Donuts and Disaster (Sandy Bay Cozy Mystery Book 4)

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Donuts and Disaster (Sandy Bay Cozy Mystery Book 4) Page 6

by Amber Crewes

  “Goodbye, Meghan,” Becky said. Meghan opened her eyes as Becky raised the knife above her head.

  “So this is the end,” Meghan thought, closing her eyes again as Becky brought the knife down for the final time.

  Meghan heard the air shift as Becky brought the knife down, but before the blade could pierce her skin, a scream rang through the bakery.

  “Stop that!” Lori shouted, running across the room and tackling Becky. “Get off of her, you witch!”

  The knife fell to the floor with a loud thud, and Lori entangled herself in Becky’s limbs. The two women grunted and shrieked, and while for a moment, it looked like Becky was going to prevail over Lori, Lori took Becky by the hair.

  “Stop it! Stop it!” Lori yelled, tugging hard on Becky’s ponytail. “You’re done! I knew you were trouble, just like my uncle! You’re done!”

  Meghan gasped as Lori rose to her feet and quickly reached for one of the little white iron chairs in the dining area. Lori held the chair above her head, and before Meghan knew it, Lori slammed the chair down on Becky’s head. Becky moaned, but then, she was silent.


  “I JUST CAN’T BELIEVE IT,” Karen lamented as she and Meghan read through the Sandy Bay Gazette. Becky’s mugshot was on the front page, and Meghan shuddered as she remembered their brawl only three days earlier. “I knew it wasn’t Jamie who killed Felix, but his wife? How terrible! Who would have guessed? When you and I chatted after you offered her the job here, you just raved! I can’t believe she turned out to be so vicious.”

  Meghan nodded solemnly. “I can’t believe it, either,” she said, hanging her head. “She fooled me, Karen. I still believe that her life with Felix was difficult, but I don’t believe for a single second that the murder was an accident.”

  Karen shook her head. “There’s no way, and the police don’t believe it was an accident, either.”

  Meghan sighed. “I just feel terrible for how I jumped to conclusions about Kayley Kane,” she admitted, pursing her lips as she recalled her harsh words against Kayley. “I was just adamant that she had killed Felix, and I was blind to Becky’s ill-will. I just feel embarrassed.”

  Karen leaned in and wrapped her muscular arm around Meghan’s shoulder. “Hey,” Karen said soothingly. “It was a mistake. You were worried about Lori, and you let that cloud your judgement. It was a learning experience, sweetie. It’s over now. Don’t beat yourself up too badly.”

  Just then, the silver bells chimed, and Lori walked into the bakery. “You will never believe what the police just uncovered about those people,” Lori said breathlessly. “Felix and Becky had felony charges against them in five states! They were going to come here to swindle me out of the money from the tea shop, and then, they were planning to escape all the way to Qatar. Can you believe that? Thank goodness the police locked up that nasty bat of an aunt before she could escape!”

  Meghan nodded. “Yes,” she said, remembering the sinister look in Becky’s eyes as she dangled the knife above Meghan’s neck. “I can. I don’t know much about Felix, but Becky sure proved her true colors here.”

  Lori came to Meghan’s side and wrapped her own arm around Meghan’s other shoulder. The three women leaned against each other.

  “Thank you for saving me,” Meghan whispered to Lori. “You saved my life.”

  Lori shrugged. “I was coming back to apologize for being bratty. It was perfect timing, and I am so glad I found you before Becky hurt you.”

  Karen stood from her seat and kissed Meghan and Lori on their foreheads. “Girls, you two talk. I’m late for my lifting session with my trainer, but Meghan, let’s catch up soon. Lori, you take good care, sweetie. Have a fabulous day, girls.”

  Karen waved goodbye, and Lori turned to face Meghan. “I have to tell you something,” Lori said. “Kayley helped me sign off on the deal today. She tracked down Jacqueline, the salon owner Felix scared off, and Jacqueline is going to buy the property from me.”

  Meghan smiled at Lori. “That’s great, Lori. I’m so happy for you.”

  Lori squeezed Meghan’s hand. “I couldn’t have done it without you, Meghan. You helped me by giving me a job at Truly Sweet, and you’ve supported me ever since. I’m going to chase my dreams at college, and it’s really thanks to you.”

  Meghan shook her head. “No, Lori. Thank yourself. You are a strong, smart woman, and you made this happen. You should be proud of yourself. I know I am.”

  Lori hugged Meghan and said goodbye, leaving the bakery with an extra spring in her step. Meghan felt her heart swell as Lori walked away; when they had first met, Lori was sweet, but timid, and now, Lori was coming into her own at last. Meghan was happy for her friend, and she hoped that Lori would find what she was looking for when she started college in the fall.


  Meghan looked up to see Jack standing in the door. She was thrilled to see him; in his new role as a detective, he had been managing the fallout from Becky’s arrest, and Meghan had hardly spent any time with him in the last few days. Meghan smoothed down her hair and smiled.

  “Jack,” she said as he walked toward her. “How are you?”

  Jack shook his head and pulled Meghan into a tight embrace. She could feel the heat of his body as she leaned into his muscular chest, and her stomach erupted into a parade of butterflies.

  “How am I? No, Meghan. How are you? I’m so sorry it’s taken me so long to get down here to check on you; this case spiraled, as you know, and I’ve been neck-deep in paperwork as I wrap up the investigation. Forgive me for not stealing away sooner.”

  Meghan breathed in the deep, masculine scent of Jack’s cologne, and she smiled. “It’s fine,” she said, pulling back and looking into Jack’s blue eyes. “I’m fine, I promise.”

  Jack frowned. “I heard that she nearly killed you,” he said. “I can hardly look at her, I’m so angry! If she had hurt you….”

  Meghan waved her hands. “But she didn’t. It’s fine, Jack. Really, I’m okay.”

  Jack sighed. “You’re a brave one, Truman,” he said. “Now, come sit with me. There’s something important I want to ask you.”

  Meghan’s heart thudded in her chest, and she felt her stomach drop. Was Jack going to ask her to be his girlfriend?

  “Meghan,” Jack began as they sat across from each other at one of the little white tables. “This is an important question, and I think you are the best person I could ask to do this….”

  Meghan could hardly breathe; she lowered her eyes, and then she looked back up at Jack. She heard a yelp from the corner. Jack’s dog, Dash, was playing with Fiesta and Siesta, but Meghan didn’t peek over; her eyes were glued to Jack’s.

  “Yes, Jack? What can I do for you?” she asked, willing her hands not to shake.

  Jack smiled. “Meghan, would you….teach me how to make homemade donuts? The folks at the station love them, and I want to try to make some of my own! What do you think? Can you teach me to be a truly sweet baker?”

  Meghan’s heart sank, but she forced herself to smile. Jack may not have asked her to be his girlfriend, but he was asking to spend more time with her. She took a long breath, and then nodded at Jack. “Of course,” Meghan said. “I’d be happy to.”

  Jack beamed. “Great! How about right now? I have some ideas, too! There are so many flavors I want to try. I’m thinking a nice red velvet donut would be insane. Or maybe a strawberry frosted donut with sprinkles? What do you think, Meghan? Can you show an old dog like me some new tricks?”

  Meghan looked at Jack’s perfectly chiseled face, and she smiled even wider. “Yes,” Meghan said. “I think we can figure something out together.”

  The End

  Thank You!

  Thank you for reading Donuts and Disaster! I really hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I had writing it!

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  The next book in the series, Eclairs and Lethal Layers is COMING OUT SOON! Turn the page to see the book cover and read the first chapter now!

  About Eclairs and Lethal Layers

  Released: September, 2018

  Series: Book 5 – Sandy Bay Cozy Mystery Series

  Standalone: Yes

  Cliff-hanger: No

  When a new girl comes to Sandy Bay with intentions to open a bakery, Meghan Truman is happy to share baking tips and some business advice. Things become awkward when this new girl steals not only her recipes and branding but also her biggest corporate order!

  Her world is further thrown into a state of chaos when ‘new girl’ is found dead and her dearest friend is identified as the main suspect.

  With so many conflicting clues pointing to different potential murderers, Meghan must slice through the layers of ambiguity shrouding this murder investigation and discover the real motive and culprit behind this heinous crime.


  Meghan Truman looked up and smiled as a statuesque, curly-haired woman walked through the doors of her bakery, Truly Sweet. It was a quiet Tuesday morning, and the bakery had only been open for ten minutes, rendering Meghan pleasantly surprised to see someone stepping across the threshold of her shop.

  “Good morning!” she chirped to the stranger as the woman approached the counter. Meghan could see that they were around the same age, and her smile widened; Karen, her dearest friend in her adopted hometown of Sandy Bay, was over seventy years old, and Meghan was eager to make some friends closer to her age.

  “Hi,” replied the woman, tucking a loose brunette lock behind her ear. “I’m Stephanie Cameron, and I’m new here to Sandy Bay. I’ve done some asking around, and I hear that you’re new here as well?”

  Meghan nodded enthusiastically. “I am!” Meghan responded giddily. “My name is Meghan Truman! I moved here a few months ago, so I know the lay of the land pretty well, but I’m not a native Sandy Bay-er! What brings you to town, Stephanie?”

  Stephanie bit her lip and looked down at the wooden floor. “I’m from Indiana,” Stephanie began. “My husband and I split up; I was an investment banker in Indianapolis and living the dream! But, some dreams come to an end….”

  Meghan’s lips turned down. “I’m so sorry to hear that,” she said softly. “I hope Sandy Bay is the perfect place to have a fresh beginning. I came here from Los Angeles and didn’t have a lot going for me, but now….”

  Meghan opened her arms to gesture at the counters and displays in the bakery. “Now, I have Truly Sweet, and some wonderful friends here!”

  Stephanie smiled at Meghan, showing one thick dimple etched into the side of her face. “That’s actually what I came here to chat with you about….”

  Meghan cocked her head to the side. “Oh?”

  Stephanie nodded. “I got into town a few weeks ago, and I’ve actually been thinking about starting my own bakery….”

  Meghan grinned. “That’s wonderful,” she cried. “It’s a truly sweet business to be in. I was lost until I started my business here, and I’m so excited that you’ll have the same luck I did! Do you have any experience running a bakery?”

  Stephanie shook her head. “No,” she said quietly. “That’s actually why I came to see you. I was at the grocery store last night, and when I chatted with the bag-boy, he mentioned that you were a nice girl with a new bakery! I just had to stop by and meet you. Can I ask you a huge favor?”

  Meghan nodded. “I remember what it was like to be new in town,” she answered, placing a hand on her heart and remembering the rocky beginning to her new life in Sandy Bay. “I’m happy to help. What can I do for you?”

  Stephanie gestured at one of the little white iron tables in the corner. “Can we sit? Honestly, I want to pick your brain, Meghan; I’ve always dreamed of starting my own bakery, but I don’t know how to begin. I don’t want to step on your toes; you seem like a nice girl, and I realize a new bakery would be competition, but do you think we could just chat a little about your experiences here in Sandy Bay?”

  Meghan nodded. She had seen the hurt in Stephanie’s eyes when Stephanie had mentioned her failed marriage, and Meghan knew how important it was to welcome newcomers to town.

  “Absolutely!” Meghan exclaimed as Stephanie’s eyes lit up. “Let me grab some treats for us; it’s early, and I think some tea and fresh croissants would just be the coziest!”

  Ten minutes later, Meghan and Stephanie were laughing over the warm, soft croissants that Meghan had baked earlier that morning. Meghan leaned back in her chair, delighted to be advising Stephanie, who was proving to be good company.

  “A bakery is like one of these croissants,” Meghan giggled, licking her lips. “A bakery has many layers; there is the business layer of things, the merchandise, and the customers you have the pleasure to serve!”

  Stephanie smiled warmly. “That’s a great way to think about it,” she said, reaching over and patting Meghan on the hand. “It’s been so kind of you to sit down with me about this; I was so nervous to come ask, but you’ve been such a dear!”

  Meghan beamed, her dark eyes shining. “I’m just happy that you’re here! Sandy Bay is lovely, Stephanie; it’s on the coast, the town is quiet, for the most part, and people here will embrace what you have to offer! I just know it!”

  Stephanie nodded. “It’s like you said, a bakery is about layers. That makes so much sense to me!”

  Meghan agreed. “If your customers know you, like you, and trust you, you’ll get it right,” she assured Stephanie. “With those layers, success is guaranteed!”

  Stephanie glanced down at her watch, her eyes widening. “Oh, goodness! I have a meeting with my new finance guy in ten minutes. I’m sorry to cut this short, Meghan, but I’m so glad we got to chat!”

  Meghan rose to her feet and leaned in to hug Stephanie. “Don’t be a stranger! Like I said, I’m always happy to help those who are new in town. Swing by any time you’d like!”

  Stephanie waved as she walked out of the bakery and into the sunny morning. “I will! Thanks, Meghan!”

  Meghan sighed happily as the little silver bells attached to the front door of the bakery chimed as Stephanie left. “There was my good deed for the day, and it isn’t even ten in the morning yet” she laughed to herself, running a hand through her long, dark hair and adjusting the white apron around her waist. “She seemed like a great girl. I hope I didn’t tell her too much, though; maybe she had a point about being competition to my bakery….”

  Click here to find out what happens next for Meghan in Eclairs and Lethal Layers, the 5th book in the Sandy Bay Cozy Mystery Series!


  The Sandy Bay Cozy Mystery Series

  Apple Pie and Trouble (Book 1) – OUT NOW

  Brownies and Dark Shadows (Book 2) – OUT NOW

  Cookies and Buried Secrets (Book 3) – OUT NOW

  Donuts and Disaster (Book 4) – OUT NOW

  Éclairs and Lethal Layers (Book 5) – PREORDER NOW

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