you names? Any actual solid intel?"

  She shook her head. "Getting that much out of her was like pulling teeth."

  I rolled my eyes. It was obvious why. "Just enough to spark my curiosity and worry me, so I'll come looking for more."

  "You think she's trying to force your hand?"

  "No question. This is what she does. There's no asking with her. Everything's a thinly veiled order."

  "I'm sorry, D."

  I sighed heavily and pushed off the wall, walking to her. "You have nothing whatsoever to be sorry for."

  "I'm the bearer of this crappy news."

  "Yeah, because she put you in this awkward position." I gritted my teeth. "She fucking used you." How dare she ambush my woman like that? Just that alone had me struggling to keep my anger in check.

  "It's okay, sweets," Sky said, rising to her feet and taking my hands as I reached her. "I'm a big girl and it's not my first rodeo with her, or people like her."

  She was something really special. I'd known that from the moment we'd met, really. But the realization had grown more powerful, more vivid and inescapable over time. She was a hell of a tough cookie, but she also had a soft, sweet side. She was independent and powerful, but she wasn't brash and harsh with it. She could compromise and work together with others. She got along with all my club brothers and she'd actually earned Spartan's respect. She got my club life so well and there was no judgment, just acceptance. She also got my old world, the life I'd run from. She had a foot in both worlds, just like I did. We understood one another on every level. She was my other half, no question. There was nobody else like her and there never would be.

  The way she'd come in here and been so understanding and caring, not even pissed that she'd been cornered by the likes of Anastacia Reilly, just concerned about how it would impact me and wanting to help me by talking it out with me, treating it like it was her problem too… it was unbelievably above and beyond. She was unbelievable.

  Giving her hands a squeeze, drawing her attention to me, I confessed, "I love you."

  She stilled, her hands going lax in my hold. "What?"

  "I love you, Sky."

  Seconds ticked on by seeming to stretch like minutes.

  She just stared at me.

  It was intense and awkward, but I couldn't risk looking away. I needed to read her expression the moment it shifted from the stalled shock all over her face to either elation or revulsion.

  Had I said it too soon? I wasn't somebody who adhered to conventions. I just did what felt right for each situation. We'd been seeing each other for a couple of years, but it had only technically been a fuck buddy situation until recently. The thing with me, though, was that I didn't let people in easily. So, me taking things to the next level with her didn't just mean I kind of liked her. It meant I was sure about her, really fucking sure.

  "Uh… whoa," she finally spoke up, cutting through the awful silence. "Are you sure?"

  I frowned at her weird question. "Yeah. Why else would I say it?"

  "I don't know. There's a lot of commitment-type stuff coming from you in such a short timeframe. You're not just… caught in a whirlwind, are you?"

  "No. Fuck, I've known you for ages, long enough to be certain about you, about us. It's taken me a long time, but I'm there now. If you're not, that's all right. We'll drop it."

  I pulled back and turned away, heading for the door, trying to cut through the awkwardness in any way that I could. I didn't want her pressured if she wasn't ready. I was all about freedom and people living their lives on their own terms without any kind of coercion or interfering pressure. "I need to get back out there and check in with Wrecker on security."

  Her heels clacked toward me, coming up rapidly. I felt her at my back in the next second and then her hands slid around my waist, her face resting against my back. "I love you too, Luke."

  I turned in her hold, grasping her hands, wanting them to stay right where they were, wrapped nice and tight around me. "Yeah?"

  She nodded, a big smile on her face. "I knew a little while ago, but I didn't want to freak you out. I just wanted to make sure you were actually certain, because you're new to all of this."

  "That would be majorly condescending if it wasn't so true." I wrapped my arms around her. "Fuck, you know me so well."

  "Right back at you."

  "Come here, my love," I said, pulling her into me.

  We both laughed.

  We sank into one another, taking in the weight of our confessions.

  I knew then.

  This was a game changer.

  And I was all for it.




  Spartan was smiling widely.

  He had been since the moment he'd walked back into his office.

  And he was also lounging back in his desk chair, actually looking relaxed.

  Happy and chilled were not words any of us in the club would have ever used to
describe him in the past. But Dani had clearly had one hell of a positive impact on him.

  He looked happy. At peace. It was something none of us had ever thought we'd see.

  "What?" he asked, amused at the stunned look all over my face.

  "You look really happy. I'm glad, really glad. You deserve it."

  "So do you." He grinned. "Heard about you and Sky. She's a good woman, a real good match for you."

  Spartan and me had been through a lot together. I'd joined Iron Kings just before the brutal tragedy that'd torn his life apart, losing his wife. It'd made for some dark days and it'd been a struggle to hold the club together through it. Spartan was a true warrior to have come through it the way he had. I knew his whole warrior code had had a lot to do with it, something he'd clung to even in his darkest hours. Things had come a long way since then. For both of us.

  The club was thriving. He was the most revered and respected Prez around. And I'd grown up a lot and learned a shitload under his tutelage. He'd made me into the man I was, basically. Hell, in a lot of ways, he was the father to me that I'd always lacked. I owed him everything.

  It made what I was about to do all the harder.

  "So, what's this urgent matter you were so hell-bent on discussing this early in the day?"

  Yeah, it wasn't the best timing honestly. He'd only just arrived back yesterday afternoon and he'd crashed pretty early after saying his hellos to everybody.

  "Sorry, I'm on a bit of a time crunch."

  His smile faded, morphing to a sober, concerned expression. He sat forward, urgency spilling from him as he rested his arms on his desk. "What's going on?"

  "Matt's in trouble."

  "What kind?"

  "The clichéd kind. Getting mixed up with the wrong people, tying himself and his business to them."

  "How can I help?"

  I smiled. "I appreciate it, Spartan, but I've got it."

  He nodded his understanding. "You gotta see him, see them."

  "Unfinished business I've left for sixteen long years. It's time."

  "Deviant, I can help you out more than just granting you leave. I've got your back, the whole club does."

  "I know, brother. I know you do. You're my real family. This is just something I need to put to rest."

  "All right. How much time do you need?"

  I shrugged. "I'll know more when I get down there. For now, I'm gonna say a couple of weeks."

  "You got it."

  I rose from my chair. "Thanks."

  "Watch your back and ride safe."


  I strode to the door, just about to haul it open, when he called out, "By the way, the old timers were sending me reports on the club while I was gone."

  I stilled. "Huh. How underhanded of them."

  He chuckled. "They're stuck in their ways."

  I turned, bracing myself for what was about to come.

  But then I saw him grinning. "That's why it was so fucking surprising that they had nothing but good things to say on how Iron Kings was running. They fucking love you. They were real impressed with you."

  Well, shit. "That's not what I'd expected."

  "I know," he said, shaking his head. "You gotta start seeing your worth more. Everybody else does."

  I nodded. "Noted."

  With that, I headed on up to my room.

  I shrugged off my cut and replaced it with my leather jacket. The mission ahead of me was personal, so I couldn't be going around in club colors. The last thing I wanted was to implicate the club in any of it.

  I snatched up my packed bag, then grabbed my cell phone off my desk, mindful that I'd made a promise to call Sky before I left. It was really nagging at me that I'd be away from her for so long.

  Fuck. This whole thing was bad timing. I'd already weighed my options over and over though, and I couldn't justify not heading down there. I couldn't just turn away when my brother was in trouble, and the kind of trouble I was skilled at dealing with.

  I headed back downstairs, through the lounge that was empty at this early hour, then out into the courtyard.

  To my surprise, somebody other than me and Prez was awake.

  Just past the gates, Sky stood leaning against her Audi.

  I jogged over, unlocked the gates, and stepped out to meet her.

  "Morning," she greeted with a big smile. "Hey, isn't this usually your bedtime?"

  I grinned. "How long have you been waiting here? Were you just hoping somebody would come out and open the gates?"

  "No. I just got here. I was about to call you to come and get me."

  I slid my arms around her waist. "And, what brings a stunning, class act like you up to this house of debauchery for the second time in a couple of days?"

  She giggled. "Funny." Wrapping her arms around my neck, she told me, "I need a break from work."

  "You're taking the morning off?"

  "I was thinking more like a couple of weeks actually." She leaned in and kissed my cheek. "I'm coming with you."

  "You're… what?"

  "I'm not letting you do this alone. I get you not wanting to pull the club into this, but I'm here."

  "You want to spend the first vacation you've taken in years dealing with my bullshit?"

  She kissed my lips chastely then pulled back, telling me brightly, "Sure. Why not?"

  I tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. "This is way above and beyond, Sky. I can't let you—"

  She pressed her finger to my lips, cutting me off as she said, "If you're going to tell me it's too dangerous, save it. You know I've dealt with shady characters in my line of work, especially a few years back before I made a success of myself. I'm dealing with a bunch of badasses right now in Iron Kings. Plus, your brother is in the restaurant business and I know more about that than you." She smiled all cute and smug. "Basically, you need me."

  She pulled her finger away and eyed me expectantly for my response.

  What could I actually say? She'd just preemptively shut down all of my reservations.

  Besides, she was right. Having her on this mission with me would be an asset. Not just for her business expertise, but for personal reasons. Going back to that world again would be a lot. It kind of took hold of you before you realized what was happening and it was a real bitch with releasing its vise grip.

  "All right. We should stop off at your place so you can pack."

  "No need," she said. She strode to her car, hauled open the passenger door, then pulled out a bag. A small bag.

  I cocked an eyebrow. "That's it?" I'd packed more than that.

  "Yeah. I've got my makeup, hair products and two pairs of heels, and some sexy lingerie. I figured you'd want to take your bike and there isn't much room for excess luggage."

  "If you want to take your car, we can."

  She looked really surprised that I'd offered. Hell, I was too. It was a major deal to even consider leaving my bike behind. But I highly doubted there was anything that I wouldn't do for her.

  "That's really sweet, but it's fine. I'll buy whatever else I need. I'm on vacation after all. I might as well treat myself." Her eyes darted to my bike and they lit up as she said, "Besides, it's been way too long since I've ridden with you."

  I grasped her hips and pulled her to me. "Fuck, having you on the back of my bike is gonna be intense."

  She bit her lip in that sexy way of hers. "I dressed the part." She moved out of my hold and did a couple of twirls. "You like? Does it work for me?"

  I took her in. I'd been so caught off guard at finding her here that I hadn't even checked her out. It'd had me missing the fact that she was actually wearing jeans for the first time ever. And, damn, she looked fucking amazing in them. A pair of gray ones that hugged her curves and her bubble butt in a majorly cock-stirring way. She had on a long-sleeved tee with Guns 'N' Roses plastered over it. My favorite band. She was full of surprises.

  And she kept on making me smile.

  Even with what lay ahead, here I was
grinning widely at her, at the same time, my blood heating at the sight of her.

  "More than like," I said, stepping up to her, needing to touch her.

  "Uh uh," she said, turning and opening the rear door of her car. "I'm not finished. Check this out."

  She pulled something out and the next thing I knew she was slipping on a black leather jacket.

  "Fuck me," I choked out.

  She laughed at my reaction. "I thought you might be into it."

  "How the hell do you expect me to ride with you looking like this?"

  "I guess we'll have to stop down a backroad or two so we can both take the edge off."

  "Mmm," I said, reaching out and stroking her leather-clad arms up and down. "This trip just keeps getting better and better."

  She kissed me, then walked to her car. "I can't leave this here."

  "Yeah, bring it through into the lot. The boys will take care of it while we're gone." I snatched up her bag. "I'll pack up, then we can head out."

  She nodded and got back in her car.

  I opened the gates wider, then strode on through, heading up to my bike as she pulled her car in.

  By the time she'd parked over in the far corner, I'd packed our stuff into the saddlebags. I fired off a group text to the enforcers, Wraith, Wrecker, and Anarchy, to keep an eye on her car while we were gone, then I swung my leg over my bike and got settled.

  When she reached me, I gave her a hand up. I handed her my spare helmet and she put it on like a pro, as I did the same with mine.

  I smiled as she wrapped her arms around me and rested her head against my back. It'd been way too long since I'd had her riding with me. I'd forgotten just how good it felt.

  Taking my bike was a good idea. Aside from the fact that it was a real part of me, riding also helped me to think. There was a good four-hour-long ride ahead, so I was hoping it'd give me plenty of time to get my head on straight for what lay ahead in Lexhaven, the place I'd once called home.

  Although, I was sure my focus was going to be a little compromised by having Sky on the back of my bike, pressed so tightly against me. It was a damn shame the trip wasn't just for pleasure. I'd love to do that with Sky. Just take her with me, run free and explore the world together.


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