The Song_A mysterious tale of the Mayan spirit world and the Mayan calendar

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The Song_A mysterious tale of the Mayan spirit world and the Mayan calendar Page 27

by Joseph Arnold

  “The calling came in the form of the electric impulse that you felt through your connection with Sarina and Ann over 30 years ago and that helped you find Sarina again. You had no idea how to proceed with your investigation of Ann’s murder until you touched her and felt the pulse again. Even in her state of physical human death, Ann passed on information to you that led you to Sarina.”

  Dana continued, “What I am about to explain may take you out of your human comfort zone but try and let go of your logical Mind Body. The ancient Sumerians have been visiting the shores of Earth from the beginning. You may label this as 4.4 billion years ago. The biosphere of Earth was perfectly aligned energetically for physical life to form. The ancients knew the chemistry of this process and began connecting their cosmic DNA with the life forming on Earth. This all took place during the first segments of the Mayan calendar. Each segment occupied hundreds of millions of your Earth years. The ancients visited every 3,600 Earth years and downloaded a bit more information. Their job then was to monitor and encourage life development on Earth. As humans began to develop, their visits became more critical, as your species was destined to become caretakers for Earth. Do either of you have any comments so far?”

  “I must admit this all sounds fringe to me. I find myself believing that there is no greater force and that we simply evolved over time and that a belief in a ‘higher source’ is for limited fundamentalist religious zealots,” said Riley.

  “And I find it hard to believe that aliens planted their information into human DNA and that I carry this in my cellular structure,” Sarina added.

  “I will address your responses simultaneously. If you think of these beings not as gods or aliens and more like spiritual brethren, it might help. Humans were not created by a god, per se. Humans were simply offered more information than other beings. This is depicted in many belief systems. The most universal is the image that Michelangelo presented in the painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel where the one you call “God” extends a finger to Adam offering him life. The other is the apple of knowledge in the Garden of Eden. Both images hold more truth than even your religious leaders may realize. Every indigenous culture speaks of how man was formed and it usually involves some outside force that in turn has become the foundation of that people’s mythology.

  Once science began an attempt to label these as myths, a new generation was born, a generation without mythology. Present day humanity seems determined to analyze, categorize, and otherwise explain how these myths never really happened. Your current Westernized population is fundamentally spiritually asleep and has no idea about the realm of which you are now a part. You will see that spirituality on Earth is failing and time is running out to resurrect a worldwide reconnection of spiritual mindfulness! This is why council members are walking here now.”

  “What?” Riley asked. “Spirituality on Earth is failing? What does that even mean? Are we all going to die if something doesn’t change? What is spiritual mindfulness anyway?” asked Riley in a bit of a panic.

  “Spiritual mindfulness simply means connection to more than the scientific mind. It means finding the greater purpose of why humans exist. All practices are in and of themselves spiritual, even the logical path is spiritual in nature. Many of your species believe this to be untrue but once it is dissected, one can find that even the most mathematical equations are based in deep spirituality. Those who disagree are limited by their unidirectional viewpoints. Given enough time, even the greatest minds of Earth have come to embrace that spirituality goes hand in hand with the logical process.

  “Your greatest scientist and whom I believe to be your greatest philosopher, Albert Einstein stated, ‘Your question about God is the most difficult in the world. It is not a question I can answer simply with yes or no. I am not an Atheist. I do not know if I can define myself as a Pantheist. The problem involved is too vast for our limited minds. May I not reply with a parable? The human mind, no matter how highly trained, cannot grasp the universe. We are in the position of a little child, entering a huge library whose walls are covered to the ceiling with books in many different tongues. The child knows that someone must have written those books. It does not know who or how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. The child notes a definite plan in the arrangement of the books, a mysterious order, which it does not comprehend, but only dimly suspects. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of the human mind, even the greatest and most cultured, toward God. We see a universe marvelously arranged, obeying certain laws, but we understand the laws only dimly. Our limited minds cannot grasp the mysterious force that sways the constellations. I am fascinated by Spinoza’s Pantheism. I admire even more his contributions to modern thought. Spinoza is the greatest of modern philosophers, because he is the first philosopher who deals with the soul and the body as one, not as two separate things.’”

  “But to answer your question, human death is not the concern. The concern is the spiritual direction of a great species and you are two of but a few who hold the answers. The failing of spirituality on Earth simply means that humans are hiding from their own truths and looking to the great religious leaders for answers. These leaders are akin to your Wizard of Oz who hides behind the curtain and projecting out something that is not real. We, that is, the collective, need humans to awaken as fast as possible if we are to continue with our ancient purpose. I suggest that we look not only to the religious leaders but also to the great scientific leaders who can offer a better understanding of spirituality.”

  “And what understanding it that?” asked Sarina.

  “Harmony and balance in the universe. The success of this journey of balance depends upon the success of the journey we are now taking, on this world that you call Earth! The overall health of the universe depends on how the human race on Earth navigates during this time. If your species fails to embrace spirituality and re-establish the balance of light and dark in your world, it will set a precedent for the entire universe. All eyes are on your species at this time to see if there is actually hope to bring balance once again to a species that is at the cusp of self-destruction.”

  The three sat in silence as if soaking all this information inward. Sarina and Riley both felt the shift at the same moment. A buzzing seemed to be swirling in and around them. They felt both of their heartbeats as if they were one. First, two rhythms that were beating distinctly and then slowly the individual beats came together in unison and in harmony like perfect thirds in a music scale. The harmony became one melody and a song was born.

  Chapter - Seventeen

  Dana broke the silence. “Tomorrow we take another journey into the spirit world and you are now blessed with three more powerful gifts. The unison of your heartbeat will be the most important gift. The spirit world is based in the unison or dance between masculine and feminine so it will be vitally important to release what you believe are differences between man and woman. This is why your society has become so divided over the past hundreds of years. The union of the two has become the individuality of the two. This journey we will embark upon tomorrow will be to unify the two as one. You will be able to better assimilate your unity with your gifts, and the balance that is born of that unity will help you as your journey towards the balance of light and dark continues. You will need the strength of your gifts to navigate this next level.”

  “It sounds like video gaming again. We conquer a level and move to the next,” Riley said.

  Dana smiled and said, “Something like that, but try not to see it as a conquering but more as a transitional level building upon a foundation.” Dana glanced at Sarina who seemed to understand what Dana was talking about in depth. “I will leave you now to prepare for tomorrow’s journey. We will meet at Tart to Tart tomorrow morning at 8 o’clock.”

  The three got up and Dana reminded them to hold the sacred circle as they processed the remains of their day. They moved to the front door and Dana said, “I will leave this on your door and plea
se do not remove it,” he pointed at the piece he had attached. “This amulet offers protection for you and will help keep your conversations silent to anyone outside of these walls.”

  Dana bowed his farewell and said, “Until tomorrow,” and left. They heard his footsteps down the stairs and looked outside to watch him leave but never saw him emerge onto the street.

  Sarina and Riley returned to her sofa and flopped down together. “Whew,” said Riley. “I’m exhausted. I think a nap is in order, don’t you?”

  “I do agree, Riley.” Sarina got up and walked to her room. “Will you join me? I think we will sleep better in a bed, don’t you think?” She began walking down the hall and Riley followed.

  Riley was confident that Sarina had worked out her wound around Joe’s disappearance and was ready to invite him into her life. “Are you okay Sarina?”

  “Even as I am exhausted, I feel like a weight has been lifted. I am sure it was my encounter with the ‘Cosmic Mother.’”

  “How do you feel about us, as a couple I mean?”

  “I feel closer to you now than yesterday. My wounding around Joe has healed and I believe I am ready to commit to you but I don’t know what that means yet.”

  He noticed Sarina’s beauty even in light of her exhaustion. His mind began to form images of spending time with her in nature, walking on the beach or in the forest, laughing and sharing their experiences together. His body was heavy and grounded but his emotions were light and airy. He was developing deeper feelings for Sarina and had given her space to reconcile her grief about Joe. The note Dana gave her was a critical piece of Joe’s disappearance and yet incomplete. Was he alive or dead? Sarina’s comments put Riley at ease so he could open himself up to the possibility of being with Sarina. Everything seemed to be connected to balance and Riley was just learning about that and the connection he was feeling with Sarina felt amazing.

  Sarina stopped at her bedroom door and said, “I am only offering you comfort, Riley. I am attracted to you but only need your caring support right now. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sarina. I appreciate how you speak your truth so well. Besides, I can barely keep my eyes open.”

  Sarina smiled and they both collapsed onto her bed, falling asleep almost before they touched the mattress.

  Riley’s dreams took him deeper than he had ever experienced before. He was again with an eagle but now was the eagle soaring high and seemed to be gliding through fields of devastation in a world of neglect. The trees were just stumps and the waters of the land were dark and unclean. He was flying through canyons and prairies with no signs of life. He reached mountain tops and saw an emptiness with no growth or evidence of any form of life below. The peaks were jagged and scarred by eons of exploitation. Roads led up to these peaks, ending at large mining operations long abandoned. These images saddened him as he knew these lands were once vital and alive, teaming with life and beauty, now just empty wastes.

  The images were accompanied by the deep moans of despair that took him deeper inside himself. He longed for the clean air; the raging rivers; the forests green with ancient trees; oceans so blue-green with waves crashing on the shore. He realized, at that precise moment of his feeling of despair that he might have been alone in flight over a land where he belonged or at least had once belonged. He called out as eagles do, screeching, looking from left to right, up and down, ahead and behind; looking for some sign of other.

  He flew over the empty and decayed cities of humanity searching for any sign of another. He felt so alone. He felt a deep rage about this devastation below his wings. He then soared over and around mountain tops and crumbling cliffs hoping to find something to lead him away from his grief. “They are all gone and nothing I can do will bring them back,” he thought. “Where have they all gone? Why can’t I see them?” Riley’s frustration was so intense he thought he might simply choose to dive head first and crash into the crumbling cliffs he circled.

  Sarina was in her own dream world, sitting on an island, alone in her own grief. Her surroundings were lush and green. The palm trees swayed in the cool breeze. But she sat paralyzed in fear. All of this beauty around her was not enough to shake this feeling of fear. She cowered next to an outcropping of shimmering rock that seemed to refract the sunlight into small rainbows of color all around her. The tiniest particles of sand glimmered as if radiating their own rainbows of light. Still, the beauty was not enough to shake this fear she was experiencing.

  Sarina was trembling so much that she almost missed the call of the eagle soaring above. She gathered enough reserve to step out into the light and look up just in time to see the eagle drifting around the jagged cliffs. The only other sound was the wind swirling around, tossing the palm leaves in a circle of dance. The eagle was looking and calling all the while, hundreds of feet above. For a moment, Sarina’s fear left her as she watched the forlorn eagle searching for something.

  Around her neck was an eagle whistle like the one Joe had given her so many years ago. The whistle was made from an eagle wing bone by a man Joe had known in Arizona. She put the whistle to her mouth and her breath gave life to the beautiful sound of an eagle.

  Riley heard a distant screech and turned towards the sound. He dove down closer in a frenzied spiral towards the sound and pulled up now less than one hundred feet above the barren, grey landscape. He listened and heard nothing.

  Sarina saw the eagle dive and pull up and knew eagle heard her call. She blew again and the sound resonated throughout the landscape. The plants and rocks where Sarina now stood began to vibrate as if influenced by a loud sound wave passing through. Riley froze for an instant as the sound wave passed through him and looked down to see the landscape transform into a vibrant sea of life. He looked up and saw the colors flood the prairies, canyons, and mountaintops, radiating out as far as the horizon.

  Riley dropped down in a perfect landing just a few feet from Sarina on the warm glowing sand. Sarina, with her whistle still to her lips, looked at Riley and felt her fear dissolve into the greatest sensation of love she had ever felt. Riley’s despair turned to hope and gratitude just as he touched the earth. He opened his wings as Sarina raced into his arms and their embrace exploded into a swirl of color out from Earth through the heavens and into the cosmos.

  The power of the dream they had shared woke them to a deep embrace in Sarina’s bed. The room was slowing from what seemed to be an accelerated spin and they were both glad to be lying in bed. They looked into each other’s eyes and it was Riley who first noticed the change in Sarina’s eyes. They were the same color as the woman he saw in Yumma’s and grabbed a mirror from her nightstand to show her. She looked into the mirror and gasped as she noticed her eyes were no longer the sandy brown color but a deep and vibrant steel blue green. Sarina turned the mirror to Riley and his eyes were now the same color as Sarina’s.

  By now, so many unexplainable things had happened that this seemed like just another transformation in a long line of transformations. They started to share the dream each of them had had and realized that they had journeyed together in the dream world, which is what Sarina had always wanted to experience with another being.

  Riley’s intuition was amazing as he explained how he needed to let go of his perception of duality to embrace wholeness. He needed to use his courage to take the leap of faith he needed to continue this journey.

  Sarina added that she must release her fear to continue on this journey. She used the eagle whistle to call in the love she so wanted and needed in her life. She admitted that the man she had been calling in seemed to be hidden right in front of her.

  Riley admitted that he was hesitant to express his love because he was afraid of rejection and he did not want to show any disrespect to Joe. He also needed to feel the balance of dependence and independence before he allowed another being to share his love.

  Given all that Riley had undergone in the past few days with Sarina and her need for space it seemed appropriate to ease into th
is next phase of their emerging relationship and experience whatever tomorrow’s journey was about to offer. Riley and Sarina knew, without words, that their relationship needed to continue to develop beyond a friendship to complete their journey.

  The shadows of the evening were growing long and the sun was beginning to fade behind the trees of Golden Gate Park. After a few moments of reorientation, they got out of bed and made some tea and sat across from one another in Sarina’s kitchen. They both discovered that talking was no longer needed as they now seemed to be able to connect each other’s thoughts together and without words they simply knew each other’s details of the dream they had just shared. It was less like reading minds and more like, just knowing. They sipped their tea and gazed into each other’s eyes. Their auras seemed to be dancing opposite one another.

  “Sarina, you can see my aura?” Riley asked.

  “Yes, I can,” she said, as she sipped her tea.


  “OH! Wait a minute; I wasn’t able to see it before …” Sarina then closed her eyes. Sarina opened her eyes. “Can you see more with your eyes closed,” she asked?

  Riley closed his eyes and indeed, he was able to see beyond the conversation and the kitchen. Far beyond anything else he saw before. “Wow, what a talent!”

  “You mean, a gift,” she said.

  “Yes, yes, a gift.”

  “And I know so much more about you. It feels like I grew up with you and know your deepest treasures of experience. How cool!”

  “Because of the dream, we now have shared gifts. I feel very alive and very aware almost hyper-aware. How about you?”

  “Exactly. I feel a sense of connection I’ve never felt. It is as if I can feel energy flowing from everything.”

  “Sarina, we have come so far in these past few days. Our time together feels like a dream to me. I found you after all these years and we have become closer than I have been with anyone else. Hell, we dreamed together. I didn’t even know that was possible.


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