The Sweetness of Life (Starving for Southern Book 1)

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The Sweetness of Life (Starving for Southern Book 1) Page 29

by Kathryn Andrews

  Meg is right . . .

  Zach is worth it. He’s so much more than worth it.

  He wasn’t the only one who had a plan. I always have a plan, a plan for everything, and Meg pointing that out to me was eye opening.

  The thing is, I fell for him. I fell hard. Harder than I ever have, and in such a short amount of time, combined with our unique situation, the speed at which we were traveling was faster than my ability to mentally adjust my plans, my dreams. Emotionally, I was already derailing and then after overhearing them in his office, I crashed into a thousand tiny pieces.

  It had to happen. I needed to break in order to put myself back together. And in doing so, I looked at all the different pieces of myself and realized that, although I do love how hard I’ve worked and who I am, plans don’t need to fit together so tightly. I need to be able to make room for the unexpected, forgiveness, and love.

  All three of which happen to encompass Zach.


  Inwardly, I sigh when I think his name. Every time. I was already finding my way back to him, but to have him show up in Charleston and lay himself out there for me, to me, it was all I needed to be able to make this drive today with a renewed purpose.

  “I can’t believe you spent two weeks here. This is incredible.” Meg says with her face glued to the window as I turn into the entrance of the winery. It’s as beautiful as I remember, only now the vines are fuller and the hillsides are more lush from being kissed by the summer sun.

  I’m also pleased to see that there are cars lining both sides of the driveway. The more people that are here, the more time I’ll have to work up the courage to talk to him.

  Not that I don’t want to talk to him, I do. I just need a few minutes . . . or hours for my nerves to calm down.

  When I step from the car, the air clings to my skin as if it’s welcoming me. There’s a hint of clover and lavender, and as I breathe it in, I breathe this place in. With each inhale, a small piece of my anxiety falls away. I can do this.

  Meg pops the trunk, and we pull out four large thermal bags filled with fifty individual peach and blackberry cobblers. After reviewing the end of the assignment interview, the website content editor of the magazine fired Kelly. It seems he also found her behavior inappropriate and assured us that there would be modifications to the video, or if we so chose, we could re-record it. Feeling somewhat vindicated, I offered to make the same cobbler for the party. He was thrilled with the idea.

  “Where’s the cottage you stayed in?” Meg asks as she turns in a slow, awe-struck circle. I can relate. I felt the same way the first time I fully saw the vineyard, too.

  “It’s behind the manor and down the hill.”

  I miss the cottage. I miss this place.

  “Well, I’m completely jealous. You call it a manor, but it’s a castle and you got to live like a princess.”

  “Come on, let’s get this stuff inside.” I laugh and bump my shoulder against hers. The move makes her wobble a bit, and I look down at her feet. “Oh, yeah. Make sure you watch how you’re walking, heels aren’t the best here.”

  “Oh, I’m on my toes already.” She giggles, gravel kicking up behind us.

  Today, I decided to wear a long light pink dress. The color compliments the wine, it has short sleeves in case we end up outside, and has a nice slit to show off my legs when I walk. It’s subtly sexy and when paired with a new pair of gorgeous sparkly heels, I may be nervous on the inside, but on the outside—no way.

  The front door to the manor is wide open, and the closer we get, the louder the hum of voices gets, which is causing the small slip of calm I had a moment ago to falter. I listen closely to see if I hear his laugh over the others, but I don’t.

  Zach’s called me twice since visiting, neither time I answered, but I did text him back when he asked if I was coming. His only response was, “Good.” I worry a little that he might be upset—or by this point indifferent—but I’m hoping that he is at least going to hang on through this party. If I hadn’t come, I could see him being fed up and walking away, but I’m here, and I hope it isn’t too late.

  “You came!” Michelle squeals after she spots us in the doorway and races our way. “Zach said you were coming, but I wasn’t sure.” She throws her arms around me and squeezes, hanging on a tad longer than normal. “I’m so sorry, Shelby.” She lets out in a rush, and I pull back. Her eyes are large and remorseful, the sincerity shining in them.

  “We’ll talk about it later, okay?” I reassure her, giving her a small smile, which she mirrors.

  “Yes, I hope so. Here let me help you with these.” She takes the bags and turns to Meg. “Hi, I’m Michelle.”

  Meg gives her a once over, spots her boots, and smiles brightly. “Meg,” she responds, a friendship already forming.

  “Shelby, you go mingle, we’ll take care of these.” She glances at the bags, but I see right through her suggestion. It’s her not-so-subtle way of telling me to go find Zach.

  Wandering into the tasting room, I pass the first of several large foam board photographs of Zach and me placed on easels all around the room. Yes, there are a few of the winery, other employees, patrons, the dinner party with Zach and his friends, but mostly they are of the two of us tasting the wines. My head tilts to the side when I spot a few I don’t remember being taken at all.

  In some, we are looking at each other cautiously, curiously, and in others, we are laughing. But seeing these in sequence, the way our expressions and body language changes over time, it’s so obvious how deeply we both fell. By the end, Zach’s blue eyes aren’t piercing and calculating, they’re warm, thoughtful, reverent, and mine are tender, affectionate, and in awe.

  Zach is right, two weeks, two months, two years, it doesn’t matter. When you know, you know, and I know, too.


  My ears burn, and my heart skips as his deep voice settles within me. There’s a part of me that wonders if he’s angry for how I handled the past six weeks, or will he be happy I’m here.

  When I turn, my eyes drop to his feet. I need that extra second to compose myself, because seeing him today is different, I am different.

  Sliding up the length of him, I find I’m met with crisp blue eyes filled with wariness mixed with adoration. I hate that he feels unsure because of me.

  “Hi,” I say, giving him a small smile. I’m trying so hard to hide the fact that my heart is galloping like it wants to race out of my chest.

  Tension around his eyes and through his jaw slips away and he returns my smile with one of his own that leaves me breathless.

  “The pictures turned out great.” I point to the few that have been displayed near the back bar, but Zach doesn’t look away. His eyes are for only me, his sparkling blue eyes.

  “Yeah, they did. Teddy said the videos turned out nice as well. The magazine is really pleased with the footage for their website.”

  “Good, that makes me really happy to hear.”

  He smiles, lips closed, but still looks at me with complete adoration.

  Hearing Michelle laugh, I glance toward the table filled with food and see her leaning into Kyle with his arm wrapped around her. Both completely caught up in each other and radiating happiness.

  “Well, look at the two of them,” I say, and this time Zach manages to drag his eyes away from me.

  “They’ve been inseparable since the dinner at the cottage.” There’s a fondness to his tone, he’s happy for them.

  “That’s so great,” my thoughts echo his.

  “Michelle told me they barely made it around the corner of the cottage before he had her pushed up against the wall and was kissing her.”

  My jaw drops open, and I let out a small laugh. “She told you that?”

  “Yeah, she was really happy.” He shrugs his shoulders. “I’m glad you decided to come. If you had missed all this because of me, I um—” He shakes his head and flattens his lips into a thin line. Taking a deep breath, he runs one hand throug
h his hair, disheveling the way he had it styled. I desperately want to reach up and smooth it down. He’s nervous, and that makes him sexier and even more endearing. “You look beautiful,” he says softly, running his hand through his hair again trying to fix the mess he made.

  “You don’t look so bad yourself.” And you smell delicious.

  His smile widens, and my breathing picks up as I shift closer to him just a tiny bit.

  “No headaches today?” I scan his face, looking for any trace of them, but the looming shadows are nowhere to be found.

  “No. Kyle and Michelle sent me back to the doctor, seems everyone thinks I needed to get a better handle on managing stress. I can’t imagine why?” He grins, joking, and I smile along with him.

  Goodness gracious, what this guy does to my heart.

  A throat clears to my right, and I turn to see Meg standing there beaming from ear to ear at us. We didn’t even realize she had joined us.

  “Sorry!” Zach says as he turns his attention to her and holds out his hand. “We haven’t properly met yet. Hi, I’m Zach.” He gives her a megawatt smile, and she falters briefly. When he turns on the charm, it’s impossible not to swoon.

  “Meg. Nice to meet you.” She slips her hand in his. “This is quite a place you have here, Zach.”

  “I think so,” he says proudly as he releases her hand.

  “Shelby’s a lucky girl to get to spend two weeks here. I mean in a castle and a place that has endless amounts of free wine, I can’t think of anywhere better.” She winks at me, and then she turns back to him with a stunning smile of her own.

  Zach laughs, and my heart dances at the sound. Two of my favorite people are conversing, happy, and my cup runneth over.

  “Actually, I’m the lucky one,” he says affectionately. He pulls his hand out of his pocket and reaches over for one of mine. Warm fingers bring my hand to his mouth and he kisses the back of it. This man melts me and in the best way possible.

  “Zach!” From behind, he gets slapped on the shoulder, and we turn to see Jack and Bryan, but no James. “Hey, Shelby,” Jack says cheerfully as his eyes drop to our connected hands. He grins and gives Zach an “I told you so” look before turning his attention to Meg.

  Neither of them moves or says anything, and I inwardly laugh at their competing appraisals of each other. Jack’s more in intrigue, and Meg’s more in scrutiny. “And hello, gorgeous,” Jack says after the silence between them has already stretched into uncomfortable.

  Meg, the girl who isn’t normally thrown off by meeting new guys, seems flustered. Her sharp tongue and quick wit are missing in action. Interesting.

  “Hey, I’m glad y’all could make it,” Zach says, breaking the silence and turning toward Bryan.


  “We’re glad the timing worked and we could drive up. Wine and some of Shelby’s cooking . . .” Jack eyes me hopefully until I nod. “How could we turn it down?”

  I laugh and shake my head at Jack. “Meg and I brought the cobbler, but the rest of the food was prepared by others from the recipes for the pairings. Although, I personally didn’t cook the food today, I promise you won’t be disappointed.”

  His face falls a little. “I don’t know about that.” He huffs, and a sense of pride washes over me. I love that Zach’s friends like my food. Food is my thing, and to me cooking for friends is an expression of love, so knowing he feels this way means something to me.

  “Well, if you like mine, you’ll love Meg’s even more. Her cooking is way better. You should drop by our place in Charleston next time you’re up and have her cook for you,” I say conspiratorially.

  “Is that so?” He turns and looks at her again as if she’s become the answer to all his prayers. He grins, dimples popping out, and inwardly I laugh. Dimples are her weakness.

  Meg’s glare drops into a scowl. I almost feel bad for Jack. He has no idea what he’s getting himself into, and Bryan chuckles next to him.

  “Come on, darlin’, how about we leave these two to do some work, and you and I can get to know each other better.” He holds his hand out to her, but she doesn’t take it.

  Frowning, she looks at Zach and me as she weighs her options. She knows we need some time to talk, but she isn’t sure about his friend.

  “Fine.” She finally relents, but instead of taking his offered hand, she folds her arms against her chest. But he smiles even bigger, his dimples deepening, and drops his hand.

  “Fine starts with an F. Did you know there are only two Fs needed to satisfy a man? Food and fu—”

  “Oh my God! Don’t even say it,” she snaps as the three of them turn and head for the bar. “You do realize we just met?”

  He laughs and places his hand on her lower back.

  “Should I be worried about her?” I ask Zach, half joking, half not as they disappear into the crowd.

  “Nope. From what I experienced of her outside your restaurant, I think she’ll be fine,” he draws out his words.

  “Yeah, you’re probably right.” My eyes skip to the direction the three of them walked off in, but I don’t see them.

  “Want to move outside with me? It’s a little quieter out there,” Zach asks.

  “Okay.” I give him a small smile and resist telling him that I would go anywhere with him just to be near him.

  Walking out onto the terrace, my breath leaves me. I didn’t forget how beautiful this view was, but seeing it again, it’s so much more than I remember.

  I scan across the countryside, taking in each of my favorite places: the overlook, the back orchard where the beehives are, the barn, and lastly my cottage. The memories here feel like a lot more than what occurred over only two weeks, and elation fills me at the thought of more. Many more.

  A breeze skims across the terrace lifting my hair, which he gently tucks back behind my ear and out of my face. My skin warms from his touch as he settles in closer to me.

  “Did you miss it?” he asks quietly.

  When I turn, I find him leaning against the railing watching me. “Yes, but not as much as I missed you.”

  He releases a breath, which is filled with apprehension and anticipation, and he blinks slowly as he opens his eyes with a calm confidence. Zach isn’t the type of man to give up on something that he wants, and I find this determination and drive incredibly attractive.

  “How are you?” he asks stepping closer, lightly grasping my fingers with one hand and running his thumb over them.

  “I’m good. Better now.” My cheeks heat and his eyes brighten at the emotion. “I didn’t take the job.”

  His fingers tighten around mine and his throat moves as he swallows. “Why not? I thought this was your dream?”

  “Well, my dream has always been to have my own show. This isn’t that. Do I think this is an incredible opportunity, yes. Would it help my career, maybe, but I don’t know. What I’ve realized over the last couple of weeks is that dreams can change, and that’s okay. Starting when I was thirteen, I was by myself every night until I left for college. I think a big part of that dream was wanting to escape the life I had. But now, I love the life I have. I’m surrounded by friends that I adore, I’m part owner of a restaurant that is amazing, and I’m not ready to leave that. There will be other opportunities, this one just isn’t it.”

  “I see.” His face is unreadable, but the tension in his jaw fades.

  What I don’t tell him is that a week after he came to Charleston, Meg and I had a heart-to-heart where she broke down and cried. We’ve always been so supportive of each other’s dreams, it never occurred to me how much me leaving would impact her. Truth is, after almost ten years, it would impact me greatly, too.

  “Shelby!” I turn to see Mr. Carothers walking our way, smiling as if he’s won a prize. “Great news!” He claps a hand on my shoulder as he continues, “I talked to my friend, Dale Lawler, he’s a producer for our network channel, and after reviewing the video clips and your two assignments for the magazine, your bl
og, and the reviews for your restaurant, he’s very interested in hearing your pitch ideas for a show.”


  My eyes dart to Zach, who’s looking at me with an innocent expression.

  “I’m not sure I understand what you’re talking about,” I say to him, confused.

  He looks from me to Zach and then back to me.

  “You didn’t tell her?” he asks Zach.

  “Nope. I wasn’t sure of her upcoming plans and I didn’t want to get her hopes up. I figured we’d wait and see.”

  “Get my hopes up about what?” I ask Mr. Carothers.

  “A couple of weeks ago, Zach mentioned that you had on-air aspirations and some great ideas for a new network show. June and July are our pitch months, so if you’re interested, now’s the time.”

  My mouth falls open; I can’t tear my eyes off of him.

  He can’t be serious?

  I glance to Zach. He smiles at me and nods.

  Oh my God! He is serious.

  “I’m definitely interested,” I squeak out, barely being able to form the words.

  “Great! And I also happen to agree with Zach, too, you’d be great on the screen. I’ll e-mail you Monday with more details.”

  I squeeze Zach’s hand to keep from reaching out and grabbing him. “Thank you. I appreciate that.”

  “And I know I’ve told you both already, but again, well done on the assignment. The food and the wine are superb. And, now that I’ve found you, talked to you, and congratulated you, I can go eat some more. There’s brisket on the table calling my name.” He nods his head and turns to leave as quickly as he came.

  “Did that just happen?” I turn and ask Zach while pointing my thumb at Mr. Carothers’s retreating form.

  He laughs at my stunned discomposure. “It did.”

  “But? Wha— I feel like I should have a dozen questions to ask you, but I don’t know where to start.” My mind is racing and there are a million thoughts all vying for first in line.

  “The night you had Kyle, Michelle, and me over for dinner, you mentioned that you wanted your own show. All I did was mention in passing to Teddy how much their audience would love you, and he agreed. Who knows if your pitch will be picked up, but this’ll still put you in front of the executives and other producers. It’ll get your name and face out there, and you can begin building direct relationships that can only help you going forward.”


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