Austin's Christmas Shortcake

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by Dani René

  Austin’s Christmas Shortcake

  A holiday novella

  Dani René

  Edited by

  Emily Lawrence

  To my readers, thank you for your support and love throughout 2017! Here’s to a new year, may 2018 bring your dreams to your door.

  Love Dani xo



  A Taboo Novella










  His Temptation

  A Taboo Novella









  About the Author

  Stalk Me

  Also by Dani René

  Copyright © 2017 by Dani René

  Published by Dani René

  ISBN: 978-0-6399001-2-4

  Cover Design: Raven Designs

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

  The following story contains mature themes, strong language, and sexual situations. It is intended for adult readers.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in the work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owner.

  A Taboo Novella

  The sexy babysitter…


  Two years ago

  “I can’t believe you’re doing this,” I tell her.

  Those long dark lashes frame her deep blue eyes as she blinks at me. She doesn’t respond. I knew she wouldn’t. When I walked in earlier and saw the suitcases, my heart stopped. It fucking shattered the farther into our apartment I stepped.

  “You’ll be fine, Austin. She’s your daughter too. Can’t you watch her for a little while? I need to find myself,” Moira says.

  I don’t understand. She’s twenty-seven. She has an incredible career as a marketing executive. She wants for nothing more than a few days off with her friends each month. And even then I support her when she tells me she thinks better without our daughter’s noise.

  “Find yourself? Are you fucking kidding me?” My tone is incredulous. I can’t handle the agony that’s slicing through my chest. The woman I loved since I was nineteen, the mother of my daughter, is walking out and she doesn’t seem to care.

  “Yes, Austin, I’m not as lucky as you to have everything I want.” The frustration in her tone, the words she utters finally break me. “I mean…” She tries to backtrack, but there’s no taking back what she just said. There’s no way she can deny it.

  “Fine. Take your shit and get out of my house. Make sure that when I get home with Chels this afternoon every damn trace of you is gone. And when my daughter asks where her mother went, I’ll tell her you weren’t good enough to be a mother.”

  I don’t mean a word I say. They’re spat in anger and the way she looks at me tells me she doesn’t care either way. Perhaps it would be easier if she’d just left without a word. Maybe then I wouldn’t have to look at her and see how much she doesn’t love me, or my daughter.

  “You don’t deserve happiness after what you’re about to do to Chelsea.”

  She doesn’t respond. Instead, she stalks past me and into the bathroom. I can hear her moving about and I make my exit. I can’t deal with this right now. I have a little girl to look after, and this time, no woman is going to fuck me over.


  As we get closer to the festive season, people tend to come in with the flu more often than not. Especially kids. The winter has hit us hard this year and now that I’m hoping things will wind down in time for Christmas, I have a feeling I’ll be run off my feet instead.

  I knew today was going to be busy, but this is ridiculous. As one patient had walked out, another three had walked in. Running my own medical practice has been a dream of mine since I was a young boy listening to my father tell me about his job. And now that my dream has materialized, I can’t imagine my life without it.

  It’s days like today I forget the hurt and pain Moira caused me when she walked out. She upped and left Chelsea and me without so much as an explanation further than I need to find myself. My daughter has become my life. Outside of the regular patients, she’s the only other thing that’s kept me from depression. From the constant nagging in my mind that I wasn’t man enough to keep my own wife from leaving.

  Glancing at the time, I notice it’s five. I better get home. Lily is with Chelsea and I hate when they’re alone late into the evening. Not that it’s dangerous, but… if I was being completely honest, I just want to see Lily.

  She stormed into my exam rooms a year ago. She’d fallen on some ice and twisted her ankle. Even then, with her tear-streaked face and those pretty brown eyes, I couldn’t stop thinking about her. When she mentioned she does a few babysitting gigs, I jumped at the chance to offer her a job.

  Twelve months later, and Chelsea is as content as if Lily were her mother. Only twenty, the young student has taken a hold of my life and somehow weaseled her way into my mind at every second. Yes, I’ve developed feelings for my babysitter. But, as a divorced, thirty-three-year-old man, she’d probably turn up her nose at the thought of a date with me.

  It’s been a while since I even thought of a woman in that way after Moira left. Not to say there aren’t any women who’d agree to a date, just none who caught my interest. Also, when you tell some young woman you have a child, the first thing she’ll do is run the opposite way. Nobody wants to become a stepmother. And I wouldn’t allow them into my life if I didn’t trust them wholeheartedly anyway.

  But with Lily, it’s different. She’s different. Each time she steps into my home, it’s as if she belongs there. The way she cares for my daughter it’s alluring. She’s a temptation. One I cannot let myself succumb to.

  Even so, it hasn’t stopped my fantasies. I’ve spent nights in bed, in the shower, thinking about her. Finding myself hard as steel. My hand relieves the tension, but only until she bounds into my house with her strawberry-blond hair and those doe eyes.

  Her sweet smile sets my life right, but I can’t go there. This is the girl who looks after my daughter. Those dark brown eyes that remind me of a strong black coffee seem to look through me. As if she sees the pain, but also recognizes the man I once was. Before Moira ruined my life.

  Shaking my head of the stupid thoughts, I grab my keys and make my way out to my Merlot-colored X5. It’s one of the possessions I bought after becoming a single dad. It has space for Dash, our golden retriever, and the back seat is spacious enough that I can do our shopping and have Chelsea in her car seat beside me.

  The r
oads are quiet. A glance at the time tells me it’s almost six. I don’t live far from the practice, and in no time I’m pulling into the drive beside Lily’s little red Mini Cooper. Killing the engine, I exit the car and push the lock button on the key fob.

  Before I reach the door, it swings open and Chelsea comes bounding out. “Daddy!” Her sweet voice stills any tension I may have felt during the day and I can’t help smiling at my little princess. My beautiful girl is my life. She jumps into my open arms and I lift her up, spinning her around, only to be gifted with her squeals of delight.

  “Hey, munchkin. Have you been a good girl for Lily?”

  She nods her little head up and down, which causes her to bounce her pigtails that she’s probably begged Lily to pin for her.

  “Always, Daddy.” She giggles.

  “Good girl.” I smile, planting a soft kiss on her forehead. As soon as I step through the door, the scent of food hits me and I can’t help groaning. Setting my little girl down, I shut the door and head toward the kitchen where the smell of spices, herbs, and something delicious is wafting from.

  The sight that meets me is more than decadent. Lily’s dressed in a pink summer dress that’s got a pattern of tiny white flowers. It hugs her torso tightly, but flares down to her knees. She’s got white ballet flats on her feet and I notice a small butterfly tattoo on her ankle. I’ve seen it before, and I wondered if she had any others hidden from sight, but I never asked.

  Her strawberry-blond hair is pinned up in a messy bun with long, wavy strands framing her face and slender neck. A delicate gold chain hangs from her neck with the tiniest of pendants in the shape of a shortcake.

  She’s got flour on her left cheek and her hand is furiously mixing batter of some sort in a large bowl. When I step into the kitchen, her head lifts and her dark gaze meets mine. A smile both beautiful and sexy lights her face and my heart thuds against my ribs. “Mr. Bailey, I’ve made some dinner for you and Chelsea. I hope that’s okay?” she questions in her melodic tone. The same innocent voice I’m yearning to hear moan my name.

  I can’t find words to respond. She’s baked with Chelsea before, but she’s never cooked us dinner. The tension in the air is stifling. Her body stills, waiting for me to respond.


  He stares at me for so long I think he’s angry, but then he grins. It stops my heart. The man is handsome. With sharp features, a full head of messy black hair, and those eyes. They’re as blue as the sky. Like windows into the man himself. I love getting lost in them. I always find myself staring at him for a little too long.

  He’s dressed in a light blue dress shirt and gray slacks. The local doctor. He’s loved by everyone in town, even me. He’s thirteen years older than me and totally off-limits, but it doesn’t stop me from fantasizing about him. He doesn’t look old. In fact, he looks like he’s in his late twenties.

  It started the day he helped me when I twisted my ankle. I was in so much pain. When his strong hands touched my skin, heat jolted through me. And it wasn’t from the agony of my injury. Ever since that day, I’ve been plagued with thoughts of him touching me again, in places only one boy has ever touched.

  “Lily, I told you, call me Austin. I’m not that old.” He chuckles and his eyes shimmer with mischief and… desire? “And you really didn’t have to. I’m sure I could’ve—”

  “It’s my pleasure,” I cut him off immediately. “And it didn’t take very long.” When I smile at him, his gaze lingers on me. Almost too long. “I’m making shortcake too. It’s my mom’s favorite recipe.” I continue mixing the dough. The strawberries I found in the fridge will be perfect on top of these with some whipped cream.

  God, that sounds like an erotic fantasy waiting to happen.

  Stifling a giggle, I watch Austin grab three plates and set them on the small dining table, with cutlery and some napkins. As I watch how he moves, I find myself enthralled with the man. I’ve known him for a while and each time I’m around him, I see him as a father, but also as a man I’d love to be with. He continues moving around the kitchen until the table is set for three.

  “You’re joining us. No questions asked, okay?” Blue eyes pin me to the spot and I have to swallow the lump that forms in my throat. He’s so handsome.

  Quickly, I nod. “Thank you. I didn’t expect to—”

  “I insist.” This time it’s him interrupting me, but I can’t stop the smile on my face.

  Dropping my gaze, I ready the mixture for the pan to ensure we have dessert in time for our after dinner treat. We both move in sync around his small kitchen, making it feel almost normal. Like I’m meant to be here.

  It’s strange that for a successful doctor, he’s never bought a bigger house. Yes, he drives a flashy car, but there’s something down to earth and humbling about him. I turn in time with him and we find ourselves inches apart. His body heat sears me for a moment.

  Lifting my gaze, I meet his eyes. “I…” My mouth is dry, like I haven’t had anything to drink in months.

  “Lily,” he murmurs my name, leaning in, his mouth so close to mine I’m sure if I stood on my tiptoes, I’d be able to kiss him.

  Do I want to? Yes, yes, I do.

  “Lily!” A shriek from the beautiful little girl echoes through the room.

  Without a second thought, I’m racing into the living room to find her dancing in front of the television to one of the pop bands I’d been listening to earlier.

  “Look!” She points at the man on screen, the lead singer, who strangely resembles her father. “It’s your boyfriend,” she informs me with a giggle, which is sweet, yet mischievous.

  Shaking my head, I respond, “I don’t have a boyfriend, silly.” When I turn to get back to the kitchen, I slam into a solid form. Warmth cascades through me, over me, straight to the spot between my thighs. “Sorry, Mr. Bai—” Catching myself on his name, I amend by murmuring, “Austin.” It comes out breathy.

  The hunger in the depths of his eyes is swirling like a pool of heated desire. He does want me. But he’s never made a move. There’s never been a moment where he said it right out or even tried to kiss me. Since he’s come home tonight, it’s twice that we’ve found ourselves so close the electricity shoots through me, causing goosebumps to rise all over my skin.

  His hands are on my shoulders. Our bodies pressed tightly together. But, as soon as the moment arrived, it’s gone when Chelsea squeals with excitement at the songs on the TV.

  “I should…” I gesture to the kitchen and he nods.

  Releasing me from his hold, Austin steps back, and I miss his touch. I want it. More than I’ve ever wanted a man before. If I’m being completely honest, I want this. Him and Chelsea. I’ve grown to love them both in my own way.

  Pushing past him, I make my way into the kitchen. I inhale a deep, cleansing breath to calm my erratic heartbeat. This is going to be a long night. My shoulders tingle where he was holding me and I wonder how much longer we can skate past each other. I’m unsure of what’s happened today, but he’s never been so attentive. Unless, I’ve never noticed it before.


  Shit. She’s so perfect. Her body, warm and inviting, curled into mine as if she could mold herself to me. Her touch, exciting and thrilling, and I need to feel it again and again. There’s no doubt about it. I want this girl. But that’s just it. She’s a girl. Too young. Too off-limits. My employee.

  “Daddy, dance with me,” my little angel squeals. Grabbing my hand, she tugs me over to the living room rug and starts spinning around, causing her pigtails to fly out, slapping her in the face. Instead of crying, she’s laughing more than I’ve ever seen her do.

  “Chels, you’re going to get dizzy,” I warn, but she’s having too much fun and I chuckle at her.

  At five, she’s a wonderment to enjoying yourself. For two years all I’ve done is stress and worry about how Chelsea would take the absence of her mother, but she’s been stronger than me. Perhaps she’s too young to remember her mother. And
the fact that I took all her photos down means she’s never reminded of the woman who chose another life.

  The paperwork came not long after Moira left. Divorce. I didn’t foresee my life ending up this way, but since Lily’s been in my life, it’s as if I was always meant to be alone for her to burrow her way into my sadness and diminish it with her pure beauty.

  “Lily! Come dance with us!”

  Her shrieks echo through the space and the beauty who’s captured my mind strolls in.

  “Honey, it’s almost dinner time,” she coos at my daughter and my heart leaps to my throat. It hammers in my chest with surety that I will have Lily in my life one way or another. This girl is perfect for Chelsea, but can she be perfect for me?

  The song changes and immediately the two girls start swaying around. Ed Sheeran sings “Shape of You” and the lyrics have my mind wandering as Lily’s body moves across my home with my daughter on her hip. The sight has me smiling from ear to ear and for the first time in two long years, I’m happy.

  They’re both giggling, and it’s music to my ears. This home has been barren since Moira left, but every time I’ve had her—the babysitter—here, it’s been filled with warmth.

  “Daddy, you should dance with Lily. She can be your girlfriend.” My daughter’s big blue eyes burn into me with excitement. As if she’d just figured out my secret.


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