Discovering Pleasure

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Discovering Pleasure Page 6

by Marie Haynes

  “Well, Giant City’s lodge was built in the 1930s by the Civilian Conservation Corp. The area became a state park about that time as well. We’re staying in the cabins, which offer more privacy than a hotel but have all the modern conveniences. Plus, the lodge has a fabulous family-style restaurant. I absolutely adore their fried catfish and dumplings,” Rose explained. She’d been to the cabins with girlfriends a few times and had even stayed at the campground once. She’d found the cabins clean and simple but had hated the camping. Lots of bugs, a three-minute walk to the shower house, where spiders clung to the corners and there was dirt everywhere. She liked hiking and gardening and other outdoor activities, but when it came to sleeping and bathing, she wanted to be sure everything was clean. No, she was much happier in a cabin…even if she had packed her own sheets and a bottle of her rosemary disinfectant so she could spritz off the tub…

  Okay, so maybe Nathan was right and she was just a bit obsessive-compulsive.

  “I feel like an idiot. I grew up in this state but I’ve never been here. I’m not even sure why it’s called Giant City,” Joe admitted.

  “That’s easy. I can tell you, but if we get a chance to go hiking you’ll see first-hand.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “About twelve thousand years ago, give or take a few centuries, the warmer weather here caused glaciers from the Ice Age to melt. You may have noticed that the landscape here is more hilly than further north.”

  “I have noticed that.”

  “When the glaciers melted, they dropped all their debris—granite boulders, sandstone, and fertile soil—right here. The placement of the boulders and sandstone resembles city streets flanked by giant stone skyscrapers. Lots of people have carved their names and dates into the stones as well.”

  Joe’s eyebrows shot up. “And that’s legal? Isn’t that defacing a protected site?”

  “Oh, I’m sure it is now, and the rangers have really cut down on a lot of that crap, but some of the dates go back to the Civil War.”

  “Seriously? But, that was back in the 1860s!” Joe exclaimed.

  “Yep. And still very visible. The letters of the names and the numbers of the years look like they’ve been chiselled into the stone face,” Rose said with admiration. “It’s really something to see.”

  “Hey, speaking of something to see,” Vince said, quickly turning around to glance at Joe before focusing again on the road. “Didn’t someone have a challenge for today?”

  “Oh, come on, Vince. You really want me to do that?” Joe asked, a whine in her voice.

  “What?” Rose asked. “Do what?”

  “Joe there agreed to give me and all the truckers going by some eye candy to make the drive a bit more interesting. So far, she hasn’t lived up to her end of the bargain and you know what that means, don’t you?” Vince stated.

  Joe rolled her eyes and looked at Rose. “He’s right. In a moment of weakness, I told Vince I’d ride topless for half the trip. If I don’t, he gets to spank me five times for each mile I’ve missed.”

  “And by my calculations, we passed the mid-point about five miles ago,” Vince helpfully informed her.

  Nathan threw back his head and laughed then turned around and said, “Looks like it’s going to be a very interesting trip. But, Joe, I’d feel bad if you were the only one exposed. Rose’d be happy to half strip as well, wouldn’t you, girl?”

  Rose felt her insides warm, and she couldn’t be sure if it was the sound of Nathan’s laughter, his darkening eyes or the fact that he’d called her ‘girl’, but suddenly her thighs were damp.

  “Whatever you wish, my Lord,” she responded and swiftly removed her tank top and bra.

  Joe giggled and did the same.

  “Aw, baby. Looks like you get at least twenty-five spankings when we get to the cabin. Poor little bottom,” Vince said. The smile he flashed in the rear-view mirror, however, belied the sternness of his words.

  “That’s all?” Joe quipped back. “Well, I’m sure I can up that number to something more acceptable by the time we arrive.”

  Again, Nathan roared with laughter and Rose looked at Joe in amazement. She had known Joe for years but had never realised she had submissive tendencies. Smiling, Rose reached over to hug her friend.

  “Joe, I just have to say, you’ve never looked happier. I’m so glad for you,” Rose said, planting a kiss firmly on Joe’s lips.

  “Same goes for you, little girl,” Joe answered. “You finally seem settled. And, I have to say, you have one of the loveliest sets of tits I’ve ever seen.”

  “Here we go,” Nathan whispered.

  Rose stole a quick glance at him and when he smiled and nodded encouragingly, she arched her back slightly, proudly displaying her round breasts.

  “Nathan, may I?” Joe asked without taking her eyes off Rose’s white globes.

  “If you don’t, I’m going to double your spankings,” Vince retorted.

  “When you put it that way, the decision because a bit more difficult,” she answered with a giggle.

  Nonetheless, Joe dipped her head and gently kissed a pink nipple. Rose sucked in her breath. She’d obviously touched many women’s bodies before during the course of her work, but she’d never had a woman kiss or touch her in such an intimate way. She looked down and caught Joe’s piercing blue gaze. Rose smiled encouragement. Lord, but Joe’s lips were soft and her hands, though small, kneaded her breasts with strength and purpose.

  Rose gave herself over to the sensations Joe created with her gentle lips and clever tongue. She caught her own bottom lip between her teeth when she felt Joe’s hand trail down her stomach and over her short pink skirt while she began to suck a hard nipple. Closing her eyes, she moaned quietly when she felt Joe’s fingers slide easily into her slit.

  “Oh my, Vince. Apparently Nathan has the same rule for Rose as you do for me this weekend. No panties,” Joe said quietly.

  “As it should be,” he responded. “Having fun, sweetheart?”

  “Very much so, my love.”

  “Nathan, I got an idea,” Vincent said.

  “Me too, but go ahead,” Nathan answered gruffly.

  “Let’s give them a time limit…say, five minutes. If Joe can’t make Rose come in that time, we multiply her twenty-five spankings by the number of minutes she goes over,” he explained.

  “Good idea, but not much of a challenge. Make it two minutes and you’re on,” Nathan amended.

  Rose froze. A time limit? If she didn’t come then Joe would be punished? She opened her mouth to protest, but then she heard Joe giggle.

  “Nice, Vincent. You know I can’t resist a challenge,” Joe quipped gaily.

  Seeing only determination mixed with passion in her friend’s eyes, Rose leant back against the seat and relaxed.

  “Oh, but this really isn’t much of a challenge, is it, sweet Rose?” Joe whispered in her ear while her busy fingers continued to slide up and down her wet slit. “You’re already wet as can be.”

  “I don’t really know what to do, Joe,” Rose murmured. “I’ve never had a woman touch me like this before.”

  “You just enjoy,” Joe explained.

  Gasping, Rose did just that. Joe had penetrated her channel with one long, manicured finger. She slowly moved it in and out until Rose clenched her muscles in rhythm with the dance. She felt a sharp little flick against her clit and jumped.

  “No?” Joe asked.

  “Yes,” Rose answered.

  Joe continued to use her hard nails to sweetly torture Rose’s button while at the same time adding another finger into her. Tingling sensations coursed through Rose’s body. Oh God…who knew a woman’s hands could feel so good? Joe quickened the pace and pushed deeper into Rose’s wet pussy and Rose began to tremble as the tide of passion rose within her and she instinctively struggled to control it.

  “Come for her, girl,” a deep, resonant voice commanded.

  Nathan. He’d given her permission to orgasm. Open
ing her eyes, she saw he had turned around and was watching her, a smile playing over his face. Focusing on his handsome face, Rose released her control. Waves of joy washed over her, lifting her to new heights of pleasure. She heard a woman call out and realised it was her. Slowly, she floated back to earth and felt Joe gently run her sticky hands up Rose’s body. Instinctively, Rose opened her mouth and sucked her own juices from Joe’s fingers.

  “That’s my girl,” Nathan praised.

  “You see, Vince. No challenge at all,” Joe murmured. “Rose is a passionate woman trapped in a car with two very handsome men and one hot woman. What was the time anyway?”

  “Four minutes, so you’re up to fifty swats now, sweetheart,” Vince answered with a grin.

  Honk! Honk!

  Rose jumped, startled back to reality by the blare of a semi’s horn. Looking up out of her window, she saw a grinning trucker waving at her before he sped down the highway.

  “Oh, Lord,” she said, searching the seat of the car for her shirt.

  “Looking for this?” Nathan asked, holding up the small garment. “You two just made that poor guy’s day. Besides, what’s the use of covering up now? He’s already seen everything.”

  “You knew he was watching?” Rose screeched, heat warming her cheeks.

  “We all did,” answered Vincent. “Well, all but you. You were a bit preoccupied. Two hot women making out in the back seat of moving vehicle. Think about it, Rose. Someone was bound to notice.”

  Rose was speechless. Suddenly, though, she began to laugh. Vince was right. What had she expected? Besides, she’d never felt so free and protected as she did right now.

  * * * *

  About half an hour later, they’d arrived at Giant City State Park. Nathan and Vince, in a moment of generosity, had allowed the women to put their tops back on while they drove through the crowded streets of Carbondale. Now, they were checked into their cabin.

  Vincent grabbed Joe around the waist and said, “I believe you have a spanking due.”

  Joe grinned and wiggled her bottom. “I believe you are correct, Mr Milo.”

  “Before you begin, Vince, shouldn’t we post the cabin rules?” Nathan pointed out.

  Rose caught Joe’s eye and smiled. Before they had left on this trip, the two women had chatted and assumed the men would want some rules. That was fine. The women had a few rules of their own they wanted to institute.

  “Excellent idea,” Vince said, releasing his wife and reaching into his back pocket. “I’m going to read these to you ladies and then tape it to the door. That way there will be no doubt as to what the expectations of you will be. Feel free to amend as needed.”

  Rose felt a warm, tingling sensation and wondered if Joe felt the same. She turned to look at Nathan, whose eyes had darkened. Holy Toledo, but the man was hot.

  “First, you will remain naked at all times while in the cabin. You will have a time limit of thirty seconds to divest yourself of any and all clothing once you enter.

  “Second, you will assume that while in the cabin we are in a play event. When we are outside the cabin, if either Nathan or I say the word ‘play’, you will know we are in a play event.

  “Third, you can and will be punished by either Nathan or myself for any infractions or chastised by either of us for our pleasure. Any questions?” Vincent asked.

  “Just one,” Joe answered. “Can we add to the rules?”

  Nathan and Vince glanced at each other in surprise.

  “With your approval, of course,” Joe added impishly.

  When Vincent nodded, she continued.

  “For the first rule, we’d like you to add that we must remove any or all clothing whenever you order us to, not just in the cabin,” she began.

  Rose saw Nathan’s mouth begin to twitch and knew he was holding in his laughter.

  “Adding to the second rule, please amend that to read Rose and I may also institute ‘play’ at any time.”

  Nathan studiously stared at his shoes and Rose grinned openly. Joe was right on the money when she had guessed what expectations the men would have of them. She had also rightly predicted that Vincent would be both shocked and excited by their amendments. By the look on his face, Rose wasn’t sure if he was going to laugh or ravish Joe. Rose was rather hoping for both.

  “And please edit rule number three to include that chastisement will also be administered when asked for by the women. Any questions?”

  Rose saw the moment when Nathan lost control. He threw his head back and gave his roaring laugh.

  “Christ, Vince,” he said, slapping his friend on the shoulder. “Do you ever wonder who is really in control?”

  “Nope,” Vincent answered, planting a wet, sloppy kiss on his wife’s face. “I have no doubt as to who is in control. And I’m grateful she allows me to think I am every now and then.”

  “Play,” Joe whispered, weaving her arms around her husband’s neck.

  Rose saw Nathan’s eyes darken as she removed her clothing and knelt before him.

  Chapter Ten

  Pear Wine—With just a hint of honey flavour, this sweet, yet crisp wine perfectly complements soft cheese and ripe fruit.

  The next morning, the four friends drove to the first of five wineries they wanted to visit. After considering their cover story, Vincent had decided that adding local Illinois and Missouri wines to the bar would actually be an excellent idea. At the moment, his bar specialised in shots and cocktails with sexy sounding names, but it seemed that more and more customers were asking for wine, local varieties in particular. Vince’s decision pleased Rose very much. She’d hate to think that the trip had inconvenienced her friends. This winery, Fruitful, specialised in non-grape fruit wines. Rose carefully inspected the wine glass used for samples, wiped a small spot with a clean tissue, then tasted all seven wines offered. Her favourite had to be the sweet pear wine. Crisp, clean, with a vanilla finish. She could easily imagine serving this wine with turkey, chicken or perhaps a salad.

  On their way to the second winery, Joe received a phone call.

  “What? Really?” Joe questioned excitedly.

  Dozing off a bit, Rose registered only a few words of Joe’s one-sided conversation—“Southern Illinois…we’ll make room…can’t wait to see you…”

  “Rose? Rose. Wake up, honey.” Nathan’s voice broke through the sweet darkness.

  She smiled. “Hi,” she said.

  “Hi yourself,” he answered. “You took a bit of a nap. Ready for round two?”

  Rose nodded and unhooked her seat belt. Walking into the winery hand in hand with Nathan, she couldn’t help but notice the lush beauty of the vineyards.

  “So, which one is this?” she asked.

  “Skylight,” Nathan informed her.

  “Isn’t this one next to…?” Rose’s voice dropped off quietly.

  Nathan slung his arm over her shoulder and pulled her into his chest. Rose cuddled against him, trying to absorb a bit of his strength.

  “You’ll be fine. Besides, Blue Jay is about ten miles around the bend, over the hills and behind a forest. My understanding is you can’t see even a hint of it from the main road. Besides, we’re all here with you, but if you feel nervous at all, let me know and I’ll get you out of there,” he promised, dropping a kiss onto her head. “You were asleep, so we decided to hit this one first and then, if you’re up to it, do a cursory visit to Hidden Vines afterwards.”

  Rose nodded. She was anxious to visit her father’s winery but frightened as well. Seeing the encouragement on her friends’ faces, though, she realised she had no need for worry.

  While the four friends sipped a light Reisling and enjoyed a simple meal of cheese, fruit and sausage, they chatted.

  “So, when I was falling asleep in the car, I think I heard you sounding excited about something, Joe,” Rose said.

  “Oh! Yeah. I was talking to my cousin, Alicia. You know—the one who is a full-time submissive to her husband? As it turns out, she and h
er husband, Maverick, were able to catch an earlier flight. They’ll be in St. Louis tomorrow morning so Vince checked with the Lodge and the cabin next to ours is open, so they’ll rent a car and drive down here after they land. I can’t wait to see Alicia. You’re going to absolutely love her. First, she’s the best cook in the world and, second, she’s just a fantastic person,” Joe rambled.

  “Wow, that sounds wonderful, but wouldn’t you rather have her all to yourself? If you need to head back to be with your cousin, I won’t mind a bit,” Rose reassured.

  “I already suggested that,” Nathan interjected.

  “I told Alicia where we are and what we’re doing. The wine tour piqued her culinary curiosity. I think I told you she is a gifted personal chef. Also, Maverick is a talented photographer. When I described the landscape here, I could practically hear him drooling. They’re scheduled to be here for almost a month so there will be plenty of time for me to catch up with Alicia,” Joe assured her.

  “And besides,” Vince added, “another couple familiar with the lifestyle can only add to the excitement.”

  Rose giggled and playfully tossed her napkin at him. Vince laughed, caught the piece of cloth and cocked his eyebrow at Joe.

  “Play,” he said.

  Rose watched as Joe’s demeanour changed. Her crystal-blue eyes widened and sparkled just before she demurely lowered them. She sat up straighter and a bit of colour brightened her cheeks. Rose could only stare mutely at her friend’s beauty.

  “That goes for you too, girl,” Nathan added.

  Startled out of her reverie, Rose quickly lowered her eyes as well. As she did so, she noticed Nathan’s wine glass was nearly empty so she reached for the bottle and poured more into his goblet.

  “That’s better,” he praised. “I do, however, believe you two are overdressed.”

  Rose slipped a glance at Joe, who indicated the ladies’ room with a subtle nod.

  “If you gentlemen will excuse us, we will take care of that immediately,” Joe promised.

  “Of course, ladies,” Vince allowed. “But leave the underclothing in there. I don’t want to see it on you or with you again.”


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