Beyond Falling Stars (Starlight Saga Book 3)

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Beyond Falling Stars (Starlight Saga Book 3) Page 1

by Sherry Soule

  Beyond Falling Stars

  Book Three

  Starlight Saga

  Sherry Soule

  Starlight Saga

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents either are the product of the author’s overactive imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  ISBN: 978-1535579209

  ASIN: B0718VKFGB k12

  Disenchanted Publishing

  San Francisco, California

  Book cover art by SwoonWorthy Book Covers

  Copyright © 2017 Sherry Soule. All rights reserved.

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by any of the trademark owners.

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  For my dear cousin, Tammy Lynn Lawton…

  I’ve always admired your fearlessness, creativity, and amazing strength. Like Sloane, you’ve been through a lot, yet you’re still standing. #GirlPower


  This book would not have been published without…me!

  Okay, that’s a small white lie.

  A few other amazing people kind of helped…

  Extra-special thanks to my developmental editor, Carmen Erickson of Book Editing Magic.

  A huge thank you to my mom who feeds my children when I’m working on a new book, so I can write in peace.

  Muchas gracias to the makers of Hersey’s chocolate chip cookies and Starbucks for Green Tea Crème Frappuccinos to keep me hyper and motivated to write.

  Much gratitude to my critique partners, Kit McMahon and Mary Sutton for feedback on the ugly first draft.

  And finally, a big mushy thanks to my extra awesome readers who support my writing by buying my novels and spreading the book love.

  But mostly it was all me.

  Table of Contents





















































  Being hunted by alien mutants totally sucks.

  And the threat of imprisonment in a secret underground lab? Even suckier.

  Now that Sloane Masterson’s blackmailer has been revealed, and she knows the truth about why Hayden’s been so secretive, she’s ready to put all that epic craziness behind her.

  Besides, Sloane’s got bigger problems to deal with, like protecting her family from Sector Thirteen and getting Hayden’s snobby parents to accept her as one of them…which is proving more difficult than giving up chocolate.

  And what better way to win over the ’rents and evade ST than an intergalactic vacay with her smoking’ hot boyfriend?

  Sloane and her bestie, Viola Saks, are invited to join the Lancaster brothers for a twisted family reunion on their home planet, an oasis of wicked cool beaches, warm dual suns, and clear blue seas.

  But danger lurks in paradise…

  Even in this beautiful utopia, Sloane and Hayden’s relationship is never far from higher levels of suckage. They might be vacationing in a galaxy far, far away, but someone still wants her dead.


  Reading order, Starlight Saga:





  Read other Bestsellers by Sherry Soule

  Adult Paranormal Romance:



  New Adult Romance, Sorority Row:



  YA Paranormal Romance, Spellbound Prodigies Series:



  MOONLIGHT MAYHEM (book three)

  RECKLESS REVENGE (book four)





  Talk about a colossal hit-and-run. The last words that two-faced Saxton Ridge said to me before fleeing into the woods echo in my head: Hayden’s sister is alive. Sector Thirteen has Delta in their lab over at the Naval Base. And be careful, Sloane…they’re coming for your family next.

  My mind is reeling. At first, I felt shocked when I discovered Saxton’s betrayal. Afterwards, I got seriously angry, as in stab-him-in-the-eye pissed.

  An unconscious Meleah soldier lies on the ground behind me, snoring like a high-pitched squirrel and twitching as if he’s been struck by a bug zapper. Serves him right for trying to take me out. I only wish I’d knocked him out myself, but that credit goes to douchebag Saxton.

  No extra brownie points for him, even if he did save my life.

  “Sloane!” Hayden yells from the parking lot.

  Part of my brain registers his panicked voice. A weak sigh escapes my lips and I slump against a tree. Somber sunlight leaks through the high branches of the towering oaks and a cool breeze rustles their leaves. I’ve just survived an epic confrontation with a homicidal maniac in the woods, and now my world is slanting on its axis.

  “Sloane! Sloane!”

  I face the path where more shouting echoes in the stillness. The Galactic Brotherhood must’ve arrived to haul off Xavier, Hayden’s evil ex-father-in-law, to a secret underground prison. Good riddance.

  Swaying on my feet, I call out, “Hayden! I’m over here!”

  Hayden barrels through the foliage along the path, parting the bushes. His eyes instantly meet mine, whisking the breath from my lungs and all I can do is stare into those unique blue and green eyes. His complexion ruddy, his gaze bright.

  For an instant, it’s like seeing him for the very first time, and I ogle my gorgeous, brave boyfriend. He’s six-feet-tall and muscular, wi
th light-brown hair styled in a fauxhawk that brushes his forehead. His filthy shirt shows off lightly tanned skin and clings to a chiseled chest. My stare dips downward to take in his filthy jeans and scuffed Converse. With his Abercrombie model good-looks, Hayden is lightyears out of my league. My gaze darts to his face and his full lips lift into a slight grin.

  Damn. Even seeing him all disheveled and dirty is yummier than a triple fudge sundae.

  “You look like you’re still in one piece.”

  “Glad you’re alive, too,” I whisper.

  I lurch closer to him, and my emotions surge, like I won’t be able to breathe until I touch him. Hayden crosses the distance between us in a single heartbeat, and pats me down like a security guard at a rock concert. My shoulders, elbows, hips, and face as though checking to see if any parts of me are broken and bloody. Then his hands cup my cheeks while he gazes into my eyes, as if reassuring himself I’m actually there.

  “Will you stop with the body search?”

  “Sorry.” He smiles and kisses my forehead.

  I hold onto him, gripping the smooth fabric of his cotton shirt like it’s a life-vest and I’m about to go under. Hayden’s arms go around me, holding me so close my ribs ache, and I’m suddenly home—overwhelmed by a familiar sense of safety and comfort I’ve never found elsewhere. My head rests on his shoulder and I inhale—sweat, male, mingled with his spicy hybrid pheromones. I fight the irresistible temptation to stay this way forever, with my face pressed into his shoulder, but this horrible ordeal isn’t over. I lean back, and his hands slide downward to rest on my hips.

  “Why didn’t you answer me? I was calling your name.” Hayden frowns, pointing at the snoring Meleah soldier. “And what happened to him?”

  “I was busy fighting off that butthead.”

  The soldier lets out a gurgle and I glance downward. Ack! My favorite footwear is ruined. Oh, if the owners of Doc Martens could see me now, they’d be rolling their eyes.

  Not that I’d blame the manufacturer. After all, running through muddy terrain in their awesome 1460-style boots from killers is not exactly the respectful treatment these kickass hundred-dollar shoes warrant.

  But it isn’t my fault. It’s not as if I asked to be hunted by a wacked out hybrid, mutated monsters, or shady government agents. If anyone deserves Doc Martens’s shoe outrage, it’s my boyfriend. Hayden’s the one who got me into this intergalactic mess with a bunch of Sloane-haters who want to break us up.

  Yeah, the whole thing sounds bizarre even to me.

  “That soldier tried to attack me, but he got knocked out.” Lifting one of these muddy boots, I nudge the Meleah lying at my feet, his chest rising and falling with each labored breath.

  Yuck! I cover my nose and mouth with my hand. Breath that reeks like he’s eaten one too many chimichangas.

  “Way to go, my little hybrid hellion.” Hayden crouches near the snoozing Meleah, and whips out a zip-tie from his pocket to secure the soldier’s wrists and ankles. “That should hold him until the Galactic Brotherhood takes him into custody.”

  He helps me to my feet and starts down the path, but I hesitate. I promised Saxton I wouldn’t tell anyone that he helped me, but I can’t lie to Hayden. We promised each other honesty and I plan to keep my end of the deal.

  “I have to tell you something.”

  He runs a hand down his face. “What’s wrong? Why the frowny face?”

  “Saxton’s a spy working for Sector Thirteen,” I blurt. “He saved my life, and I owe him one, but more importantly, he said Delta’s still alive.”

  He blows out a slow breath, staring at the ground for a full minute before lifting his head. “This is…shit. I-I can’t believe it, but if it’s true, then I need to figure out a way to save her.”

  “Saxton also warned me that ST would be coming for my family. They must’ve figured out who my dad is…” Shudders chill my body and I hug myself. “I gotta warn my parents. What if they want to run?”

  “Then you convince them to stay and fight.” Hayden scratches the light stubble on his chin. “Or if they decide to leave, I’ve heard the GB has safe houses in Europe.”

  Grinding my teeth, I kick at a rock, the stone tumbling into a tree. “It seems like we’re discussing a hybrid witness protection program.”

  “It won’t come to that,” Hayden says, then hugs me tight again before stepping back to gaze into my eyes. “I’m relieved you’re all right. I was so afraid…but you’re alive.”

  “Duh!” I lightly punch him on the arm. “How’s Zach? Where are the others?”

  “My brother’s fine and the Galactic Brotherhood are dealing with the mess. Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m good…well, at least for someone who just got beat up by alien hitmen,” I tease, even though my legs, hands—everything—trembles. “You?”

  “I’m bruised and banged up, but I’ll live.”

  “Is Xavier in custody?”

  He jerks his chin at the parking lot. “Yes. Arcane arrested him, and he’ll take care of any fallout with Sector Thirteen from the brawl.”

  “Okay…good.” I’ll figure out whether to laugh or cry later when my brain doesn’t feel like stir-fried veggies.

  “When you weren’t in the parking lot, I thought Sector Thirteen had taken you. It scared the hell out of me,” he says, his voice rough.

  His arms encircle me and I bury my face in his shirt. He sinks to his knees, bringing me with him, and I hug him just as tightly as he holds onto me. The bloodstains on his shirt and jeans, on his skin, and under his fingernails make my stomach knot. So do his bruised and bloodied knuckles.

  “I can’t believe how brave you were, fighting those ST jerks.” I place a hand on his arm, sliding my fingers down to tangle with his. “You and Zach were so badass.”

  “There was a gun pointed at you. I didn’t think twice.”

  “How did you find me?”

  He taps the side of his nose and smirks. “The ectoplasm on your skin led me straight here.”

  Leaning back on my knees, I roll my eyes. “Oh, yeah. Forgot I was dating the alien equivalent of a bloodhound. Sorry if I worried you.”

  “I’m the one who should apologize.” Hayden’s hands shake. “I should be doing a better job of keeping you safe, but I blew it.”

  “No, you saved me. You and…Zach. Guess I need to thank him.”

  “He did fight off those soldiers and help capture Xavier.”

  “Let’s not hang a halo over his head just yet.”

  “You were so brave and strong,” he whispers.

  I shrug a weary shoulder. “Not really, but it’s not every day you get attacked by mutants and aliens.”

  “You mean most teens don’t get into interstellar brawls?” he teases.

  “Only us.”

  Hayden laughs, then grimaces, holding his other arm against his chest.

  “What happened? Are you hurt?”

  A twinkle glints in his eyes. “Oh, I, uh, tried to punch a soldier and missed, but this tree’s real sorry about getting all up in my face.”

  “I bet.” I shake my head with a smile.

  “We’d better check in with Arcane.”

  Hayden leads me through the woods and past the parking lot to the clearing in the forest where the showdown with Xavier took place. When we reach the fire pit, the good guys are already there—other Meleah, also known as homo-superiors, on Team GB with Arcane—cleaning up the fight scene. Hayden and I stay out of their way so the men can do their jobs. They gather the discarded weapons and wounded soldiers, before teleporting everything to the Galactic Brotherhood headquarters.

  Arcane approaches us with his usual frown. He’s dressed in tan slacks with a hunter-green short-sleeved shirt. His cheeks hold a pink tinge from where he shaved, and his scent, a mixture of starch, woody-amber, and aftershave, surrounds me. “Glad to see you’re still alive, Sloane.”

  “Um, thanks?”

  “We need to discuss this probl
em very soon,” Arcane says sternly. “With Sector Thirteen visiting the island, I’m sure there’ll be hell to pay. While you kids survived this battle in the woods, we still have to deal with the ectoplasm on your skin and your family’s safety. Please try to stay out of trouble until we figure out how best to handle it.”

  “Um, Arcane,” I say. “I heard Delta’s alive and being held by ST on the island.”

  All the blood rushes in under his pale skin. “Is this true?”

  Hayden shuffles his feet. “The info came from a somewhat reliable source, but I’ll need to do intel first to confirm. If my sister is here, then I’m going to do everything I can to save her.”

  “And I’m going to help him,” I say.

  “We can discuss this once we know more. In the meantime, please don’t do anything rash.” Arcane shifts toward Hayden. “I discovered Xavier used to work with Sector Thirteen, and that’s how he had access to the reapers. But I’m not sure if his family was in on the plan. When I went by his home in San Francisco, they refused to talk to me.”

  “Maybe they’re ashamed of his behavior,” I say.

  “Or if ST does know Xavier has access to their resources, and they don’t care, then that just leads to all sorts of scary-ass questions,” Hayden replies.

  “It certainly does.” Arcane nods. “Xavier’s heedless actions won’t help the integration program. If we want acceptance for minorities, like the Meleah someday, I’ll need your generation to be exemplary model citizens. Which means behaving in a way that is beyond reproach.” He peers at Hayden. “And, you, young man, need to learn to use your words.”

  Hayden bristles. “That bastard was going to kill Sloane! We were beyond having a friendly chat about our feelings.”

  “Xavier was just upset when you refused to marry his daughter,” Arcane says.

  “So that’s a valid reason to kill me?” I ask, my voice hardening. “For a superior race, you guys sure have serious anger issues to work on.”


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