Falling Into Love

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Falling Into Love Page 21

by TC Rybicki

  The second time I joined with her, our future flashed through my mind. It hadn’t happened yet, but I could clearly picture a ring on her finger, marriage, kids, and gray hair, but only on me because Sydney would not stand for aging gracefully. I wanted to spend my entire life with Sydney and I believed she felt the same about me. The difference this time was evident. Sydney’s body never resisted. The trepidation from the week before left us. She was welcoming and responsive. Our lovemaking gave her pleasure. I called it sweet torture since I wanted to last while I pleased her over and over, but it was all so much more than I bargained for. She was too much. I always said that. This moment was no different. She gave, and I took. The give and take in our passion was mutual. I had nothing to compare it to because not one other experience had come close to being with this woman.

  She was real love, nothing halfway or almost. It was the truest love I’d known. Even though lust had always flowed through my veins since the beginning, wanting this with her had a different origin than all my previous relationships. We took our time to fall in love. She fell into me first, but I realized I’d been falling the entire time with her. It was like we were endlessly slipping into a chasm but bounced off the bottom only to reach the surface together. Our bodies shook in unison where we landed. This was not the beginning nor was it the end… we were here, wherever that was or whatever it meant. I was with Sydney and I always would be.

  The encore was livelier. Sydney hovering over me was a thing of beauty. She rocked her body against mine as we both rose to new heights. My eyes trained on hers as I sensed her descent into the pool of ultimate pleasure. I soon followed and drifted with her in our personal realm until we both regained some composure. I reached for her hands. She threaded her fingers through mine and held them over my chest which was slick with sweaty satisfaction. If my heart didn’t explode from the rapid cadence, it was meant to be my greatest sexual experience to date. I’m sure we’d top it at a later point in time, but this moment would stick with me forever. Sydney shared my enthusiasm when she fell over breathing heavily against me.

  “Holy wow! That was amazing. I’d say we got that down pat. No more worries.”

  “I think so too. We might need more practice to be sure.” She stretched to kiss me.

  “Yes, multiple tries. Great idea not leaving when Gram left.”

  “Well, she is the one the reminded me of the trellis in the first place.”

  Sydney was stunned, “What? You’re joking.”

  “Nope. She knows. She’s going to have Frisco chop it down with me on it. I figured I needed one more climb just in case.”

  “Best climb you ever took?”

  “So true. Hold that thought.” I hopped up and ran to the bathroom. I stopped at her window to give it a crack since I was engulfed in heat after all that. She frowned at me, but I promised I would never let her get too cold. The night air was refreshing and not nearly as cold as a few days ago when fall officially landed. I kissed her again. “Promise you’re okay.”

  “Yes, Dane. You were there with me. I don’t fake.”

  “Of course, you don’t, my genuine Sydney is not afraid to show her flaws or her victories.”

  “Flaws? I see no flaws.” She lifted next to me and highlighted her rocking body with a pass of her hands.

  “There’s one.” She knew she was all that and wasn’t afraid to brag.

  “Shut up. Confidence is not a flaw.”

  “And two.” She argued whenever I pointed out slightly conceited words.

  She twisted my nipple.

  “Violent too. That’s three.”

  “I’m never having sex with you again if you don’t take that back.”

  “Yes, you will. You like me too much. In fact, you like it too much.”

  “I hate it when you’re right.” She fell forward and pressed her entire body against my chest and elsewhere. “Promise me we’ll always be like this.”

  “I promise. We most definitely will always have great sex.”

  “No, not just that. I want to fuss and fight with you, but only in the healthy, fun sort of way. Promise not to go soft on me Dane. Tell me like it is even when I don’t want to hear it. I love that about you.”

  “I’ll have you know, I haven’t gone completely soft all night.”

  “Ha-ha. You’re a cocky scoundrel, but I’m serious.”

  “And I am serious when I say no way will we ever stop fighting. You’re far too infuriating and I need it same as you.”

  She shifted against my side, tossed a leg over me, and sighed with content not frustration. I figured she was worn out after two spirited endeavors. I was. But Sydney started with the questions and I knew her; she could go all night chattering once she got started.

  “Wasn’t that odd Gram called me second in command?”

  “No. It made sense to me.”

  “Well, it shouldn’t. I’m still brand new. I worked one summer with these people.”

  “Yes, but a family business is more than a summer job.”

  “I felt unqualified and like a peon at first. I guess I’ve grown up and learned a lot.”

  “You’re not a peon. You never were. Truth time. What do you want to do? You came here to escape. You’ve definitely grown and matured. You don’t need to hide anymore, and I bet if you truly wanted to go to school, your Gram would help. Hell, I will help, but you don’t have to. Only go if you want to not because you think you should or that’s what everyone else does. You are not everyone else.”

  “Gram finished high school at sixteen and runs one of the most successful operations in the region.”

  “Yeah. Life was different back then.”

  “I don’t know, Dane. Is it okay if I don’t have all the answers yet?”


  “Maybe I should take a business class or something. Pretty sure I’d hate it.”

  “I want you to know I’d never hold you back. What’s happening between us is intense. I’m reeling and you’re way younger. I did what I set out to do with school and my career, but you need opportunities and chances.”

  “You’d let me go?”

  “Hold up.”

  “Not let go. Support. I’ll do what I needed to do to still be with you.”

  “Even move?”

  “If I need to.”

  “You won’t. I mean, you don’t. I wouldn’t ask you to leave the ranch or your family.”

  “Let’s leave all the doors open except for the separate ways one. Sound good?”

  “Sounds great. But one more truth. I refuse to be married until I’m at least 22.”


  “And do you want kids?”

  “Sydney, it’s late. We don’t have to discuss our entire future right this second.”

  “You do. I asked, but I know you do. I’ve watched you with Frisco’s kids. I think you are aching for a chance to be better than your father was.”

  “He isn’t a bad father.”

  “Maybe not. Even though I’ve never met him, he could use some improvements. I honestly wasn’t sure about kids. I wanted them, but more in the fairytale sense not sure if it’d be a reality. I can picture it now with you, but just so you know I’m destined to be a girl mom. No boys, only give me your X-chromosomes. I’m not cut out for snakes, frogs, muddy stuff or things that smell disgusting.”

  “I’d kind of like a son but okay, I’ll do my best to only release girl swimmers when the time is right.”

  “Liar. You’re probably full of the boy ones. I can hear it in your voice.”

  “You’re being ridiculous; it’s pretty much out of my control. Why don’t we leave those details to the Creator?”

  “Fine. I agree. I’m being silly. God knows I can only handle girls, so that is what He’ll bless us with. Dane.”

  “Yes?” I had no idea what to expect out of her mouth next, but she let me off the hook.

  “I’m getting sleepy. I think I’m starting to talk crazy.”
  “Just a wee bit. Night, princess. I love you, sweet dreams.”

  “You too.” I kissed her cheek before she was totally out and smiled. Our future was aligning with little effort, and it was like I was already having sweet dreams even though I was wide awake.

  Sydney plopped down beside me in a huff, “Gram won’t tell me what happened? She says, ‘I have the paper. That’s what I went for. What more do you need to know?’ Isn’t that ridiculous?”

  “Well, it’s her issue, babe. Maybe she needs more time. I’m sure it was emotional after all these years. I doubt we know the full story.”

  “I know. Normally, Gram’s an open book, or so I thought. Now I’m questioning everything.”

  “Everything? Not us, I hope.” I didn’t think Syd was talking about us, but sometimes I was still pinching myself if the past weeks were real.

  “No, never us. I love us. I’m just frustrated and overworked. You’re right. She’ll come around.”

  I needed to let her go. They were busy with the pecan harvest and if they got enough done today, Josie wouldn’t work the crew all weekend. Sydney kept talking on her way to breakfast. She put me on the spot with Josie when she hit the speaker button.

  “Gram. Dane wants to know what happened with grandfather.”

  “What in the world? Listen here, Ellsworth. I cut you a ton of slack since day one. Mind your business. You and Sydney reside in the world of information. I call it damn nosy. That’s why all of you put your entire life out there on the Internet for the world to see and pass judgments. I have some things on my mind as you well know, but today is not the time to expand on them. We’ve got pecans to harvest.”

  “I, uh…”

  Sydney came back on laughing her ass off. “Oh well, we gave it a try, but you pissed her off even more. Way to go, Dane.”

  “You’re in big trouble for that.”

  “Uh oh, I’m shaking in my boots. We’re not being nosy. It’s called concern. For someone that secured her land and business, Gram’s awfully moody since the trip to San Antonio.”

  We were all a little shocked Roy signed the contract, but I guess Josie was right. She knew him way better than any of us. I could tell that truly bothered Sydney. She might say she wanted to know the story only out of concern for her grandmother, but I had a sense she wanted to know her grandfather as well. Family was precious to her and she was short on it now. I did my best to distract her worry over Gram.

  We were onto something with this sex business. We were both a bit crazed ever since our perfect night together. Sydney said I permanently turned her on and she knew without a doubt what she did to me. Work was the only thing that forced us to wear clothes and act like normal functioning adults. I reminded her about our plans later, so she needed to get to work.

  Sydney’s mother was supposed to visit, but she didn’t believe she’d show. Marlene promised Josie a couple of other times and she never made it, always called later with an excuse. Sydney needed to sort out some things with her mother, but from what I gathered, that could take years or never happen.

  I picked Syd up at the end of the day. She ran back to her room to grab her bag, the book we were currently reading and her precious journal. Sydney made a point to stay late enough to have dinner with her Gram. I assumed she was going to work on her one last time before being gone two days.

  Josie stepped out of her room and met me by the front door. “Mr. Ellsworth. Thank the Good Lord you’re here. This child is about to drive me insane.”

  “I can imagine.”

  “If I tell her the story she’s itching to hear, I’m going to tell her all of it. It’s time. That goes for your secret as well. How about Sunday after lunch?”

  Sydney came in at the last bit, “What are you two mumbling about?”

  “Nothing much. Josie wants me to join you for a special lunch.”

  “Sunday, both of you be here.”

  “Whatever you say, Ms. Josie.”

  “What’s special about Sunday?”

  “Nothing, Syd.”

  “Hmmm. Now I’m curious. You two are being sneaky. Oh. Is it a surprise? Wait. Don’t tell me. I’ll wait until Sunday. I love surprises.”

  “We need to go over some things before your mother shows.”

  “She won’t.”

  “She said she’d be here.”

  “Yeah, she says lots of stuff. Bye, Gram. Love ya.”

  “Behave kids and…”

  Sydney cut her off, “I know. Don’t get pregnant. We’re covered.”

  “This living apart thing is too hard. I hate leaving you, and I miss your body next to me when I sleep alone.”

  “Your Gram isn’t going to let you live here, Syd.”

  “She can’t stop me, technically.”

  “I know, but you won’t go against her. Admit it. You want her blessing for everything. I, myself do not want on her shit list. I’m happy with how we are. We come and go as we please.”

  “I guess you’re right. Why do I have the sinking suspicion you don’t want me here nonstop?”

  “Because I don’t. Not yet. We’re not ready.” I grabbed the hand that rose above my face. “Now what a minute before you swat. Be reasonable. We get a lot of time together. She’s pretty damn cool letting you stay here most weekends.”

  “She says kids that sneak around are careless and she’d prefer to know we’re always being careful. I swear if I didn’t know better, Gram knows someone that had an unplanned pregnancy, someone close to her.”

  I couldn’t help but clear my throat with a touch of nerves. Josie was planning to unleash all truths on Sydney and as good as things were between us, I was a little worried. I hoped nothing changed.

  “Are you starving because I’m starving?”

  “Yes, but it hurts to get up sometimes. You feel so good.” We had our usual debate who would cook. Of course, I thought a shower was in order, and Sydney insisted on accompanying which I never argued with. Hot shower, even hotter body pressed up against me, overrode my desire to be quick so we could eat. Sydney soaped up my back first. She didn’t stop there; her tiny hands snaked around me to do the same to my growing erection with long lingering strokes. Her hands on me caused an urgent need no matter how much time we’d spent the night before doing these things. I turned around and pushed her against the tiles.

  “Mmm. I think you brought me in here to get dirty instead of clean.”

  “You started it.”

  “Maybe. Why don’t you finish it, Dane?”

  I flipped Sydney around to press her chest against the wall this time. There was no wait or hesitation. I slipped inside her heat and fulfilled her request. She would never question how right I was for her. Sydney and I fit like a glove and the mutual decision to abandon the condoms a few days ago had been a good one. She was faithful to her pills, and I didn’t see the risk if married couples relied on something that 99.9% effective. We were monogamous, and I planned on ruining her for even a passing thought about being with someone else.

  I fought off the urge to be too aggressive. Sydney grabbed my right hand to pull me closer. I nipped her ear. “Tell me if it’s too rough or too much.”

  “No, it’s not enough. More, Dane. I was in cheer, remember. I can take it.”

  I couldn’t hold back the laughter. Cheer. She loved to throw that at me even when it had no relevance. “Fine, princess. Prove your athleticism.”

  Hard to believe this was still new to us. Sydney did more than prove what I asked.

  The only bad thing about not being in the bed for that fun was not holding her after. Sydney drew a bath despite our shower. She patted my face, “You seriously need to shave.”

  “I thought chicks dug the beard.”

  “Three-day stubble is sexy. This is almost grizzly. Either you start shaving again, or I stop taking care of my body hair. We’ll see who gets grossed out first.”

  “Alright, I was going to do a whole no shave winter thing, but I’ll shave tonight.

  “No. Look at my neck. I’m covered in scrapes, shave now or no more fun after we eat.”

  I did what she asked, and Sydney climbed into the bathtub. She was addicted to my large bathtub. I was addicted to her.

  “Yes, yes, yes, Dane.”

  I could still hear her voice echo against my shower tiles. I needed to pay attention to the griddle before I burned breakfast, but the shower sex had been amazing. So hot. Since Sydney pointed out her road rash from my scruffy beard, I was hungrier than ever. I liked seeing her covered in those marks because it reminded me how she got them, but she was right, I looked like a bum when I went a whole week without shaving.

  As much as she blabbed about being the better cook, she sure jumped at any opportunity for me to cook and wait on her. I didn’t mind. I helped her create a little oasis in my bathroom. She had her bath bombs, scented candles, a pillow and even a bamboo plank that went across the tub for her books. She could lose herself in there an hour easy. I turned on the music for her before heading to the kitchen, but my mind was still in the bathroom with her.

  She had one request to go with the French toast. Syd loved my vanilla creme sauce. I told her to take her time since the harvest wore her out the past week. She fired back I was more of a workout than any bountiful pecan harvest.

  I finally got my brain off the naked beauty in the bathroom and got our breakfast finished which technically was now lunch. I needed a nap. And we had to be up early the next day, so we couldn’t play as much as we’d done the past twelve hours. Sydney had not made a peep. She was probably pruned by now. I stowed the toast in the warmer, took the sauce off the burner. I had some fruit in the fridge too. Sydney loved fresh fruit as a side any time of day. I was halfway across the living room when my front door flung open.

  There was barely a second to comprehend what the intrusion was. Intruder? Yes, but not a stranger that wanted to rob or harm us. Well, the harm part was up for debate. I’d managed to avoid this confrontation for months, but I was standing face to face with my worst nightmare. My father stopped by unannounced with an agenda.


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