Bad Move The Lucid Dreams

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Bad Move The Lucid Dreams Page 2

by Clark, Wayne

  are in our house.

  Lucky for me she looked at me with a smile.

  “John can I have a cuddle please”

  I felt happy she asked that, but somehow she really needs to no, I could

  wait till she gets hassle from the spirts?

  “Yea sure, are we ok now?”

  “Yes but I am worried about you john?”

  “I’m fine Jennifer, stop worrying“

  Yes I was lying, I’m not fine, I feel confused of what I had seen today in

  our bedroom, we decided to watch a DVD, just snuggle up, forget about

  the world, and witch felt… nice. I didn’t want to upset her anymore, I still

  want to find out what happened here in our new house,

  I might as well after seeing a lady shout at me and slam our bedroom

  door. Thinking of bedroom… I

  Haven’t even checked it out after that?

  “Jennifer I’m just going to the toilet “

  “Ok, hurry back john “

  I was slowly walking up the stairs, I felt brave enough to face whatever

  was in this house, I walked towards the bedroom door, I heard gusts of

  wind in the bedroom as if a window was wide open, I entered the

  bedroom, I turned to my left, I seen my equipment on the bed,

  Jennifer’s new bed set from her mum was covered in paint?

  “Oh my not good Jennifer is going to flip”

  How can I explain that to Jennifer, she wouldn’t believe me if I said it

  wasn’t me, she isn’t going to be Happy now, my father had similar

  problems to this in his house witch made my mum and dad clash, I Hate

  to Think this spirt is doing the same, seems like its defiantly doing just

  that, my face, hands, my Feet felt Numb as hell when I seen all the

  painting equipment all over the bed, I must tell the truth even

  Though she won’t believe me, maybe if I try wash it first and pray it comes

  out without a mark? I can only dream, as I shut the window Jennifer came

  walked in.

  “Oh my god john what the hell have you done?!”

  “Jennifer that wasn’t me I swear to you “

  She looked right at me with a disappointing look upon her face.

  “Mum got me this john before she died! “

  “Jennifer I tried to explain to you “

  “Really? When? You’re just as messed up as your father was john!”

  “Oh that’s great, well thank you very much for your understanding Jenifer!”

  “Oh my god, don’t you dare talk to me like that!”

  “Well you hadn’t even gave me a chance to explain really, have you?”

  “You know what, you are crazy!”

  She looked at me again with tears running down her face, I felt bad for

  this even though it really wasn’t me that did this, we was arguing for good

  hour, throwing hatful words at each other, hate full

  Names would be exchanged from both of us, maybe this is what the bad

  spirt wanted? Jennifer and I went down stairs to make a coffee so we

  calm down, I didn’t smoke cigarettes in my life, Boy I had to pinch a

  cigarette off of Jennifer. We both said sorry, I felt we both meant that. We

  Are usually stronger than this, we never have argued like this before we

  moved here, feels like it was a bad move, we was happy back in London

  but we needed a bigger house to make a family of our

  Own, our very last move. We dreamed of a big family garden, three

  bedroom house. Jennifer always wanted a dream house, all I wanted was

  a dream drive way. Jennifer and I are ok Now, we sat down, had a chat

  about this. I did tell her about what had happen when she seen me on

  Top of the stairs that time the spirt slammed the bedroom door, she was

  shocked, funny though, she said sorry I Didn’t listen to you, I also told her

  I went to the village police station as I was invited, she was

  Surprised to hear what I was told. She agreed that we wait for the report

  from Sargent Jackson.

  “John if they is bad spirts in this house we need them gone, we aren’t moving again”

  “I no Jennifer, thank you for understanding me”

  She had the forgiven smile again, I’m glad we sorted this out, I just pray to

  god this stops soon.

  “John I’m going for a shower... Alone!”

  I’m glad she understood me, the thought of Jennifer thinking I’m crazy

  would leave me with no hope, she admitted she had herd stuff around the

  house at night, Jennifer didn’t want to tell me Because she thought I

  would think very little of her, I wouldn’t in anyway, I showed her the

  Letter I found in the basement, Jennifer said I should give it to the Sargent

  that’s helping me, what’s the point in that? It’s no crime right? The doctor

  has already been dealt with by the sounds Of things, whoever the family

  was they are dead now. It was getting late, it was

  Getting cold, I went outside to chop some wood for the log fire to heat up

  the house, while I was chopping wood I Felt as if I was being watched

  from the woods, could be paranoid but strange things have been going

  On, I was chopping over and over again, I had heard a scream coming

  from the house.

  “Ahhhhh” I looked straight at the back door, seen something in black pass the door, I couldn’t

  Think what it could have been, I was in a panic, “Jennifer!” I ran as fast as I

  could to the door, the door had slammed shut, locked from the inside? I

  ran round to the front main door, that Door was also locked? My heart

  was racing with fear, I then shouted through the letter

  Boxes, “Jennifer open the door “I didn’t hear a response from her, I looked through the letter box

  The kitchen door slowly shut, all I heard was laughter then the main door

  just opened, I ran Upstairs to the bathroom to see if Jennifer was ok, she

  wasn’t there so I checked the bedroom, I walked in the bedroom every

  think went in slow-motion as if I was in shock, because all I seen was

  Jennifer blow drying her hair. She turned the hairdryer off.

  “What’s wrong john?”

  I was so glad nothing was wrong with her. Was this a warning of some kind?

  “I thought you screamed Jennifer.”

  “No I didn’t scream… I’m fine john.”

  I didn’t say anything else to her about the scream, I just left it at that and

  went for a shower myself,

  I’m not going out there again tonight, rather be cold. I turned the shower

  on, all I had seen was Rusty coper water coming out of the shower.

  “Yuk what is that.”

  “You ok in there john.”

  “Yes I’m ok Jennifer, did you get rusty coper looking water?”

  “No clear as a river john.”

  It then ran clear after a few seconds, must be the pipe work, what is going

  on with this house? I did have an idea but would have to speak with

  Jennifer first. So after my shower I then went to speak to Jennifer about

  contacting the spirt in the house, just to see why they are bothering us.

  I know, crazy right?

  “Jennifer I have an idea?”

  “What’s that john?”

  “Fancy doing an evp tonight?”

  She looked at me as if I was losing the plot, I thought it would be great to

  speak to the spirts?

  “John are you crazy or just stupid!”

  She then agreed for us to contact the spirt tonight, part of m
e new she

  would say yes, would be better If Jennifer was involved as she was a

  female, strangely I was talking to Jennifer it started to Thunder, hitting

  down hard with rain, the thunder was very loud. We both just stood still

  and Looked at one another we thought we are so done for.

  “No wonder no one wants this house john”

  I just laughed the way she said it was sarcastically funny, she is right, why

  would anyone want to share a House With a load of spirts? This house is

  like something out of a horror movie! I also thought about setting Up

  cameras around the house and basement at night when where asleep, to

  see what they do at night, Jennifer told her best mate Cathy about what’s

  been going on around our house, Cathy said

  Doing an evp or any type of contact will upset the spirt and draw its

  attention, not in a good way, would worsen the situation we are in with

  the spirts. What could get worse though? I already had a spirt tell me to

  get out, we have no choice but to contact the spirt, Cathy said she would

  come over with her, this should be fun. Two hours later Jennifer’s best

  mate Arrived, Jennifer went outside to Greet Cathy, she had two other

  people with her unloading equipment.

  “John Hun can you give us a hand”

  I went outside to help, looks like my dream came true about putting

  cameras around the house

  “Is they going to be four of us tonight Cathy?”

  “Yes john the more of us the better”

  So they will be me Cathy, Jason, Jennifer, and David. We don’t know Jason

  nor David, must be close Friends to Cathy. So we started setting up the

  equipment, we used the kitchen as a headquarters for The computers to

  link to the cameras, the cameras were placed in every room including the

  Basement, we also had high Tec listening devices linked to the computers.

  It was hitting dark, It was time to awaken the dead, Cathy gave us the go


  “Ok guys it’s all set up lets hit the lights!”

  Jennifer looked at me with fear, I was thinking this was a really good idea,

  a part of me was really excited to do this. So we then hit the lights, split

  up in to teams, one is to stay in the kitchen to watch the computer

  monitors, the rest of us would split up into teams around the

  House. We left the basement till last for all of us to check out. Jennifer

  and Cathy headed to the Bedroom to do an evp (electronic voice

  phenomenon) Jason and I went to the living room to do

  The same as the lady’s, Jason started to ask questions to the spirt, first he

  told the spirt our names, Jason then spoke out to the spirt asking a

  reasonable question.

  “Are you the doctor who killed your family?”

  We waited a few seconds, David radioed us, He said we had picked

  something up, we had Recorded something successfully, so we carried on

  with the questions.

  I then asked a question, which I felt was important to know.

  “Are you going to kill us?”

  I had to ask that because I wanted to no like anyone else would.

  “John don’t say that because you might not like the reply”

  Little dose his no I couldn’t care… I wanted to know if this spirt is going to

  bring us harm or not? I explained this to Jason.

  “if that’s what you want to do who am I to say otherwise”

  Jason then turned to look at the window.

  “Can you smell that john?”

  I knew what smell he was sensing… the dusty rotten flesh smell. Jennifer

  and Cathy came running Down, David ran in to us,

  “You guys need to see this now”

  We all walked into the kitchen, we sat down to review what David had

  seen on the camera monitors, David showed us what he had seen, it was

  a male figure, could be the doctor who lived here with

  His family? It was standing behind Cathy and Jennifer upstairs in the

  bedroom, David also showed us the recording he got from the living room

  where Jason and I was. The spirt only replied to Jason’s

  Questions and mine, the spirt replied “yes” to Jason question witch was

  Are you the doctor who killed your family? Mine was more threatening, I

  asked are you going to kill Us? The reply I got was, “very slowly” we

  couldn’t work out if this was saying yes I am going to kill

  You slowly or what, we couldn’t jump to conclusions at this time. David

  recommended we all head to the basement to see if they would be

  anything down there, we all then headed down to the

  Basement, we begun to make more contact. Cathy asked if she could say

  something, we all agreed.

  “Do you plan to hurt John and Jennifer?”


  What we herd was the scariest moment of our lives, why would the spirts

  want to hurt us? I don’t get It. Jennifer then asked a question with an

  upsetting voice.

  “Why do you want to hurt me and my husband?”

  The basement door then slammed, locked, with no way out, we all started

  Panicking, David had then checked the door.

  “Yup it’s locked guys”

  Jennifer was crying, she was really scared, I think to this moment we all

  was, Cathy tried to call out on her mobile but had no signal at all.

  “Anyone else got the same problem with their phone?”

  The only person that had a phone on them was Cathy. Two hours passed

  by, the door was still Locked, Jason discovered a trap door underneath the

  work table.

  “Guys check this out!”

  It was a long tunnel with different other ways to go, the basement door is

  a steal door, you Can’t kick that down even if you tried, it would be


  “Who wants to go first?”

  Well that was very sarcastic of Jason, I was looking around for stuff to

  take down the tunnels with us, I Came across a switch, I pressed it, Jason

  shouted in excitement.

  “John! We have light down there”

  “I can’t go down there john, I would rather wait here “

  I said no, I wanted us all to stay together, it’s safer that way, for all we

  know it could be the spirts Plan to split us all up, I wasn’t taking any

  chances, we would be stupid to split up.

  “We all go together, no one is staying behind, end of”

  We all headed down the tunnel in hope of a way out, they must be away

  out I’m sure? We all Walked through the tunnel for an hour, everyone

  seems to be getting snappy, tired, but what I’m seeing now is how the hell

  can a tunnel this huge be under our house? As we was getting deeper

  We heard a female scream traveling up towards us Jennifer didn’t like it at all.

  “Oh my god I don’t like this”

  Everyone is pacing, thinking if we should carry on, but we don’t have

  much of a Choice do we? If we go back we could be waiting days, weeks,

  months, for anyone to even notice us missing.

  “John we should head back, we are going to get lost”

  “David If we go back we could be in that basement months, weeks, days, we need to keep moving”

  Cathy agreed with me, we do need to keep moving. Three hours later

  where even deep inside the tunnel, we been going around in circles I’m

  sure? The only probl
em where facing now is we

  Don’t even know the way back to the basement, Cathy and Jason have

  been arguing for an hour now.

  “Jason I no it’s this way”

  “No it isn’t Cathy I feel it’s this way”

  “It’s a bloody maze Jason…so why don’t you tell us all why you feel it’s that way huh”

  Jennifer was getting frustrated, who could say I blame her.

  “Knock it off you two please, it’s no good arguing is there?”

  We all stopped for a rest as our legs where tired, I never seen anything

  like this before, I don’t think Anyone one as.

  “John I’m really scared what if we die down here?”

  “No one is going to die Jennifer”

  Jason had wondered off further in the tunnel alone, but said he would

  shout us to guide him back, no harm in that as long has he don’t go too far

  where we can’t see or hear him.

  “Guys, guys, you need to get here now!”

  We all rushed towards Jason to see what he had found, I hope it’s a way

  out of this dam tunnel Jennifer Was intrigued to what Jason had found.

  “What is it Jason”

  What we seen was a black door in hope it was a way out, everyone was

  laughing Jason couldn’t believe it.

  “Looks like our way out guys”

  Jason then tried the door, it was locked. David recommended we break it

  down as it’s made of Wood, not a bad idea he had, so we all kicked the

  door, it had taken seven attempts to finely kick it

  Open, we all froze in silence as we was stunned to what we had seen I just

  stopped suddenly the only Thing that had come out my mouth was.

  “Oh my god”

  Jennifer was panicking really badly, Cathy was crying, what we had seen

  was Coffins stacked on shelves, my heart felt like it had stopped beating

  for a few seconds David looked confused.

  “This can’t be possible, underneath you house john?”

  “David They could be empty? I’m going to take a look”

  The idea of opening a coffin is scary, we needed to know what where up

  against, I then thought There must be away out if these coffins are here,

  you can’t fit a coffin in or out of the Basement’s trap door, Jennifer was

  looking confused, in shock, she said very little words apart from,

  “John, have we really been living under this?”

  “Looks that way Jennifer”

  the place looked like a temple with old art carved in the walls, language I


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