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Colorado Fireman

Page 11

by C. C. Coburn

  Kandy patted her hand. “I understand, Carly. Just as soon as you’re ready, let me know. Meanwhile, I’d be happy to bring my mom here. She always enjoys catching up with the O’Malley clan.”

  THE REST OF THE DAY flew by with four more appointments. Two clients wanted all the details of the fire and Adam’s rescue of Charlie and Molly. One talked nonstop about all her ailments, and the other about her grandchildren. As Carly wiped down her massage table for the last time and put it away and then washed up for dinner, she was completely drained.

  At least all the ladies had promised to return. They’d also paid in cash and given her decent tips and the one with all the ailments said she was feeling much better than she had in a long while.

  As she did her bookkeeping, Carly vowed to pace herself more carefully in the future. Five appointments back to back simply wasn’t fair to her kids, or to Sarah, even though Sarah insisted she loved having a houseful of children.

  If things continued to be this busy, Carly wouldn’t need to do any sessions at the Spruce Lake spa to supplement her income. By comparison with her private clients, she was paid peanuts there.

  Entering the kitchen by the back door, Carly kicked off her boots and put on a pair of snug slippers Sarah provided for everyone. It was a nice touch and made Carly feel even more as if she were part of the family.

  The kitchen was empty apart from Molly, sleeping peacefully on her bed, her nose snuggled into Adam’s blanket.

  Carly made her way into the living room. Sarah glanced up with a weary smile that had Carly feeling instantly guilty. Although Lily was fast asleep, Charlie was sitting on Sarah’s lap playing with her necklace.

  Carly bent to pick him up. “I’m sorry. I won’t stay away so long in future. You’re absolutely exhausted.”

  “Nonsense, dear,” the older woman said. “I’ve enjoyed every minute of looking after your little man. I’m worried about Adam. Still no word.”

  Carly’s shoulders fell. She sat down next to Sarah, and Charlie immediately climbed back onto Sarah’s lap and began to chew her necklace again. “Is no news bad news?” she ventured to ask.

  Sarah lifted her shoulders. “I don’t know. I’ve been calling his cell phone for ages and he’s not answering, so then I called Matt and got told off for pestering Adam!”

  Tears welled in her eyes and Carly moved to comfort her. “I’m so sorry, Sarah. I feel responsible. I hope I didn’t complicate things for Adam by turning up and putting in my two cents’ worth.”

  Sarah patted her hand. “Matt said you were magnificent. I’m sure what you did could only have helped.”

  “I hope so. But you should’ve seen the look of fury on Adam’s face when he realized Matt and I were there.”

  Sarah smiled tiredly. “That boy is so determined to be independent. He never accepts help from anyone. I worry about him and the way he shuts himself off from everyone in the family.”

  “Do you expect him home for dinner?”

  “I hope so. I’ve made his favorite—beef casserole—and the rest of the family is coming over to offer their support, whether he wants it or not.”

  Carly grinned. “I love how you never give up on anything.”

  “I’m just a stubborn old woman.”

  “Stubborn, yes. Old, never!” Carly found her fingers gently kneading Sarah’s shoulders.

  “That feels good,” Sarah said. “Kandy called to say how much she liked you and how wonderful your massage was.”

  “She slept through most of it! But I thought she was lovely. She’s coming back the same time tomorrow. Why don’t I give you a shoulder rub now, before the stampede arrives? I think you need it.”

  “I’d love that.”

  “Then show me to your room,” she said, hoisting Charlie onto her hip. Like Lily, he was probably ready for a nap.

  In Sarah’s room she placed Charlie on the bed and gave him his favorite soft toy to curl up with.

  She turned to Sarah. “I think you’d benefit from a shoulder rub and an Indian head massage, so loosen your top garments and take a seat at your dressing table.”

  Sarah complied. At least, unlike her son, Adam’s mom wasn’t protesting all the way! “Now, do exactly what Charlie’s done,” she said. “Close your eyes and relax.”

  FIFTEEN MINUTES LATER, Carly could hear cars pulling up outside. “Looks like the stampede’s here,” she said, finishing Sarah’s shoulders.

  “I feel so refreshed. Thank you,” Sarah said as Carly turned away to allow her some privacy to rearrange her clothes.

  The children charged through the front door, bringing the chilled air with them. “Grandma, where are you?” Carly recognized Daisy’s familiar bellow.

  “You rest for a few minutes. I’ll take care of them,” Carly said, picking up Charlie, who’d woken from his brief nap and was playing happily on the bed.

  “Any news?” she asked Will as she greeted him downstairs.

  Will knew exactly what news she was referring to and shook his head. “I’ve been texting him for hours. Nothing!”

  “He’s probably feeling overwhelmed if the others have been bugging him as much as we have.”

  “We can’t help caring. He’s our brother,” Will said. “Hi, Mom.” He bent to kiss Sarah’s cheek. “You’re looking gorgeous as ever.”

  “Always the flatterer,” she said, deflecting his compliment. “Carly’s given me the most wonderful massage.”

  Carly smiled at Sarah. Her hair was still a bit askew, but Carly knew she wouldn’t waste time away from her family to preen.

  “What about me?” Will asked. “I’ve been herding seven overeager kids all day.”

  “And you’ve enjoyed every minute of it,” his mother told him. “Where’s your lovely wife?”

  “Right here,” Becky said, coming into the living room from the kitchen, Lily perched on her hip. “Will and the children made dessert. Better yet, I think it’s edible.”

  “For an ex-ski bum, Will, you’ve certainly turned your life around,” his mother remarked drily. “Of course, if your brother hadn’t arrested you for vandalism and you’d never appeared before Becky in court—and had the audacity to ask her for a date—we would never have known about your latent talents. Like cooking. Have I told you lately how much I love you, my mischievous middle child?”

  “Nope, don’t think you have.”

  “Well, I do. And I’m very proud of you.”

  “Thanks, Ma,” Will said. Red-faced, he went into the kitchen to join the children.

  “Strange,” Becky said. “I’ve never seen my husband blush before.”

  Sarah grinned. “That’s because before you came into his life, he wasn’t exactly in line for compliments on his behavior. Now I’m making up for lost time on that score.”

  “What score?” Matt asked, coming into the room.

  “Never mind!” Sarah and Becky said at once.

  “Any word?” Sarah asked.

  “Nothing. And he’s still not answering his cell.”

  Carly’s heart fell. Where could Adam be? Had the outcome of the hearing been bad?

  Matt tried to call him once more, but failed to make contact. When he’d disconnected, he said, “Maybe we’d better start dinner. If he comes home and finds us all sitting around staring morosely at the tablecloth, it’ll make him feel worse.”

  Carly was all for eating. She’d been so busy, she’d missed lunch and now her blood sugar was low.

  “I’ll feed the kids and get them ready for bed,” Sarah said. “Perhaps by then Adam will be home, or we’ll have heard from him.”

  “Good idea,” Becky agreed. “It might be best if the kids aren’t around when he gets home. The last thing he’ll want is a bunch of ruffians jumping all
over him.”

  Within moments the children were taking their places at the table. They’d apparently all agreed to watch the same thing that evening, since Will had rented a recent DVD.

  Carly put Charlie in his high chair and started feeding him the casserole Becky had dished up.

  “Can we watch it at our place, Mom?” Alex asked. “There’s a bigger TV there.”

  Carly had been surprised about the size of the television in the small apartment, but Sarah had explained that Adam had brought his set with him. Carly suspected he’d done that so he could hide away from his family.

  Yet he’d barely had a chance to move into the apartment than Sarah had turfed him out and into Daisy’s bedroom to make room for Carly and her children. Seemed like moving back home to Spruce Lake for a while wasn’t working out so well for Adam....

  “Sure,” she said. “As long as there’s no fighting.”

  “No way,” Alex told her. “Will got us the latest Pirates of the Caribbean movie.”

  “That might be too scary for Celeste and Maddy.”

  “We’re not watching it, Mommy. We’re gonna play dolls,” Maddy said.

  Carly released a breath. “Then I guess that’s all right. But nine o’clock is bedtime. Okay?”

  “Aw, Mom!”

  “Just because it’s winter break, doesn’t mean you get to stay up late every night,” Will cut in. “Remember, I’m taking you to look at the night sky over at the observatory tomorrow evening. We won’t be home till after ten.”

  “You’re taking them stargazing?” Carly couldn’t believe what a gem Will was.

  “Sure. They have a big telescope over at the science school in Silver Springs. Since I wanted to be an astronomer once, I love going over there every chance I get.”

  “And you didn’t become an astronomer because…”

  “Too much math and sitting still. I wanted to ski!”

  “Figures,” Becky said under her breath, and grinned at Carly.

  THE CHILDREN WERE FED and given the option of eating their brownies while watching the movie.

  Soon the kitchen was silent as eight adults waited, ears straining for the sound of Adam’s car.

  No one was in the mood to eat. Even Carly, who’d been salivating as she fed Charlie, had lost her appetite.

  Instead, she sat at the table and bit her nails, then berated herself. She’d always bitten her nails when something troubled her and lately she’d been biting them a lot.

  “Maybe we should go home,” Beth suggested. “We might look like an execution squad if Adam walked in here and the news was bad.”

  “She’s got a point,” Jack agreed.

  “Shh!” Matt got up from the table and went through to the living room.

  He returned a moment later. “He’s here,” he whispered, although the likelihood that Adam would hear him in the yard was nonexistent. “Maybe I should go out and see him?”

  “No. Sit down,” his father said. “Let’s serve dinner and pretend everything is normal.”

  “This feels almost clandestine,” Beth said as she got up to help bring the mashed potatoes, peas and casserole dishes to the table.

  Just as she and Sarah resumed their seats, they heard the front door open.

  Chapter Nine

  Adam wasn’t smiling as he entered the kitchen.

  Sarah opened her mouth to ask him how the hearing had gone, but Adam spoke first. “Can I see you outside?” he said to Carly, his face expressionless.

  Knees shaking, Carly rose from the table. This didn’t sound good.

  She was about to follow Adam obediently out of the room, willing to do whatever he wanted since she’d probably helped put an end to his career.

  His father stood and barred the way. “First you’ll tell us how it went, son,” he said.

  “It’s fine, Pop. I still have a job. In fact, they want me to become a permanent member of the brigade.”

  The collective release of pent-up breath could be heard around the table. Suddenly everyone was on their feet and rushing to shake his hand, but Adam shook his head. “Later,” he said, standing back so Carly could leave the room ahead of him.

  Carly put on her coat and gloves, preparing to go outside, although nothing could stop the chill. Why would Adam want to talk to her in private? Had she caused so much damage that it’d taken him this long to convince the board she was a madwoman and that they should ignore everything she’d said?

  She stepped outside onto the porch and was about to descend the few steps to the snow-covered ground when she turned back to look at him. “I’m sorr—” she began, but Adam cupped her cheeks with both hands and kissed her.

  His lips were warm and caressing, exactly what she needed after the stress of the day. She closed her eyes and drank in the sensation of being kissed by a man—a man she was starting to fall for.

  He broke the kiss slowly, then kissed her again. Finally, he rested his forehead against hers and dropped his hands to her shoulders.

  “Thank you,” he murmured, his voice hoarse.

  Carly was so stunned by the kiss and how it affected her that she quipped, “You thank everyone like this?”

  He drew away and she could see his smile in the moonlight. “No, just pretty women.”

  “I’m glad, because I’d hate to think you kissed Ms. Wilkinson like that.”

  His smile grew wider and Carly basked in it. “No chance,” he said, stroking her face with one hand. He slipped his other hand around Carly’s back and pulled her closer. “She was the only holdout in the end.”

  Carly inclined her head toward his palm. “Not seduced by your charms?” Carly knew she was mumbling nonsense, but it felt so good to be touched, be held, by Adam.

  “The only woman I want to seduce is you.”

  Carly swallowed. So did Adam.

  “I guess you didn’t mean to say it quite like that?” she said, giving him an out.

  His eyes narrowed and he bent to kiss her again.

  TO ADAM’S RELIEF, CARLY wound her arms around his neck and returned his kiss. He hadn’t intended to be so forthright, but he was glad he’d said it now, since Carly didn’t seem put off by his longing to seduce her.

  His lips parted and he deepened the kiss. After all the stress and anxiety of the past days, this was what he needed. Carly’s kisses were as healing as her hands.

  He drew back, rested his hands on her hips and gazed into her eyes. “You know when I said I didn’t want you to touch me ever again?”


  “I was lying.”

  She tightened her arms around his neck, drawing his mouth to within an inch of hers. “That’s good,” she said, and kissed him gently. “Because if this isn’t touching, I have to find a new definition for it.”

  Adam wrapped his arms around her, bringing her against him. His mouth covered hers but the sound of cheering had them springing apart.

  He glanced toward the house. Silhouetted in the living room window was his family. They’d been watching every move he made on Carly and now they were voicing their approval.

  He felt his face heating but Carly raised her hand to his cheek and her touch soothed him. “I think we have a few too many chaperones,” she said with a smile.

  “Me, too,” he agreed. “If I wasn’t starving, I’d carry you to my car and get out of here, maybe take you to Inspiration Point for some serious necking.”

  “I’d like that,” Carly murmured, and kissed his throat, sending all sorts of erotic messages to Adam’s brain—and other parts of his body.

  “LATER?” HE SAID, and Carly could hear the hope in his voice.

  She nodded and kissed him again. “Later,” she whispered. “After dinner.
” Her heart lifted as Adam took her hand before leading her back to the house.

  Adam stopped abruptly just before opening the door. Carly bumped into him.

  “I’m not one for public displays of affection,” he said, as if warning her there’d be no handholding in front of the family. No more kisses.

  “That’s okay,” she said, wanting to stroke his face as he looked so concerned.

  She was about to step over the threshold ahead of him as he held open the door when she felt a prickle up her spine. She glanced back toward the darkened yard. An eerie sense of being watched filled her with the same fear she’d experienced at the fire. But this time the threat felt closer.

  “What’s up?” Adam asked at her hesitation.

  She shrugged. “Nothing,” she said too quickly, and entered the house ahead of him. It was probably the aftermath of the fire that had her so jumpy, imagining people watching her from the shadows.

  Thankfully, the living room was now deserted, giving Carly a moment to compose herself before facing everyone.

  She slipped out of her coat, took a deep breath and strode back into the kitchen, acting for all the world as if nothing had happened between her and Adam on the porch. But the weird feeling of being observed from the darkened yard still haunted her.

  They took their places at the table. Adam had barely taken his first mouthful when the questions started. “So what happened?” Will asked.

  “Matt said Carly was magnificent and probably swung the decision in your favor, darling,” Sarah said. “Did it?”

  “Why’d it take them so long to decide?” Jack asked.

  “When can you go back to work?” Matt added.

  Adam chewed and swallowed and said, “Yes. I don’t know. Tomorrow at six.”

  The occupants of the room took a moment to process the answers and then there was a cacophony of sound as they all spoke at once.

  Eventually, Adam managed to tell them that the decision had been made several hours earlier.


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