MASTER AND BABY : A Tale of Erotic Submission

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MASTER AND BABY : A Tale of Erotic Submission Page 8

by J. J. MacGuire

  "I believe so, Mistress Bergenia. Up until we arrived I would have told you he was returning me." A really big smile covered my face as I continued, "But on the way in, he told me he loved me for the very first time. So I'm hoping we're here to sign the papers to make me his permanently."

  "Yes, signing of the papers is why you're here. He wants to do it right. There will be a ceremony as soon as the rest of the guests arrive. It’s scheduled for noon. You'll go now and get ready." She once again took me in her arms and held me close. With one last squeeze and kiss on the forehead she released me, and the doors opened again. "Girls, take Baby to get ready. Make sure she eats something, she was upset this morning and hasn't eaten."

  Giggling at the joy I was feeling, I had to shake my head. She knew me so well; eating wasn't even on the list of things I had thought about this morning.


  The music of songbirds floated through the morning air from the open window as I was prepared for my collaring ceremony. Cathy had released me from the sleeve and removed the leather collar. They led me to a huge tub and I was submerged in an Egyptian Milk Bath. Christy told me the queens of the Nile bathed in milk, honey and almond oil to soften their skin.

  They let me relax while they did up my hair. They twisted and twirled and fasten it with a single clip.

  I rose and stepped out of the tub and they patted me dry. My skin felt so soft, and it shimmered as if dusted with gold. Raising my hands away from my body they dressed me in dark green silks that caressed every spot it touched.

  The brunette who had been on the wall earlier entered the room as the twins tied the last of the silks in place. Smiling brightly at me she said, "All the guests are here, and Mistress Bergenia said they're ready for you."

  My heart was pounding so hard I thought my ribs were going to shatter any moment. Taking in a big gulp of air, I nodded once and moved to follow her as she turned to leave. Cathy stayed me with her hand turned me to her and she and Christy kissed me on both cheeks. .

  "Come on, I don’t want Mistress Bergenia to think I muffed up this too," the brunette laughed.

  "She’s ready, Kelly, lets go," said Cathy as they shuffled me out the door.

  We walked down the long hallway and out the French doors to the garden. A bubbling brook flowed gently alongside the stone path we followed. Even in my excitement I sensed everything was ready. The garden was lush and green, overflowing with large weeping willow trees. The gentle breeze carried scents of lavender, jasmine and magnolia trees, mingled with the flowers that were in full bloom. I was floating on air.

  The canopy-covered area was filled with guests, a quartet of string instruments softly played a welcoming tune. I gazed around and smiled at Master's and my friends and loved ones who had come for this joyous occasion.

  My sight was drawn to a beautiful ornate box centered upon a pedestal, surrounded in dark shimmering green silk to match the one I wore. Master walked over and stood next to it. His wonderful smile beckoning me.

  I felt a collective sigh from the crowd and a shuffling as they sat back in their seats. A warm feeling; almost a soft touch seemed to sweep through the canopy, making me aware that everyone knew of the love I had for my Master.

  Mistress Bergenia cleared her throat, then greeted and thanked the guest for coming as I moved up the aisle and stopped about three feet from Master. He nodded and motioned to a pillow on the ground and I knelt on it. No one had told me what to expect. I lifted my eyes to his for a moment before lowering them. I listened to what Mistress Bergenia was saying:

  "Welcome all to the Academy’s two hundredth and third collaring ceremony. I take great pride in the fact that all are still joined. We strive to match each and every one of our subbies and slaves to the appropriate Master or Mistress. The process at times has seemed long and drawn out to some." She smiled at Master and winked. "But a tried and true method it is. So before I sound like a commercial, let me begin with a bit of history on the Master and subbie we are joining today.

  "He and I have known each other for years in the lifestyle. As some of you will know, his dungeons and equipment have been given the Good Dungeon’s seal of approval through the Black Rose and Houston Lifestylers. However, he had never found one that he wanted to make his permanently, until now. Over the years I have dealt with him, he has always been honorable, trustworthy and has shown very high values for himself and his work." She looked to the back of the crowd and I heard a rustling.

  "Zack, I'm glad to see you could make it, would you please come up and stand beside me?"

  My heart had been beating fast, now it was pounding almost unbearably. I hadn't seen Zack, other then on the monitor, for over a year and a half. He looked great, only a slight limp, when he walked. I wouldn't have known he'd had several operations if Mistress Bergenia hadn't kept me informed. He patted me on my head as he passed and offered his hand to Master. They shook hands, half hugged and whispered to each other for a moment before he moved to take Mistress Bergenia into his embrace.

  She once again cleared her throat and moved out of Zack’s arms but they continued to hold hands. "My friends, this is Zack. He is here to give Baby away today. Zack, I was just giving a bit of back- ground before we commenced with the ceremony. Would you do us the honor of telling us about Baby, please." She raised a tissue to her eyes as Zack began to talk.

  "I would love to tell you all about Baby. I've known her for many years in the business world. She's a go-getter and tops in her field. In fact, I believe she's an over achiever at times, but as she grew older I could see that something was missing in her life. She lacked direction and focus. She was happy, but not content.

  "I brought up the subject of BDSM to her several years ago and she had the audacity to scoff at me." Zack looked down at me and chuckled. "She couldn't understand why a woman in this day and age would even begin to think of giving control over her life to a male. We went round and round on this subject for many months, but as you can see, my power of persuasion, and the draw of the lifestyle, won out and Baby became my submissive in training. Even though I had been retired from active pursuit of the lifestyle I couldn't resist Baby’s charm, eagerness and deep-rooted need to serve.

  "Over a year ago my medical problems and Baby’s need to grow and learn forced me to see I could no longer take care of her. I called my dear friend, Bergie, and asked her to accept Baby into her Academy. She was hesitant at first, I know, because taking Baby off my hands so to speak would, in her eyes, say I was done in the lifestyle."

  I could see her squeezing his hand tight and she dabbed her eyes once more with the tissue.

  "I even had to promise to do a weekly call if she would take Baby in which I was more than happy to do." A soft series of giggles went through the crowd. "I can honestly say I didn't want to let Baby go. She was just coming into her own as a submissive. Each week I did my Friday call to hear of baby’s progress. Pride in Baby's accomplishments and Bergie's delight in her willingness to please her, made my soul lighter, and I was able to concentrate on getting my health back."

  Zack moved to my side and placed his hand on my shoulder as he continued to speak. "When Bergie called me a year ago and told me she had found the perfect Master for baby, I was, hmm, how to say it, not prepared." I looked up at Zack and he ran his fingers down my forehead and nose, tapping me on the tip. "Then Bergie faxed me the proposal for Baby’s service. The first time through it, I could see Bergie was correct that this was the Master for Baby. So from there I can say the rest is history, till now."

  Zack motioned for Master to stand before me. He again shook Master's hand then placed it on my head. "I give you Baby to guide and cherish. Revel in her giving heart, for it now belongs to you." With that said Zack moved to stand again next to Mistress Bergenia.

  Master took my chin in his hand and raised my eyes to his, "Baby, I will look after you and protect you as you grow in your submissive-ness to me. The gift of that submissiveness is a treasure I value and nee
d in my life." He turned to the box and opened it. He removed a silver piece of jewelry and raised it to the gathering. "With this collar, I take you, Baby, as my submissive." He placed the collar around my throat and I heard its lock click. "Only I will be able to remove this, Baby."

  He attached a silver leash to the collar and turned to Mistress Bergenia and Zack. "I thank you both for giving me Baby to love and nurture. I will see that her life is full and she is allowed to grow to her full potential."

  I felt a slight tug on the leash and I rose to my feet before Master. He took me in his arms and kissed me deeply. Tears of joy streamed down my cheeks and I shook uncontrollably.

  He released my lips and brushed away my tears. He turned me to the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen, I give you my submissive, Baby."

  Applause erupted from the group and they were on their feet clapping as Master again tugged on the leash and led me down the path back through the French doors.


  Master took me to the library and drew me into His arms. The smile on my face reached from ear to ear. He leaned down and brushed his lips over mine. Snaking my arms around him I molded myself to him. I was filled with joy and trepidation. My lashes fanned across my flushed cheeks.

  "Baby, look at me. I know you were itching to say something during the ceremony, but your words are mine and I alone need to hear them." He sat in the big wing back chair that faced the empty fireplace, bringing me with him to sit on his lap. "I will hear them now."

  There was so much I wanted to tell Him; my hopes, dreams and wants. Looking into his eyes, I said, "I need you, Master."

  "And…" he said with a smile.

  "I love you, Master."

  He cuddled me close and whispered for the second time today, "I love you too, Baby."

  There was a knock at the door and I made a move to open it, but

  Master held me close. "Enter."

  Kelly peeked in, her cheerful smile in total contrast to the look she carried earlier. "Mistress Bergenia said I was to report to you, sir. She said to tell you I was at your disposal."

  "Good, come on in." Master said as he moved his hand under my ass. "Lift your silk, Baby, so Kelly may have open access to your heat."

  I pulled up my silk and spread my legs apart. Kelly came to stand between them, rubbing her hand over my mound and wiggled her finger down my lips to my vagina. I continued to look into Master's eyes as she tickled and teased the opening. I was wet and her fingers slid easily over me.

  Masters fingers were kneading my cheek. Soft whimpers escaped my lips when Kelly nipped my right hip. Spreading my lips she trailed a moist tongue to my clit. I moaned and jerked as she sucked it into her hot, wet mouth and almost came completely out of Master's lap when she pushed something cold into my vagina. If Master had not attached his mouth to my nipple I would have.

  Kelly continued to suck on my clit. The cold object rested just inside me. She was again teasing the opening around my vagina rubbing my juices over and around my lips. She pressed hard below my vagina and above my anus, letting her finger drag down to the rim.

  My clit jumped with each movement she made of her mouth, her little licks and continuous sucking brought me closer to the edge. I still had not lost eye contact with Master. The smile lines on his face told me all would be well. I opened my mouth to beg for release, but he shook his head. I inhaled and tried to relax.

  Kelly was making wet noises as she licked and sucked. Again something cold touched my body, but this time the opening to my ass was invaded and I cried out. She stopped for just a second then pushed it in over the tight opening. I was ready to explode when she pulled her mouth noisily off my clitoris with a popping sound. I wanted to grab her hair and draw her back to finish what she had started but she was again standing.

  "Thank you, Kelly, for your assistance. Please let Mistress Bergenia know we will be there momentarily," Master said as he lowered my silk, smoothing it over my heated nether region. I was shaking like a leaf in a windstorm. He wrapped his arms around me.

  The door clicked shut and we were alone again. "Baby, inside you right now are two remote control beebees. You are to wear them from now on, unless kitten or I remove them."

  Oh my Kitten, where had she been? I didn't remember seeing her face at the collaring. Why was she not here? I remember seeing Stan and his slaves, but no Kitten.

  Master saw the concern in my eyes and said, "Kitten was there and, yes, she saw the collaring. She's helping with the preparations for the feast. Stand now and take position, Baby."

  My legs were like jello as my feet touched the floor. Master gave me a little push to help me up and placed both hands on my hips as I stood in front of him. Kissing my tummy he continued to speak. "We'll be going into the banquet hall shortly, Baby. You will dance for the gathering, but I want you to dance for me."

  Master rubbed his hand over my heat and slid his finger into my vagina. I could feel him positioning the beebees into place, then to my anus to make sure it, too, was where he wanted it to be.


  Master smoothed the silks down over my body. Taking me into his arms, he leaned me back and had me look into his eye. "You do not have my permission to cum, Baby. Do you understand me? All who know you in the lifestyle are here."

  "Yes Master, I understand."

  "Good. Let’s join our friends. You will do the dance you did for the auction." He said as he kissed me on the nose. "You will be doing it for me, but I want everyone ready for the festivities taking place afterward."

  I gulped audibly as the beebees inside me started flashed on and off in turn. I trembled as I thought of the "Dance of the Seven Veils". It was one of my favorite ones, but it had been over a year since I had done it and never with beebees. I nodded as Master clipped the leash in place and led me out of the library.

  We arrived at the banquet hall. Masters and Mistresses were milling about, with slaves and subbies racing around with trays of hors d’oeuvres and beverages. I scanned the crowd looking for Kitten. I still hadn't seen her.

  There were tables on one side of the room laden with food which some had gathered around. There was a part in the line like the parting of the waters in the Red Sea. Kitten was on all fours in the middle of the table with a glass top on her back and a tray of goodies balanced on it.

  Once again, her gold chastity belt caught my eye, it was back in place. I looked from Kitten to Master, wanting to ask why. He smiled and tugged the leash for us to move toward the tables.

  Underneath Kitten was a bowl of clothespins and pads of sticky notes. I noticed that some of the Ones around the table were writing on the pads. As we drew nearer I noticed the clips in various spots on Kitten's body. Omygod, my brain screamed, what did she do to get herself into that position? Kitten, movement in its purist form, was being forced to hold completely still, and be used as a pegboard. She bowed her head when Master approached.

  "Baby, why don’t we read a few of the wishes our guests have sent to us?" He slowly removed one from Kitten's side. She was biting her lips. "Go on, Baby, you take one." Tugging on the leash he pulled me closer to Kitten.

  Her left nipple had two, I didn't wish to cause her anymore pain then was necessary. I reached for one of them as Master pushed my hand away. I pulled the pin but it didn't come away with my hand. She groaned. "No, Baby, not that one. How about one on her tummy?"

  Kitten was whimpering as another of the guests attached a note on the underside of her right breast. "Wait, instead of removing a pin, I think you should have the honor of removing Kitten's chastity belt," he said as he lifted my hand and placed the little key in my palm.

  A soft no reached my ears. It was as if I was picking up Kitten’s thoughts as they came across loud and clear: When you take the chastity belt off me, I'll be totally open for the pins. I stuck the key into the lock and turned. The hinge sprung and Master caught the belt before it hit the table.

  "Excellent, Baby, no hesitation," Master said as he rea
ched into his pocket and pulled out a chain with a one and a half-inch clear ball on one end and a ring on the opposite end. "Here, Baby, before you go to do your dance I want you to attach this to Kitten's clit." His voice lowered, "You both know why."

  A duet of "Yes, Master," was our response.

  Oh yes, I knew why, she had been in the chastity belt because we had touched in front of a guest. This was to be a further reminder to us both.

  I picked up a clothespin and opened it wide hoping to loosen the spring, then slipped the ring between the jaw of the pin and reached up to spread her lips. As I pressed in a bit her clit jumped out at me and I placed the clip on it. The glass top shook a bit as I let the ball go from my hand and I started to grab the glass but again Master stopped me.

  Tears were streaming down Kitten’s cheeks as Master tugged on my leash. Patting her low on her ass he said. "Give it a good swing once, Baby, and then you're going to do your dance."

  Oh, crap, what's a good swing? Too little and I'll be in trouble, too much and I'll be in trouble. I raised it half way up and let it swing. Master chuckled. "Baby, you are too soft hearted," and he hugged me to him. "Come on, time for you to entertain our guests, but first I need to empty my pocket." Out came four more balls and chains, which he placed in the bowl with the pins. "We'll leave these for others to attach." He pat Kitten on her rear one more time and said, "Be good, Kitten and after Baby’s dance we'll let you participate in the festivities."

  "Yes, Master." Kitten cried as another guest swung the ball.


  Master led me to the middle of the room. "Kneel, Baby." He said and I knelt before him. "Masters and Mistresses, slaves and subbies, our friends, Baby and I would like to thank you all for coming and helping us enjoy this wonderful day. Mistress Bergenia, we would especially like to thank you for bringing us together. Baby is going to do a dance for us before we start the evening's festivities. I know you all will enjoy." Both beebees went off and I swayed. "If you'll get comfy, Baby will do the 'Dance of the Seven Veils'."


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