The Helio Trilogy: Volumes 1-3

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The Helio Trilogy: Volumes 1-3 Page 33

by Valerie Roeseler

  “What’s up with him?” Alice ponders.

  “I don’t know. Hold on.” I pull the shifter into neutral and yank the emergency brake up in frustration. I unbuckle my seatbelt and get out of the car, leaving my door open as I approach him. “Hey, buddy. What's wrong?” His nose meets my outstretched palm, his breathing labored. Worry. “It’s ok. I’m not going far. I’ll be back tonight. You want to go for a run later?” Max pushes me back and stomps. “Max!” I shout. “That's enough!” He prances in circles.

  Evelyn lands by my side. Her stunning jade wings stretch wide before she folds them behind her. I haven't witnessed their beauty until this moment. “Maximus? What’s wrong?” She steps forward and places her hand on his neck, petting him in soothing strokes. I watch as she closes her eyes. “He’s worried about you,” she sighs without opening her eyes.

  “How do you know that?” I marvel.

  Evelyn opens her eyes and smiles. “It’s my gift. I can communicate with all animals.”

  “Oh,” I respond in awe. “Why is he worried?”

  “He senses danger coming.”

  “Well, we know Lucian's coming. Has Solas told you about the Griffins?”

  “Yes. I can only imagine how off-putting it'll be for the horses. They still feel anxious around Cassius and Beckett.”

  “Can you try to warn them about the others? Maybe you can smooth things over before they arrive tomorrow?”

  She nods. “Yeah. I can try. You girls go have fun. I’ll take Maximus back to the house.”

  “Thank you.” I jog back to the car and get in as Evelyn leads Max back to the manor.

  “Well, that was weird,” Alice states as the gates open, and I pull out of the driveway.

  “Yeah. I think he was trying to warn us not to leave. We should be careful in case Lucian shows up before we're ready.”


  Navigating into Red Meadow, we try to change our mood by blaring some Carolina Liar. The closer we get to town, the edgier I feel. I brush it off as being oversensitive to the fact that the downtown area could drudge up memories of Jack, making me an emotional wreck. We park outside a quaint antique shop with a window display of stylish accessories. I shut off the car, and we get out.

  “There’s a retro shop on the corner. Let’s see what they’ve got,” Alice suggests. I lock the car, and we head in that direction.

  The air's cool with a light wind blowing against our faces. My hair flows behind me as I search for a clothing store that may have something I would like. I love downtown Red Meadow. The buildings were all constructed during the early nineteen hundreds, and I've always wondered about the history behind their brick façades. It doesn’t matter what store you enter, they all have a musty ‘old’ smell to it. The fragrance makes me think of all the spirits that could be here since its original construction in the Victorian era.

  Alice pushes open the door of the retro boutique she mentioned, and the bells on the door chime and twinkle, announcing our entrance. We take our time fingering through clothes on the rack. In the end, I decide Metro Retro doesn't have anything I would wear. We spend the next two hours shopping up and down the strip, trying on clothes, shoes, hats, and any accessory Alice deems necessary. I'm elated when I finally find a costume and mask for the Greek Masquerade Ball. It shows a little more leg than I want it to for such cold weather, but they're perfect with the black suede Steve Madden ankle boot stilettos I bought from the previous store.

  As we leave the trendy little shop where I purchased an awesome pair of tattered skinny jeans and a few plain cotton shirts, both of our arms are full of bags in various sizes and colors. I’m exhausted, and we make our way back to the car, three blocks down.

  My heart rate picks up without warning and my neck prickles with electricity. It’s a feeling I used to associate with Trey, but now I know better. It’s the feeling of the presence of demons.

  Shit. Someone’s here.

  I do my best to act normal and not give us away as I whisper to Alice without looking at her, “You feel that?”

  “Yeah. Act normal.”

  “Do you see them?”

  “Yeah. We’ve got two at eight o’clock and four at our twelve.”

  My heart pounds harder. “Should we call for backup?”

  “No. They’re not stupid. They won’t attack us in broad daylight. Just get to the car, and don’t speed out of here, drawing attention.”

  When we reach the car, I unlock it and pop the trunk for the bags. Alice pulls out her cell phone as I unload my arms. I hear Eric pick up, “Hey, babe.”

  “Hey, Becky! We just finished shopping. Sorry, it took so long. We’re running a few minutes behind. We got held up at this wicked rank little shop, but we should be there in fifteen.”

  “Where are you?” Eric grumbles through the phone.

  I close the trunk, and we hop in. Alice resumes her bogus conversation, “Oh! I thought I told you. We went downtown. You know that cute little retro shop I was telling you about?” I start the car and ease out to the street.

  “How many?” he growls.

  “I bought a necklace I couldn’t pass up. It was only twelve dollars!” she hints.

  “Fuck!” he barks. “Get to practice. We’ll take care of it.”

  Alice chirps, “Ok. See you soon. Chow!”

  We hit the highway and bolt towards Becky’s house. I screech, “What the fuck was that!”

  Unfazed by my anxiety, she states, “I couldn’t chance that they would overhear me. It was code to let him know we were being stalked.”

  My voice cracks, “Twelve, Alice? I thought there were six!”

  “I spotted six more while you were loading the bags. Eric and Solas will take care of it. Just clear your head and think about practice. We don’t need to alarm Becky and Regan with you spazzing out. And would you please slow down. I’d rather we don’t draw attention.”

  I meet her demands and let off of the accelerator until we hit a reasonable speed. I try to calm myself down before we reach Becky’s, but my irritation with the demons coming after us boils beneath the surface of my veneer. I need to let out some of my pent up rage.

  Instead of spazzing out around Becky and Regan, I turn my irritation into a quiet rage. I don’t speak to anyone as I tear off my jacket and reveal my new black tank top from beneath it. I know they'll see my new ‘tattoo’ on my forearm, but I really don’t care. I let an evil grin slither across my face as I pull the strap of my guitar over my head. I’m ready to wail and let shit out. Alice takes center with the wireless mic in her hands. “Let’s start at the top of the set,” she instructs and counts off the beats with the rock of her body.

  One, two. One, two, three, four.

  I slam my pick down hard and fast as my left hand slides up and down the neck of the guitar. I watch my fingers dance to a beautiful, horrifying tune and pour my rage into the music. As we enter our fourth song in the set, I bite down on my lip, and moisture drips down my face. I continue to destroy the strings with my anger, drowning myself in the music, sweat, and blood. At this moment, I don’t need anything or anyone.

  By the sixth song in the set, I'm melded into ecstasy. It's one of our slow songs, and I allow myself to catch my breath. During the transition into the next ballad, I become dizzy as my vision begins to blur. My attention's drawn to a burning in my arm. I gaze down and notice my mark glowing with a red tinge. A cold sweat breaks out over my body. The sound in the room becomes muffled like I have plugs in my ears. I sway on my feet as though I’m going to pass out. Alice is by my side in a split second. “Easy,” she mutters as she steadies me under my left arm and slides my guitar off. She addresses a bewildered Becky and Regan, “She’s not feeling well. I need to get her home. I’ll text you both later.”

  I’m ushered out the door and placed in the passenger seat of my car. Alice jumps into the driver’s seat. “I'm gonna puke. What’s happening?” I grumble. I can barely get the words out. They feel heavy on my tongu
e. My lungs feel hot and tight. I know I’m going to black out at any moment.

  Alice peels out of Becky’s driveway and heads towards the manor. “Sorry, honey. It’s your dad. That’s how he calls us when he wants to meet in the Veil.”

  “Oh, hell,” I mumble with incoherent exasperation.

  “You should go. The longer you wait, the worse it gets. I’ll drive us to the house.”

  “You guys really need to start telling me shit before it happens,” I growl at her because it’s hard to get the words out through my gritted teeth. Reaching up to my forearm with my first two fingers, I slide them up the burning glow of my arm from the crevice of my elbow to my wrist. Blackness. Silence. Nothingness. Emptiness.

  In a flash, I'm lying on the cold ground surrounded by tall, gray, dry grass. It prods my face like a bed of hay. I lift my head and groan as my equilibrium comes back to me with my vision and hearing. Pushing myself up, I slowly stand to investigate my surroundings. It's the same as before. Everything's cold, gray, and dead save for the large, full oak tree in the distance. It may lack its beautiful lush colorings, but it's far from appearing without life.

  “Ivy,” Azrael calls to me from behind with his smooth deep tone. It almost sounds sad.

  I spin around with a scowl. “Your calling...” I pause, making a show of using air quotes before finishing my complaint, “suck’s ass!”

  “Yes. You will become accustomed to its potency. The more it is used, the easier passage into the Veil will become,” he states as he continues to stand stoically with his hands behind his back.

  I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest to prepare myself for why he's brought me here. “I imagine you know about my vision of Lucian?”

  His eyebrows converge, “I do. I also have knowledge of his plans. Lucian is on the move with a legion of Fallen. They will arrive in three days and attack at Evelyn’s manor. You need to prepare for the battle to come.”

  “Three days?” I repeat in astonishment. He only nods, and I find my voice again, “Great. Any advice?”

  “Do not let your emotions get the better of you. You cannot throw yourself in the line of fire for the sake of your friends. I know the power you possess. I do not doubt the strength of your abilities if you can set aside your emotions. You cannot allow the enemy to sway you. This is only the beginning. Until we meet again, safe travels daughter.” And with that, my father disappears without another word.

  “Really!” I yell into the emptiness. “That’s all you’ve got!”

  Like you can’t be bothered with more information than that?

  “Dammit,” I mumble under my breath as I pass my fingers over my forearm again. This time, as I graze the Enochian letters from my wrist to my elbow, I notice the glow is different. While inside the Veil, it's white. Outside of the Veil, it's red.

  I sit straight up on the sofa in the entertainment room of Evelyn’s manor. Alice jolts awake at the end of the sofa with my feet in her lap. Eric and Evelyn jump in their chairs across from me as Solas ceases his pacing in front of the fireplace. “You’re going to wear a hole in the rug,” I tell him with a gamine grin.

  He returns my gesture with a tight-lipped grimace, “What did he say?”

  “He had information about Lucian,” I begin as everyone’s undivided attention sets on me. “Lucian's procured himself a legion of Fallen. They're planning an attack on the manor in three days.”

  “Three days is plenty of time to prepare,” Eric says, rising from his seat. From his demeanor, I presume he does this sort of thing often.

  Evelyn joins him, “There are many preparations to be made around the estate. I'll notify Michael.” I nod to her, and she leaves us.

  Solas adds, “I'll call and update Cass. They should arrive tomorrow, and I’ll have them prepare their ranks as well.”

  I swing my legs from Alice’s lap and approach him, “What happened earlier with the demons following us?”

  He places his hands on my upper arms and sighs, “We weren't able to contain any of them. They scattered when they sensed us. I imagine they were only scouts sent to assess our situation. We need to be more observant of our surroundings. They probably followed you from here into town.” His large hands slide down my arms, and our fingers entwine.

  It occurs to me that I have classes, and I can’t afford to miss. “What am I going to do about class? I can’t go. I need to be here with you and everyone else to prepare for Lucian, but if I skip again, I'll fail the semester and possibly lose my admission.”

  “I’ll take care of it,” Alice dismisses with the wave of her hand as she joins us.

  “How?” I counter.

  A broad smile splits her face, “I have my ways, sweetie. Don’t worry about a thing.” She pats my shoulder and leaves the room.

  Solas' emotions are all over the place. There's love, apprehension, hope, worry, and what bothers me the most, fear. I've never known Solas to fear anything. His fear insinuates that I should be afraid as well.

  “You’re scared,” I whisper as more of a statement than a question.

  He hesitates and twists away from me to face the hearth. His shirt stretches tight over his back, threatening to tear as he folds his massive arms over his chest. I give him his space and wait for him to speak. “I'm Cherubim, Ivy. Fallen or Divine, we do not fear. It's ingrained into our essences not to fear,” he says with disgust.

  “But you do,” I reaffirm.

  He hesitates. “Yes.”

  “If you're afraid, then we should all be afraid. What is it that's scaring you about all of this?”

  He faces me, searching my eyes for a reaction. “You.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I know we have your visions. I know we should trust them to guide us... I’m afraid of losing you, Ivy. It's the only thing I fear. I can’t let him take you.”

  “You may not have a choice, Solas. My visions are there for a reason. I think our best possible chance to defeat Lucian is to play out the vision. And like you said, you can shift into his father and divert him. I believe in you. I know you won’t let him take me.”

  He engulfs me in his strong embrace and kisses the top of my head. Laying his cheek on top of my hair, he utters in a husky tone, “Never. I love you, princess.”

  “I love you too, Chief,” I smile against his solid chest.

  Chapter 26

  The smell of coffee, toast, bagels and freshly cut fruits awakens my senses. My eyes flutter open to find Solas standing on the balcony, fully dressed with his phone to his ear. The doors are closed as he speaks in hushed tones, but I can still hear his side of the conversation. “Listen, I haven’t told her yet. I tried, then all this shit came up.” There's a pause. “I will. Let’s just worry about it after we deal with her brother. How soon will you be here?” He waits for a response. I imagine he's talking to Cass or Beck. “See you soon, brother.”

  As he pulls the phone from his ear and hangs up, I get up and get dressed to join him on the balcony. I have a million questions running through my head. Is Lucian my brother? Will my mother want to help me as Azrael's willing to, or will she take Lucian’s side? Does she even know of his intentions? Is Solas’ past so important that Cass and Beck are pushing him to tell me?

  “Good morning,” Solas greets as I step onto the balcony and light a cigarette.

  Inhaling an audible breath full of nicotine, I try to relax my mind. One thing at a time, I remind myself. If it’s that bad, he'll tell me.

  “Morning. It's yet to be seen whether it'll be good or not.” The corner of his mouth turns up at my sarcasm. “Who was on the phone?”

  “Cass. They'll be here by this afternoon.”

  “How many Griffins are we expecting?”

  He grimaces, “Including Cass and Beck?”

  I shrug, “Sure.”

  “All of them?” he states as a question.

  Thinking of the many Griffins that surrounded The Keep, I dread the meaning of his words. “And
how many is that?”

  “They'll arrive in groups of twenty from all directions, and at different times, so they won't draw attention.”

  “How many groups, Solas?” I huff.


  “Holy shit,” I mumble under my breath. We're silent a moment, letting the situation sink in before I ask, “Is Lucian my brother?”

  His mouth tightens into a thin line as he leans forward on the terrace wall with his elbows. “Yes.”

  I state the obvious fact, needing to hear it from him, “Lilith's his mother.”

  “Yes. He's been in Sheol for most of his existence, hiding from Michael.”

  “Because Michael was supposed to destroy all the Lilim, right?”

  “Yet another reason the Prince must be after you. Michael granted you freedom, whereas he's hunted Lucian since he was conceived.”

  “Where do think Lilith stands in all this?” I wonder.

  “Who knows?” he sighs as he stands to face me. “But I wouldn't count on her to take sides. She's a recluse, and only gets involved in matters that benefit her.” I bob my head as I snuff my cigarette out, and Solas kisses my temple as I blow smoke from my pursed lips. He moves past me, making his way through the bedroom, and calls over his shoulder, “I have to go speak with Evelyn about preparations. You should join Alice for breakfast. We start training outside today.”

  I trudge downstairs to make a cup of coffee and scarf down some breakfast. At the marble island, Alice sits with a cup of coffee and an assortment of deadly daggers spread out in a neat line. She methodically polishes the silver blade of a Stiletto as I lean back against the counter, eating a piece of dry toast and witnessing this whole other side of my best friend. Yet to acknowledge my presence, I let her have her tranquil moment. I’m mesmerized by her calm and focus for something which seems so tedious. It's a complete opposite from the exuberant energy she bounces around with. I consume the last piece of my toast as I study her movements. She sets the Stiletto on the leather cloth as the last blade in line. A small sigh escapes her lips, and she carefully rolls the weapons before securing the ties around them. She quirks her lips, “Are you done staring?”


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