The Song_A mysterious tale of the Mayan spirit world and the Mayan calendar

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The Song_A mysterious tale of the Mayan spirit world and the Mayan calendar Page 17

by Joseph Arnold

  “Wow,” said Riley. “I am not sure I completely understand all of what you just said, but I do get the interconnectedness part. Speaking of connectedness, how do you believe Dana is connected to this?”

  “He seems to me to be a guide of some sort and is about to lead us on some kind of journey. We must be necessary travelers for a greater good that feels like it involves some healing or transformation. I guess we’ll see what’s in store for us.” She stopped and pondered his comment for a moment then spoke. “Riley, your life is about to turn upside down. Are you ready for this?”

  “Hmm, a good question you ask. I have no idea what is in store for me but I want to choose this adventure with you. I’ve been feeling an unrest lately but haven’t been sure what to make of it. If I think about it, I get nervous but if I feel into it, the uneasy feeling subsides. My detective training tells me to stay alert and notice everything. I’m usually very good at noticing my surroundings, although I must admit when you’re involved, I tend to miss things that are right in front of me. And how about you? Are you ready for what could be in store for you not knowing the outcome?”

  Sarina laughed. “That’s why you have me to warn and protect you. Now that’s ironic, me protecting you. Yes, I do feel like this is a very important choice I need to make and I feel I can make a conscious choice.”

  “That reminds me. When I came to your side last night, you warned me about the figure I almost ran down. It seemed to be a threat to you but you didn’t seem too concerned. In fact, you seemed to think it was a threat to me. Why was that?”

  “You know, I can’t really say. At first I was terrified. All I know is that when I saw you in the street, any feelings of fear seemed to evaporate. When we embraced, it was as if you transferred something to me through the electrical pulse we experience with touch. I’m just saying that sometimes fear can be powerful and without meaning and then it’s simply gone. I can’t explain it; I can only feel it. It may be related to love, I don’t know.” Sarina was still unsure if Riley actually trusted her intuition. She was observing him and was a bit skeptical that he was capable of believing in anything outside of a logical conclusion.

  “Fascinating, I’ve never met anyone like you. You’re so sure and grounded in your passion for seeking truth. I’m surprised you’re not a high-level professor at some cutting edge spiritual university.”

  “I don’t enjoy the bureaucracy associated with many schools of higher learning. Truth is, I don’t believe that I belong with academics so I question that trust you mention all the time. My experience is that most people in those places tend to lean toward some kind of scientific approach and veer away from intuitive approaches. My second oldest son once said, ‘Intuition is simply subconscious logic.’ He used to believe that if something was not backed by logical substance, then it was not real. That was before he put in a few more years in this universe and opened his mind to other brain functions.

  “Actually his older brother has become very involved in Mind and Body science and has been assisting in research that studies the relationship among brain cell shapes as a consequence of neuron firings along neural pathways within the human brain. He once told me that what all of his research has shown him is what I have been experiencing most of my life. In essence when people are born under certain astral configurations, the brain responds to the placement of the stars and planets. He said it is more like an energy surge from the cosmos that helps map out the neural pathways of the human brain. It has to do with quantum physics. Each person is born with a unique fix or order of brain cells. People who might coincidentally be born in the same city on the same day have similar patterns embedded in their brain cell structure. That is why identical twins have an uncanny way of experiencing each other’s thoughts and feelings. Not so with fraternal twins who are not of the same egg and are born at different times even if only moments apart. The time continuum is that precise as to offer one child one set of neural pathways and the other a subtly different set based on the delicate placement of cosmic energy.”

  Riley followed some of Sarina’s conversation but was still a bit befuddled. “I’m not following most of what you’re saying.”

  “The bottom line is this. People are biologically pretty much the same up to a point; in fact we are only separated by less than 1%, genetically speaking. However, as I stated, we are born with unique and subtly different gifts. This is the area where we are unique from one another and this 1% carries as much weight, if not more, that the previous 99%. When biologists discovered that there are thirteen DNA helixes and not only two, the 1% difference became the mapping strategy for understanding why we are all so vastly different. In that 1%, millions more possibilities exist than in the first 99%. Have you ever noticed that when you examine a case, you can quickly gather over 90% of the information needed to piece the case together? Then completing the investigation can take more than twice the time as the first 90%?”

  “At least.”

  “The same is true for the human genome. Most of the basic information that makes up the foundation of all living things resides in the first 99% of all beings in the universe. It is the last 1% that separates us from each other and even separates humans from plants. Pretty neat, huh?”


  “This knowledge is common place among the greater scientific community, and in essence, it validates what or who I am and my children now have no reason to disbelieve my abilities.”

  “But, doesn’t everyone possess these same abilities?”

  “Of course they do. Simply put, people like me are gifted with a sort of short cut to this way of thinking, although my sons might disagree. Like any patterning, this gift can be learned but to do so for most people takes a strong desire or passion to work at re-mapping the neural pathways but not for me. My neural pathways were ready for this way of perceiving when I was born.”

  Riley was hanging on Sarina’s every word. She continued, “Imagine you drive your car the same way to a destination over and over again, back and forth. One day a friend asks if you have ever driven a different way. You know the way you drive so well and completely that you can do it unconsciously and efficiently with very little disruptions. One day you decide to drive a different way. That new way is uncertain and uncharted by you. The drive takes longer because you’re required to go slower in order to pay closer attention and to get a feel for the road. At first, you are late arriving at your normal destination. You’re then faced with a decision. You can have that last sip of coffee before you leave if you go the familiar route or you will have to leave earlier, which disrupts every ritual you know, and you may have to forego that cup of coffee. You might have to say ‘no’ to staying up late to finish a movie so you can wake earlier to get ready for your day. The extra time required in the morning might be enough to throw off your internal clock and then you realize your whole existence must change so you can travel a new route to work. This choice is called ‘free will.’ You might choose your familiar route of least resistance and function in a less-than-conscious state. If you are conscious enough, you might stick with your new route and see where it takes you. If your new route is compelling enough, you might find a reward along the way.

  “Look at it this way. You are a detective and you need to find clues to solve a case. You investigate all paths until you discover enough clues to justify your findings and solve the case. If you develop a system that satisfies your findings in 90% of your cases, do you focus on those or do you focus on the 10% that are not satisfied?”

  “The ten percent, of course, because they are the unsolved.”

  “Exactly, you follow a different path to solve those cases. The twist is that if you didn’t have those unsolved cases, you might never travel a different path to solve them. The additional irony is that this new path you now travel not only solves the one challenging case, but also the new path actually ends up solving the other 90% with greater efficiency, and thus you discover a new and more important path,
one you may have never known was available until you took the leap of faith and tried it. Now, what if you were born with that new path you just discovered?”

  “I might be as brilliant as Sherlock Holmes.” Sarina shot Riley a huge grin as a light bulb went off in his brain. “Shit, Sarina,” he said. “I get it. You were born with this gift and all you had to do was apply it. I was born with a different gift and all I did this morning was apply it. Is it really that simple?”

  “Yes and as you evolve, you discover still another gift and when the time is right, you apply that gift, and so and so on.”

  “Do gifts show up unannounced?”

  “Actually, most of the time; a few humans have known of their gifts all along. These were the great prophets of the planet; Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha, and others. These prophets recognized their gifts, which were cradled in their consciousness at birth because humanity had such a great need for their presence. Most of us aren’t so blessed because our guides wait until just the right moment to nudge us in an appropriate direction. This allows us to make our own choices and discover our gifts later in life, although our guides are never too far away to keep an eye on us and give us a gentle nudge now and then.”

  “For someone who has veered from the academic world, you sure know you’re your stuff and have a gift of explaining it well.” Riley had never had any of this explained to him before, at least not in this simple format. He enjoyed how easy it felt to talk with Sarina and his inner light seemed to stir. “Is Dana one of your guides you just spoke of, like the one who nudged or rather kicked me when I rushed to your apartment?” he asked.

  “I’m not sure. Dana has never appeared in my circle of guides before and I have never seen him in any dream until now. Something must be happening beyond my grasp, although I have been feeling a deep stirring inside as if something is touching my inner light.”

  “I think I know what you mean about the inner light thing ... I dunno, I can’t really grasp that concept. Is it like a religious thing?” Riley asked.

  “Actually, no. I feel that my inner light is a place deep inside me that comes to life when I choose a path I was destined to follow.”

  “Hmm ... Alright I’ll accept that for now.”

  “Riley, it seems to me that we are experiencing a deeper connection than most and that your inner light has been ignited.” Sarina waited for that comment to sink in.

  “Fair enough; you spoke of your son who sounded like he, like me, was locked in logic or his Mind Body and it took a convincing, of sorts, to shift from his own logical mind to …”

  “… A non-logical awakening,” She said. “Yes. He only needed time to make this shift. He changed his ideals of his own accord. Free will, if you like, with the help of his own unique guides nudging him from time to time.”

  “How did you respond to his awakening?”

  “With great joy, not so much for me as for him, you see his journey needed to reach an intersection where he was faced with a choice, a choice to travel an uncharted road and decide whether this new road revealed something important for him. He found balance with his Mind Body and his Spirit Body. My boys are all connected with each other and they tend to move as one organism at times. When my oldest revealed his truth, they all followed his lead and made their own choices to shift their individual belief system. I admit I was pleased to witness a new awareness that allowed them to find it themselves. Although, in the back of my mind I was saying, ‘I told you so.’”

  “Did any other situations or influences in your son’s life help him balance his Mind Body with his Spirit Body?”

  “When Joe came into my life, he offered my boys guidance and resources. They had great debates, but he never forced any of them to follow his way. He simply allowed them to explore their own way, and for this I will always be grateful. Joe offered them a glimpse of how, through their own awakening, they might find greater knowledge of the world away from the logical place.”

  “Would that I be so fortunate to raise my children with such understanding. That is to say, if I had children. You have been an amazing mother. But what of their father, was he this way as well?”

  “Not really. He is what I might call a ‘watchdog’ of the government. He believes government and money are evil, and maybe they are, but his guides seemed content to keep him on this journey. He still stands on the corner where he lives with protest signs urging others to pay attention to the conflicts of the planet, a just job for him. I often wonder if he will ever move forward from this position but he’s been there for over thirty years. One’s Pathway can become so familiar and comfortable that, for some, even when other pathways are revealed the temptation to remain on the familiar journey is too great to change. He is a lovely man. I simply outgrew living in my past with him. I, after all, am a creature of deep transformation.” Sarina smiled a huge grin.

  “I really love that about you. I feel like I have been on too familiar a pathway for most of my life and am excited to experience my life, how did you put it, ‘turned upside down.’ That is, as long as it is with you by my side.”

  Sarina gazed into Riley’s eyes and realized that they had been at the entrance to the coffee shop for what seemed an eternity. “Shall we cross over the threshold?” she asked. And they walked in and sat down next to Dana who had been patiently waiting for their conversation to close.

  Chapter - Nine

  Sarina and Riley sat down opposite Dana as he greeted them. “Good afternoon. I trust your day has been enlightening?”

  Riley spoke first. “A lot of things have happened to me that make very little sense and I feel out of sorts. It’s funny how I feel, as though what I do is less important than how I feel. Everything around me seems strange, as if something inside me is different but I’m not able to say what it is.”

  Sarina was noticing how the din of the coffee shop was fading. The conversations of the other customers became silent even though she noticed that their mouths were still moving. People were not paying attention to them sitting at their table. She thought this odd as Dana was wearing his familiar long cloak. Ever since Sarina met Dana, he always dressed the same; cloak, dark shoes, and a brimmed hat. He was tall and slim with dark hair and exuded a high energy presence. His clothes made it easy to blend in with the unusual crowds of San Francisco but his intense energy drew not even a quick glance in their direction. She spoke, “Dana, I know you are less of this human plane, but how is it that the people around us seem to ignore us sitting here, especially with the intense energy around you? It is as if they don’t even see you.”

  “They only see and sense what they understand in their limited awareness.”

  “How is it that we see and sense you?” She asked.

  “You know your gifts. You shared them with the detective, did you not?”

  “Yes. But I still don’t understand why we appear to be invisible.”

  Dana just smiled and let Sarina’s comment melt away. “Detective Holden has been shown your gifts and he embraces them without judgment or question. Am I correct, Detective?”

  Riley answered, “Well, not completely. I hear what Sarina says but I have a hard time understanding what she means.” He was glancing around also somewhat puzzled by the fact that no one seemed to see them.

  “Ah,” Dana continued, “There must ultimately be no room for judgment or question. Simply put, if you do not believe, you do not see. This is sometimes called the road to enlightenment where all things are as they are. This has been a test along that road and you are wondering what is happening. That is good as you travel this journey, but one day you may realize that the time for questioning will have passed and the need for questioning will no longer be necessary. It is wise to be aware in wonderment now, but your work will be to release the questions of why this is happening to you. As you look around you may be amazed that no one notices our presence but do not ask why, simply try to accept and you will clutter your mind less, allowing you to be even more aware of any chall
enge you may face.

  And I pose this question to both of you. Are you ready to take a leap of faith not knowing what truly lies before you? Your human species is in great peril and you two have been chosen by the omnipresent Great Spirit to help your species survive. What I can tell you is that you will face unknown obstacles and your very survival will be in the balance. You have been at the portal to the spirit realm, encountered the agent, and accepted your first set of gifts, which is why I have waited until this time to ask you. The choice is yours. You will be faced with many more dangers and will be offered mores gifts along the way. All I can offer is that you will have the powers of love on your side and the support of many beings who need to restore the balance of light and dark energies. You will be required to face the dark lord.”

  Riley looked at Sarina and she looked back at him. “Can you explain who the ‘dark lord’ is?”

  “I will explain that later. For now you have to be comfortable with the unknown. You will need to let go of your egoic mind in order to succeed.”

  Sarina spoke again. “The challenge I have faced with Riley, is that he seems to be in a battle between his ego (or Mind Body) and his Spirit Body. I’m sorry, Riley, but I believe you are having a hard time with all of this. I struggle with my own questions as well, but I want your help and I have to speak this. Riley’s analytical mind is incredibly helpful, but I need him to be open more to what is happening, to accept, as you say Dana, what is. Navigating this path I’m now on is difficult enough for me and doubly hard as my sister has just been murdered and my mom and dad are nowhere to be found.” Sarina began to tear up again at this thought of her family seemingly gone.

  “Sarina,” Riley held out his hand for reassurance. “I know I have a lot to digest and I am working hard to wrap myself around all of it. I do struggle to simply accept. My questions are from so many years of developing my logical mind, which I have needed to be a detective. I do appreciate your concern and I assure you I am in this for the long haul.”


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