This is the End 2: The Post-Apocalyptic Box Set (9 Book Collection)

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This is the End 2: The Post-Apocalyptic Box Set (9 Book Collection) Page 171

by J. Thorn

  “What do you mean, if?” Hendrix demanded. He took a step towards me- no idea what he even thought he was doing- but Reagan stepped in his path and lay two hands on his biceps. They had kind of a silent conversation in which she convinced him it was better to just let me explain.

  “Well, without antibiotic, strep can clear up on its own- it is possible. Or it can get worse. It can infect the entire body. She could get really, really sick.”

  “How do you know so much about this?” Harrison asked in a strangled voice. He sounded like it would be better if I didn’t know what I was talking about. If I was just guessing, then I could be wrong- his sister might not be in danger at all.

  “My cousin had strep when I was little, it went untreated and he ended up in the hospital with a dangerously high fever and severe dehydration. It wasn’t life or death but he had the advantage of medical facilities, IVs and doctors. Page has none of those things.”

  “How old were you?” Vaughan asked, his eyes narrowed skeptically.

  “It doesn’t matter,” I replied evenly. They needed to take me seriously. Page could easily be fine in a few days- or she could not be fine. We needed to prepare for every scenario.

  Vaughan opened his mouth to ask another question when Reagan cut him off, “Vaughan, she has an almost perfect photographic memory. If she says Page could be in danger it’s because Page could be in danger. Haley’s not going to bullshit you. I promise.”

  Vaughan stared at me for a few moments as if deciding for himself whether I was making this up or not. “Alright, Haley. Worst case scenario, give it to me.”

  I took this very seriously, Vaughan’s trust very seriously. And I was worried about Page; there was nothing scarier to me than that little girl in trouble.

  “Worst case scenario, she has a high fever that could cause heart problems and even issues in her brain. Most likely this will disappear in a few days. But if not, her symptoms will get dangerous.”

  “You learned all this from when your cousin had it?” Hendrix asked skeptically.

  “No,” I confirmed. “That last part was from health class.”

  Nelson let out a chuckle from behind me that sounded like a whoosh of stress

  “Has she been sick since the infection broke out?” I asked Vaughan.

  “No, she’s been perfectly healthy.”

  “So what do we do?” Reagan asked. She was always like that- ready to act. One of the reasons we were alive was because she didn’t sit around and wait for solutions to be handed to her. She solved her own problems. She was first to act, first to jump into the fray. Playing offense instead of defense had saved our lives on more than one occasion.

  “We get her temperature down. Keep up with the Tylenol as long as possible. We soothe her sore throat, help her get lots of rest. We search the house for antibiotics. The last owner could easily have left something behind.”

  “What about a nearby town?” Harrison asked.

  Vaughan thought about that. “There’s not enough daylight left to look today. I don’t want to create more problems than we have now. And we don’t have enough firepower to engage unnecessarily. We get through the night, and then explore that option again in the morning.”

  “Besides, we don’t know what a town would be like,” Hendrix added. “The last few settlements we’ve been to have been anything but welcoming.”

  “We have gold to barter,” Reagan offered, shooting me a nervous glance. She was right. We had been basically hoarding gold whenever we could find it. We took a lot of pieces from her mom, and then over the past two years we’d been stashing it away. We weren’t like wealthy from it by any means- even in today’s non-currency, renegade standards. But we had enough for penicillin if we needed it. Well, as long as the seller was fair- which was highly doubtful.

  “Thank you,” Vaughan said sincerely. He held Reagan’s gaze with this meaningful, intense emotion that caused Hendrix’s shoulders to go rigid. Reagan stared back; seemingly unaware of the tension she was creating. She offered a small smile and then walked over to give him a hug.

  I could see how stiff all the boys were, and I didn’t blame her for wanting to soothe their worry in some way. Vaughan let her wrap her arms around his middle and then placed his hands on her back carefully- almost humbly. He leaned into her and the tightness eased from his body like a sieve.

  Taking her cue, I stepped back into Nelson, reaching behind me and threading my fingers through his. His other hand wrapped around my middle and he held me firmly to him. He rested his chin on my shoulder and I tilted my head into his, offering him as much comfort as I was capable of.

  Even I was surprised by my tenderness. This was not me.

  It’s not like I was a purely selfish creature; but other than Reagan, and my dad when he was alive, I just never had anyone else in my life to put before myself. I didn’t try to be selfish, but there was no point to looking out for someone else’s needs when they didn’t exist.

  Now all I could think about was Page’s discomfort, the threat to her health and the agony Nelson must be in watching his little sister suffer. My heart was crumbling with the weight of my emotions, my stomach stayed tight with unease. This was worse than Zombies and fighting for my own life. This was infinitely worse and more painful.

  King appeared in the kitchen doorway, his eyes wide with panic, “She’s worse. Her head is so much hotter.”

  All eyes in the room swung to me and…. waited. Apparently I was the medical expert here? I just prayed I could help Page. That finally my overactive brain would work overtime until I came up with a solution to save her.

  Chapter Four

  I ignored the demanding stares from the Parker brothers and walked into the living room to check on Page. This house was decorated in a simple country style- lots of blue plaid, roosters, pig ceramics. And Page lay in the middle of a sea of pastel lines, tucked in with a homemade afghan.

  She looked tiny curled up on the long couch. She was on her side, her knees tucked into her chest. She was shivering but so pale, my heart ached. Her long, blonde hair was a tangled mess around her angelic face. She let out a pathetic whimper and I rushed the rest of the way to her side.

  “King,” I commanded. “Go see if there’s ice in the freezer. If there isn’t, check for something to freeze water and fill it with some of our bottled water. When you come back, please bring a wet washcloth with you. Get Reagan to help you.” He left immediately, pushing through his brothers that were all crowded around us. Reagan followed him without needing anymore direction.

  I let my fingers brush across Page’s forehead and sure enough it was hotter than before. She was burning up. I felt under her chin, searching for swelling. I didn’t really know what I was doing, but I’d seen it done before and had it done to me. Her throat felt very swollen, but to be sure I tested my own throat, directly against where my jaw met my throat and then felt hers again.

  They had to be swollen; her tonsils felt four times the size they should be.

  The natural light in the living room was waning. It would be dark soon and we were more or less stuck in this house. We needed to prepare for the long night ahead. And I didn’t just mean Page’s illness.

  This wasn’t exactly the safest haven from Zombies.

  “There is nothing you guys can do for her right now, except make her safe.” I was mostly a fun person. Even in the middle of the end of the world, I could recognize the need for humor. This was not one of those times where an inappropriate joke would relieve tension. And if they didn’t get their asses in gear they were about to meet my raging bitch persona- it was a little bit of no sleep, mixed in with fantastic sales but nothing in my size, topped off with a healthy dose of PMS meets I-just-stubbed-my-freaking-toe. They should be cowering in fear.

  “You’re right,” Vaughan agreed. Whether he actually did agree with me or because he saw the malicious glint in my steely green eyes, I didn’t know; but finally he got moving. “Hendrix and Harrison, walk around t
he house- scout it out as best as you can. Nelson, go figure out something for dinner. And I’ll check the inside of the house, make sure everything’s locked and sealed as best as possible. It’s nice to have electricity, but in about a half hour, we’re shutting everything down. These aren’t blackout drapes and I am not going to risk drawing attention to us.”

  “Look for some antibiotic while you’re at it, Vaughan,” I reminded him. Since I could tell this house had been occupied for quite a while after the infection I knew the chances of finding medicine here were slim, but it was worth a shot.

  Everyone jolted into action. Nelson put a comforting hand on my shoulder and squeezed gently, and then he was gone. My attention was wholly on Page and how I could help ease her discomfort.

  I stroked her forehead, lifting her hair off her face and neck. She leaned into my comfort, but seemed entirely out of it. Her skin was so hot to the touch my stomach roiled with nausea. Her eyes were too heavy with sleep; she was completely out of it.

  King returned with a few pieces of ice, but when I tried to get her to suck on them, she just rolled over and gave me her back. I made King return them to the freezer- we couldn’t waste them, even though he was making more ice even now.

  This house was not safe on a few different levels, and even more so now that we couldn’t just pile in the van and escape. But the solar paneled electricity was incredibly convenient and might turn out to be the difference between Page getting better and Page getting sicker- an example would be the working freezer.

  When Harrison and Hendrix returned from their perimeter sweep and Vaughan walked back into the living room empty handed from his medicine search, we ate a silent dinner around Page. Nelson was able to heat up baked beans, which seemed like an extravagance since we’d been eating room temperature food since Gary’s. We dipped crackers in our beans and ate it like stew. For dessert, he also heated up applesauce he found in the pantry and sprinkled cinnamon on it from the spice cabinet. We ate junk food a lot these days- mostly because it seemed to keep the best. Warm applesauce tasted deliciously healthy compared to beef jerky and candy bars. I allowed myself to relish the meal, even while we kept our rigid vigil on the floor at Page’s feet.

  “I’ll keep watch first,” Hendrix declared to Vaughan while Nelson collected everyone’s trash. “You need sleep.”

  Vaughan nodded and ran two rough hands down his scruffy face. “I do.”

  “Reagan you’re with me, first watch,” he commanded next. Reagan gave him her mildly outraged look- the one he got whenever he ordered her around. But before she could say anything, he said in a low voice, “This is one of those times I need you more than you need to be independent.”

  She rolled her eyes but I watched her face soften. I could give Hendrix that; he knew exactly how to get my girl tangled up in him. At first I just wanted him to back off- I was sure she was getting ready to bolt the more intense his pursuit became. But somehow he got through to her, made her want to stick around and put up with his caveman tactics.

  Part of me wondered what their dad was like before the infection. None of them were very gentle about going after a girl- they just kind of barreled through the whole getting-to-know-you-game and went straight to “Do you take this woman?” They were too intense for their parents to have been laid back. But then again with their father ex-military, maybe this was some strategy he taught them. Instead of courting or wooing, they looked at dating with tactical analysis, deciding which strategies worked best and how to achieve love with the most efficiency.

  I wanted to scoff at that, but then again, here I was. Nelson somehow convinced me to give this whole thing a try. So clearly they were on to something.

  Harrison and King scattered off to bed- anxious to get away from their more-than-usual stressed out older brothers. Vaughan shot Nelson and me a look that was part confused, part shocked disbelief and then disappeared down the hallway.

  I actually worried about Vaughan, although I would never say that out loud. He was a really strong, capable leader, but he carried a lot of weight on his shoulders. And while I knew Hendrix liked to think he carried equal parts, I could see how much more Vaughan felt his responsibility than Hendrix.

  I was pretty sure Hendrix was the front runner for Reagan’s heart, but only because Hendrix allowed himself more time to devote to convincing her she needed him. In a scenario before Zombies, Hendrix would have never stood a chance against his older, more laid back, more fun-loving brother. At one time Reagan was nothing but fun and games and Hendrix would have driven her crazy.

  Obviously, the last two years had changed her and not necessarily for the worse. She was strong and independent now, focused and alert. Hendrix was definitely right for her in this particular scenario, but Vaughan would have stood more of a chance if he didn’t have so many obligations on his plate.

  I thought all that, but then Reagan’s eyes followed Vaughan down the hallway and her eyebrows creased together with concern and…. something more. So maybe Vaughan wasn’t out of the running just yet.

  Nelson disappeared for a while and I was left to sit with Page alone. I had my watch and the time for her next dose of Tylenol to keep me company. As the house grew darker, I scooted closer to the couch, reaching out for Page’s limp hand.

  My heart was in literal pain for this little girl and I sat there until everything was pitch black around me, working through every memory I had of health care and illnesses. My mind screamed for antibiotics, but there was nothing I could do about that- at least for tonight. I wanted her to wake up and drink some fluids, soothe her aching throat with water or ice. What I really wanted was orange Jell-O and 7up, which was what I got whenever I had strep throat. But those were impossible demands.

  Probably more so than penicillin.

  My eyes eventually adjusted to the darkness. I could make out the forms of all the furniture surrounding me, and Hendrix and Reagan’s bodies as they sat huddled together in the kitchen. They stared out the back door, guns nearby, voices low and whispery.

  I must have dozed off after I coaxed Page into taking her second dose of Tylenol, because the next thing I knew strong arms were pulling me on my side and my head was resting in a lap. I blinked against the sleepiness and then looked up into Nelson’s shadowed face.

  “Hey,” he whispered, cupping my jaw with his huge hand. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  “I didn’t mean to fall asleep,” I admitted with a yawn.

  “It’s alright,” Nelson leaned forward and kissed my temple before continuing, “You can sleep if you want to. I’ll keep you safe.”

  Ignoring the way his words took root in my heart and bloomed into something bigger and more exciting in my chest, I reached up and ran my fingers along the rough line of his jaw. He hadn’t trimmed his beard in a while- not that there had been any opportunity- and he was totally working the haggard man look. He was so undeniably handsome I could hardly stand it.

  I had never been the kind of girl that suffered from low self-esteem. Honestly, I didn’t have time for it. Mostly I was just trying to occupy my brain to keep from sliding into insanity. But Nelson was the kind of guy that made me think, “Why me?” Why would he pick me?

  And I did feel picked- chosen. He seemed to want me in a way and with feelings I never in a million years thought I would witness or experience.

  With his focused pursuit of me, I never stood a chance. Of course I would fall for him; of course I would give in. He was Nelson; he was everything I wanted in a man, even before things went bad. And while I was sure we’d have problems ahead, and he wouldn’t always seem so perfect, I knew he would never let those times dominate our relationship. Even when everything else looked bleak and miserable, he would never let that get in the way of our happiness.

  Was I in this forever? Like was this my happily ever after?

  It was obviously impossible to say at this point. But it was a nice happily-right-now.

  Nelson leaned down and brushed his lips
over mine. And then again. My fingers found

  themselves tangled in his hair, pulling on his neck to get closer to his delicious mouth. He resisted just enough to drive me crazy with a blinding hunger I’d never experienced.

  “Tell me you like me,” he demanded, letting me tug him down just so he could kiss the tip of my nose.

  “I like you,” I whispered with half effort.

  “Tell me you want me to kiss you for the rest of the night,” he murmured and then allowed me one gentle kiss against his perfect lips.

  “I want you to kiss me for the rest of the night.” This time there was no playing games, no teasing, I really did want him to kiss me until morning, maybe until the end of time.

  “I really wish we were back in that barn,” he groaned.

  “Me too,” I agreed.

  We kissed for long moments, and eventually he pulled me into his lap so that I straddled his waist and cupped his neck with both of my hands. I tried to slow down his kisses as they grew more demanding and hungry. His sick sister was directly behind us and his brother and my best friend were probably watching us- perverts.

  But he wasn’t having it. And I was having a hard time finding the will to stop him when he was devouring every rational thought with his mouth and talented tongue.

  Finally he took a deep breath and pressed his mouth to my neck, letting his lips feel my pounding pulse against them.

  “Haley, you’re a virgin,” he whispered like this was some kind of revelation.

  “Yep,” I agreed- feeling irrationally embarrassed.

  “We need to keep it that way for a while,” he was panting and undone by our hot and heavy make out session.

  “Yeah, you really seem like you’re all into practicing abstinence,” I drawled and then giggled before I could stop myself.

  “Don’t try to sweet talk me,” he whined in a gruff voice. “I can’t take that away from you. At least not yet.”


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