The Helio Trilogy: Volumes 1-3

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The Helio Trilogy: Volumes 1-3 Page 5

by Valerie Roeseler

  “Yeah! Most defiantly! I could use a party,” I tell him. It can be my one last party to say goodbye to the old Ivy Harris.

  “Alright. See you there.” Trey gives me a cheeky smile, and I'm surprised at myself for blushing.

  “See ya’.” I trail outside to join Jack on the deck. “Jack, what are you doing this weekend?”

  “I’ve got a race Friday night. Are you coming?” he hints.

  “Um…” I have to come up with an excuse. I'm not ready to go back to that scene. Not yet. Maybe never again. “I don’t know. I’ve got a test on Monday in Biology, and I need to study.”

  “Come on, Ivy. You’ve got all weekend to study. I want you to come. Alice and Eric will be there too.”

  He's trying to lure me in. I don’t want to go unless I can race, and I vowed to stay away from it. But, I can't tell that to Jack. I never admitted that side of my life to him, and I'm not sure how that conversation will go when he realizes I've been lying to him. “I don’t know.”

  “I know it’s not your scene, but it would mean a lot to me if you were there.”

  Damn, he's charming.

  “How much is the pot?”

  “Five grand,” Jack beams. I sit silently in contemplation. “What?” he prods, and I decide to pass the opportunity to be truthful with him.

  “Um…That’s a lot of money. You have five grand to just throw out like that?”

  He chuckles, then realizes my question is sincere. He gives me his charming smile again. So beautiful. So irritating. “Don’t worry about me, Sunshine. I never lose.”

  “Well, I’m sorry. I need to use Friday night for extra study time. I’ve got practice Saturday afternoon.” I lie to him about having to study on Friday, and he knows I can study on Sunday.


  I can tell he's disappointed. I hate to upset him. Maybe I can make it up to him.

  “What are you doing Saturday night?” I don’t want to go to The Green House with just Alice and Eric to be the third wheel. Jack shrugs his shoulders. “Would you want to go to a party with me at The Green House?”

  Jack raises his eyebrow, looking disturbed. “You can’t go to The Green House,” he says in a pissed off tone.

  “What? Why not?”

  “It's not a safe place to be.”

  What a lame excuse.

  “I’m a big girl, Jack. I can take care of myself. I’m going. You can come if you want, but you’re not going to stop me from having some fun,” I chastise him.

  “I’m not leaving you to a bunch of frat brothers. You need to be careful.”

  “Jack.” I look at him annoyed. “It’ll be fine.”

  “Well, I’ll go with you just in case.” I roll my eyes at him.


  His phone beeps, and he picks it up to read an incoming text message. “I’ll see if Alice and Eric want to come too,” I suggest to assure him it'll be safe with all of us together.

  Jack drops me off at home, and I sit in my room hating myself for upsetting him. I go to the bathroom and turn the shower on until it's scolding hot. Steam fills the room as I undress. I pull the curtain back and step in. The water is sweltering, leaving my skin red where it touches me. I let the water cascade over the top of my head and down my face to wash away my thoughts of Jack. He's getting under my skin. In some ways we're so alike, I want to pull away from him. Except, he's charming, caring, a little mysterious, and completely intoxicating. I know I want him in my life even if I have to keep our relationship platonic.

  Getting dressed, I still can’t stop thinking of Jack. I decide to go for a drive and clear my head. I snatch a CD off my desk labeled "Drive" and creep out to my car to avoid Alice hearing me. Jumping in, I fire her up and back out of the driveway. I pop in the CD and “Adrenalize” by In This Moment starts my playlist off. Perfect, I think as I head to the highway where the roads are hilly, and the scenery is majestic.

  Being mindful of all traffic laws, I drive through downtown as a normal, law abiding citizen. As I stop at a red traffic light, a girl’s high pitch giggle catches my attention. I look over to the front of the movie theater to my left. Holy shit. I'm in shock with my mouth hanging open. The blonde bombshell that pulled my attention away from the stop light is leaning on Jack against his car. Her hands are on both sides of his body against the car. He spins her around to lean her against his car in his place, his inscrutable gaze focuses solely on her. My eyes start watering, and I pull them away from Jack without letting my tears fall from fury. The light turns green, and it takes everything I have not to peel out and draw attention to myself.

  As soon as I hit the highway, I bolt. Going up and down the hills and around sharp curves in the road, I forget about wanting to take in the scenic countryside. What the fuck? I scream at myself. I shouldn’t be pissed. We’re not together. I can’t be pissed. I know his reputation. What did I think? That he'd stop sleeping around just because we're friends? I’m an idiot! Alice was wrong about him! I was wrong about him! I can’t feel this way for him! I need something to distract myself. Trey. He’s cute. Safe. I’ll just push Jack away. I know he doesn’t feel the same way about me anyways, but he at least deserves someone better than that fan-girl.

  I glance down at my odometer and realize I'm driving a hundred and ten miles per hour. I lift my foot off the accelerator while pushing down on the clutch to shift into neutral and slow down. I ease the brake to get my speed back down to a reasonable eighty miles per hour and shift back into fifth gear. My radar detector never goes off, and I'm grateful I've managed to stay out of trouble on my rampage.

  My phone rings with Alice’s specific ringtone, and I put her on speaker. “Hey, Alice," I answer with a tone void of emotion.

  “Hey, where are you?” She sounds worried, and I remember I have practice today. I'm late.

  “Shit! I’m sorry. I’m on my way.” I change my direction and head to our drummer, Becky’s, house.

  “Alright. Hurry up!” she yells and hangs up on me.

  The girls are jamming out when I arrive. I set up my Ibanez, and plug into my pedals and amp. I pick up at the third verse as if I've been here the whole time. Alice walks the room with the mic in her hand, under the pretense she's already on stage in front of a thousand fans. Regan slaps her bass, swinging her sporty body with the music and jumping with her fist in the air to entice our invisible crowd as her blonde hair bounces in waves down her back. Becky beats her drums and symbols as the natural rock star she is, sweat dripping into her eyes, never missing a beat. Becky and I could pass for sisters if someone looked at us from behind, and if her hair was as black as mine and not its artificial bright red. We're the same height and build, but while Becky's more metal, I'm punk rock.

  We practice for three hours, the calluses on my fingertips are throbbing, and I'm sweating from the exhilaration and heat. “We’ve got to make sure we get the bridge right on that last song. We don’t want to embarrass ourselves at the Ball,” Alice warns us. We nod in unison. “And we still need to write one more song to complete our set. Start brainstorming.” We put our equipment away, and Alice comes to help me out. “Can I get a ride home with you? Eric dropped me off and got held up again.”

  “Yeah. Sure,” I oblige. The whole ride home, Alice talks about the show we have coming up. I can tell she's nervous, but I tune her out because I can’t get the picture out of my head of Jack with that girl!

  Chapter 4

  The sunrise of Tuesday morning penetrates my eyelids, rousing me from my slumber. Jack’s going to be here to walk me to class. I have to get going before he gets here. I rush to get dressed, not caring about my appearance and head out the door with dark sunglasses and my black hair flowing down my back. After avoiding Jack the last few days, I remain unsure of what my reaction will be if I see him, and I’m trying to distance myself from him. I’ve been falling for him when I should be focused on changing my life, and seeing him with another girl irked me when it shouldn’t. I find myself p
ondering if it would be best to let our friendship go. Thoughts of Jack are taking over my every waking moment and sometimes even my dreams.

  Drowsiness clutches me, insinuating the need for caffeine to jolt me out of my funk. I stop in at the coffee shop before trekking up the steep hills of campus to get to my Lit class. I’m surprised to see Trey behind the counter. As I approach him to order my coffee, I feel the grin on my face widen, and the flush in my cheeks deepen.

  “Good morning, Ivy,” Trey greets.

  I’m glad my sunglasses are hiding the smile in my eyes. I run my fingers through my hair to flip it out of my face and pretend the heat is the cause of the redness on my cheeks. My locks crackle with static through my fingers. “Hey, Trey. Can I get a large Caramel Frap with two extra shots of espresso?”

  “Sure thing. I’ll ring you up, but Emily will have your drink out to you in just a minute. I’ve got to grab my books and head to class,” he announces as he rings up my order and takes the cash from my hand. “Are you headed there?”

  “Yeah. It was a long night, and I need an upper if I’m going to make it through class.” Trey smiles. “I didn’t know you worked this early.”

  “I usually don’t, but I wanted to pick up some extra hours,” he admits, handing my receipt over the counter.

  “Ivy!” Emily yells.

  “Thanks,” I tell her with a smile, taking my absurd, over-caffeinated and over-priced coffee from her hand.

  As I pass through the doors, Trey catches up with me, “Mind if I walk with you to class?”

  “Why not?” I don’t mind the company. He’s attractive, and I plan on taking full advantage of the distraction from Jack. Because I have no romantic feelings towards Trey, I can be certain he'll never hurt me. We exchange small talk about the weather and upcoming school sporting events on the way to the English building. I have goosebumps I can’t shake, and I’m finding it difficult to breathe trekking up the hill to class, which is unusual for me because I enjoy the occasional run. I'm, by far, not a professional athlete, but I’m healthy enough not to struggle with the incline.

  Am I getting sick?

  Trey sits behind me as we take our seats in the class. He hasn’t always sat behind me, has he? Our flamboyant professor lectures us on the significance of Greek Mythology and introduces us to the story of Agamemnon. I try to shake the chill from my bones, but it’s futile. I fight my mind to stay awake despite the extra shots of espresso running through my veins. I guess I didn’t sleep very well last night, but I don’t remember dreaming about anything.

  After class, I make my way down the hall to the building’s exit and catch Jack through the glass doors, waiting for me on the half-wall lining the walkway. Ugh. Great.

  Trey calls out to me as I open the doors, “Hey, Ivy!” I stop with the door propped open, and Trey jogs to meet me. “Will I see you Saturday night?”

  “Oh! Yeah. I’ll be there.” I smile.

  I think he likes me.

  “Do you maybe want to get dinner with me Friday night?” Trey asks, seeming unsure of what I will say.

  “Um… Yeah. That would be great.” I see Jack stand up and stroll towards us.

  “Cool. I’ll pick you up at six?” Trey beams, and I find it adorable.


  Jack puts his arm around my shoulders and jerks his chin up at Trey in greeting, “Trey.” His tone's unwelcoming and challenging as if he’s trying to claim his territory.

  Trey stammers with nervousness, “Uh… Hey, Jack. Um… I’ll see you later, Ivy.” I nod my head, and he leaves in a rush to get to his next class.

  That was weird. I push Jack’s arm off my shoulder and storm towards the fountain across from the English building. As I attempt to evade him, Jack doesn’t take the hint and catches up with me.

  He pulls me to a stop and spins me around to face him, “Hey. I haven’t heard from you in a couple of days. What happened this morning? I came by to take you to class, and you were already gone.” His concerned expression begins to melt my resolve.

  I guess I could have text him.

  “Sorry. I meant to text you. I wanted to get to class early and ask my professor some questions about our assignment.” I’m lying to him again, and I still hate it.

  Jack folds his arms over his chest and gives me a purposeful look. “So… Trey, huh?”

  “Yeah. I guess,” I shrug. I don’t care what he thinks about me talking to Trey. All I can think about is that blonde bimbo he was groping.


  “You know him?”

  Jack pulls his hat lower to hide his eyes. “You could say that.” I wait for him to explain further, but he doesn’t.

  His vague answers are getting old. “Whatever. I have to go. I’ll see you later,” I call over my shoulder and rush away to hide in the library on the other side of campus.

  By Friday afternoon, I hadn’t heard from Jack. I think he got the picture. But, I worry at the same time. Where has he been? He hasn’t even tried to call me. I should be ok with that. Why am I not ok with that?

  Trey had sent me a text to get my address and said he was taking me to The Republic in the next city over. I know the restaurant to be prestigious, so I play it safe by donning a black, sleeveless dress that falls to my thighs and I wear my makeup light with my hair straight down. There’s a knock at the door. I slide my heels on and grab my silver clutch to leave. Opening the front door, Jack stands relaxed under the porch light, and my chest flutters at the sight of him. The draft through the open door sends his scent of lavender, sandalwood, and honey to me. Well, at least he’s alive.

  “Jack. What are you doing here?” I glower.

  His eyes go wide and look me up and down. “Wow, Sunshine! You didn’t have to dress up on my account.”

  “I didn’t. I have a date.”

  “With Trey?” he recalls.

  “Yeah," I reply, and Jack's lips quirk in amusement.

  "Well, he just left," he informs me.

  "What?" I ask in confusion and look towards the driveway.

  "Yeah. He pulled up right after I got here and said to tell you he had something come up."

  My shoulders sink. "Great. So, what are you doing here?"

  “I wanted to see if you would reconsider.” He reaches out to grab my hand.

  I don’t pull away. “Reconsider what?” The warmth of his hand and the attraction between us jolts my senses with a surge of energy.

  “Reconsider coming to the race with us tonight.” A controlled anger seeps into his words.

  “Jack.” I pause.

  Why did you have to hook up with that girl?

  “Look. I’m kind of mad at you if you couldn’t already tell.” I decide to be half honest as to why I don’t want to go watch his race. I pull my hand from him.

  “I did. But, what did I do?” his eyebrows raise in question.

  “Well,” I start as I teeter to take my heels off one at a time before turning to head back to my room, letting Jack follow me inside. “I saw you Saturday. You were with some blonde bimbo outside the theater. And I know we’re not together, but I thought you were different than everyone said you were... I guess I was wrong.” I toss my heels back in the closet and pivot to face him blocking the open bedroom door. Jack turns his baseball cap backward, licks his lips, and crosses his massive arms over his chest with a big shit-eating grin on his face. “What?”

  Why's he smiling?

  Jack shakes his head at me, clearly amused. “Nothing… Are you jealous?”


  I reach out and pull a hand away from his chest to hold between us. “No.” I look at our hands to avoid smiling back at him as I lie. Once I compose myself, I look back into his eyes. “I just think you’re better than that. You deserve someone who will be there for you through thick and thin. Not just be there for a one-night-stand.”

  Jack jerks his hand away from me. “You’re not my keeper, Ivy! That’s not even what was going on!”

's it!

  I loathe his raised voice. It reminds me of Frank. “You’re not my keeper either, Jack!”

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” he yells back at me.

  “It means I’m a grown ass woman! I can take care of myself, Jack! If I want to smoke pot and drink, I will! You don’t get to tell me, ‘no’! You have no idea what it’s like for me! And you know what? That’s fine! Go ahead and sleep with whoever you want! And go to your race tonight! I hope you lose, you egotistical prick! Go!” I shove him to storm past, but he grabs my arm just as I step through the threshold and spins me around to face him. I didn’t mean what I said and was only trying to push him away, but I glare at him anyways.

  “Ivy. Don’t.” His eyes bore into mine. I want to cry and scream and hit him. I struggle to make him let go of me, but he doesn’t relinquish my wrists. “Ivy. Stop." I stop flailing with a huff of annoyance. "The situation you saw was not what you think it was. Believe me when I tell you that nothing happened. I swear." He releases me and places his hands on my shoulders. "But, You're right. I don’t know what it’s like for you. That doesn't mean I don't want to. I know you’re hiding something. I want you to tell me, but only when you’re ready.” His fingers brush my hair away from my cheek to tuck it behind my ear. His large palm lingers with affection, and my anger begins to melt away with his soft tone. “And don’t worry about me. I never lose.” The corner of his mouth raises in a mocking gleam.

  I relent and roll my eyes at him. “You’re so full of yourself. Aren’t you worried, even a little bit, you might lose five grand tonight?”

  “Nope. I don’t lose.” His hands drop away from me.

  “He said before he lost,” I quip with a grin.

  “I’ll make you a deal.” I wait for him to continue. “If I win, I want you to come stay with me for a month.”

  “What?” I freeze, standing aghast at his statement.

  He wiggles his eyebrows at me. “Come on. You come stay with me, and I’ll help you stay clean. You can get your life together like you talked about.”


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