The Melier: Home World (Women of Dor Nye Book 2)

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The Melier: Home World (Women of Dor Nye Book 2) Page 22

by Poppy Rhys

  Lu nearly groaned aloud, partly at the idea of going through another pregnancy, because a small part of her felt it would be unfair to deny Zun that...

  Her eyes cut to the side, observing Zun as he followed the conversation of the table, only adding input when he was addressed. While Soren was joining right in, he and Ren were still stoic, even around her family. Maybe even more so with Val’Koy there.

  Lucia blew a stray curl off of her forehead, only for the thing to flop back down while she continued to delay. Not that anyone was rushing her to confess anything. Zun never even asked her if she planned to tell her family. He didn’t say anything at all.

  Maybe he doesn’t want me to tell them.

  Nonsense. Do you even know Val’Zun?

  Her lips twitched.

  “Lucia?” Grams said.

  “Val’Zun is my partner,” she blurted, and then blinked, startled.

  Nova’s fork screeched across her plate, and the conversation at the table died while everyone stared at her.

  “I… I…” she stuttered, going brain dead for what felt like a considerable amount of time.

  Remember how you were supposed to ease into it?



  Her eyes roved the faces around her, noticing the amused glint in Val’Koy’s eyes as he watched her with thinly veiled delight while she squirmed.

  Seconds ticked by…

  Soren cleared his throat.

  Lu looked over at him, and he gave her a nod, as if asking if she was alright.

  “I have two partners--”, she blurted, again, cringing and unable to understand why her brain was malfunctioning.

  It was Zun who cleared his throat next, but that was all.

  “Oh dear,” Nova said, her trademark statement that was almost universal in her vocabulary.

  “Are you pregnant again?” Frellie asked bluntly.

  “No!” Lucia, Soren, and Val’Zun said simultaneously.

  “Thank the stars,” she sighed. “I need a little warning before you start secreting that fish smell.”

  Lu choked.

  Val’Koy barked a laugh.

  “Frellie!” Nova chastised in her ‘don’t be rude’ tone.

  “You were all thinking it!” she countered, and no one tried to say otherwise.


  Lucia’s face heated and she gave Soren and Zun a look as if to apologize for her family.

  “I’ve said before, and I’ll say it again,” Angus shook his head, expression weary, but accepting. “You never do things the ‘normal’ way.”

  And so the conversation picked back up. Her family pummeled her with questions about her time on Melierun. They wanted to know how it looked, and what the royal family was like, which created the perfect opening for the brothers to laugh at her once more while they told the story of how they tricked her into eating roosca worms. Even if that’s not how they remembered it.

  Her family had a good guffaw at her expense.

  They asked who MoMo was when Gi’Ren and Val’Zun told the story of how she stole the queen’s pet Nobu. Lu discovered she really disliked being called a pet thief. She had tried to give MoMo back, but the creature would have none of it.

  If Lucia wasn’t so ridiculously happy that all of the brothers were finally loosening up, she might actually be peeved about their jokes and jabs.

  But she wasn’t. Not one little bit.

  She was happy, and as she sat there grinning, watching her family go round and round, Lu knew she wouldn’t want it any other way.

  Right there, in that moment, she was exactly where she was supposed to be.

  Chapter 20

  The hall was filled with Assembly members, and a tiny chill ran down Lu’s spine as she remembered the last time she had been there, and what had taken place. She could almost smell the sickening iron stench of Quin’s blood.

  Her eyes roamed the floor, landing on the platform of the accused before her lids fluttered closed and she took a deep breath.

  That morning, Soren had left early for a closed meeting involving the presiding officials to discuss the plan she’d come up with aboard the military craft. She was nervous and excited all at once, waiting to hear if the governing body would be on board and support it.

  Lu opened her eyes once more, and she gave Beela’Su a small smile as she sat to her left. Her entire plan revolved around the princess, so her presence was required in order to make this all work.

  “We, the Assembly, have taken into consideration the information you’ve brought to our attention,” Mr. Topla, who still served as speaker for the presiding members, said.

  Her palms were a little clammy as she waited for him to continue on. She inwardly groaned that he was often slow, and dramatic in his delivery.

  “We would like to call Beela’Su forward,” he said, eyes landing on the princess. “To hear what she has to say, of course.”

  Attention turned toward the Trepnil that had become Lucia’s friend in the past couple weeks upon meeting. It was still a strange concept; a Trepnil she called a friend.

  Beela’Su stood, nodding ever so elegantly in a way that bespoke a lifetime of diplomatic conditioning. She was escorted to the stand Lucia had once stood upon to give testimony.

  “Please, Princess Beela’Su,” Mr. Topla inclined his head in a polite greeting. “Give us insight that may help us further understand why Curra representative Herana has urged us to proceed with an extreme course of action to involve the Intergalactic Coalition for intervention in a war Dor Nye isn’t a part of.”

  Lucia pursed her lips, her brows pulling together in an expression of mild confusion and irritation that Soren’s thorough explanation of the situation wouldn’t be enough to convince the Assembly. He was one of them.


  She knew they were just trying to be thorough, but the sense of urgency she felt was almost suffocating. How long did they really have? How long before the Trepnils still on Melierun found Gi’Calla and the king? It was entirely possible they were already too late.

  Her guts twisted.

  “My father,” Beela’Su began after a cordial pause. “Is a very… unforgiving ruler who is easily offended by the smallest infraction, even if indirectly.”

  The princess went on to explain the first war between the Trepnils and Melierun, describing what started that senseless conflict that lasted most of her adolescence. Hearing it for the first time, Lu herself was stunned.

  The war that had lasted fifteen space terms, ending just after Soren had been captured, had started over a lost shipment of vuca.


  What. The fuck.

  Lucia’s jaw dropped open slightly as she looked up at Val’Zun and Gi’Ren for confirmation. Their mouths were grimly set, and when Gi’Ren noticed her stare, he gave a short nod.

  Vuca was a thick, sludgy, purple beverage that was an acquired taste. A taste she had never, well, acquired. It was bitter, and overpowering.

  Apparently Trepnils loved it.

  Loved it so much Emperor Vu’Mal’Su went to war over it.

  Millions of lives lost, all because of a fucking terrible drink!

  Her head shook from side to side slightly of its own will, her incredulity reaching its maximum.

  A large cargo shipment of vuca was lost within Melierun’s known trade route, and believing the Melier had stolen it, Emperor Vu’Mal’Su declared war after communication with Gi’Moy and Val’Qa. Despite their insistence vuca was too strong a drink for a Melier’s palate, that they would have no cause to steal an entire cargo craft full of the product, the emperor was offended.

  The hall was quiet when the princess finished explaining how fifteen years of war started over something so small, something that wasn’t even Melierun’s fault.

  Her head dipped, and Lucia realized then that the princess was embarrassed about her people, her father. Here she was, apologizing for something she could’ve never prevented, and for a ruler who would most l
ikely never feel any remorse.

  “A peace treaty was only established when Queen Gi’Moy offered up a mineral rich planet after her youngest son was lost.” Beela’Su’s eyes were sad as she chanced a glance at Soren. “I did not know he yet lived, but was an enslaved prisoner of war. I cannot say whether my father knew of Ta’Ra’Enn’s actions or not.”

  She was silent for a few moments, and unlike Mr. Topla, Beela’Su didn’t have a flair for the dramatics. She was genuinely saddened about what she spoke.

  “Prince Val’Ja is not wrong in his urging for the intervention of the Intergalactic Coalition,” she agreed solemnly. “I am ashamed to admit my father will not stop until the Melier people have nothing left to give, or sacrifice. I implore you,” Beela’Su dipped her head before finishing, “contact the coalition, and help put an end to the senseless murdering.”

  The Assembly members murmured to one another as the princess stepped down, taking her seat next to Lucia once more.

  Mr. Topla cleared his throat to signal the others to quiet down, and once there was silence again, he spoke.

  “We will recess until this afternoon,” he said with finality.

  And then they were all clearing out of the large hall.


  “Well? How did it go?” Nova asked, fluttering about them as soon as they reached the hotel suite her family was occupying while she was still planet side.

  “Nova, let them close the door before you start the interrogation,” Grams chided humorously, to which Nova huffed. The old woman looked pointedly at Lucia before she asked, “Well?”

  Lu smirked, since they still hadn’t closed the door, and there Grams was, starting the interrogation she’d told Nova to be patient for.

  “Recess,” she sighed and plopped down into an open chair. “Hopefully they’ll have a decision later today.”

  A scowl curved her brow.

  “I just don’t understand why they’re being so slow about this whole thing,” Lu chewed her bottom lip and rose from the chair she just sat in, to, of course, pace the room. “People are dying! Who knows if the Treps have ventured past the palace into the towns. What if there are innocent people being slaughtered as we speak?”

  She curled her fingers as if to shake an invisible being in front of her, and let out a frustrated grrr.

  “It is how a government works,” Val’Koy said evenly, popping a piece of fruit in his mouth from a bowl perched upon a table. “Decisions about war are not made lightly. Especially a war your planet is not involved in.”

  Always the diplomat.

  “How can you be so calm about it all? Aren’t you freaking out about your sister? Your father? Your people?” she asked, shocked.

  His calculating eyes narrowed in that way they always did, as if he was dissecting layers with his pupils. Then, as if nothing had transpired, he went back to eating fruit.

  “Is that what you are doing? Freaking out?” he asked tranquilly, mimicking her pacing with two of his fingers across the table. “Let me know if that accomplishes anything. I might give it a go some day.”

  Lu cut her eyes at him.

  “Patience, Loo-Sha,” Soren said as he leaned a shoulder against the wall.

  To this, Zun snorted a single laugh. “That is like telling the wind to stop blowing,” he added, deadpan.

  All four brothers grunted.


  “I do hope they make a decision in our favor,” Beela’Su said quietly, and it took Lu a moment to remember the princess was there in the suite too.

  After the couple weeks aboard the military craft, Beela’Su had been deemed ‘non-threatening’, and had been allowed release from the holding room she’d been in. Of course, two military personnel still escorted her everywhere; she wasn’t allowed to be truly alone.

  In that time, they really had become more than acquaintances. Lu considered the princess a friend. A friend she wanted to help just as much as she wanted to help the Melier still held hostage on their own planet.

  A small smile tugged at the corner of Lucia’s mouth, and she nodded.

  I hope so too.


  The time had come.

  Lucia walked through the hall’s double doors, and down the carpeted walkway. The tightly fitted, pale blue pants she had on under her hip-length, sleeveless tunic of the same color, contrasted nicely against her partners’ darker skin.

  Both her mates’, and their brothers, were wearing their official white robes that they wore to any gathering, or formal proceeding. Lu stepped outside of herself for a moment and tried to picture what others may see when they laid eyes upon the males around her.

  She’d been so used to being the one on the receiving end of curious stares the past few months, that watching Assembly members, or even passersby when they were on the street, look on with inquisitive gazes was almost foreign.

  Before they left for Melierun, she had grown used to it. Not being the one under a telescope was almost a relief, and she wondered if the brothers felt anything at all, being under the scrutiny of her fellow humans.

  She knew the Assembly members, as a whole, were somewhat used to Soren’s appearance after the trial, and induction; though it was human nature to be interested in someone other.

  Multiply that times four, and it was suitably weird. Throw in a human, and a mixed youngling, both Melier and Dor Nyan’s were downright puzzled.

  Lu warmed as both of her hands slipped into theirs. They both looked down at her then, Zun reaching up to stroke the backs of his long, thin fingers along her cheek, and Soren’s densely furred tail wrapped around her calf, squeezing gently and then releasing.

  They took their seats.

  A few minutes later, the hall was quieting down, and Mr. Topla was getting to his feet. He looked left, and right, eyeing each seated official. The presiding Assembly members were voted in by the rest of the ruling body, just as they could be voted out if they were seen as biased in their decision making.

  “We, the Assembly, have voted,” Mr. Topla finally said, pausing once more. “Though we are not officially aligned with Melierun, we do hope to be, one day. We also believe there is a common interest, due to this Assembly’s ties to the Melier royal family, but we would like to make sure this senseless conflict Emperor Vu’Mal’Su has incited doesn’t spread further. Thus,” he dipped his head, “we have voted in favor of seat holder Herana’s suggestion to contact the Intergalactic Coalition.”

  A relieved sigh escaped Lucia’s lips and she grinned, sharing her cheerful gaze with Beela’Su. The princess’ eyes closed momentarily, as if saying a tiny prayer, and then she was beaming back at Lu.

  “Princess Beela’Su,” Mr. Topla gestured toward two security members heading their way. They wore a dark red uniform, a golden cloak hanging off one shoulder. It was the official coalition garb. “Please follow these men, and you will be transported to an undisclosed location. Safe travels.”

  Lucia turned to Beela’Su, her eyes a little watery. She was immensely happy that her new friend wouldn’t have to go back to her rough home planet, but she was also saddened that she would most likely never see her again.

  “I hope you get to see, and experience, everything you’ve been wishing for,” she gushed quietly as she embraced the princess. “Comm me whenever, and don’t forget to take many, many pictures, wherever they’re taking you.”

  “Gratitude for your kindness,” she replied, a bittersweet tilt to her lips as they pulled apart. “I owe my freedom to you, and your mates’. I will be forever grateful.”

  Lu watched as Beela’Su went with the duo, turning one last time to give a single wave of farewell before she disappeared through the doors.


  A few nail-biting days slipped by. They were back on the military ship, and the confining space, along with being in the midst of people that only tolerated her due to the queen’s command, was stressing her out.

  She’d been waiting to hear word about the Intergalactic
Coalition’s decision on the war. Emperor Vu’Mal’Su was still occupying Melierun, and no one knew what was going on planet side. The only comfort was the boastful nature of Vu’Mal’Su.

  If he’d found the king and princess, he would’ve opened communication to throw it in the queen’s face. This also meant he most likely didn’t know his daughter was missing, or if he did know, he didn’t suspect her absence was due to the Melier military.

  Luckily, the crew that had been holding Beela’Su was hired security. Only one Trep had been aboard that ship with her; the only fatality. The rest had been paid off, gladly handing over the princess in favor of more credits.

  That was the only problem with hired security; they followed the money. They had no loyalties to anyone or anything, except their greedy pockets.


  Lu startled, completely unawares someone had entered the room she was mindlessly wandering about. Her eyes bugged a little as she recognized the face.

  “You,” she breathed.

  He gave a small nod, a little smile tipping up the corner of his mouth. “Yes, me.”

  It was the palace guard who had escorted her from the viewing room where Zun and Soren had been whipping the traitor who put the trowb in the princes’ suite. The nice one, whose name she still did not know, that spoke kind words.

  “You survived,” she stated, finding she was happy about it. “How did you get on this ship?”

  “Long story, Princess,” he admitted. “In short, I was visiting a friend when my rotation ended, soon before the invasion. Let us say A’Drast has saved my hide, once again.”

  Lu sighed, smiling. “That’s a relief. I’m ashamed to say this, but…” she hedged. “I don’t even know your name.”

  “Do not be ashamed,” his hairless brows knit together. “It would be understandable, considering how my people have acted toward you, if you did not want to know any Melier’s name. But,” he bowed. “I am called Ishka.”

  “Ishka,” she repeated, sounding his name on her tongue. “It is nice to finally know your name.”

  They smiled at one another, and Lucia was ecstatic to have found another Melier who more than tolerated her.


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