Associated Press and transatlantic flight, 96, 118
Astor, Nancy, Viscountess, 352, 372–73, 375
Astor, Waldorf, Viscount, 375
Atchley, Dana W., 481, 493, 497, 506–9, 512, 523, 553, 554
Athens, Lindberghs in, 365
Atlantic crossing. See Transatlantic flight
Atlantic Monthly, 395, 400, 407
Atomic bomb, 472; Lindbergh’s views on, 476–77
Atomic Energy Control conference, 473
Atterbury, William W., 189
Auden, W. H., 406
Autobiography, Wright, 482
Autobiography of Values, Lindbergh, 562
Automobiles, young Lindbergh and, 45, 46–48
Aviation, 60–62, 84–85, 394; development of, 152; economic depression and, 284
—Lindbergh and, 8, 63–67, 353–54, 504, 520, 525–26; military uses of, 360; postwar, 478; speech in Germany, 357–58
—promotion of, 163–65; Guggenheim Fund tour, 167–71. See also Commercial aviation; Military aviation
“Aviation, Geography, and Race,” Lindbergh, 395
Aviation industry, 283; in England, 354, 365–66; in Germany, 377; government investigation of, 291–92; World War I and, 62
Aviation medicine, Lindbergh and, 446–47
Ayers, Fred, 103
Bacon, Elizabeth, 184, 186
Baeumker, Adolf, 377
Bahl, Erold G., 65, 66
Baja California, 539
Balchen, Bernt, 114, 225
Balderston, Walter, 99–100
Baldwin, Stanley, 148
Ballistic missiles, 496
Banking and Currency, C. A. Lindbergh, 49
Barnstorming, 65–68, 71–73, 82–84
Barry, Ellen, 481, 493
Bartky, Walter, 474
Baruch, Bernard, 49, 231
Beck, Eman, 196
Beck, Susanna, 196
Beebe, Eugene, 434, 435
Belgium, reception in, after flight, 146–47
Bell, Howard P., 32
Bellanca, Giuseppe, 94, 96, 107
Bellonte (French flier), 225
Beneš, Eduard, 374
Bennett, Floyd, 116
Bennett, Harry, 438, 443, 444
Benny, Jack, 324
Berlin, Germany, 377; secret missions in, 381
Bielenberg, Ada (Mrs. Amos Ferguson), 579n
Biffle, Ira O., 65
Big Garden Island, Maine, 204, 282, 536
Bing, Richard, 361
Bingham, Robert, 352
Biology, Lindbergh and, 220–21
Bird City, Kansas, 67
Birkhead, Leon M., 417
Bitz, Irving, 252–53, 261
Bixby, Harold, 95, 96, 98, 106, 188
Black, Hugo, 291
Black Committee, 291, 294–95
Blanchard, Walter, 135, 138
Blériot, Louis, 62, 142–43
Bloom, Sol, 415
Blythe, Richard “Dick,” 107, 109, 110, 117
Boedecker, Kenneth, 107, 109, 113, 115
Boeing B-29, 448
Bolander, Carl, 24
Bomb shelter, 514
Book-of-the-Month Club, 456, 489, 490
Booster (dog), 67, 78
Boothby, Walter M., 446–47
Borah, William E., 399, 411
Borman, Frank, 537
Bornmann, Lewis J., 240, 242
Boston Herald, 351
Bowles, Chester, 410
Bowlus, Hawley, 102
Boyhood on the Upper Mississippi, Lindbergh, 33
Boy Scouts of America, and kidnapping, 247
Brackman, Robert, 369
Brandeweide, Gregory, 109
Brayton, Clyde, 85
Brecht, Bertolt, “Der Lindberghflug,” 151
Breckinridge, Aida, 242, 285
Breckinridge, Henry, 164, 167, 202, 276, 332, 345, 348, 355, 357; and Black Committee, 294–95; and kidnapping, 240, 242, 246, 248, 252, 256–58, 260–61, 265, 267, 274, 314–15
Brewster, Kingman, 412
Bring Me a Unicorn: Diaries and Letters, 1922–28, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, 547
Brinkley, David, 537
Brisbane, Arthur, 308
Brittany, move to, 370–72
Bronx Home News, 255, 260–62
Brooklyn, New York, Charles Lindbergh Day in, 159
Brooks Field, Texas, 73–74
Brown, Arthur W., 90–91
Brown, Richard, 529
Brown, Walter Folger, 206, 291, 295
Brown, William Adams, 201–2
Brundage, Avery, 408
Bruno, Harry, 109, 190
B-24 bombers, 440, 444, 446
Buchman, Frank, 369
Buckingham Palace, ball at, 372–73
Buckman, Clarence B., 32
Bullitt, William C., 372, 374, 375
Burial plot in Hawaii, 550, 551, 555
Burrage, Guy Hamilton, 149, 152, 153, 254, 264
Butler, Juno Lindbergh, 126–27
Butler, Katie, 115
Bye, George T., 489
Byrd, Richard Evelyn, 85, 93, 97, 100, 104, 107, 110, 113–16, 155, 225
Cachalot (boat), 270–71, 272
Caffery, Jefferson, 464
Calcutta, 364–65
California, 46–48; Guggenheim Fund tour in, 169
Callén, Lovisa, 12, 572n. See also Lindbergh, Louisa Carline
Calles, Plutarco Elias, 172, 173
Camera in courtroom, 329
Camp Knox, Kentucky, 57
Canadian Plan, 375–76
Cannon, Joseph Gurney “Uncle Joe,” 34, 35, 43
Canyon de Chelly, 208
Capone, Al, 253
Caribbean, 172, 174–75, 209
Carlstrom, Elvert, 328
Carl XV, King of Sweden, 11
Carnegie Institution, News Service Bulletin, 208–9
Carr, C. R., 117–18
Carrel, Alexis, 221–25, 336–37, 340, 349, 367–68, 370–71, 373, 380, 386, 387, 398–99; The Culture of Organs, 369, 371; death of, 461–62; and Vichy government, 403–4
Carrel, Anne de la Motte, 223, 371, 386, 398
Carrel Foundation, 462
Carrying the Fire: An Astronaut’s Journeys, Collins, 546
“Casa Mañana” (Morrow house in Mexico), 196
Castle, William R., 393, 399
Caterpillar Club, 83
Caxton, William, 347
Cayce, Edgar, 257
Cayley, George, 60
Chamberlain, Neville, 375, 384
Chamberlin, Clarence, 96, 97, 104, 106, 107, 112–14, 116, 150
Chance Vought Company, 461
Chanute, Octave, 61
Charles A. Lindbergh and the Battle Against American Intervention in World War II, Cole, 487
Charles Scribner’s Sons, 485, 488–90
Chase, John W., 485
Chase, Stuart, 411–12
Chiang Kai-shek, 230, 232
Chichén Itzá, 210
Chicken pox, 416
Childs, Marquis, 170
China, Lindbergh visit to, 230
CHORE (Chicago Ordnance Research), 474–75
Christian Century, 409
Christian Science Monitor, 152
Christie, Agatha, Murder on the Orient Express, 250, 588n
Christie, Eva Lindbergh, 37, 46–47, 276, 337–38, 538, 552; and father’s death, 74–77. See also Lindbergh, Evangeline “Eva”
Christie, George W., 37
Churchill, Winston, 149, 348
Ciardi, John, 499–500
Circumnavigation of globe in airplanes, 84–85
Citizen’s Advisory Committee on Environmental Quality, 536
Citroën, André, 142
Clapp, Moses, 45
Clark, Bennett Champ, 408, 410
Clark, Mrs. Bennett Champ, 412
Clark, Worth, 422
Claudel, Paul, 140
“Cliveden Set,” 372
Clothing after trans
atlantic flight, 137–38, 140
Clothing styles, 161
Cobb, Irving S., 412
Cockburn, Claud, 372
Cogan, Daniel J., 16
Cohan, George M., “When Lindy Comes Home,” 151
Cold War, Lindbergh and, 495–96
Cole, Wayne S., 487, 547
Coli, François, 4, 100, 105, 107
Collins, Michael, 537–38; Carrying the Fire: An Astronaut’s Journeys, 546
Columbia (airplane), 104, 107, 113, 150
Columbia Aircraft Corporation, 96
Combat missions, 8, 449–55
Commemorative events, 544–45
Commercial aviation, 89, 163, 175–76, 188–91, 204–14, 519–20; plane crashes, 207; transatlantic routes, 284–90, 354
Communications, 6; for commercial aviation, 190
Communism, Lindbergh and, 362
Concentration camps, in Germany, 467–69
Condon, John F., 254–63, 265–69, 301, 335, 338; at Hauptmann trial, 317–18
Congress, U.S., and kidnapping, 246
Congressional Foreign Affairs Committee, 413–15
Congressional Medal of Honor, 173, 175
Congressman, C. A. Lindbergh as, 33, 34–36
Conkling, William H., 87, 88, 109
Conservation issues, 8, 525–32, 536, 538–44
Consolidated Aircraft Corporation, 438
Contract airmail routes, 84; investigation of, 291–92
Cooley, Denton A., 528
Coolidge, Calvin, 138, 143, 148, 152, 154, 179, 231; and Morrow, 181, 185
Coolidge, Grace, 152
Copenhagen, Lindberghs in, 360
Corrigan, Douglas, 102, 104, 136, 578n
Corsairs (Vought F-4U planes), 448, 450, 455
Coste (French flier), 225
Coughlin, Charles Edward, 402, 429
Courtney, Wirt, 414
Cousins, Norman, 500
Criminals and kidnapping, 253, 260
Crosby, Harry, 5, 6
Cudahy, John, 411
The Culture of Organs, Lindbergh and Carrel, 369, 371
Curtis, John Hughes, 254, 264, 269–71, 279
Curtis (Hunterdon County sheriff), 322
Curtiss, Mina Kirstein, 184, 305, 482, 592n; letter from Anne Morrow Lindbergh, 515
Cutter, Elizabeth Reeve, 179–80. See also Morrow, Elizabeth Cutter
Czechoslovakia, 374
Daily Mirror and kidnapping case, 260, 338
Dakin, Henry D., 223
Daniel Guggenheim Fund, 175
Darien, Connecticut, Lindbergh home in, 478–79, 512, 513–14; naked swimming at, 544
Davidson, Jo, 382
Davies, Marion, 162
Davis, Noel, 93, 97, 100, 104
Davis, Richard, 486–87
Davison, F. Trubee, 163, 164, 246, 290
Davison, Henry P., 180, 357, 361
Daydreams, 90, 92
Deaf flights, 84
Dearly Beloved, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, 531
Death, Lindbergh’s preparations for, 556–60
de Coux, Janet, 455, 482
DeHatre, Louie, 86
Delage, George, 129–30
Denmark, survey trip in, 287
Dennis, Lawrence, 406
Dentistry, Land and, 21, 573n
Department of Defense, 475–76
Department of Justice, and airmail contracts, 294–95
Depression, economic, 219; and aviation, 284
Dern, George H., 294
Dershowitz, Alan M., 334
Despiau, Charles, 382
Detroit, Michigan, 283; in nineteenth century, 18–19; Land home in, 39–41; Lindbergh home in, 442
Detroit Free Press, 457
Détroyat, Michel, 129–30
de Valera, Eamon, 363
DeVoto, Bernard, 470
Dewey, Thomas E., 428
Diplomatic missions, 375–76, 381; troubles with, 376–77
Distinguished Flying Cross, 154
Dobson-Peacock, Harold, 254, 264
Dodd, William, 355, 367
Dole, James, 143
Dominick, Peter, 600n
Donovan, William A., 438
Doumergue, Gaston, 140
Down the Great River, Glazier, 22
Dreiser, Theodore, 445
DuBose, Charles, 478
Dudley, Delos, 57
Dulles, John Foster, 410
Dunlap, Vera May, 82
Dunn, Daniel J., 240
Du Pont, Henry, 211
Du Pont Company, 211, 212
Durkin, Joseph T., 519
Earhart, Amelia, 206, 277–78, 283
Early, Stephen T., 292–93, 295, 424, 428
Eastern Airlines, 295
Eberhart, A. O., 45
The Economic Pinch, C. A. Lindbergh, 68
Economy: aviation and, 171; C. A. Lindbergh and, 35–36; Morrow and, 181
Edward VIII, King of England, 353, 365. See also Windsor, Duke of
Edwards, A. J., 100
Einstein, Albert, 225
Eisenhower, Dwight, 486, 488
Elizabeth, Princess of England, 148
Elizabeth, Queen of England, 372
Elizalde, Manuel “Manda,” Jr., 540–43, 550
England, 365–66, 370, 371–73, 375; aviation industry in, 354; diplomatic missions in, 381; and Lindbergh’s flight, 118, 137, 147–49; Lindberghs’ move to, 340–41, 345–54
Englewood, New Jersey, 180, 181–82; Morrow home in, 185, 193–94, 198. See also Next Day Hill
Environmental concerns, 8, 520–21, 525–32, 536, 538–40
Eugenics, 373, 528–29; Carrel’s ideas on, 349
Europe, 287–88, 367; postwar, Anne Morrow Lindbergh’s articles on, 482–83
Evers, Olive Adele, 23
Evidence in kidnapping case, 242–43, 248; at Hauptmann trial, 318, 320–21, 594n
“Falaise” (Guggenheim home), 166, 210, 277–78, 611n; as museum, 544–46
False statements about Lindbergh, 376–77, 384, 406, 440, 473, 545; after flight, 141–42
Fame of Lindbergh, 6–7, 135–77, 278
Farley, James A., 292, 295, 363
Farley, Mrs. James, 322
Farmer, Lindbergh as, 50–53, 59
Fashions, 161
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), 409
Felmy, Helmuth, 375
Feminism, Anne Morrow Lindbergh and, 401, 498
Ferber, Edna, 325
Fermi, Enrico, 475
Feydy, Anne Lindbergh, 515, 524, 548; letters from mother, 535, 536, 542
Feydy, Julien, 515, 524
F-4U airplanes (Corsairs), 448, 450, 455
Film: proposals to Lindbergh, 162; The Spirit of St. Louis, 500–503
Finn, James, 298–99
Firearms, Lindbergh and, 56
Fisch, Isidor, 300–301, 318, 327, 328
Fish, Hamilton, 295, 413
Fisher, C. Lloyd, 309, 320, 323, 328, 337
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 56, 136–37
Flagg, Paluel, 221, 223
Fleet, Reuben, 438
Flemington, New Jersey, Hauptmann trial in, 306–35
Flexner, Abraham, letter from Lindbergh, 352
Flexner, Simon, 222, 349
Floods in China, 230–31
Florida, 58; C. A. Lindbergh in, 57; vacations in, 400, 416–17, 492
Flying, Lindbergh and, 64, 66–67, 78. See also Aviation
“Flying Around the North Atlantic,” Anne Morrow Lindbergh, 305
Flying saucers, 511–12
Flying school, 59, 62–67
Flynn, John T., 412, 419–20
Fokker, Anthony, 109, 114
Fokker company, 93, 100
Foley, James, 303
Fonck, René, 91, 97, 109, 114
Fontanne, Lynn, 322
Forbes magazine, 171
Ford, Edsel, 168
Ford, Ford Madox, 311, 322–23
Ford, Gerald R., 411, 562
nbsp; Ford, Henry, 168, 175, 188–89, 378, 409, 438–39, 443–44; employees of, 602n
Ford Motor Company, 438–46, 456
Foreign Affairs Committee, 413–15
433rd Fighter Squadron, 453
475th Fighter Group, 450–52; reunion, 545
Fox, Robert, 541
Fox Film Corporation, 115–16, 136
Fox Movietone News, 329
France, 355, 464; aviation industry in, 374; and Lindbergh’s flight, 117, 126; warplanes for, 375–76, 381
Fridley, Russell, 538
Friendships, 348–49; at college, 57
Friends of Democracy, 417, 424
Funeral, Lindbergh’s plans for, 557–58
Gaglio, Milton, 256
Gangsters and kidnapping, 253, 260
Gannett, Frank E., 369
Garber, Paul, 158–59, 170, 207
Garden, Mary, 145
Gårdlösa, Sweden, 287
Garros, Roland, 62
Garsson, Murray, 263
Gasser, Herbert, 349
Gawne, Christine, 390, 418
Gebhart, Paul T., 245
Geist, Raymond, 377, 378
General, Lindbergh as, 488
George, David Lloyd, 362, 375
George V, King of England, 148, 346
George VI, King of England, 365
German medal, 424, 598n
Germany, 7, 8, 60–61, 370, 377, 381–82; air power of, 367–68, 388; and Jews, 358–59, 379; military buildup in, 355–62; postwar, 463–70; wartime atrocities committed by, 466–69
Gershwin, George, 172
Getty, J. Paul, 550–51
Gibbs-Smith, Charles H., 62
Gift from the Sea, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, 498, 499, 534
Gillman, L. S. M., 117–18
Gish, Lillian, 422
Glazier, Willard, Down the Great River, 22
Glenn, William W. L., 528
Gliding, 208
Goddard, Esther, 212
Goddard, Robert Hutchings, 8, 210–14, 348–49, 388–89, 472, 537
Goering, Hermann, 356, 359–60, 375, 377, 378, 465
Gold certificates, 263, 297–300
Goldfarb, Bernhard, 485
Goldman, Eric, 546
Goldwater, Barry, 518
Goldwyn, Samuel, 489
Gow, Betty, 220, 227–28, 234, 237, 264; and kidnapping, 239–41, 252, 272, 273, 315–16
Graeme, Jo, 194, 195
Graham, Sheilah, 308
Grant, J. B., 230–31
Grauman, Sid, 143
Green, Charlie, 400
Green, Fitzhugh, 165, 166, 167
Green, Maurice L., 90
Green, William, 247
Greenland, survey trip to, 286
Grenfell, Edward, 195
Grierson, John, 287
Grimwood, Ian, 522, 523
Griswold, A. Whitney, 412
Gubernatorial campaign, C. A. Lindbergh’s, 49
Guggenheim, Caroline “Carol” Morton, 164, 195, 210, 285
Guggenheim, Daniel, 164, 212–14, 487
Guggenheim, Harry, 109, 163–65, 171, 194, 195, 212, 231, 285, 345, 348, 361, 429, 487, 528–29, 544; and German tour, 359
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