The Song_A mysterious tale of the Mayan spirit world and the Mayan calendar

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The Song_A mysterious tale of the Mayan spirit world and the Mayan calendar Page 23

by Joseph Arnold

  His body has not been found and he is presumed dead. Others who have dedicated their lives to expose this cover up have also gone missing or were found murdered. What I can tell you is that you will see him again but not in human form. Be strong in the journey you and Riley are about to walk and the truth will be revealed. All in good time, my dear.


  “What does it say?” asked Riley.

  Sarina handed over the note for Riley to read. When he finished reading the note, he reached out and touched Sarina on her shoulder. The electrical pulse was strong and yet soothing for Sarina. She cried and fell into Riley’s arms. He held her as she released her emotions. When she composed herself, she thanked Riley and kissed him on his cheek. As she pulled away, they gazed into each other’s eyes for a long moment.

  Sarina was feeling the pain of her love for Joe and yet was also experiencing a deep connection with Riley. As a result, she was conflicted about her feelings for him. Here was a man she met a few days ago who now knew more about her than most of her closest friends from her past. She tried to sense how Joe might feel about this man, Riley. The spiritual world was Sarina’s life and she had shared so much with Joe. She understood much of what Dana shared and now she was about to embark upon this amazing journey with a man she just met. Where was Joe’s place in all of this? she wondered.

  “Riley, what do you make of all this?” she asked.

  “I don’t know what to say. I certainly have deep feelings for you, Sarina, but I also respect your love for Joe, wherever he is now. I feel like I am the other man, stepping into a void left by Joe. I need resolution before I can step fully into my feelings for you. I am definitely torn.”

  Sarina was feeling a well of emotion around the letter about Joe but was also feeling a deep longing to be in relationship again. “Riley, I feel conflicted as well and don’t know whether to follow my heart and let go of you to wait and see if Joe ever returns despite that Dana said he won’t. Wait. That isn’t quite right. Let me try again. I know that Joe is physically gone, but his spiritual or etheric imprint is still with me. I need to shift myself from these feelings for you, if only for a while, as I work out how Joe fits in my life now.”

  Riley paused for a few moments and felt his own inner conflict. On the one hand, he was falling in love with Sarina, and on the other, didn’t know how to respond to the news about her former lover and her need for space. Riley’s inability to deal with romantic relationships brought feelings of confusion to the surface.

  His experience of getting close to a woman was tainted by the relationship he had had with Jennifer Banderas so many years ago. Although they had agreed to be in a platonic relationship, when she decided to marry another man, his romantic feelings for her surfaced and confused him. He had been in and out of relationships since then but always fled when feelings of love crept into his emotional consciousness. He usually protected himself from the pain of becoming too close because he never recovered from his unexpressed feelings for Jennifer. Even though he and Jennifer were never lovers, Riley understood how feelings of an old lover can be hard to let go of when a new relationship was at hand. Riley decided to back off and allow Sarina the space she needed to sort out Joe’s place in her life. But rather than talk about his feelings, he decided to change the subject.

  “Sarina, I am in a position to listen and observe …

  “I grasp a bit of what Dana’s speaking about, but I’m new to most of it and I find most of it unbelievable. I can’t see what you see, but I can listen and be present to whatever this means. I now have this unusual ability to see energy fields or auras around all things. I don’t know what these auras mean or why the colors I see are different from one object or person to the next. Some energy fields are green, some are blue, some are white, some are dark, some are purple, and some are more like rainbows. I don’t know what they mean but the clarity of the colors is astounding and somewhat unnerving.”

  Sarina took Riley’s lead to move away from the topic of Joe and was grateful that this situation did not appear to tarnish their friendship. “I know a few aura readers and have some notes about their color meanings that may set your mind at ease. Do you want to learn?”

  “Sure,” replied Riley.

  “What color is my aura right now?”

  “I would say purple or violet,” Riley said with some trepidation.

  “This is one definition of the violet aura. ‘Spiritual, mystical, ones with this aura look for magical solutions, are visionaries, always see the big picture, search for truth, question, take everything at face value, and tend to be intuitive and unconventional. Things come to them without pushing; what they want and need come to them as if by unexplained or outside forces. They do not have to push to get what they want.’ Pretty accurate I’d say.”

  They both laughed. “Our gifts,” Sarina continued, “seem to be related. I can see with closed eyes beyond what I see with open eyes. You see auras or energy fields that tell more about a person or object than just seeing them. I like that we can join our findings to form something more complete. Maybe we need each other to complete an idea so we can make wise choices together. Here, look in the mirror. Can you see your own aura?”

  “Yes. I have an orange aura and very prominent. What does that mean?” asked Riley not really sure what to make of any of it.

  “It means,” Sarina spoke in a comforting voice, “‘Creativity, confidence, ambition, originality, sociability, openness, intuition, independence, expression. They are problem solvers and work without supervision. They think while they act. They enjoy their sexuality. They love adventure, excitement, and intrigue. They are independent and not emotionally needy. Oranges love to get organized!’ Does this seem to fit with your personality?”

  Riley blushed slightly. “Yes, although the sexuality part is somewhat personal and a bit sensitive.”

  Sarina gave Riley a gentle punch on his shoulder and shot him a smirk. “I think our gifts will help us in whatever is about to happen. Riley, I appreciate how hard it is for you to understand or believe. But Dana doesn’t seem to me to be offhanded with his information. He knows exactly when to reveal information to us, don’t you think?”

  “Based on my experience reading people as a detective, I say that Dana is not lying to us or trying to manipulate us. I feel his presence very strongly and he appears to be noble, which does comfort me a little. Funny, though, either he has no aura or it’s clear or maybe white.”

  “Look here, it says: ‘White: Highly motivated, bright, ability to see the big picture, a chameleon, and great wisdom. Persons with White auras have become the chameleons of the spectrum, assimilating other colors into their aura to hide or protect themselves. Often a white echo (if there is a double white in the photo) a spirit that is around the person.’ It seems to fit Dana, don’t you think.”

  Riley and Sarina read the definitions of all spectrums of auras. Riley was very interested in the black aura, feeling a bit more at ease. “Look at this.” He pointed to the definition of a black aura, ‘Black: A protective cloak shielding themselves from outside energies and keeping themselves centered or focused while putting matters in proper perspective.’”

  “Why did you point that one out?”

  “I wonder if I’ll see someone with a black aura. I just felt a shiver when I read it.”

  Chapter - Thirteen

  It was late. Dana had gone and the time for talking about auras was done. Sarina looked at Riley. She wanted him to stay the night, but she was torn between deep feelings she was experiencing and her sense of protocol and boundaries. She took the risk and asked, “Riley, will you stay the night in my apartment?” She asked in a safe way so as not to imply anything other than a simple request. The truth was that Sarina was testing Riley to evaluate, as a woman, what his intentions were and how solid he stood in his truth. She so needed to trust him.

  “I’m glad you asked me. I really enjoy the warm feeling your apartment offers and the sofa seems re
ally comfortable.” Riley was also exploring his feelings for Sarina but was resistant to expressing how he felt. His desires were real but after reading Dana’s note about Joe, he knew he needed to keep some distance. Moreover, he and Sarina were about to embark upon a potentially dangerous journey and he needed to stay focused and clear of emotions that might cloud his judgment.

  “I need to check in with my precinct and finish some paperwork. Do you mind if I set up my computer and make some calls?” he asked.

  “Go ahead,” she said, “I need to check in with my other life as well. I need to make a few calls to some colleagues and friends to check in.”

  They both went to work in their respective worlds. Sarina made her calls and hoped to re-arrange her trip to Guatemala. She called Mary and brought her as up to speed as Sarina dared. Together, they made some changes to her schedule. Mary was more than happy to assist Sarina in clearing up or postponing other commitments and told Sarina to focus all her energy on this journey.

  Riley checked in with his precinct and told his captain just enough about the case and how important it was to keep the investigation alive. He resisted saying too much. Most of what Riley was experiencing seemed unbelievable to him so he figured his precinct captain might think he was nuts and that was the last thing Riley needed to worry about. He had tied up most of his loose ends with other cases so his captain was supportive and gave Riley the go-ahead to follow this investigation to its conclusion. The thought of talking about the case with his colleagues made Riley feel uneasy; he found himself pacing while on his phone. He caught himself and tried to relax.

  Sarina, on the other hand, was fairly comfortable in this realm that very little made her feel uneasy. She enjoyed her new-found abilities and was able to reassure Riley that he was not crazy, although occasionally even she felt a little outside of her comfort zone. Neither Sarina nor Riley knew what was in store for them tomorrow.

  “I was wondering,” said Riley, “All that information Dana shared with us about the ancient Sumerian civilization and the planet Nibiru. I’ve been feeling some doubt around that story. What was your take on it?”

  “I’ve researched many cultures in my travels around the world and what Dana said about the winged image is true. So many cultures have depicted similar images of a ‘winged god’ descending from the sky. Like Dana shared, Isis and the Thunderbird were just two examples of the ‘winged gods’.

  Also the Roman and Greek mythologies depicted their gods as being immortal. But in reality they must have been the ancient Sumerians that Dana spoke about. One of the ‘ancients’ years was equivalent to 3,600 of our years. Hundreds of generations of humans must have passed while the ancients barely seemed to have aged one day.”

  Riley looked skeptical. Sarina continued, “These Greek mythologies also depicted battles within the ranks of the immortals, particularly between Zeus and Hades, the gods of the overworld and underworld, respectively. In the Sumerian texts, stories are told of a great rift between two brothers that split the god’s loyalties. It was said that one of the brothers left the deserts of Egypt and fled to the jungles of what is now Central America. A few scientists believe that this is how the Aztecs and Mayans gained knowledge to erect pyramids much like those of Egypt. Dana more completely pulled these stories together in a way I now better understand.”

  “So you believe the immortals were creatures from Nibiru?” Riley asked.

  “It fits. If humans were ‘upgraded’ throughout their history every 3,600 years, when Nibiru came within a few hundred miles of Earth, then 3,600 years ago, humans were given a critical upgrade to erect structures that humans are no longer able to build without that ancient technology. That is to say, without some aid from a greater technology, technology we have forgotten.” Sarina continued. “What Dana didn’t say was how long these beings have been visiting. It seems clear to me that they have been visiting for at least 70,000 years, or more, as evidenced from the discovery in Botswana.”

  “What about pre-history? Were these beings present throughout our Earth’s history, maybe for billions of years?” Riley asked.

  “One of the reports I read from a Russian scientist stated that Nibiru collided with a planet in our system, which resulted in what we now know as the asteroid belt. Since Nibiru is five times the size of Earth and travels at a much greater speed than that of the Sun, it seems logical or at least plausible that this event occurred. Maybe this explains the extinction of the dinosaurs in such a short period of time. Maybe an asteroid created by the destruction of that planet was what hit the Earth all those eons ago.”

  Riley shook his head. “That sounds like a stretch to me. What reason might the Nibirunians have to wipe out the dinosaurs?”

  “Maybe they didn’t intend to. Maybe it was an accident. Or what if it was necessary to accelerate human development as part of a grand plan or something like that? Maybe humans might not have survived with huge predators running around.” Even Sarina was a bit skeptical but needed to keep the theory flowing.

  “Okay. I can consider those possibilities, but it was such a long time after the extinction of the dinosaurs when humans evolved. The time line doesn’t seem to fit.”

  “That’s only because humans designed a ‘time line’ so much later. The idea of keeping track of time, the way we do now, is geologically recent with the creation of the Gregorian calendar. The Mayans, as an example, used a completely different system that seems to fit in with this theory of Nibiru’s cycle.”

  “If these beings do visit us every 3,600 years, why can’t we see them?”

  “We can ask Dana these questions and maybe he can clarify the answers for us, but they may look just like us to make it less terrifying for early humans, let alone us.

  “Have you read any of Carlos Castaneda’s books about shamanism?”

  “I read those books so many years ago. The shaman’s name was Don Juan, right?”

  “Yes, and in one of his books he spoke of two realms. One was called the Tonal and the other the Nigual. I can’t remember which is which right now but essentially the two exist simultaneously. As I recall, Earth exists in one and everything else exists in the other. Earth is like an island in one and human reality is within the other. Humans create their own reality and everything associated within this reality. Don Juan said that Christian belief states that God created man in his own image, but the truth is that man created a God image to fit man’s beliefs. The old sage in the sky looks remarkably human. Whichever way it happened, the image of God is very human. The same can be said for many of the gods in many different cultures throughout history. And, after all, Dana has assumed a very human appearance. Has he done this to make it easier for us to believe? It seems fitting that these ancient Nibiru beings looked like us. That being said, I understand the concept of Earth being an island in space and the Nibirunians as explorers who have come to the shores of Earth.”

  “Somewhat like Christopher Columbus visiting the shores of the Americas?”

  “Exactly like that.”

  “Again, why can’t we see them, these giant beings from Nibiru?”

  “Did you know the native people of America were not able to see the Spanish boats from shore? They saw the sails because they looked like clouds but not the wooden boats. The people were mystified by the sails because clouds moved with the wind but these sails seemed motionless. They asked the village shaman to tell them what these mysterious clouds were. The shaman sat on the beach and looked for days until the boats formed in his view. He then drew the images of the boats in the sand and the people finally saw them as they were. This was because the people had no reference of any likeness to these boats.”

  “Are you saying that we can’t see these beings because we have no reference as to what they look like?”

  “All I’m saying is that if they look just like us, it may be difficult to tell them apart based on the appearance of someone walking down the street. Maybe their recorded size was more about their stature
in society and not their physical size. They may be wandering around today and only a few humans can see their true form. They may rely on our propensity to remain asleep and not see them. The few who can are ostracized by our western culture and told that they are crazy or members of this New Age or that ‘woo-woo’ group. Hey, I hear this over and over again when I interview people and ask if they understand the ways of the old indigenous cultures.”

  “What do these people tell you?”

  “Generally, they pass off the old ways as third world or ignorant of what we know today. When I ask if they think that what we know today is a better way than the old cultures, the answer is usually yes. We have science, better medicines, technology, and the like. Then I ask them if they believe their life is secure and balanced today. Generally, the answer is no. Even with technology and medicine and all of that, most people feel uneasy and insecure. I get a different answer when I get into the remote areas and interview people of indigenous cultures that have very limited contact with the outside world. Many say that they live a very balanced life.”

  “I get the picture. I identify with the notion of an imbalanced life most of the time. I feel like my life is on a treadmill. I get up, go to work, come home, eat, shower, and go to bed. Sometimes I find peace in a week’s vacation or a good book or some fantastic movie, but I’ve been searching for some form of greater understanding most of my life. It is as if something just outside my reach is present and enticing me on, almost as if my life is somewhat of an illusion and my reality is I don’t know ... different than what I see. Maybe that makes no sense but it’s how I see my life.”


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