Discovering Pleasure

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Discovering Pleasure Page 11

by Marie Haynes

  “Taking care of some business. Stay naked.”

  Stay naked? As if he had to remind her of that order. Remaining naked while in the cabin was on the list of posted rules, and Rose never intentionally broke a rule without just cause. Humming slightly off tune, she turned on the shower and stepped in. She closed her eyes and let the hot water pound on her stiff muscles. Yesterday had taxed her both physically and mentally. Late last night, Vincent had stopped by their cabin and let them know that Maverick’s ankle was indeed sprained but should heal quickly, especially considering the loving care with which Alicia attended to him. Rose smiled thinking of her two new friends. Watching Maverick assuage Alicia’s fear of storms had been quite exciting, despite the fierceness of the weather. He had to have been in considerable pain, but had put the needs of his wife before his own. Rose’s admiration of the man had definitely risen, despite her earlier reservations. Somehow, the idea of him ‘owning’ Alicia as his slave had bothered Rose at first.

  As she shampooed her hair, her thoughts drifted back to the contract she had signed a few months before. Nathan hadn’t wanted the contract but she had needed the security of the written word. Now, it just didn’t seem to fit the life she wanted to share with Nathan. She loved serving him during their play time and wouldn’t mind at all if he wanted to play every day. Since being with Nathan, she had found that she felt extremely comfortable in the role of submissive. This week had proved that much. She wanted more…but how much more? She had no desire to be a slave like Alicia but she also wanted more structure than Joe had. Giving her hair a final rinse, she decided to discuss her changing needs with Nathan.

  Feeling slightly less worried, she dried off with a fluffy towel then decided to let her hair air-dry, thus allowing the natural curls to spring freely. She didn’t really like the wildness of her unruly red hair, but Nathan did. She hummed a bit to herself as she stepped into the bedroom area of the cabin.

  “Oh!” she started. “I didn’t hear you come in.”

  “Apparently not,” Nathan agreed. He was sitting on a cushioned wooden chair facing the bathroom door.

  Rose blushed as his gaze travelled up and down her body.

  “Ready for your morning spanking?” he asked casually.

  Rose grinned. How did he know she’d been hoping for his hand on her ass?

  “Yes, Sir.” She quickly positioned herself over his lap.

  He ran his hand over her shower-warmed cheeks. She closed her eyes, feeling herself respond to his touch. His hand came down with a firm spank and she jumped, even though the slap was expected.

  “You seem unsettled today, girl. What’s the problem?” he asked as he continued to spank her upturned ass rhythmically.

  Startled out of her introspection, Rose took a moment to focus her mind. Her ass was warming up nicely, and while Nathan spanked her firmly, he was refraining from putting any force behind his blows. Now, he placed a hand heavily on her lower back while he waited for her response.

  “I’m not sure, Sir, but I think I want more than just the occasional play time with you,” she admitted quietly.

  “Ah, I wondered about that,” he answered. Reaching for her waist, he turned her over and sat her up on his lap.

  Rose sighed in disappointment. She’d been looking forward to a nice spanking.

  Nathan laughed. “Now put that look right off your face, girl. I want to talk to you about something I’ve been considering and I need you to be focused on my words, not my hand.”

  Rose sat up straighter and looked directly at Nathan. His face betrayed the seriousness of his thoughts, but sensing no tension or worry, she relaxed.

  “I’ve never been overly thrilled with that first contract, but I knew you wanted the formality of the written word. Still, I don’t think it really suits who we are and where we want to go with our relationship,” he began.

  “Actually, I was thinking the same thing just this morning,” Rose added, “and decided that I’d talk with you about it. I don’t really want the whole 24/7 sex-slave relationship like Alicia and Maverick have, but I also want more framework than Joe and Vincent have.”

  “I figured.”

  “How? How did you know this was bothering me?” she asked.

  Nathan hugged her. “Because, girl, I know you,” he explained. “I think that what you’re looking for is a domestic discipline set-up.”

  “Explain, please?” she queried.

  “Basically, it’s more of an old-fashioned marriage, although we don’t have to be married to do it. I know you don’t really want that, and in truth, I prefer to keep our separate residences for the time being. Still, I’d be the head of the household—both of our households—and as such, my responsibilities include setting up expectations, maintaining discipline, taking care of finances—since that’s an area you seem to struggle with—and anything else we both agree upon. Your responsibilities include meeting those expectations and keeping me informed of needs you have or breaking of rules.”

  Rose thought for a few moments before speaking. Actually, she had read a number of DD stories online recently and felt curious about them. “So basically, we set up a system of rules and expectations and when I don’t meet those, you punish me.”

  Nathan squirmed a bit and a frown formed. “That makes it sound kind of harsh,” he countered.

  “No, not at all,” Rose continued. “I mean, it could be harsh, but that would depend upon the punishment. Would we both agree to the punishment as well?”

  “Of course,” he assured her, kissing the top of her head. “I’d never want or expect you to do something you hadn’t agreed to. Actually, I kinda hate the word punishment. It seems more authoritarian than I want to be. Let’s use consequence instead.”

  “I can live with that. But what if I wanted you to decide upon a consequence on your own, without my input? Would you?”

  “Yes, girl. If that was what you wanted,” he said quietly.

  “I remember reading something about maintenance?” she asked, snuggling into his chest.

  “Maintenance. Yeah. That’s when there’s no punishment or consequences involved but one of us has decided that you need a reminder of your place or perhaps just a spanking or corner time to calm you.”

  Rose smiled up at him. “Like now?”

  Nathan roared with laughter. “Like now, little one.”

  Giggling, Rose flipped over and placed herself once again over Nathan’s knees and wiggled her ass.

  “Before we get started, I take it you’re not opposed to getting rid of the old contract and beginning DD,” he stated.

  “No, Sir. I’m not opposed to it at all. In fact, I think it’s a marvellous idea,” she answered happily.

  “Then consider this your first maintenance.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chardonnay—Warm golden colour with hints of oak and sunshine. This crisp white draws up memories of happy, carefree days.

  “Sitting a bit tenderly there, aren’t you, Rose?” Joe casually asked, a knowing look on her face.

  Alicia giggled.

  Rose simply smiled. Nathan had indeed delivered a memorable maintenance spanking that morning and then soundly fucked her brains out so that not only her ass cheeks but also her pussy were wonderfully sore and tender. Despite the discomfort, only a direct order from Nathan would have stopped her from enjoying lunch with her friends at Trail’s End—a rustic steakhouse which, despite its remote location, served perfectly prepared Cajun-influenced food. Rose had no doubt that both Joe and Alicia understood the joy of bearing a lover’s mark.

  “Yes, well. Anyway. Since the two of you and your significant others have to leave tomorrow, I wanted to have a bit of girl time,” she said. “I can’t begin to explain how much you have both come to mean to me. Without all of you and Nathan, I’d never have reunited with my father. Thank you.”

  “Oh, sweetie.” Joe smiled, grasping Rose’s hand, “it was our pleasure. Besides, I think this trip has been profitable
for all of us.”

  Alicia placed a hand on Rose’s shoulder and agreed with Joe. “I know it has been for Maverick. He’s very pleased with the photos he took before the storm came upon us. Says they may be some of his best work. In fact, we’re planning on taking another holiday here, if you’ll have us, in the fall when the leaves turn. As for me,” she continued, “I’m hoping to talk the chef of this place out of his jambalaya recipe. This is absolutely delicious!

  “Oh, Alicia,” Joe squealed with delight. “We’d love for you to come back.”

  “You bet we would. By then the Hidden Blue Winery and Adult Resort should be at least partially ready for business,” Rose added.

  “That sounds wonderful,” Alicia said. “I’ll get to work on developing some simple recipes to complement the wine list.”

  Mr Brodemeyer, after learning of Alicia’s culinary skills, had practically begged her to come up with simple but elegant food choices for the new resort. They agreed that fancy foods wouldn’t serve the atmosphere well, but a few soups, salads, cheeses, small plates and desserts would meet the needs of most guests. If they wanted more substantial meals, there were local eating establishments close by, plus the cabins were all furnished with a full kitchen and outside grill. Alicia had also suggested that he contact local bakeries and contract with them for a variety of muffins, breads and cakes.

  “So, Rose…I don’t mean to pry, but you look different this afternoon,” Joe remarked.

  “I am,” she admitted.

  Joe and Alicia simply exchanged a knowing glance and waited.

  “Actually, I’m happier, I think,” Rose continued. “Nathan and I are entering into a Domestic Discipline relationship.”

  “Isn’t that ‘submissive light’?” Alicia asked.

  Rose laughed. “Not exactly. No offence, Alicia, but I’m just too independent-minded to be a full-time slave to Nathan like you are to Maverick.”

  “No offence taken. I understand that my choice is not for everyone, but I’m happy with it and so is Maverick. Actually, I’ve never been happier.”

  “And, Joe, I need more boundaries than you have within your marriage to Vincent.”

  “I figured,” Joe answered, sipping her wine.

  “Hence, Domestic Discipline. Nathan and I spent the latter part of the morning writing out a set of expectations and consequences. I would have said punishments, but Nathan doesn’t really like that word. I am still in charge of my life and make my own decisions, but I also have his guidelines in mind while I do my thing,” she explained.

  “Sounds like a good solution,” Joe admitted, reaching over and giving Rose a quick hug.

  “The perfect solution,” Alicia agreed.

  Rose laughed. She hadn’t realised how much her friends’ opinions had mattered to her until this moment. Now, seeing the acceptance on their faces, Rose relaxed and smiled.

  “I’m to keep an on-line journal detailing my day so that he can access it even if we don’t see each other. That way we’ll still have contact and I won’t feel isolated from him. We’re both just too busy and independent to have daily physical contact,” she explained.

  “That’s a great idea,” Joe stated. “What do you plan to write about, if you don’t mind my asking?”

  “I can write anything. About my clients, a broken screen on a window, missing him, fantasies… But, the one thing I insisted I write about is if I break one of our rules.”

  “Why did you want that?” Joe asked.

  “Because if I don’t then he will never know, and there’s really no point to the whole arrangement if I keep information from him. That way, I can come clean. I guess it’s a bit like a Catholic going to confession.”

  “What happens then?” Alicia asked.

  “Well, then he decides an appropriate discipline for me and, if I agree, he will administer it as soon as possible. Since we don’t live together, that means I might have to wait for his actual discipline, but I feel better knowing it’s coming,” Rose admitted.

  “Wow,” Joe interjected. “I don’t know if I could deal with the anticipation.”

  “Oh, I don’t know,” Alicia objected, “I think it might be rather beneficial. I’d probably spend the time reflecting on my misdeed and trying to figure out how I could improve myself.”

  Rose looked at the two women with amazement. They had voiced her very thoughts as well.

  “Exactly. But the real beauty of it is, and Nathan assures me this will be true, that once a punishment—oops, consequence—is administered, that’s it. The deed is forgiven and he will bear no grudge.”

  “Why would he?” Joe questioned.

  Rose knew by the fire in her friend’s eyes that she was ready to do battle.

  “He wouldn’t, but you know me, Joe. You know I have this deep-seeded fear of old injuries or mistakes coming back to haunt me. Remember a few years back when I forgot to pay my phone bill? I worried myself silly for months over how it might affect my credit rating. I guess by knowing I’ve paid the piper, so to speak, I don’t have to stress out about hidden anger or accusations showing up when I don’t expect them to,” she explained.

  “I can see where that would be a comfort to you. Hell, I bet you’ve got all of the details written down already.” Joe laughed.

  “Of course, we do,” Rose admitted.

  “What are some of your expectations, then?” Alicia queried, her curiosity getting the better of her.

  “Well, first of all, we have two categories. One for the households and one for intimacy. In the household category, I’m to keep both houses as organised as possible, since disorganisation drives me crazy. Naturally, if he’s the one who messes shit up, I’m not held responsible.”

  Rose paused while Joe snorted with laughter. She knew Joe was remembering the apartment above the bar. Nathan typically had papers littering every horizontal surface, coffee stains on the counter, discarded clothing tossed about the bedroom and at least five dirty coffee mugs in the sink.

  “I’m supposed to keep my door locked whenever I’m in the house alone, along with when I leave, and inform him of any repairs that need to be made. I’m also going to post my schedule for him so he has a good idea of my appointments.”

  “That sounds reasonable,” Alicia commented.

  “I absolutely hate dealing with bill-paying and such and since he’s pretty much a financial wizard, we are going to have a monthly meeting to go over my accounts, bills and investments so that I have a better idea of where my money’s going.”

  “Wow,” Joe said quietly.

  “Intimately…now…” Rose continued with a gleam in her eye and a smile on her face, ”I’m to make sure my bedroom and his are fully supplied with toys, condoms and lube. I’m to take very good care of myself by eating right, practicing yoga, getting my legs and pubic hair waxed and letting him know if I’m overly stressed.”

  “Again, very reasonable,” Alicia agreed.

  Rose looked down and blushed a bit. She wasn’t sure she wanted to share this next part, but glancing up, she realised that these women would never pass judgement on her.

  “And I’m to make sure my digestive tract is in working order and cleaned for him,” she admitted quietly.

  “And the consequences?” Alicia questioned encouragingly.

  “Well, Nathan insists that I agree to any and all consequences but I’ve insisted that he have full control over all maintenance sessions. Basically, consequences could include spankings using his hand or any other implement, mandatory corner time, figging, enforced nakedness, or anything else we agree to.” Rose took a bite of her salad before she continued. “Maintenance, however, is totally under his jurisdiction. He can paddle my ass, nipple torture, hot wax, whatever he chooses.” Rose couldn’t stop the smile that graced her face as she imagined all the naughty ways Nathan could remind her of just how much she meant to him.

  “Figging?” Alicia asked.

  Rose explained the process, adding, “Let me tell you, tho
ugh, ginger in the anus hurts and stings like a son of a bitch. Nathan’s only done that once to me so far and I’m in no hurry to have him repeat it. Holy goddess, I learned my lesson well. Still, if that’s what he chooses to do, I’m willing to accept it. After all, the sting is horrid, but short-lived. It only lasts about twenty minutes then dissipates. Plus, I really like that it’s totally organic and natural.”

  Alicia smiled and reached across the table to squeeze her hand. Rose took a breath.

  “Whenever Nathan administers a consequence, I feel remorseful for what I’ve done, but also forgiven. It’s like the pain absorbs the mistake. Then the pain fades, the mistake vanishes and pleasure takes over. All that matters in the whole world at that point is him,” Rose babbled.

  “It’s okay. I get it,” Alicia assured her. “I really do understand.”

  “Rose, you’re happy with all of this?” Joe asked with compassion.

  “Yes,” she assured her friend, “I’m more than happy with it. Plus, as we go on, we’ll add more rules and regulations such as needed.”

  “So really, it’s all a work in progress,” Alicia summed up.

  “Aren’t all relationships?” Joe pointed out.

  The three women laughed and raised their glasses in salute.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Seyval—Light bodied with hints of apple, pear and ginger. Do not be misled. Despite this wine’s delicate flavour, it holds its own against spicy foods.

  October 23

  My Lord,

  I have three appointments scheduled for tomorrow. Two are regular clients but one is a new referral—yay. New client equals new revenue. Had a letter from my father. Things are going well for the resort and we are all—you, me, Joe and Vincent, Maverick and Alicia—invited down for the opening next weekend. I can’t wait to see Maverick and Alicia again. I’m so happy they have decided to come back for the resort’s grand opening.


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