Donuts and Disaster (Sandy Bay Cozy Mystery Book 4)

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Donuts and Disaster (Sandy Bay Cozy Mystery Book 4) Page 3

by Amber Crewes

  “Hey,” a deep voice called as the little silver bells chimed from the doorway. Meghan looked up to see Jamie, the town handyman. She instantly felt relieved.

  “Jamie!” Meghan cried out. “Good to see you!”

  Jamie walked over to Meghan, his face dark. “What’s going on, Meghan?”

  Meghan gestured at Becky and Felix. “I think these people need to be escorted out of the bakery,” she said, thankful that strong, tough Jamie had shown up at the right time. “Can you help me?”

  Jamie nodded. “I’ll take care of it, Meghan,” he said. “You’ve helped me out before, and I’m real pleased to help you.”

  Jamie rolled up his sleeves to reveal his tanned, muscular arms. Becky shrank back from Jamie, but Felix didn’t move. “Do I need to carry you two out?” Jamie challenged Felix and Becky. “The lady wants you to go, and you’re both going to go now.”

  Meghan watched as Felix glared at Jamie. The two men were the same height, but Felix was no match for Jamie’s thick, strong body.

  “Let’s go,” Jamie growled, and he ushered Felix and Becky out of the bakery. “You two stay away from Meghan and her bakery. If I hear you’re bothering her, or anyone else in this town again, you’ll be answering to me.”


  MEGHAN’S EYES WIDENED as Jamie walked out with Becky and Felix. She felt her shoulders instantly relax as she watched them turn the corner, and she wiped the sweat from her brow.

  “Ugh,” she said to herself as Jamie walked back through the door. “Thank you, Jamie! I’m so glad you were here. They creep me out, and I’m thankful for your help!”

  Jamie nodded, adjusting the strap of his dirty overalls and giving Meghan a kind smile. “No problem, Meghan. I was just in the mood for something sweet, and one of your cookies sounded real nice. I’m glad I could help get those hooligans out of your place.”

  Meghan walked to the counter and retrieved a fresh oatmeal raisin cookie from the display case. “Here!” Meghan said as she handed the cookie to Jamie. “On the house!”

  Jamie smiled. “Awww, Meghan. That’s too nice! Let me pay you.”

  Meghan shook her head. “No, no! You helped me out. I don’t know what kind of trouble those two were looking for, but if it hadn’t been for you, who knows what could have happened!”

  Jamie’s face was solemn as he bit into the cookie. “Yeah,” he agreed. “Who knows what could have happened….”

  Early the next morning, Lori burst into the bakery, her hair messy and her eyes bright. “Meghan! I need your help!” Lori exclaimed.

  Meghan took a long, slow breath. She was happy to help Lori; she felt a deep sense of sisterly obligation toward the girl, especially after all of the trouble with Lori’s uncle, but Meghan was hesitant to get wrapped up in whatever storm seemed to be brewing at the tea shop. Only days after arriving in Sandy Bay, Meghan’s name and reputation had been caught up in a murder scandal involving Lori’s own father, and Meghan had nearly lost her business! Meghan’s name had eventually been cleared, but after a few more obstacles in her first few months in Sandy Bay, Meghan wanted to lay low. Truly Sweet was surpassing its business milestones, Meghan and Jack seemed to be inching toward something special, and Meghan did not want to jeopardize her growing happiness with another scandal.

  “Meghan? Can you help me?” Lori asked.

  “What’s up, Lori?” Meghan said hesitantly. “I have a lot going on today….can this wait?”

  Lori’s eyes grew large with hurt. “Oh,” she said, running a hand through her short hair. “I guess. It’s fine. I can just ask someone else.”

  Lori turned toward the door, her shoulders slumped and her eyes cast downward. Meghan felt her heart lurch, and she reached for Lori’s arm. “Wait,” she said. “Just tell me what you need. I’ll help you.”

  Lori’s face brightened. “Can you come over?” Lori asked. “Kayley Kane is on her way over right now with a potential buyer for the tea shop! I’m not great at business and all of that stuff, and I need someone to talk to this buyer with me! Kayley is nice, but she makes me nervous. Will you come help, Meghan? Please?”

  Meghan nodded. “Of course. Let me lock up, and then we’ll head over there.”

  The two women arrived at the empty tea shop fifteen minutes later. Kayley Kane was waiting outside, tapping her pointed high heel shoes impatiently against the sidewalk. “Lori,” Kayley said, clearly exasperated. “There you are!”

  Lori smiled at Kayley. “Hi, Kayley! Thanks for coming over! When is the buyer coming?”

  Kayley frowned. “The potential buyer is inside right now! You’re late. What took you so long?”

  Lori bit her bottom lip. “I’m sorry! I just needed some help. I brought my friend to talk to the buyer. Kayley, this is Meghan!”

  Kayley nodded sharply at Meghan. “Pleasure,” she said to Meghan as Meghan extended her right hand. “But Lori, I’m your real estate agent. It’s my job to talk to the buyer, got it?”

  Lori nodded obediently. “Got it. So sorry.”

  Kayley reached into the pocket of her white pantsuit and revealed a small, golden tube of lipstick. She smeared a coat across her thin lips, and then gestured at the front door. “Well, let’s go. We’ve kept them waiting, and I don’t want to be rude.”

  “See? She makes me nervous!” Lori whispered to Meghan as the trio walked into the tea shop.

  Inside, a short, raven-haired woman was examining the countertops. She was pale and harsh-looking, and she pursed her lips as she ran her small fingers delicately across the shelves and surfaces. “I think this will do,” the woman said to Kayley. “There is a lot of work that needs to be done here, but I just adore the space! Where is the owner? I need to meet her in person before I can commit to making such a purchase.”

  Kayley pasted a smile on her face and shoved Lori forward. “This is the owner!” Kayley said as the woman looked up at Lori. “Jacqueline, meet Lori. Lori’s father ran the shop here, and now Lori controls the property.”

  Lori smiled warmly. “Nice to meet you, Jacqueline! What would you like to put in here? Another tea shop?”

  Jacqueline shook her head. “No, no, no! There is a lot of work to be done here, but look at this lighting! Look at the aesthetic! Those high ceilings and tall windows just scream my vibe! This will be the perfect place for a salon! The ladies of Sandy Bay need a nice place to be pampered, and with some work, this will be perfect.”

  Kayley pulled out a clipboard from her large designer purse and showed it to Lori. “This is her offer, Lori. What do you think? She wants to sign today, and I think this is the perfect buyer for the space. You won’t do much better than this.”

  Lori’s jaw dropped as she studied the clipboard. “This looks amazing!”

  Kayley smiled. “I think it’s enough to send you to college twice over,” Meghan heard Kayley whisper to Lori. “I think it would be best to sign now. We don’t want you to lose out on this deal, Lori!”

  Lori grinned at Meghan. “Meghan! Did you hear Kayley? This will be enough to pay for college! This can all be over with today!” she exclaimed.

  “What is going on here?”

  The three women turned to see Felix stride through the front door of his late brother’s tea shop.

  “Oh no,” Lori whimpered, reaching for Meghan’s hand. “This can’t be happening!”

  Felix growled at Meghan and Lori, but did not stop to talk to them. He marched up to Jacqueline, who was looking at him in confusion. “Hey,” he said, crossing his arms across his chest. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  Jacqueline leaned away from Felix. “I’m closing this deal,” she explained politely. “I’m buying this space and turning it into a salon. Are you one of the owners or something?”

  Felix nodded, but Lori shook her head. “No!” Lori cried out. “He isn’t. Just ignore him, Jacqueline. He doesn’t matter.”

  Felix turned to Lori. “Shut up. I do matter. This was my brother’s shop, and I won’t let it
turn into some stupid salon, or anything else! I’m taking his business and restoring it to its former glory, and that is that, Lori.”

  Kayley cleared her throat loudly and glared at Felix, the clipboard still in her hands. She stepped in front of Lori and raised an eyebrow. “Excuse me,” she said, placing her hands on her hips. “I’m in the middle of a sale, here, and you are interrupting my time. This is private property, and if you don’t leave immediately, I will call the police.”

  Felix laughed in Kayley’s face. “The police don’t scare me, and I’m family,” he declared. “You can’t make me leave.”

  Kayley narrowed her eyes, looking steadily at Felix as the smile quickly vanished from his face. “The police don’t scare me, either,” she said quietly as Felix shifted uncomfortable. “Let’s just say I have connections that would scare the police. You don’t want to mess with me, or my connections. Now, get out of here, or I will have to make a call.”

  Felix’s eyes widened, and he turned on his heel and stormed out. Kayley turned to Jacqueline, a thin smile on her face. “So sorry about that!” she said, placing the clipboard next to Jacqueline. “This town has a few crazies, but he’s harmless! Now, about the paperwork…”

  Jacqueline shook her head and walked out of the shop, her body shaking. Kayley rolled her eyes. “Lori,” Kayley said, her voice filled with annoyance. “That buyer is not coming back. Who was that guy, and what was his deal?”

  Lori began to cry. “That was my uncle,” she said, tears trickling down her face. “He doesn’t want me to sell.”

  Kayley stared at Lori. “That was made clear,” she said, snapping her gum and reaching for her phone. “Whatever his deal is, you need to take care of it. I can’t sell this place if some creep is intimidating potential buyers, and I need to sell this place. My ex-husband has been sending less money for the kids lately, and I need this commission. Do you understand what I’m saying, Lori?”

  The tears streamed down Lori’s face. “I just wish he were dead like my father!” she blubbered as Kayley shot her a look of disgust.

  Meghan stepped forward. “She gets it,” Meghan said to Kayley, seeing the hurt on Lori’s face. “She’ll take care of it.”

  Kayley nodded at Meghan and Lori and walked to the door. “Good. Please do.”

  Lori turned to look at Meghan as Kayley left. “This place has to sell,” Lori said, her hands shaking. “I’ve waited too long to let another obstacle take me away from my dreams! I’m selling this place if it is the last thing I do, and I won’t let anyone stop me!”


  “IT WAS JUST BIZARRE, Karen,” Meghan said, sipping her chai latte as she and Karen caught up over breakfast at Truly Sweet. “The whole thing was strange. Felix and Becky are causing trouble, Kayley acted like she has mafia connections or something, and Lori is just losing it!”

  Karen shrugged, taking another sip of her protein shake. “I feel bad, sweetie,” she said. “I promised you a quiet little small town, and Sandy Bay has been anything but!”

  Meghan sighed. “I’m getting used to it,” she said, looking up as Jack’s police car pulled up outside of the bakery. “At least some things are going well, though!”

  Karen grinned. “Look! He’s coming in here,” she said, gesturing at the door. “He’s a cutie, that’s for sure! How many dates have you two been on, now? Is he your boyfriend yet?”

  Meghan shook her head. “No! I’m waiting for something to happen, but it feels like every time we get close to making things official, something happens! Like you said, this town has been anything but quiet lately, and it seems like we haven’t had a chance to just relax.”

  Karen’s eyes twinkled, and she leaned in toward Meghan. “Well, that cutie is coming in right now! He has a serious look on his face. Maybe he’s ready to ask you to be his girlfriend!”

  Meghan’s stomach churned as Jack walked in. She ran a hand through her long hair, straightening her posture as Jack strode through the door. “Hey!” Meghan said, feeling herself blush as Jack approached the table. “We were just talking about you! In good taste, of course!”

  Jack’s face was somber, and Meghan could see that he hadn’t showered; his blonde hair was greasy, and his eyes were red. “Jack?” Meghan asked as Jack looked down at his shoes. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

  Jack shook his head. “There’s been another murder, Meghan,” he said. “Felix Butcher’s body was found in the town center this morning.”

  Meghan gasped. “What?”

  Jack nodded. “We’ve made an arrest. There was some significant evidence left next to the body, and we have a pretty clear idea of what we’re dealing with, here. Or rather, who.”

  Meghan rose from the table. “Have you spoken to Lori yet?”

  Jack sighed. “She’s a mess,” he informed Meghan. “She’s out in my car right now. I went to tell her, and she had a total meltdown when I delivered the news. I have to take her to the station for some routine questioning, but she insisted I stop by here first to let you know what was going on.”

  Meghan turned on her heel and rushed outside to Jack’s car. Lori was sitting in the front passenger seat, her head in her hands. “Lori!” Meghan called out as she opened the door. “Lori, I’m so sorry!”

  Lori wailed, her small body quaking. “He’s dead, Meghan! He’s dead, and they think Jamie did it!”

  Meghan’s mouth dropped open in shock. “What? Jamie? He wouldn’t hurt a fly, Lori! We all know that! He’s all talk!”

  Lori shook her head. “They found bloody tools and overalls next to the body, and they belong to Felix! Someone heard him threatening Felix and Becky when he made them leave your shop, and that was enough for the police to arrest him!”

  Meghan frowned. “This doesn’t make sense. Jamie is a good man! He wouldn’t kill anyone!”

  Lori gasped for breath. “They found his stuff, Meghan,” Lori cried. “There’s no other explanation!”

  Jack walked up behind Meghan and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Meghan,” he said gently. “I need to take Lori down to the station. I’ll call you later if there are any updates.”

  Meghan nodded. “Okay,” she said to Jack. “Lori, I’m so sorry. Just try to breathe and relax. It will all be okay.”

  Lori did not respond; she was huddled in the passenger seat bawling, and Jack slowly closed the door. He squeezed Meghan’s arm, and then drove off. Meghan stood outside the bakery, her heart pounding in her chest as she heard the screech of sirens.

  “How could this happen again?” Meghan asked herself. “Another murder in Sandy Bay?”

  “Meghan? What on Earth is going on?” Meghan turned to find Karen behind her.

  “Felix Butcher is dead, and they think Jamie did it!” she explained, her face pale.

  “What? Jamie? Jamie wouldn’t hurt a fly!” Karen insisted. “I’ve known him for years. He’s a gentle giant! Why do they think Jamie did it?”

  Meghan looked down at the ground, her eyes filled with sadness. “Lori told me they found things of his next to the body,” she said. “They found a pair of his overalls and some of his tools. They were covered in blood!”

  Karen shook her head and folded her arms across her chest. “No,” she said. “Meghan, no. You and I both know how easy it is for someone to be wrongfully blamed in this town! We aren’t going to let some silly overalls and tools stand in the way of Jamie’s innocence! We must look into this immediately!”

  Meghan bit her lip. “Karen,” she said quietly. “I don’t know if I can do this again. I don’t know if I can go through another scandal. Things are finally good for me here, and I think if I poke around in this kind of business, my name could get sullied again!”

  Karen narrowed her bright blue eyes at Meghan. “Meghan,” she said sternly. “What if I had said that when you were falsely accused of murder? Without help, Jamie could be locked up for life! Looking into this is the right thing to do, and you know it.”

  Meghan sighed. “You’re right,�
�� she admitted to Karen. “You’re right.”

  Karen nodded. “Good girl. Now, let me call my personal trainer; we had a fifty mile bike ride scheduled, but I can push that back to this evening. You and I are going to the station right now, and we are going to talk to Jamie!”


  “I SWEAR IT WASN’T ME,” Jamie pleaded to Meghan and Karen as they sat across from him at the jail. “I didn’t have anything to do with it! I didn’t like that guy, or his wife, but I would never kill anyone!”

  Karen nodded sympathetically, but Meghan nervously peeked behind her at the door. Jack had begrudgingly snuck the women into an interview room at the police station, and Meghan was afraid that Officer Nunan, the police chief, would find them.


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