The Helio Trilogy: Volumes 1-3

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The Helio Trilogy: Volumes 1-3 Page 65

by Valerie Roeseler

  I’m taken aback with his change of heart. I want to thank him, but the words don’t feel like enough. I want to leap in his arms, but I don’t want either him or Solas jumping to conclusions. Then, I’m caught off guard with the stare down between him and Solas. My eyes bounce between their faces, and I see the war within each of them. They are seriously arguing right now!

  I bark with irritation, “You know what?” They look to me, and I turn to Jack, “Thank you, Jack.” I address them both, “But both of you need to straighten your shit out. This pissing contest has got to stop. We don’t have time for it. Man up, grow some balls, or whatever it is you have to do. I’m not dealing with it.” I rip open my bedroom door, storm inside, and slam it in their wide-eyed faces.

  Tearing my clothes off along the way to the bathroom, I fume, Grow the fuck up. I don’t have time for this. Their legions will be here in just a few hours. I need to make sure we’re all ready.

  As I bathe, I tick off the list of things that need my attention and hope I have enough time to prepare. I find it easier to dress for the occasion. Black leather seems to be overflowing my wardrobe. I slip on leather pants and a sleeveless shirt with slits in the back for my wings. My leather cuffs that hold daggers are next, followed by a belt for more daggers, a strap with a sheath for a sword, and the garters for my sai. My combat boots are last before I tighten my hair into a high plait in front of the bathroom’s long mirror.

  “Let’s rock and roll.”

  I find my father with Camael in the Throne Room. Camael doesn’t look happy, but my father greets me with open arms, “You appear ready.”

  “I am, but there are some things I need to take care of. I was hoping to get a little assistance from you,” I hint.

  My father seems intrigued, “What can I do for you?”

  “I want to take you to Telly. Many feel they can’t trust her or the warriors she brought with her. I haven’t had a chance to see if her intentions are noble, and Solas can’t get a read on her either. I need to be sure she’s truly on our side. I’m afraid if she blocks me the way she does him, I won’t be able to make a decision. She’s done everything she can to help me, but Solas is adamant that something doesn’t feel right with her. I do trust her. I just need to be sure.”

  Camael accounts, “Usually your first instinct is the truest, but she’s Fallen.”

  I hold back a glare at him and look to my father, “You said you would be able to see her. Will you come with me?”

  “Of course.”

  “She’s down here.” I lead him past the black throne of obsidian stone through a hidden doorway, and Camael follows of his own volition.

  Camael informs me, “The rest of your mentors are on their way. Are you sure you still want to lead this legion?”

  I keep walking down the tunnel, my focus on the next doorway ahead, “I will take any advice you have under consideration, but I’ll wait for the rest to arrive.” Camael harrumphs in response.

  Before we reach the final corridor leading to Telly’s makeshift lab, where the others are creating more Kapet ammunition, Solas disrupts my thoughts, “Something’s wrong with the wards. They’re not holding.”

  What do you mean, ‘not holding’?

  “It’s like they’re flickering. The barrier won’t hold.”

  Is there anything we can do?

  “I’m doing my best and have other Fallen Cherubims helping. Nothing’s working yet. Ezra left with thirty Griffins to get into position, they should be there soon.”

  Did they take the guns?

  “Ezra was more than happy to. I’m still working on the wards. Just be prepared. They may be able to find us easily.”


  We pass the corridor that leads to where Beleth held Jack, Alice, and Eric. In that same room, Jack died. Sadness and regret fall hard on my shoulders, and I think of Trey. Beleth had forced me to kill him in that room after commanding Cassius to punish me with a bullwhip continuously for every answer I gave to his questions. I swallow hard, maintaining my stride.

  Camael’s presence makes me nervous, then I have an epiphany. I solicit Solas’ aid, Solas?

  “Yeah?” I hear the strain in his voice and imagine him working to get the wards back up.

  Have you read Camael’s mind?

  There’s silence.


  “I wouldn’t dare listen to the thoughts of an Original without their permission.”

  You won’t or you can’t?

  “Either. It’s very disrespectful.”

  Nevermind then.

  “Are you worried?”

  I just want to be ready if he tries to force the legion behind him instead of me.

  “We won’t let that happen.”

  Who’s we?

  “Jack and I.”

  Are you working your shit out?

  He laughs deep in my thoughts, “You could say that.”

  “Whatever that means,” I remark aloud.

  Camael comments, “What’s that?”

  I clear my throat as we stop at the door to Telly’s temporary lab, then pivot to face him and my father. “There’s probably something I should tell you about Tallulah.”

  Camael frowns, “What have you been keeping from us?”

  I take a deep breath, ready to defend what they’re about to discover. “It’s just… She’s created a weapon for us to use… It’s why she’s down here, and you haven’t seen her around.”

  Azrael’s brows converge on me, “What is it? What type of weapon?”

  I hesitate. “It’s Kap—”

  Solas interrupts, yelling in my head quickly, “They’re here! Ezra’s team took out about five hundred, but they’re battling on their own. Lilith stayed back with her legion, but Lucian is on his way with his.”

  Camael grabs my upper arms, “What is it?”

  I scowl at him, “They’re here. Look, no time to explain, but this is what’s going to happen. Telly has guns and a special ammunition that can destroy the incoming legion. We’re using it. You can take it up with me later.”

  We barge into the lab. It’s bustling with Fallen loading automatic rifles and numerous other weapons. They barge past us, making their way to The Common. Telly is strapped down as well. She calls over the noise, “Ready?”

  “Solas told you?” I’m mystified how he was able to notify her of the incoming legion.

  She shakes her head, “No. He told one of the others.”

  I nod in acceptance but wonder if Solas has been able to pick up anything from her warriors. I push the thought aside for now. “Get everyone to The Common. Take to the mountain if there’s room. Ezra has Lilith and her legion tied up at the moment, but Lucian is on his way with his, and it won’t be long before the rest catch up.”

  Telly gives me a crooked grin full of mischief and excitement. “Let’s do this.”

  Camael and my father begin arguing. Telly and I skirt around them, jogging back up to the Throne Room. When we make it there, The Keep is roaring with commotion. Griffins march past the massive open doors, and I speed up to see if I can find Jack.

  I follow the pull of our bond. In a large room down the corridor, I meet him, Alice, and Eric loading down with weapons. Jack is before me in a split second, “Are you sure you want to stay here? I can take you anywhere.”

  I stand tall, “I have to do this, Jack. I’m tired of running.”

  Without warning, his mouth crushes into mine. His strong arms wrap around my body, pulling me off my feet. He holds me against him as our tongues meld together, and I lose myself in the moment, wrapping my arms around his neck.

  He pulls away and leans his forehead on mine. “I love you, Ivy.”

  I want to cry. I want to scream. I want to run with him. “I love you too, Jack.”

  “If anything happens—”

  “Don’t. Their numbers are large, but they don’t have what we do.”

  “What’s that?” he examines as he looks me in the eyes.

  “We have the best of the best. Ezra, you, Solas, Eric, Alice, Camael, my father, the Griffins…”

  “And you. They’ll never have you. You are mine.”

  I kiss him again. Letting my love and frustration seep into him. He laughs at my emotions as he sets me back on my feet. He takes my hand just as Eric slides a sword into the sheath on my back. Jack gives my hand a quick squeeze, “Ready?”

  “As ready as I can be.”

  Alice passes me with a wink and a smile, then Jack and I follow hand in hand to The Common.

  Chapter 26

  The Gray Legion lines The Common from left to right in the midst of the angry storm as they receive their orders from Solas and Theodora. Most Griffins are in their animalistic form, save for the Griffin triplets. Thea inclines her head towards me as the legion parts for Alice, Eric, Jack, and me. The warriors wear a red fabric tied around their left biceps, and the Griffins wear them around their left ankles. In the chaos of everything, I’m thankful someone has thought of a way to tell the legions apart.

  Alice and Eric take positions within the line, and Jack squeezes my hand once, prompting me to walk through. Solas’ eyes drop to my hand in Jack’s. He hides it well, but I catch the disappointment in his countenance. Jack acknowledges Solas, “Chief.”

  Solas nods once in response, “Jack.”

  Jack tests, “Are we on the same page?”

  Solas responds, “We are.”

  I’m surprised with their civil greeting and wonder what page they’re referring to. I put it out of my mind for the moment. “Have you seen my father?”

  Solas points to the top of the mountain, “He’s with Camael.”

  I follow his gaze, then my father nods down to me. Griffins begin soaring into their positions on the face of the mountain as the warriors on the ground separate into lines, readying themselves for their attack. Telly and her warriors are among the frontline with every automatic rifle they brought with them.

  Once everyone appears to be on The Common, I release Jack’s hand and command, “Seal the entrance!” The vaulted door is slammed shut, the thunder of the storm adding to the reverberation.

  Telly steps out of line to meet us, “I have enough rifles for each of you.”

  I decline her offer, “Thanks, but I can affect them the same as the ammunition. I don’t think I’ll need it.” Solas, Jack, and Thea refuse as well.

  Telly counters, “The guns will keep the enemy at a distance. There’s less chance of them getting too close.”

  “Maybe, but once they realize what’s happening, the bullets won’t have anything on their speed,” I argue.

  Shots are fired in the distance. The Gray Legion falls silent, their attention drawn to the horizon. The war in the distance is accompanied by a melody of heavy rain pelting the ground and the waves crashing against the rocks at the bottom of The Keep’s mountain.

  I ponder aloud, “Do you think we’ve lost the element of surprise?”

  Telly replies, “Only one way to find out,” as she pulls back on her rifle’s charging handle. It releases with a pop, putting the first round of Kapet in the chamber. The sound echoes throughout the frontline in a ripple and Telly retakes her place.

  The rain and wind increase with fury. Griffins screech in warning and my heart pounds in my chest as I face the mammoth cloud of black wings rolling towards us at an unnatural speed. Solas alerts me, “It’s Lucian. Ezra still has Lilith’s legion held back.” My hands flex then clench into fists as I try to calm my apprehension. Solas’ voice enters my thoughts, “Are you ready, princess?”

  I don’t know.

  “You’ve got this,” he assures me.

  Do I?

  “You do. Let everything they’ve ever done to you feed your rage. They took you from the surface, starved you, tortured you, fed you to demons, marked you, ripped our bond, and won’t stop hunting you down until you and everything you love is destroyed.”

  It’s not just about me anymore. It’s about defeating the Darkness for all of us.

  “Good. Who are you?”

  I don’t hesitate, my teeth grinding together as I watch the Dark Legion approach, Ivy Harris.

  “No. Who are you? Let me hear you say it,” he demands.

  I know exactly what he wants to hear. I’m Ivy Harris. I am Death. I will hunt down my enemies and make them suffer for all the pain they’ve caused. I am Teloch.

  “And I’ll be right here when you need me.”

  I’m more ready than I ever expected to be. I feel strong, unstoppable… Immortal. I pivot to face my legion, Camael and my father watching from above. My voice bellows, carrying across The Common and echoing off the face of the mountain, “The Keep is your home! Don’t let them take it from you! We will destroy the Darkness together! Let them know The Gray Legion is not to be fucked with! What say you?”

  Feet instantly pound the ground with their chanting, “Teloch! Teloch! Teloch! Teloch! Teloch!” I look to Camael, conveying my strength in leading them. He quirks his brow as he holds a tight grimace, but inclines his head in acceptance. My father’s pride is unmistakable. As the legion continues to chant, I release my wings. Each releases their own in response, and the Griffin sentries shriek with readiness.

  Turning back to face the oncoming legion, I note, “Something’s changed. This is different than my vision.”

  Jack advises, “Each time you seek a vision, your mind changes for the future. There will always be a difference. Sometimes it can be the smallest detail.”

  I glance to Solas over my left shoulder, “Send them in, Chief.”

  He uses his telepathy to send the command to Telly’s right-hand man, an intimidating Sumerian warrior standing over seven feet tall. The warrior nods to Telly. She barks out a command in Enochian, and they take off towards the Dark Legion closing in fast. Shots are fired in relentless succession as Fallen begin dropping in large numbers.

  Jack nudges me with his elbow, then gives me his million dollar smile. I prompt him before he has the chance, “Let’s fuck some shit up.” I didn’t think his smile could shine any brighter, yet it does.

  I take off into the storm, Jack and Solas flanking each side of me as I lead the second line of attack. Theodora remains with her brothers in the third line as I requested, but I can tell they are all itching to join the fight. We twist and roll through the hoard of angels battling in the sky. Plumes of dust erupt in place of the Fallen as they’re shot with the Kapet.

  Jack gets caught in the fight as we plow through. Solas and I catch sight of a Fallen warrior before me with a gun in his hand. He’s not one of our own, and we realize the events before they can happen. I cross my wrists and slide my daggers from my cuffs. The warrior aims for me and pulls the trigger. I tuck my wings around me in a shield, rolling to the right. Solas goes left. The warrior sprays the air for me as I continue to dodge erratically, yet moving closer. Solas collides with the warrior, then slaps the barrel of the rifle into his face as his other hand flips him over. I spin in the air as I release my wings. The sharp edges of my feathers slice across the Fallen warrior’s neck. His head lolls off his body. Blood gushes from his neck as he tumbles to the ocean below.

  When I glance around, I realize the tables are beginning to turn. The Dark Legion is dodging the Kapet. Some have taken control of a handful of guns. The third line, with the Griffin triplets, charges into the chaos. The Griffin sentries follow not long after. I continue to stab, slice, roll, kick, and spin. Bodies drop faster and faster. War is raw. All consuming. Everything blacks out around us, but it’s just the legion of Fallen in our surroundings.

  The Griffin sentries take back control of the guns, dropping them in the water since they’re no longer effective. Solas is distracted as he fights off two Fallen, but I know he can handle it. I search the mass of pandemonium for Lucian. I find him on The Common. He and Jack crash into each other with swords drawn. A sense of ferocious protectiveness blazes through me, and I dive for Lucian. Mine.

hurtle into Lucian’s side. We tumble towards the far side of the cliff, close to its edge. He kicks up, sending me soaring. I throw out my wings to catch me, then tuck them back to land before him. Jack is behind him but stands at a distance. Lucian sneers with his hooded and bloodied gaze, “I think I’ll eat your heart when I finish you off.” He’s weaponless. He taunts over his shoulder without taking his eyes from me, “What do you think, Jackie Boy? I bet it tastes like a rotten plum.”

  Jack growls, readying his sword. I give him a subtle shake of my head for him to let me handle Lucian. I deserve this vengeance.

  I grip the hilts of my sai at my thighs, “I’d like to see you try.”

  Lucian charges. I sprint for him head on. As he reaches for me, I step onto his lunging thigh, wrap my legs around his shoulders, and twist us back to the ground in one graceful movement. Retracting my wings before we hit the ground, I let him fall onto the sai in my right hand as I jab the other between his ribs, puncturing his lung. I roll us over and pull the blades from his body. Deep red blood blossoms from the wounds, soaking his black, fitted under armor. I raise my blades high, ready to plunge them into his eye sockets.

  Jack shouts, “Ivy!”

  I hear the shift in the wind an instant before pain shatters the right side of my body. I blink at the darkness threatening my vision, only to realize I’m on my back. I roll onto my side. Jack battles the Fallen warrior who knocked me off Lucian. Pushing onto my knees, blood runs from my mouth. I swipe it away with the back of my hand.

  Lucian’s movements catch my attention. Solas kicks him in the chest, throwing him into the side of the mountain. My vision crosses, and I shake my head to try and see straight as I stand on weak legs. The warrior fighting Jack keeps eyeing me as they get closer. I’m struck with indecision to continue my assault on Lucian or take out the Fallen who stopped me.


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