The Helio Trilogy: Volumes 1-3

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The Helio Trilogy: Volumes 1-3 Page 7

by Valerie Roeseler

  His room is dark, but I can see it has the same layout as the one he placed me in. I start to tiptoe towards his bed and freeze as he begins to stir. I hold my breath as he props himself on his elbows. He doesn’t have a shirt on, and his impeccable torso peeks out from the sheets. “Ivy?”

  “Hey,” I whisper.

  His tone is gruff from sleep. “You ok?”

  “I couldn’t sleep.” Jack doesn’t respond and waits for me to continue. “Can I stay in here with you?” I think I may be able to sleep better if he's close to me. I need something familiar, and Jack has a calming effect on me.

  “Sure. Climb in.” He pulls the covers back for me to slide in beside him. Awkward at first, he places his arm behind me, waiting for me to lay down. “Come on. I don’t bite.” He grins at me, and I smile back, lying into the crevasse between his arm and his bare chest before I wrap an arm around his waist, settling in. The butterflies in my stomach swarm in a frenzy. His body's warm and makes me feel safe, but I can’t close my eyes, scared of the things that go bump in the night within my dreams. Jack brushes his fingertips up and down my arm. Their faint warmth soothes the tense muscles in my body and turns them into liquid until I fall asleep in the comfort of his closeness.

  I awake the next morning, reaching out to Jack’s side of the bed to notice it's coldness. I sit up to look for a clock and find one above Jack's fireplace reading ten-fifteen. I guess I got a few hours of sleep. I don’t know where Jack’s run off to, but I need a shower. I go back to my room and amble over to the far side to enter the extravagant bathroom.

  Tiptoeing across the cold tile floor to the shower, I pull the lever from the wall and turn it to adjust the heat of the water. It's unlike any shower I’ve used before. The spouts streaming from the ceiling are a torrential downpour. I strip my clothes off, letting them drop to the floor and step into the water, reveling in the feel of the steam from the emulated rain water. I wet my hair and attempt to wake up. When I'm finished, I wrap myself in a fluffy towel and brush my teeth.

  I leave the bathroom and observe the open French doors to the balcony. I trail outside to find a plate of blueberry waffles, syrup, strawberries, a glass of orange juice, and a cup of coffee.

  Did Jack make this for me? Wow. Is it weird I feel like Pretty Woman right now? I get dressed and return to the balcony to enjoy my breakfast. When I finish eating, I grab a sheet of paper from my backpack and write a note to Jack to leave outside his bedroom door.


  Thank you for breakfast. I had to go to practice, but I’ll text you when I’m on my way back to get the code for the gate. I look forward to the tour you promised me


  It takes some navigating to find the front door, but I never run into Jack. I drive with caution to the front gates. The land around the estate seems to go on forever, and the open fields have two beautiful horses grazing in the distance—one black and one white. The gates have been left open for me, so I drive through them and down the dirt road leading back into town.

  I arrive at Becky’s house within thirty minutes and sigh at the realization I'm the last to arrive. Everyone's here already. I don't think I've ever made it to practice on time.

  I wander to the back of her house where she has a separate guest house made into our studio. “Hey!” They sing in unison as I enter.

  “Hey, guys.” I'm well aware of their judging eyes.

  Alice speaks first, “So?”

  I know what she's asking, but I feign ignorance, “So? What?”

  “You know what, Ivy! How was Jack’s?” she wiggles her eyebrows.

  “Um… Unexpected.” I don’t know how to describe my night with him, wrapped in his warm embrace.

  “Did you…,” she leads on.

  “Oh! No!” I laugh. “We’re still just friends, and I plan to keep it that way,” I tell her, but the truth is, I don’t know what I want anymore. Jack's charming and caring. Yet, I'm afraid to let him in more than I already have. I long for it but fear the inevitability of getting hurt again.

  “Ugh! Why don’t you just hook up, and get it over with already?” Becky shouts from behind her drum set. She may come across as brash to people who don't know her, but I have an appreciation for it.

  I raise my eyebrows at her as I pull the strap to my Ibanez over my head, “What the hell are you talking about?”

  Yeah, I want to sleep with him, but I don’t want to ruin what we have now. It’s hard enough to stay platonic. Why do you have to throw more of those thoughts into my head?

  “You guys act like a couple anyways. Why don’t you just… You know… Be a fucking couple already!” Becky suggests with a stentorian voice which cracks at her aggravation.

  “No. I don’t think Jack knows how to commit to someone, and I’m not going to be another piece of ass for him,” I tell the girls, and they nod in silence. It seems to be a subject they either understand or pity. I'm not for opening a knitting circle and avoid further discussion of the threatening subject. I strum my guitar and let the sound resonate as I adjust my volume while setting my pedals. “Ready? Let’s do this!”

  My hand slides up the neck of the guitar as my fingers kiss the strings, and my body rocks with its screams. Alice’s voice switches from melodic angel to rock goddess as she finishes the first verse and continues to the chorus. We don’t half-ass our practices, always imagining an invisible crowd before us as if we’re shooting a music video or performing for a stadium. I block out all other thoughts clouding my mind, dig deep inside to find myself, and let the music bring me into euphoria. I’ve got a smirk on my face and twist my body to steady my left foot on top of the floor amp beside me. I lock eyes with Becky smashing her base drum with her foot and swinging her arms with ferociousness, making the floor quake with violence beneath us.

  I turn back forward to my mic and harmonize backup vocals with Regan. Regan and I pull back to meet each other in the middle of our makeshift stage as battle dancers stepping into each other and rock our bodies. We turn our backs together and rock the bridge of the song in perfect unison. The music takes over all of my senses, and I play with emotion more than actual thought. Regan pulls away, and I step back to my mic to harmonize with her again. I draw my hands down the neck of my guitar and pluck the strings with violent fervor. Alice’s voice opens my mind as she holds the last note out from the song. I feel myself sink with relief, and my mind becomes more aware of my surroundings as I wipe my brow.

  We practice for hours. Sweat pours down my face while I put my gear away. “Alright, guys. I’ll see you next Saturday. I’ve got to go,” I announce, and everyone says their goodbyes. I light a cigarette as I drive back to Jack’s house. I send him a text to get the gate code, and his response is immediate.

  Jack: 76559

  Me: Thanks!

  Jack: See you soon, Sunshine!

  I punch the code into the keypad and watch the gate swing open at a snail’s pace. Jack's waiting on the steps for me as I pull into the cul-de-sac. I get out and smile at him, “So, what’s the plan, man?” Practice left me in a playful mood, and I look forward to spending the rest of the day with Jack.

  Jack rises, taking my hand in his, “Let’s take a walk.” Butterflies swarm my stomach with his tingling touch.

  I follow him around the side of the house, admiring the scenery as a light breeze cools my face from the heat of the fading summer. “Mind telling me why you’ve been hiding your riches?”

  “I’m not rich. In fact, I cut myself off from my parents a long time ago, because I wanted to prove I could do things on my own.” Jack gives a small smile that fades abruptly. He's quiet as we pass a pasture of horses, then expresses his worries with a pensive tone of voice, “I have a lot of friends, but less than a handful of close friends. And, even with those who are close to me, it’s rare if they see beyond my exterior.”

  He contemplates his words a moment and gazes at me for a reaction I don't give him. I don't want him to stop opening up to me, and I
have a way of putting my foot in my mouth. Jack continues, “I come from a family with a long history of soldiers. We take pride in protecting people. Over the years, they made smart investments. They bought the land, built the estate, and it’s been passed on from generation to generation for a very long time.” I nod my head in understanding. “Everyone in my family has been strategically trained.” I glance at him in disbelief, and he nods with a despondent countenance. “Even me. But, I wanted a way to escape the constant fighting. So, I turned to street racing for momentary relief. It’s just an added bonus to being a gear head, and I love the adrenaline.”

  We come across a large garden leading to a resort style pool as the sun begins to set on the trees in the distance. We continue through the thriving garden, and he pushes his hands into his pockets as he resumes his story, “It’s just my mother and me now, though. My dad left a few years ago for a mission, and we haven’t heard from him since. And my mother… Well…my mother's sick. She was…bit by a spider. She’s weakening every day and… It won’t be much longer now.”

  I watch a tear roll down his face, and my eyes begin to water. I feel horrible and want to comfort him, so I reach out to hold his hand in the quiet of the setting sun as we both stare at the lighted pool before us. There's nothing I can say to ease his pain, and it kills me.

  Jack squeezes my hand and turns to me with a shy smile. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to dump my problems on you. I just find it easy to open up to you for some reason.”

  I find my voice again, “Don’t be. In a way, I’m glad.” I smile and try to lighten the mood. “I think I had the wrong idea about you, Jack,” I add, emulating his words to me. Jack gives me his charming smile and ruffles my hair. “Hey!” I holler lighthearted, pushing his hand away. Jack laughs, trying to tease my hair again, and I stumble on the edge of the pool. He catches my fall, holding me by the waist with one hand and by the arm with the other as he towers above me leaning precariously over the water.

  His smile falls with gradual realization at our proximity, and my entire body tingles with his closeness. He motions to pull me to him. I fantasize his lips on mine, but I fear it’ll ruin everything between us. Good things don’t last for me. As he pulls me closer, I wrap my leg around his, using his own body weight to twist us around and push him into the pool. He lets go of me as he falls, and I've never laughed so hard in my life. Tears of joy threaten my vision, and I miss Jack’s head coming above the water. He grabs my ankles and drags me into the pool with him.

  I spin around under the surface and push off of the bottom of the pool to get above the water. I take in a gulping breath and brush the hair away from my face. “Oh! You are so dead!” I howl and lunge at him to push his head under the water. He grabs me by the waist mid-air and slams me back down. We play in the water for an hour, and the stars begin to blanket the sky above us. It's a beautiful clear night. We get out and lounge beside the pool to air-dry.

  “There you are,” Jack radiates.

  “Huh? What do you mean?”

  “You’ve been so bottled up and tense. I haven’t seen you let loose since the concert.”

  “Yeah. I guess so.” I grin at him. He's bringing me out of my shell again, and I sense being friends with him isn't going to last. I want more. It's inevitable that he’ll always be a part of me. I can feel it in my gut, but deep down, being with him will only result in a broken heart. Anyone I've ever loved has hurt me.

  How am I ever going to let him in completely?

  “I’ve got to get ready for the party.” I look down at my drenched attire.

  “Yeah, me too. What time do you want to leave?”

  “Um… Give me an hour,” I answer, and Jack pulls me to my feet.

  “Alright. Come on.”

  Hustling into my immaculate bathroom, I peel off my damp clothes and take a hot shower. I'm having a lot of fun with Jack. I almost don’t want to go to Trey's party at The Green House. Wrapped in a towel, I brush my teeth, put on my makeup, and blow dry my hair straight. I discard my towel and search the closet for my garments, finding a pair of black skinny jeans and my white tank that reads ‘Punk’ across the chest. My black Chuck Taylors are a perfect match, and I slip them on. I look at myself in the full-length mirror in the back of the closet and check my makeup one more time before leaving my bedroom.

  I knock on Jack’s door, and he answers after the first knock. His signature ball cap is low on his face again, and he's wearing a plain gray shirt with dark wash jeans. “Ready?” he prompts, shutting the door behind him. His voice is low and deep as if he doesn’t want to accompany me, but I'm glad he's coming anyway.

  “Yeah.” I dig my cell phone from my back pocket and send a text message to Alice.

  Me: R u guys coming?

  Alice doesn’t text back until we are a few blocks from The Green House.

  Alice: Sorry, Ivy. Got caught up in something. I don’t think we’re going to make it out tonight.

  Dammit, Alice!

  Me: Alright. Next time.

  “They’re not coming,” I notify Jack as he parks on the side of the famous party house, the tension in his body is unmistakable.

  “Why not?” he counters.

  “She said she got caught up in something. She didn’t elaborate.”

  The house is crowded with people inside, on the lawn, and in the high fenced backyard. Every surface of the house is decorated in a Hawaiian theme which surprisingly doesn't clash with the green paint adorning every plane and surface of the house, including the wooden floors and ceilings. I find Trey filling up a red plastic cup from the keg in the corner of the kitchen as he sees me coming through the entrance.

  “Hey! You made it!” Trey yells over the booming music.

  “Yeah!” I yell back, leaning into his ear.

  “Can I get you a beer?” he offers as he pushes his cup to me.

  I wave off his offer. “Do you have anything hard?”

  His expression is leering as he turns my question into a suggestive manner and scrutinizes me from my hair to my shoes. His eyes are glassed over as he muses, “For you?” He wiggles his eyebrows, and I roll my eyes. “Follow me.”

  I follow him to the backyard where they have an outdoor tiki bar set up. “We’ve got a sort of trashcan punch mix for shots. It’s Everclear and punch. But, it’s mostly Everclear and a splash of punch for color,” he chuckles.

  “Line ‘em up!” I whoop. I turn to ask Jack if he wants a shot, but he isn’t behind me anymore.

  Where did he go?

  Trey lines up four shots for us. “Is that it?” I challenge. “Come on, lightweight! Line ‘em up!”

  Trey laughs and lines up twelve more shots for us. “I’ll race you?”

  “You’re on!” I toss my hair over my left shoulder, so it won’t get in the way and place my hand on the first shot to get ready as Trey readies his hands as well.

  “Go!” he shouts.

  I don’t watch Trey as I take shot after shot. The burn of the alcohol opens my throat and warms my stomach. I count nine shots and grab the last shot glass available from the bar. Trey lets out a cat call as I throw my head back and finish the shot by rolling the glass off my lips, dropping it in my opposite hand, and slamming it upside down on the bar. I laugh as I feel the dizziness take over my equilibrium, and I lean against the bar with my elbow to steady myself. The liquor devours my system with haste, numbing my entire body with a blanket of warmth.

  “Well, damn, Ivy! I guess I am a lightweight,” Trey beams.

  Trey drags me to the main entertainment room to dance. I haven’t seen Jack all night, and it pisses me off he claimed he wanted to watch out for me tonight, but ended up leaving me to fend for myself. He's probably off screwing some bimbo, I think drunkenly.

  I'm sweating, having had a few beers after the ten shots I took and am complete toast at this point. And now, I'm mad again. I pull my hair away from my neck and fan my face. The static in the air prickles my neck. “I need some air.”
r />   Trey leads me by the hand to the front porch where there's a questionable green couch. I feel a mosquito bite my shoulder, and I shudder before plopping down and propping my feet on the banister in front of me. Its white paint’s chipped and peeling away in random places, verification of the neglect it’s had over the years. I light a cigarette and lay my head back on the backrest of the couch. Trey stands next to my legs and leans against the banister with his arms crossed over his chest as he watches me with a smug grin. “Having fun?” he asks.

  I blow out a puff of smoke. “Yeah. I needed this.” I relax further into the cushions of the couch.

  “So, I thought you were gonna bring some girlfriends?”

  “Well, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but besides my band, I don’t have girlfriends,” I chuckle.

  “Why is that?” he probes.

  “I can’t stand the gossip and backstabbing. Not to mention, I just get along better with guys. It’s been that way my whole life. I’ve always had guy friends,” I confess, thinking of Gideon.

  “Like Jack?”

  Hearing Jack’s name brings up memories of us playing in the pool earlier, and I smile. “Yeah. Like Jack.” Trey observes me in continued silence. “Speaking of Jack, have you seen him?”

  “Nope.” Trey picks up my leg closest to him and squeezes past to set it back down on the other side of him. He stands between my feet on the banister and places both of his hands on my ankles. I smile at him. My body's numb with intoxication, and his touch sends static electricity up my legs. He glides his hands up my legs to my thighs and leans over to kiss me. Our tongues tease each other while he slides his hands between my thighs. Without warning, my mind recalls images of ‘the darkness’ from my dreams, and my heart hammers in my chest. Those red eyes stare at me from the foot of my bed. I can’t breathe, and I don’t appreciate where Trey's trying to take things. I drop my legs and push Trey back.


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