The Song_A mysterious tale of the Mayan spirit world and the Mayan calendar

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The Song_A mysterious tale of the Mayan spirit world and the Mayan calendar Page 29

by Joseph Arnold

  Jennifer had gone back to Mona’s house and looked around for anything she might have missed. Sure enough Mona had stashed away documents that Jack had left behind and Jennifer found them. Jennifer left them in a safe deposit box and put Riley’s name on it and forged his signature. When Riley tackled her, she slipped him the key and told him the combination to the box so he could open it. Those were the last words she uttered before the flash of blue light and the sound of thunder and she was gone.

  Sarina touched Riley’s shoulder and said, “We need to go.”

  Riley looked up with tears in his eyes and nodded. “I know.”

  Dana walked over and touched Jennifer’s body. Sparks circled down and a bright light filled the room in Jennifer’s safe house and her body dissolved into the light.

  The three left where the house once stood with no evidence left behind. Riley so wanted to call her husband to let him know what happened to his wife, but Dana assured him that that was not necessary and that he had taken care of the matter.

  Dana told them to get the information and fly back to San Francisco at once. Dana turned and walked out into the snowy night and disappeared noting that Riley, again, had destroyed another agent. Sarina drove them back to Spokane to spend the night. Riley fell into a deep sleep in Sarina’s arms.

  No words needed speaking as Riley woke still in Sarina’s arms. She soothed him and assured him that she understood his pain and stroked his hair. He sat up and said, “I know what has to be done.”

  They went to the bank and signed paper work and unlocked the safe deposit box. Inside was a stack of documents and a sealed letter addressed to Riley. They took the contents, closed the account that was in his name, and left the bank. They drove back to the airport, boarded the plane, and returned to San Francisco that afternoon.

  Chapter 19

  Sarina and Riley flew home and talked about Jennifer. Sarina was gentle with Riley who was grappling with his feelings. He was not comfortable about simply dissolving her body and leaving the situation unresolved. He also was grieving about his loss of a dear friend. He was infuriated that she had been in such danger and was horrified that he had allowed it to happen.

  Riley was shaking. “I know that she made her own decision but why did she have to die?”

  Sarina felt Riley’s body shaking. “I think I know how you feel. Are you able to share more?”

  “I’m not sure what I’m feeling but I want to hurt somebody. What have we gotten ourselves into? Your sister was also dragged into this and your father and mother.”

  His words touched a chord deep inside Sarina and she paused. She was beginning to feel her own anger, and before she ended up shaking, too, Sarina moved those feelings from her head to her heart. To do this she chanted a brief invocation to her spirit guides to facilitate the transformation of her feelings of anger into feelings of compassion. Riley really needed her strength now. She then took a deep breath and said, “All I know is that we’re in it too far to turn back. I’m here to support you through this the way you have supported me through everything. You are such an amazing person, Riley, and I want to offer whatever I can to help you through this.” Riley’s anger depressurized as Sarina gave Riley a sideways airplane hug and he settled into her warm and loving body as they finished the flight into SFO.

  The next day Sarina, Dana, and Riley read the documents Jennifer left for Riley to read. They were mostly thirty-year-old copies of journal entries Jack had made at the time of his research about the Mayan calendar and were indeed important to the case.

  Jack had been contacted by a spirit after his visit to see the man in San Francisco about his dreams. In the notes he mentioned a spirit being from another world. He said his name was Cum-Hau and indicated how critical Jack was to his plans for the Human race on planet Earth. Jack had kept these entries to himself, but it was Mona, his wife, who discovered them one night while he was away on business with the military. She made copies at the local print shop and stashed them away, not knowing how important they were.

  Jack frequently had talked with Cum-Hau as he revealed his plans. Ann mentioned to Sarina about hearing Jack talking to someone or something. Ann never saw anyone but heard the voices. Jack made entry after entry about his conversations with Cum-Hau up until the day he left. The documents ended about two weeks before Jack disappeared, so Cum-Hau’s plan was never completely revealed.

  What was clear was that he was planning something that involved the extinction of the human race. Dana knew he must share more information with Sarina and Riley in light of this new discovery and yet he still needed to be cautious not to share too much too soon. He pondered how to proceed. He was concerned that Sarina or Riley may have put together that it was he who had met with Jack in San Francisco all those years ago and how he had manipulated Jack to choose to go to Cum-Hau’s side. He decided to wait and see if they put the pieces together and if Riley, being the detective he was, would come to that conclusion.

  “What was in the envelope addressed to you, Riley?” Sarina asked.

  “It was personal. Mostly about Jennifer’s and my relationship and how she had wanted things to be different between us but was afraid to walk down the romantic path with me. She did say that she liked you and how you might … well you know.” Riley was a bit embarrassed saying this in front of Dana. Sarina was able to read this on Riley’s face and didn’t question him further.

  Dana spoke up. “I know you want to know more about Cum-Hau’s plan, but I think it best to keep it where it is. You two are in for a tough journey as it is, and you are critical to whatever the outcome may be. Are you both satisfied that I not share more than necessary at this time?”

  Sarina and Riley looked at each other and then at Dana. “This is hard for me to not know the full story, but I am satisfied to move forward without knowing the complete picture,” said Sarina.

  “I agree as well,” said Riley. “Although I want you to know that I don’t put my trust in just anyone and if it weren’t for Sarina, I would likely back away.”

  Dana was satisfied that neither Riley nor Sarina seemed to have concluded that he had met with Jack. “I understand,” replied Dana. “Now, are you ready for the next leg of your journey?”

  “I can’t say why but I feel ready, as if I know what I need to accomplish,” said Riley.

  “Good,” said Dana, “then we must go now. We must stay close together when we move around the city. The collective will be present around every turn so be extra vigilant and aware of any energy shifts.”

  “Energy shifts?” Sarina asked.

  “You now have accelerated gifts and explaining the nature and extent of each of them might take more time than we have. Remember what I told you about using your gifts as your foundation for choice. They have served and will continue to serve you well. Now off we go, back to Cobbled Alley.”

  They collected their things. Sarina and Riley took their talismans. Riley stopped at the door and said, “I feel like I need to take the bracelet I took from Ann when I found her body.”

  Sarina looked to the urn with her sister’s ashes and said, “Let me get the urn.”

  Dana crinkled his brow and said, “There must be a reason I know nothing about you two needing these items so take them.”

  Neither Riley nor Sarina noticed Dana’s expression as they rushed out into the alley and ducked into a store front. They moved quickly to a door on the side and exited to another alley that was not connected to the building they had just entered, but in fact placed them next to an altogether different building. “How did that happen?” Sarina asked as Riley’s mouth dropped open.

  Sarina and Riley realized that they were going in one side of a building and emerging in a very different location, but there was no time to question what was happening. Dana created spatial short cuts, leading them briskly from one door to another and covering what in reality were many blocks in a single step through a doorway. Now and then they went through alley gates only pausing when
Dana muttered some words under his breath to unlock a gate here and there. Riley loosened his grip on what he thought was real and gave into what was happening. He began to like this and was attempting to guess where they might emerge next. He even giggled at the thought of this as a game.

  They rounded one corner and Dana firmly pushed them back into an alley. “Wait,” he whispered. Riley composed himself as Dana shot him a glare as a response to his giggle.

  Shoes were clacking down the street and two people ran by them dressed in the dark cloak-like overcoats. Dana, Sarina, and Riley then hurried in and out of stores and restaurants and exited onto Judah Street. They were at Judah and 12th Avenue. They walked towards 15th Avenue but were stopped short by the sighting of three more collective members. They were much easier to spot as their auras were now visible to Riley and to Sarina, as well. Riley whispered in Sarina’s ear, “I can see their auras. I couldn’t see them before, but now I do.”

  Sarina whispered back. “Me too. How odd.”

  There was no time to tell Dana, who glanced back at the two as they turned down Furston Street and walked across the basketball courts of St. Anne of The Sunset Catholic Church and into St. Anne’s Chinese School.

  They stopped and rested. Dana was calm but Sarina and Riley were anxious. “We have sanctuary here. I think it best for me to explain more before we enter, as there may be dangers you need to be aware of. Your abilities are linked to your continued elevated vibration. The higher your vibration level, the more you see. You can now see the auras of these beings because of the intensity of our effort to evade the collective. As time goes by, your vibration levels will automatically increase, which is a sign that you are advancing as highly evolved beings.”

  Riley and Sarina looked at one another and then turned to Dana and nodded. “Cool,” said Riley.

  Chapter - Twenty

  The three sat in a quiet section of the school. No one was in the school and the building was dark save for a few night lights.

  Dana motioned them to sit. As the intensity of their escape and the novelty of their increasing powers wore off, Riley began to feel residual anger. “Did you know that Jennifer was going to be murdered?” he asked.

  “Yes,” he said.

  This clipped response resulted in a spasm of anger and pain that overwhelmed Riley. “What is going on here? What are you not telling us?” Riley was advancing towards Dana.

  Sarina grabbed Riley’s arm, trying to calm him down. But Dana raised his hand and stopped Riley as if he was frozen. “I will explain,” he said as he lowered his hand.

  Riley responded and stepped back, Sarina still gripping his arm tightly. “Okay,” said Riley. “Please, by all means, explain.”

  “Jack, Sarina's father, is known throughout the spirit world. Jack, in his human form, is in the order called the Knights of Templar. Their full name is The Knights of the Temple of King Solomon. Around 1119 A.D., the Knights Templar discovered the greatest treasure in history buried in the ruins of King Solomon’s temple. The Knights became rich, so rich, in fact, that they were the targets of envy and suspicion. In 1307, King Philip IV of France had all of the Knights Templar arrested so that he could take possession of their great wealth. What happened to the Knights after their imprisonment remains a mystery, but some say they went into hiding and continued their work in secret, only to reemerge in Europe during the 1700s as the modern Freemasons. Many believe the Freemasons hold the secrets of the Universe.”

  “People of all religions are free to join the Freemasons, and religion is never overtly discussed during meetings. However, every member must profess a belief in a universal Supreme Being, whom the Freemasons refer to as the ‘Great Architect of the Universe.’ As is the case with most religions, Masons are expected to be morally upright individuals. Members swear oaths to the Book of the Sacred Law, which, depending on the Lodge, can be the Jewish Old Testament, the Christian New Testament, or even the Islamic Koran.

  “Many humans believe the Freemasons and the Illuminati sect are the same but indeed they were not and are not. Are you familiar with these two sects?” Dana asked Riley.

  “No, not really. What has this got to do with Jennifer’s murder?” Riley asked as he glared into Dana’s eyes.

  “The spirit world knows this order ultimately protected secrets that were key to human existence. The secrets I speak of I have shared involving the Sumerians and their role in the human genome. Many human leaders are engaged with the Freemasons in one form or another, but this information is not important at this time which is, as I have said, coming to a close.”

  “Fine,” said Riley, “but you still haven’t connected any of this to Jennifer’s murder!” Riley was becoming quite agitated and Sarina tried to calm him with her eyes as he glanced over in her direction.

  “Jennifer Banderas was born on the day that John F. Kennedy was murdered, correct?”

  “Yes,” Riley affirmed.

  “When this happens, that is to say, when a human is murdered who was in power during the shift of the Mayan calendar segment from end to beginning the spirit of the murdered human is offered a gift from the spirit world of reincarnation into a child newly born. The soul of Kennedy chose Banderas as its new human host based upon careful examination of what she may want to experience and learn. As she grew into a woman, she made choices that led her to you and ultimately to partner with you in the police force.”

  Sarina added, “So shall the connection be from one to another.”

  “Precisely and well put,” Dana said as he turned to Riley. “Riley, you became connected to Jennifer and she offered you information passed to you unconsciously and consciously. You and she were connected in ways you may have never understood as a human being. This is what soul mates are.”

  Riley relaxed and then agreed with Dana. “Is this why I was so fond of her and her gifts she shared with me?”

  “Yes,” said Dana.

  The pieces were fitting together, thought Riley. The Sumerians and their genetic intervention with humans were needed to create great physical structures for the continued development of the human species. These beings needed to look like humans to fit in. To keep the human species on track until their return, the Sumerians left their kind in place in the form of humans who have been walking among us. These beings are going to return soon and monitor human progress. Powerful light and dark spirit beings are in place to maintain balance on Earth. The balance has shifted towards the dark side and is therefore out of balance and explains why Earth's environment and social structures are failing and why we are sleep walking as a society.

  “But why did Jennifer have to die?” asked Riley.

  “The answer to that question is not crystal clear. I have pondered two speculations.

  The first is that she held spiritual information that was damaging to the keepers of the secrets and ultimately Cum-Hau. She may not have been conscious of this, but she held the information nevertheless. I am wondering if this is the reason that the Council has been more active recently. My second speculation is that she intentionally or unintentionally had discovered those journal entries. I am now believing that this may be why Mona disappeared and most likely murdered. She must have inadvertently sealed her own fate when she copied those documents.”

  “Like the information Ann held that lead to her murder?” asked Sarina.

  “Yes,” said Dana. "They both held a key and you, Sarina, have Ann’s ashes so she is still very much present and critical to this journey, which was why you were reunited with her after her murder. There is likely more to this story that even I do not know.”

  “How can we find out?” asked Riley.

  “I will talk with Yumma and see if there is any way to know,” said Dana.

  “You mentioned Cum-Hau, another name from my dream. Who is Cum-Hau?” asked Sarina.

  Dana began to reveal the connection of the spirit world with the ancients, particularly the ones from Mayan mythology.

are many gods depicted in Mayan mythology. Many of them are deities used for harvests and the ways of Earth’s weather for human survival. Some were for safe journeys in the jungles of what is now Guatemala and for health and prosperity. These were what you might call, lower gods. The ones I am going to speak about are from the earliest days of the Mayan culture.”

  “In past lives were Riley and I Mayan ancestors?” Sarina asked.

  “Yes, and yet you have lived so many lifetimes born into other cultures through the ages, as have you Detective. But it is the Maya who are the most important link to this particular event.”

  Dana continued, “I will reveal your current spiritual names and how they play out in this moment in time. It gets tricky but it is necessary for you to follow this. Sarina, I know you have some knowledge of these myths and what you know is not necessarily accurate as most of this happened before the Mayan people came to be what you know them as today. Can you let your knowledge go so you do not become clouded with judgment?”

  “I'll do my best and right now, my brain feels like mash potatoes so I doubt I can engage it very much.” They all chuckled when she said that.

  “Good. I am going to list the names of the various Mayan gods and goddesses pertinent to our journey. Ann’s spirit world name is Akna meaning ‘Our mother,’ goddess of fertility and childbirth. Sarina, your spirit world name is Ixchel, the Jaguar goddess of midwifery and medicine. Detective, your spirit world name is Chac, the god of Storms, enemy of Camazotz. Camazotz is Jack’s spirit world name. He is the Bat god and the enemy of Chac. He tries to kill the Hero Twins. I am one of the Hero Twins; you already know my spirit world name as Xbalanque War Twin. My twin companion is Hunahpu whom you met already as the owner of Yumma’s. You will encounter many more beings in this journey, but the most significant is Cum-Hau, god of death and the underworld.”

  “Wow, these are such powerful names,” said Sarina.


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