The Fossegrimen Folly

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The Fossegrimen Folly Page 17

by Michael Almich

  Pushing himself up onto his knees he decided he had better head back to the waterfall. He must have been knocked out for a bit, since it was now daytime. They would be looking all over for him, and probably wouldn't be able to find the Glamour hidden path. He walked back up the slope, expecting to find a vine covered cave or tunnel. However, when he reached the indent in the cliff, and pulled the vines away, there was nothing there but stone. He pushed and prodded to no avail. It was definitely solid stone. He tied the vines up together, stepped back and stared at the rock. He expected the blurred vision that he experienced when seeing through the Glamour. He saw nothing.

  Frowning, he turned and looked at the scene that lay in front of him. He saw an idyllic lake of deep blue. It reflected the lighter blue of the sky and the soft white clouds. The sun shone down on the lake from above the cliff. From his vantage point next to the cliff, hidden in the shadows, he could see what appeared to be horses grazing on the gentle slopes that lined the far side of the lake. Up the slope to his left, past the purple flowers, he saw the edge of a dense forest. As he stared, it seemed that the forest recoiled from his gaze. His stomach began to feel queasy. He swore he could see the trees hunching over, twisting and retracting their branches, using the leaves to hide the secrets it held.

  Still gathering his thoughts, he looked back at the lake and hillsides beyond. Almost instantly his stomach felt better. That's bizarre, he thought. He looked back at the forest and felt the stomach issues return. Shaking his head, he took a few steps downward, towards the lake. What was it the fossegrimen had said? Shy thought back to earlier and the words came back to him. 'There, in the depths you will find a chest. Only with chest in hand will you be allowed to pass back into this world' the creature had said. He had also mentioned a lake beyond the waterfall. It must have meant in the depths of the lake that lay in front of him.

  Uncomfortable at the idea of another swim, Shy walked to the lake, and then stalled by skirting its perimeter. He could feel the warmth of the sun on his back, and was happy for it. The night on the other side had been cool, and with wet shorts and no shirt, he would surely be cold. He just couldn't believe that he was in a different world. He cast a glance back over his shoulder at the cliff, and wondered again about the time difference. Was it daytime back in his world?

  As he walked by the lakeside, Shy's thoughts turned to treasure. He wondered where to look. He accepted that he would have to go in the water once more, there was just no way around it, but it was a big lake. He wouldn't be able to swim the whole thing. So where to start? The water looked crystal clear and pure, but he still wanted to get in and out as fast as possible. He found a place where the grass sloped gently down to the water and he could easily wade right in. He decided that was as good a place as any.

  The bottom was sandy and smooth, and the water was clear enough that Shy could see little puffs of sand erupt from under his toes as he walked. He waded in up to his chest, took a deep breath, and bobbed under. He opened his eyes, and instinct took over. He scanned for any creatures or movement. The lake seemed to be void of fish, which was strange. Reassured that there was nothing lurking that would attack him, he came up for air. A quick gulp of air, and he was back under. This time, he scanned the bottom. He wasn't sure what he would be looking for, but envisioned a riveted, rusted chest, with a big padlock, and possibly black chains coiled around it. Up and down he moved around the shallow parts of the lake. After several minutes of spotting nothing, he began to feel frustration set in. He thought back to the fossegrimen's instructions. The treasure would be in the depths, it had said. So, swimming in the shallows wouldn't do any good. He needed to go deeper.

  Yet, he hesitated. Something about the deep water frightened him. He looked back at the cliff, and was reminded that he couldn't get back unless he found the treasure. That thought drove him to dive forward and swim to the center of the lake. There he treaded water and fretted. Looking off to the distance, he saw the horses again. Funny, though, they all seemed to be looking at him now. That couldn't be. It sure looked like it though. They all stood with heads upright facing him, earlier many had been grazing. He got an eerie feeling, and looked behind himself. What were they looking at?

  He was beginning to tire now, and giving the creepy horses one last look, he took a breath and dove. He swam straight downward, or as near as he could manage. He got so far that his ears could feel the pressure, and his lungs were screaming for air. It was dark this deep, he couldn't see much. As he turned up to the surface he saw something in the distance. He could not be sure, but it looked like a reflection of something shiny. As he shot upward, he had only one thought: it was too dark down there for that to have been a reflection!

  As he popped through the surface, he took a huge gulp of air. He couldn't have lasted much longer. If he was going to find out what that was, he needed to be accurate on his dive, or he would run out of air. He swam several yards toward the cliffs, estimating where he had seen the flash in the depths below. When he felt like he should be right over the top of it, he prepared himself to dive again. Rising up out of the water and gulping air he bent and dove. Just before he went under he glanced towards the horses. They were closer! Very near to the shoreline now, but they were back to grazing with their heads down.

  He couldn't focus on that now, though. He shot downward with excitement and adrenaline pushing him on. Soon, he could see the item. It wasn't a reflection; rather it seemed to be giving off its own light. Shy reached it and attempted to pull it from the sandy bottom. It appeared to be a box, and it shifted slightly as he pulled. However, he realized he wasn't going to make it, and again shot back up to the surface for air.

  Immediately his eyes sought out the horses. They had definitely moved closer, and they were definitely looking at him! One thing at a time, he thought to himself. He dove once more, reached the box, heaved mightily, and the box pulled free. The box felt warm almost, and up close it appeared to be glowing. He tucked the book sized box under his arm.

  This time when he broke the surface, he swam for the shore closest to the cliff. His mind raced as he swam. The fossegrimen had warned them that the treasure might be protected. Nothing had happened so far, but those creepy horses made Shy nervous.

  When he got close enough to shore that he could touch bottom, he stopped. Turning slowly, he scanned for the creepy horses. Sure enough, they were at the water's edge on the far shore. There was close to twenty of them, and they were all staring at Shy. His mind raced, and his heart panicked. Maybe he could just drop the box…. If he did that, though, he would never get back to his world. His only option was to make a run for the cliff. He turned and gauged the distance. He looked back at the horses. A few were starting to edge around the shoreline, still staring at him. He was starting to feel like their stares were boring right into his shirtless chest. The box was still underwater, and still warm. He looked down at it briefly. It glowed in the water, though less so up near the surface.

  Shy moved closer to shore, staying underwater as long as he could. When it became too shallow to stay hidden, he began to prepare himself for a sprint. He looked back at the horses yet again. They had not moved much, but seemed tense, ready to spring. There was no other option. He had to try. What was it that Tom T kept telling him? You can!

  He counted to three and sprang out of the water with the box under his arm. He instantly heard snorts from the other side of the lake. He reached the grass in a few strides, and was making for the indention in the cliff. The vines were still tied up out of the way. He thought he saw movement in the shadows!

  Again he heard snorts, and a high whinnying cry. He was moving up the hill now, and stole a glance backward. What he saw made him redouble his efforts. Racing around the edge of the lake was a herd of demons! These horses had turned varying shades of red, and had white froth flying from their mouths. As he ran he could feel their flaring nostrils and the anger of their hooves as they tore up the sod in pursuit. These were the protectors! As
he thought it, he instantly knew he was right.

  He glanced back and was alarmed at how they had closed the gap. He felt like he was in the nightmares he sometimes had. Running, running, running, yet barely moving. He was beginning to tire, it had been a lot of swimming he told himself, and he hadn't slept. He looked back again. He wasn't going to make it….


  Daniel was having a hard time. It had definitely been over a half an hour of feeling this way. He had forced himself to walk up and down the area of the cliff where Shy had disappeared touching, pushing, and testing the rock for an opening. He was like some kind of crazy, psycho mime, he thought. Putting his hands out flat and touching the rock, inch by inch, he had finally discovered an opening.

  It looked like a huge boulder stretched all the way to the cliff wall, but as he pushed, his hand passed through! The small pathway was just what he had been looking for. The illusion was Glamour created, and Shy had seen through it!

  Although it was dark, he immediately squeezed past the boulder and flicked on his flashlight. The path wound in and around boulders, slowly moving downward and closer to the waterfall. Shortly he came to a place where the path took a viscous plunge, even though a few feet farther on it appeared to continue. If he hadn't been looking carefully, and had the flashlight, he would have taken a nasty tumble. He slid down the steep slope and entered a cave. As he entered, his flashlight began to sputter and dim. Then it went out! He was in complete darkness, and fear gained the upper hand. He was about to turn and run, but then he thought about Shy. He must have come this way.

  Daniel also thought about the treasure. If Shy found it, and Daniel ran away, the other boy surely wouldn't share it. He was ashamed that he was thinking of the treasure, but he was now determined to continue. For the second time that night he turned into the blind mime, and let his hands direct him. He felt his eyes squeeze shut, but he didn't care. If he touched something furry, he was going to run, he decided, treasure or not!

  He felt a change pass over him suddenly; it became warmer and he could now see the red inside of his eyelids. He cracked his eyes and to his surprise it was daytime! He was looking out of the edge of a cave, over a lake. There, running like a madman with his eyes wide, was Shy. His hair was wet and he carried a small box under his arm.

  Then Daniel saw why he was running. Close on his heels was a herd of flame red horses. They moved fluidly, their hooves pounding the ground. It looked like a wildfire was closing in on Shy… and closing fast! He could see Shy was heading right for him. Daniel turned to back into the cave and ran into stone! Then, he panicked. There was no way out! He frantically patted down the walls, but could not find the place he had just come from.

  Turning back to Shy, he could see that he was yelling and waving his arms, but he couldn't make out the words. He had to warn Shy… He must think the passage was still open. He held up his hands and waved them back and forth.

  "It's closed…. SHY! IT'S CLOSED!"

  It didn't matter. With the box outstretched before him, and the foremost of the flame horses literally nipping at his heels, Shy put his shoulder into Daniel and knocked him back into… the passage!


  Shy finally saw what the movement was at the indent in the cliff. It was Daniel! There wouldn't be time to tell him what to do; he wouldn't know what was going on. Shy looked back over his shoulder. The lead horse had its teeth bared. It was close enough now that Shy could see red eyes, and its mane actually looked like it might be made from raging flames! He turned back toward Daniel and began to scream for him to get out of the way. Shy needed to get by. He motioned with his free arm to get back in the passage, to get out of the way. Daniel was yelling something back to him, and was also waving his hands. Of course, Shy realized then. Until he got there with the box, Daniel wouldn't be able to get back through.

  At this point he was close. He acted like he was going to run past Daniel, whose eyes were wide and looked frozen in place, but at the last second he crashed into the bigger boy and pushed them both into the passage!

  Shy lay on his back in the darkness, breathing hard.

  "Shy…. What were those?"

  "Protection." Shy answered between breaths.

  "What do you mean?"

  "The fossegrimen warned us, at the end, that the treasure would be protected…"

  "You found it then? The treasure?" Daniel asked, with a tinge of jealousy in his voice.

  "I think so"

  "Why didn't you come and get us?"

  Shy could hear the suspicion and hurt in his voice. "I fell, ended up out there, and couldn't get back. Remember, the fossegrimen said we would only be able to get back if we had the treasure. Hey, we have the treasure! Wait a minute…. I must have dropped it!"

  In the blackness of the tunnel, or cave, or passageway, they both sat bolt upright. All thoughts of being hurt were forgotten.

  "You didn't drop it out there, did you?" Daniel asked worriedly.

  "I don't think so… but I had to crash into you to get you back here… Feel around on the ground." Shy answered.

  They scrambled onto their knees, and as they did so, a light appeared. Daniel had unknowingly been lying on the box. It glowed now with the same light that first caught Shy's attention underwater. Daniel picked it up, and since he could now see Shy's profile, tried to hand it over.

  "It's kinda warm."

  In the ghostly light, Shy looked at Daniel and said, "You carry it."

  Daniel smiled.


  It was just under the hour time limit Daniel had pushed on the other boys, when they snuck out of the Glamour hidden crevice. Shy had been amazed to find that it was still night in his world, when it had been daytime in the other. They had used the light from the treasure box to find the flashlight he had dropped, so now Daniel flashed his light across the pool. On their way back, Daniel had quickly explained the plan he had left the other boys with, so Shy knew that at least two would be waiting. They flashed the light again, and this time saw a flashed response. Shy insisted Daniel be the one to carry the box across the pool for two reasons. First, he figured it would blunt the anger and jealousy that he had sensed; second, he had enough of swimming with treasure.

  The swim back wasn't as bad as the way over, Shy decided. He started to feel like the victorious warrior returning home with his prize. Plus he wasn't alone. When they reached the other side, He was met immediately by Finn, who gave them each their shirts and shoes.

  "What happened?!" He blurted. "Did ya find it? Did ya go through the waterfall?"

  "Where is everyone else?" Daniel countered.

  "Henry and Sam left a few minutes before you flashed the light. Sawyer went to go get them. So, anyway, did ya get it?"

  This time Daniel held it above his head and began to dance in the moonlight, a smile covering his face.

  "WOOOOooooo!" Finn wailed and began to follow Daniel around in a type of dancing victory parade. Shy sat down and put on his socks and shoes, and leaned back against a boulder. He was happy and tired. Soon the other three boys came running around the curve of the cliff and skidded to a halt, taking in the jubilant scene. It didn't take long for them to realize what Daniel was holding up. Sam and Sawyer immediately joined the line, which was now marching all around the beach. Henry, meanwhile ran up in front of Daniel and peppered him with questions.

  "Whathappened?Wheredidyoufindit?Didyouopenit?Arewerich?Didyougothroughthewaterfall….. Shy, why are you just sitting there?"

  Shy smiled at Henry's excitement. "I'm tired," was all he said.

  They finally ramped down the celebration and decided they had better set out for the cabins, before Ralph decided to go for help. As they rounded the corner from the falls, Shy lagged behind for a second. He turned and looked back, thinking how amazing it was… everything he had just been through. Tom T had been right. He could. He did. As he turned back to follow the boys, he swore he could faintly hear a light fiddle tune, off in the distance.

bsp; Eventually all the questions were answered. They were amazed at Shy's adventures with the fire horses, and Henry was stuck on the comment Shy had about the forest. He asked questions about the forest and how it had made Shy feel sick to look at it, and how it had curled up and recoiled from Shy's glance. By the time they had almost made it to the Sentinel, they were all tired of hearing Henry's questions.

  "Shut up, kid!" Sawyer shoved him from behind. "We are done talking about it already…"


  Sawyer proceeded to jump on Henry's back.

  Daniel was leading the way back, and came to a stop just before the big tree. "Ralph, you up there?" He whisper yelled. "Send the Elevator down!"

  With that they had returned safe and sound, with none the wiser. They were all impossibly curious at what the box held, but Daniel stood every one of them down and insisted that they wait until the next day to try to open it. When Henry accused Daniel of wanting to keep it for himself, Daniel replied, "Nope. Shy will keep it. He found it and brought it back to us. He keeps it."

  It seemed to be an acceptable solution because no one argued. Shy was nervous, excited, and grateful at all the same time.

  "Come on, Shy, me an' Sam will walk you to the Raven." Daniel directed.

  "Later!" said Sawyer as he, Finn, Ralph, and Henry moved off the opposite direction.

  Chapter Twelve:

  To uncover that which is hidden.

  Morning came, and after Shy stretched and yawned, he immediately checked for the box. It was just underneath his pillow, where he had left it after sneaking into the cabin last night. That had been a touchy situation. He had literally tip-toed up the stairs, and then the clunk of the slide trap door engaging had frozen him in place. He must have stood there, on the platform, for several minutes before risking getting onto the slide. Then, he had to inch his way down the slide, which was slippery from hundreds of thousands of usages. He pressed his hands against the sides, and scooted his butt forward, little by little. When he had entered the cabin, everything looked quiet. It was dark, though, and he dared not turn on the flashlight that Daniel had passed to him when they split up for the night. He had made it this far and just had to be careful while crossing the floor to his hammock. Then he moved the mix of blankets, pillows, and clothes that the boys had made up to look like he was sleeping there, and attempted to crawl into the hammock. He began to tip one direction, overcompensated, and then fell the opposite way. Thump! Right onto the floor.


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