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ABC (TV network), 396
Abe Miller affiliation, 138, 139
abortion, 205, 337, 362
Abstract Design in American Quilts (exhibition), 53–54
Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think (Diamandis and Kotler), 403
abuse, 167
alcohol, 96, 217, 224, 395
child, 51, 54
domestic violence, 206–9
drug, 54, 212–13, 224, 395
sexual, 164, 190, 207–8
acceptance. See Gelassenheit
Adams County, Indiana, 139, 153, 157–58, 186, 243, 282
adaptation, 9, 117, 211, 311, 405, 407–8, 412–13
and technology, 168, 170, 278, 290, 313, 315–16, 332–33, 406
addiction, 96, 190, 207–8
affiliations, 12, 137–54, 336–37
and church-communities, 138–39
and dress, 126, 128–29
growth rate of, 153–54
high vs. low, 12–13, 103, 143–44
relations between, 151–52
sizes of, 138, 139, 146
agriculture. See farming airplane travel, 149, 324, 366
Alabama, 180
alcohol, 96, 217, 224, 395
Allen County, IN, 139, 153, 157, 186
Allgyer, Liz, 335
almsgiving, 89–90, 176
Alsace, France, 27–32
Amana Colonies, 422
Amazing Story of the Ausbund, The (Blank), 369–70
American Girl book series, 112
Amish: Out of Order (National Geographic Channel), 396
Amish, The (PBS documentary), 394, 395
Amish: The World’s Squarest Teens (Channel Four, British TV), 213, 396
Amish Acres (IN), 53, 389
Amish America (blog), 397
Amish and Mennonite Heritage Center (OH), 393
Amish at the Altar (National Geographic Channel), 396
Amish Backroads (travel guide), 389
mish Blog, 397
Amish brand, 52, 305, 416–17
“Amish Cook, The” (Coblenz), 114, 397
Amish Cook from Oasis Newsfeatures, The (blog), 397
Amish Country Tours (Lancaster County), 389
Amish Experience Tour and Theater at Plain and Fancy Farm (Lancaster County), 389, 398
Amish Farm and House (Lancaster County), 53
Amish Grace (Lifetime TV), 396
Amish Impressions (Lancaster County), 389
Amish in America, The (Luthy), 373
Amish Internet Blog, 397
Amish in the City (reality series), 213, 396
“Amish Life” (Facebook page), 397
Amish Mennonites (19th century), 31, 35. See also Beachy Amish Mennonite affiliations
Amish Outlaws (band), 165
“Amish Paradise” (Yankovic), 312
Amish Research Clinic, 350
Amish Society (Hostetler), xi–xii
Amishville (IN), 389, 393
Amish Woodworkers of America, 298
Amish Youth Vision Project, 224
Ammann, Anna (Rupp), 27
Ammann, Jakob, 4, 27–33
Ammann, Michael, 27
Ammann, Uli, 27
Anabaptists, 23–35, 62–68, 73–74, 77, 147–48, 366, 396, 415, 421–22
and Amish heritage, 227, 244, 275, 370, 372, 392
Andy Weaver affiliation, 13, 108, 139, 141, 152, 157, 163, 223, 290
Angels Watching Over Me (McDaniel), 378
animal husbandry, 275, 282, 287, 336
apprenticeship, 267–70
Arkansas, 178, 185
art, 112–13
Arthur, IL, 44, 157, 186, 248, 266, 277
Arthur affiliation, 139, 153, 280–82
Ascension Day. See holidays
Ashland affiliation, 139, 183, 282
Asimov, Isaac, 379
auctions, 241, 284–85
Ausbund (hymnbook), 22–24, 60–62, 73, 80, 82, 87, 124, 244, 370
authority, 99, 171–72, 263
of church, 39–40, 68, 79, 170, 177–78, 213–15, 227, 309, 410
of church-communities, 20, 68–69, 71, 138, 147, 152, 270, 314, 333
divine, 68–69, 85
of government, 352–53
moral, 13, 69, 71–72, 411
of parents, 39–40, 213
automobiles, 52, 224, 315, 324–26, 404, 406
The Amish Page 64