Not Broken: True Destiny, Book 5

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Not Broken: True Destiny, Book 5 Page 10

by Dana Marie Bell

  It was both simple and profound, the way she’d so easily slipped into their lives. And true to their word, they did no more than kiss. But the best times were when all three of them were tangled together in front of the television, watching whatever movie whoever had won rock-paper-scissors had put on. Relaxed, they’d chat quietly, laugh, and simply enjoy each other’s company.

  Never in all her years had she felt so deeply that she belonged right where she was, not even when she’d first moved in with Sydney, both of them frightened at being on their own. She found herself laughing more, sighing more, even snarling more than she had in…


  And it was all because the two men who’d invaded her life had allowed her to invade theirs in return.

  She felt a soft tug on her hair and knew instantly it was Magnus. “What are you thinking about so deeply?”

  She glanced up at him, taking her eyes off the television show she hadn’t even been watching. “You two, what else?”

  “Are you getting over the fact that I’m Thor’s son?” He settled on the sofa next to her, watching her with a troubled gaze.

  Slade must have told him what they’d spoken about while he slept. Two weeks ago she might have been upset, but seeing the way the two of them meshed she wasn’t surprised that Magnus knew what Slade did. It was just another part of their charm. “I’m working on it.” It was turning out to be easier than she’d thought it would be too. The fact that he was nothing like his father helped a great deal.

  “Good.” He grinned, his relief obvious. He held out his hand to Slade, who joined him on the sofa. “In that case, we’d like to try something.”

  She stared at them suspiciously. “If this involves those aquavit Jell-O shots you were trying to talk me into, the answer is still no.”

  Slade slowly smiled. “I still think we could have fun with those.”

  “No, Slade.” For someone who’d been stuck in Asgard for most of his life he certainly had a unique grasp of modern culture. “I’m not doing it.”

  He reached out and placed his hand on her knee, rubbing her skin through the thin cotton of her sundress. “I’ll persuade you. Eventually.”

  That grin on Slade’s face was lethal. Magnus had an equally naughty look. She sat back, feeling remarkably like a doe during mating season. “Now I know you two are up to something.”

  They looked at each other, and a tingle of anticipation had her shuddering. She was starting to get an idea of what they wanted, and she couldn’t say she was averse to the idea. She just wasn’t sure the timing was right. At least Slade was fully healed now, even if he was scarred. And Magnus had made his desires more than clear while respecting her need for time.

  She licked her lips, already anticipating the taste of them, hot and sweet like the best candy. Chocolate with peppermint, sweet with a bite to it, was her all-time favorite. She got that with the two of them.

  Slade must have seen her decision, because he held out her hand. “Nothing you don’t want, remember?”

  Magnus echoed his lover, holding out his hand for her as well. “We’ll go slow, even if it kills me.”

  Slade rolled his eyes, and Sylvia laughed. “You’ve been a good boy so far, Magnus. Keep up the good work and we’ll give you a cookie.”

  Magnus grunted. “I just want to be the filling in the cookie sandwich.”

  Slade blinked, his cheeks turning bright red. “Really?”

  “Really.” Magnus kissed Slade, but Slade appeared too stunned to return it. Now Magnus’s cheeks were pink. “I like it both ways.”

  Slade’s eyes went wide, and suddenly Sylvia found herself yanked to her feet along with Magnus. Slade was a lot stronger than he seemed. “Let’s go.”

  Magnus was laughing as Slade dragged them into the bedroom. “Whoa there.”

  Slade glared at him. “Did you just whoa me?”

  Now Sylvia was giggling.

  “You did not just whoa me,” Slade muttered, yanking Magnus’s shirt over his head.

  “Yes, he did.” Sylvia laughed harder as Slade pushed Magnus down onto the bed.

  “You are so going to pay for that.” Slade tugged Magnus’s pants off while Magnus watched indulgently.

  “Yes, dear. Whatever you say, dear.” Magnus hissed as Slade licked the head of his cock. “Just as long as you keep doing that, dear.”

  Sylvia watched as Slade, still mostly dressed, eased Magnus’s underwear down so that Magnus’s cock was fully exposed. He grabbed the sides of Slade’s head and held him steady as he fed his cock to Slade. Sylvia moaned at the sight of Magnus’s length disappearing between Slade’s lips.

  Magnus, his expression dazed, looked at her and frowned. “Do you want to get naked?”

  With an audible slurp Slade lifted his mouth off of Magnus. “Only what she wants, remember? If all she does is watch that’s fine by me.”

  “Me too, but I thought she might want to touch.”

  She hadn’t heard such a falsely innocent tone since the last time Logan tried to lie to her. “Mm-hm.” But she found herself pulling off her sundress anyway, smiling when Slade went back to driving Magnus insane.

  Magnus held out his hand to her. “Your choice, sweetheart.”

  Slade continued with his self-appointed task, but the glance he shot her was full of need.

  Sylvia took the final step, and grasped Magnus’s hand.

  Chapter Nine

  “C’mere.” Magnus pulled Sylvia down onto the bed and helped her remove the rest of her clothes. The flimsy panties and lacy bra were carefully draped over the end of the bed, and Slade got his first look at Sylvia in all her glory.

  She was magnificent, all gold and peach and perfectly shaped. Slade took his mouth off of Magnus’s cock and stared at her before moaning and taking one of her ripe nipples into his mouth, sucking on her with all the hunger in him.

  Magnus cupped her pussy and she gasped, arching against his hand as he stroked across her clit. Her nipple hardened against Slade’s tongue and he nipped gently, causing her to gasp. He turned his attention to her other breast, trying not to smile in delight as she turned into his touch, that golden hair of hers brushing the top of her ass.

  He felt Magnus shift under him and wondered what the other man was up to. When Sylvia groaned he opened his eyes to find that Magnus had maneuvered himself under her and was lapping at her pussy, making her shudder.

  He wanted to sink into them both, make them a part of him. He needed in ways he never had before. Slade didn’t have a great deal of experience, so he was trusting his mates to tell him what they liked and what they didn’t. So he watched, keeping most of his attention on Sylvia as Magnus pleasured her.

  Her head fell back, her face became agonized, and she shuddered, her hips rocking back and forth over Magnus’s mouth. Slade took hold of her other breast, running his thumb over and over her nipple, and her eyes flew wide as she choked out a cry.

  “Mm.” Magnus shifted out from under Sylvia as she collapsed against Slade, her breath coming in gasps. “She tastes wonderful.”

  “Show me.” Slade leaned over and kissed Magnus, tasting both of his mates on Magnus’s tongue. “You’re right. She does.”

  Sylvia was watching them, her eyes glazed with want. Visions of being sandwiched between the two of them drifted through his mind, but that wasn’t what he wanted today. No, Magnus had offered him something, and Slade would take it with glee. He’d be buried in his mate while Magnus pleasured their other mate. It would be his turn soon enough. He’d have his moment with Sylvia, but for now?

  For now, he had a man to fuck.

  “Drape your legs over the edge of the bed.”

  Magnus apparently knew what he had in mind, for he got into position without protest.


  “Hmm?” She was still riding the high of t
he orgasm Magnus had given her.

  “Do you want to join in, or do you want to watch?” Nothing, nothing would ever force his mate’s choices ever again. Not Odin, not Frederica. They would make sure she was free to do as she wished.

  He shook his head, aware deep inside that both Magnus and Sylvia had been far freer than he ever had, and he planned to keep it that way.

  “You don’t want me to?” She sounded confused, and no wonder. His own distraction was to blame.

  “Of course I do.” He cupped her cheek. “I want the choice to be yours.”

  “You’ve made that clear.” The sympathy in her gaze was almost his undoing. “And I’ve already decided, Slade, or I wouldn’t be naked.”

  He smiled, certain now that she wanted this just as much as he did. “Then ride him. Show him you want him.”

  She nodded and swung her leg over Magnus, taking his cock deep within her pussy. When she bottomed out Slade groaned right along with Magnus. It was the most beautiful sight he’d seen, his two mates pleasuring one another, free of the shackles that had kept them apart for so long.

  Slade kept an eye on them both as he made his way to where he knew Magnus kept the lube. He found it quickly, returning to them as Sylvia began rocking her hips, dragging her pussy over Magnus’s cock.

  Magnus had his hands on her hips, holding her steady while she rode him, making sure she was firmly on the bed. Slade nodded his approval as he placed the tube of lube on the bed next to them and removed his clothing. Once he was naked he picked the tube up again and popped it open, smiling when Magnus grunted. “Get me ready, Slade. I don’t know how much longer I can hold out.”

  His voice was so strained Slade was surprised he hadn’t come yet, not that he could complain. He slicked up his fingers and began slowly, gradually loosening Magnus’s opening, carefully watching and listening for any signs of discomfort. While the tension seemed to ease, the obvious need to come backing off as Slade worked him, Magnus didn’t look to be in any distress. If anything, he began to thrust upward, riding Slade’s fingers as he slipped them into his mate.

  Magnus loosened up far more easily than Slade liked. Had he had a lover recently, or did he use toys on himself? If it was the latter Slade would like to see that. If it was the former, Slade…

  Hell. Slade would just have to get over it. Now was not the time to think about it. Now was the time to finally claim what was his.

  “Ready for me?”

  “More than. Sylvia?”

  She nodded. “It won’t hurt, will it?”

  Even in the midst of her own pleasure she thought of Magnus’s comfort. Slade smiled and leaned over to kiss her shoulder. “I swear, I won’t hurt him.”

  “All right.” She shuddered as Magnus stilled. “All for one and one for all.”

  Slade chuckled and removed his fingers from Magnus’s opening. “The three Musketeers, fighting for justice.”

  “And cookies.” Magnus blinked when Sylvia laughed. “What?”

  Slade slicked up his cock, adding more lube than he thought he needed. He’d rather be safe than make Magnus sorry he’d agreed to this. He pressed the head of his cock to Magnus’s opening and blew out a nervous breath. He wanted to fuck this up in the good way, not the bad. “Okay.”

  “Hey.” He glanced over Sylvia’s shoulder to find Magnus grinning. “You lubed me, and you, you stretched me out, waited for me to be ready… Slade, you’re doing fine. I’ll tell you if you do something I don’t like, I swear it.”

  “And I’ll watch his face, make sure he’s not hurting and trying to hide it.” Sylvia lifted off Magnus’s cock and slammed down hard. “Or he won’t get any more of that.”

  Magnus’s eyes crossed. “Grk.”

  Slade eased into Magnus, trusting the pair of them to let him know if he did anything wrong. When neither of them stopped him and he bottomed out, he breathed a sigh of relief. He hadn’t hurt Magnus, and Sylvia, who’d been glancing between the pair of them, seemed more turned on than ever.

  He kissed her the next time she twisted toward him, the position awkward, the kiss sloppy and somehow perfect. He kept one hand on Magnus’s hip and cupped her breast in the other. “Ride him. Let’s show him why he waited for us.”

  “I know why.”

  But they ignored Magnus, taking him between them, Slade inside him and Sylvia wrapped around him. Slade did his best to keep them connected, caressing Sylvia as he took Magnus, stroking her hair, her back, her breasts, anything to let her know that the three of them were in this together.

  When Magnus pulled out the dagger, the one Slade had used to bind them together, he knew what Magnus was up to. He tugged on Sylvia’s hand, and she allowed him to draw the blade across her palm.

  What he didn’t expect was for Magnus to do the same to Slade’s. “You know what to do.”

  Slade did. Shuddering at the knowledge that Magnus was granting him the right to bond Sylvia first, he held out his bleeding hand. His hips jerked as Sylvia slowly joined their hands together. “Blood to blood, we are one.”

  Sylvia nodded, her eyes filled with tears. “One.”

  Magnus merely smiled and grabbed hold of Sylvia’s hips. “Now finish it, Slade.”

  Slade felt the tingle of Sylvia’s magic flowing through him along with her blood. It was heady, golden, filling him with savage joy. He began to pound into Magnus once more, earning a groan from his lover.

  “Oh. Oh, yes.” Sylvia also began to ride Magnus harder than before, taking her pleasure from his hard cock. At one point she stopped, rotating her hips, rubbing her swollen clit on the red hair that surrounded his cock, teasing them both.

  Magnus allowed it. He allowed it all, watching them both with such love, such desire, that Slade had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from blowing too soon. No. He wanted, needed, Magnus to go off before he did.

  But it was Sylvia who gave in to the pleasure first, her head falling back as she shuddered above Magnus. Sharp, short cries spilled from her lips, her breasts thrust forward into Slade’s hands. Her hair, that golden, glorious, magical hair, spilled down her back. For the first time ever Slade experienced that magic as it caressed him, wrapping him up in its shimmering strands. Slade succumbed to the ecstasy, pouring into Magnus with his own hoarse shout.

  It seemed to be too much for Magnus. With a sharp cry he pulled Sylvia tightly to him, his orgasm causing his ass to wrap so tightly around Slade’s cock Slade thought he might come again.

  Sylvia collapsed over Magnus, her hair pulling away from Slade and returning to its normal appearance. “Wow.”

  Slade nodded, unable to speak. He was shaken by Magnus’s gift. Now Slade belonged to both of them, in a bond no one could break, not even Odin.

  He finally belonged, right where he’d always wanted to be.

  He pulled out of Magnus, collapsing next to him, face first in the pillow. And he smiled when both of his lovers kissed him softly on the head.

  The warm afterglow was shattered by the explosion of the wards blowing. The entire building shook, causing Magnus to clutch both Sylvia and Slade close. Sylvia screamed, the wave of hot and cold jotun magic washing over her, fighting each other in a wave of agonizing pain.

  “Fuck.” Slade was the first to react, his face pale, getting off the bed so quickly she didn’t even see him move. The whites of his eyes had almost completely disappeared. “Get up and get dressed. I think Skadi is making a house call.”

  Sylvia shivered, her skin still burning with conflicting jotun magic. “This is not good. She’ll go after Logan and Kir.”

  Magnus snarled as he got up. “She’ll try and kill Jordan and the babies.”

  The two men exchanged a quick glance before tugging her from the bed. Magnus began giving orders. “Slade take Sylvia and find Kir. I’m going to find Logan and see what needs to be done.”

“If Odin senses the wards are down he’ll try and come through.” Slade was shaking like a leaf, but he kept moving, dressing quickly. His eyes, though, remained shifted, another sign of his distress. “He won’t be able to resist.”

  “How did Skadi get through?” Sylvia tossed on a maxi dress, forgoing underwear in favor of speed. She slid her feet into flats in case she needed to run outside. “Logan’s wards were damn strong.”

  “I don’t know.” Magnus grabbed for her as an aftershock rocked the building, nearly knocking her off her feet. “She had to have help.”

  Slade tugged Sylvia’s hand, running toward the front door. She could hear the voices of some of the others now, the shouts of dismay clear.

  “It has to be another ice jotun, one strong enough to battle Logan. She’d never get one of the fire jotun to help her.” Magnus yanked open the front door, putting out his hand to stop them from leaving the condo. He peered outside before stepping through the door. “Coast is clear.”

  Slade nodded and dashed toward Kir, Logan and Jordan’s condo, Sylvia’s hand held tightly in his own. “Find out what’s going on.”


  Sylvia tugged Slade to a stop at the sound of Sydney’s panicked voice. “Syd!” She pulled free of Slade’s grasp and ran toward Sydney. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.” Syd grabbed hold of Sylvia, her eyes wide with terror. “Is it Odin?”

  “I think it’s Skadi.” She was still shivering from the blast of ice magic. “We need to get to Jordan.”


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