Delta Redemption, SEAL Team Phantom

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Delta Redemption, SEAL Team Phantom Page 7

by Elle Boon

  She sat up straight as his words. “What do you mean, what he was?”

  “He’s your father, Brooke. Or was. No matter what anyone says, my duty has always been to serve my county. I’m not a traitor. I’ve been working to discover just who the fucker in our ranks was that’s been selling out top secret information. Information that has gotten men, friends of mine, killed in the line of duty. Only someone with high clearance would have intel like that. Someone in a position like an admiral.” He let his words hang in the quiet of the room, waiting.

  “Are you accusing my father of being a traitor?” She jumped up from the couch, no longer able to sit and listen as the man she loved accuse her dad of such a crime.

  Jase turned with his arms crossed over his chest. “All lines point back to your father. I’ve been gathering intel, working my way slowly up the chain of command from the outside in. Everyone thinks I’m a traitor so I hear lots of things. My handlers are the only ones who know the truth, and even they’re a little on the fence as to which side I’m on. You see, when you have nothing to lose, people tend to be wary around you.”

  With her lip between her teeth, she looked at Jase. “Because you’d lost your place in the Navy and had no family?”

  He gave an affirmative jerk of his head. “Yes. Brooke, the last thing I want is for your father to have been behind the leaks, but from where I’m standing,” he trailed off.

  “It doesn’t make sense. He’s always been all about the safety of our great county. I mean, he literally bled red, white, and blue.” Growing up, she was so proud of her dad and what he did. The thought he’d been doing what Jase was accusing made her ill. “I can’t believe it. I know you say you have evidence, but until I see it, feel it, I can’t believe it.”

  “That’s sort of my next issue. I need to get into his office.” He held up his hand. “No, listen to me. If your dad has information that he has or hasn’t sold, it would be there. We’ve been inside his office at the base but uncovered nothing. The last mission I was on, I was…blown up. Jase Tyler is supposedly dead. If I can get into your dad’s office and find out what he was or wasn’t working on, I would be able to reclaim my identity, my life.” Jase took a breath. “Hell, maybe you’re right, and it wasn’t your dad, but without searching through his files, I won’t know for sure.”

  “Okay, back up to the part of you being blown up. You look pretty good for a dead guy, so explain.”


  Jase twisted his head from side to side. Shit! He hated having to explain about his undercover work, but Brooke deserved the truth, even if he wasn’t supposed to divulge that information to anyone. “My last mission had me as part of a group that was seriously unhinged. Suffice it to say, they’re better off dead than alive. I ended up on the opposite side of my old SEAL team.” He took a breath. Even saying his old team brought an emptiness to him. “The team leader Kai, had a stake in the target we had secured at a cabin. Luckily, when they extracted the woman from my boss at the time, I was out on patrol. Of course, they came to our secondary location wanting to kick ass and take names. I always have a backup plan. Everyone had already left by then, or so I’d thought. I didn’t realize one of the fuckers was still in the cabin I had rigged to blow. I may be a lot of things, but a merciless killer isn’t one of them. Anyway, I was far enough away and saw the teams moving in. When I knew they were close enough, I had my finger on the button and ready. The bomb blew up as intended, only the cabin, which did have my heat signature thanks to technology, had a real body to go along with the explosion. The man looked enough like me that Kai Swift, the leader of the SEAL team, positively identified him as me, even though there was nothing left of him after the explosion.”

  “Oh my god. You could’ve died. Like, they could’ve killed you.” Her voice trembled.

  He looked across the room to where she sat, her eyes as big as saucers. “Sweetheart, that was probably one of the tamest jobs I’ve done since leaving the Navy.” Instant regret hit him as she sucked in a breath and lost what little color she’d had to her face. “Everything I did, I did for the betterment of our country.”

  She jumped to her feet, slashing her hand in an arc. “Bullshit. Don’t even say that. Your life is not expendable. You have a son, Jase.”

  He rocked back on his feet. Her words hitting him harder than a sledgehammer being swung by the mighty Thor. “I didn’t know that at the time. My only thought was to protect and serve our country.”

  “What about now? What about that little boy in there? Do you plan on being around for him as he grows up, or are you going to continue to put your life on the line like that?” Tears swam in her gorgeous hazel eyes, making them appear more emerald.

  He inhaled deeply. “I need to finish this. I’m this close to finding out who the mole is. Please understand. It’s not just a matter of quitting my job but finding out who killed my friends. Who’s responsible for killing dozens of soldiers and hundreds of others. This person did it for personal gain, all while posing as an upstanding citizen. My team and I were there. We were ambushed and couldn’t get to the other team. We watched as the night lit up with gunfire, and by the time we got to them, they were already dead. Some of them were married with children at home, others were like me, wanting to settle down, but that opportunity was taken from them. Knowing I’m this close,” he held his thumb and forefinger together before continuing, “and not doing everything I can to right the wrongs done to them, would be like their lives were nothing.”

  “Why you?” Her hand came to rest on his chest.

  Jase lifted one shoulder. “I don’t know. Maybe because I was the team leader. For whatever reason, I was singled out and went to Fort Leavenworth. I was there for six months when I got a visitor telling me I had a chance to get out and clear my name.”

  “Wait? Clear your name?” She fisted her hand in his shirt. “What do you mean?”

  He gave a mirthless chuckle. “Oh, you didn’t hear? I was tried and convicted as the one who gave away the other team’s location. Somehow, I was supposedly able to sneak off and meet with the leaders of the warring nation and gave them the intel on where the other soldiers were setting up camp. I was charged with the killings of all those men.” Anger pulsed through his veins at the memories of his team looking at him as if he were a monster. None of them had believed him when he’d claimed his innocence.

  “What about your team? I mean…aren’t you all like brothers? Why didn’t they stick up for you?”

  He dragged a deep breath into his lungs. “The evidence was pretty convincing. There was video, although grainy, that looked as if I was indeed in a deep conversation with the ones who’d killed our troops. The timestamp indicated it was just hours before the massacre.” He went over to the couch and sat as memories of the look of horror and judgement stared back at him from his team’s faces.

  Brooke came and knelt in front of him, her palms on his thighs. “Look at me and tell me you didn’t do it. I don’t need to see video or proof. You tell me the truth, and I’ll believe you.”

  “I would never have betrayed anyone, let alone my friends and brothers. I’m not saying I haven’t killed, because I have. I’ve had to in order to survive, it’s part of war. Never has it been an innocent, and certainly not one of my friends or brothers. Every single time I’ve had to…it’s left a mark on my soul, but it was either them or me. The people I’ve come up against are the epitome of evil. In my line of work and with the SEALs, we serve a purpose and that’s not just to put on an outfit for looks. It can get ugly, and sometimes lives are lost. However, I would never take a life or endanger lives for shits and giggles.”

  “I believe you. You’re a good man, Jase. I don’t know why your team didn’t see that, but I do.”

  It felt like a ton of weight was lifted off his shoulders. Sure, he knew others believed him innocent. However, hearing the words from Brooke was like a balm to his battered soul.

  “Come here,” he said pulling her up off
the floor and into his lap.

  She came to him without hesitation, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and burying her face in his neck. “I’ve missed you, Jase.”

  He laid his cheek on hers and just held her for a moment, luxuriating in the feel of her in his arms; something he didn’t think he’d ever get the chance to do again. “I’ve missed you, too, Brooke.”

  Her left hand began making patterns on his chest. “I missed the feel of you holding me. There were nights I dreamed of you, only to wake up crying and cursing you for leaving me.”

  His hand caught hers, bringing it up to his lips, he kissed the palm. “I can’t change the past, but I can promise to make the here and now as good as possible. I wish I could promise you tomorrow, but…Brooke, I don’t know what tomorrow will bring. You and Jack are the two most important people in my life, but I have a mission to complete. As much as you two mean to me, other lives are at stake if I don’t do what I came here to do.”

  She turned to straddle him. “I understand. Although I want to be selfish and beg you to forget about your mission, I know what you’re saying is true.” Taking a deep breath, she looked away then back down at him. “I’ll help you get into my dad’s office. I don’t think you’ll find anything, but if I don’t do it, you’ll find a way inside, and then, I’ll…I don’t know, be left on the outside wondering. At least this way, I’ll know because I’ll be there.”

  Jase opened his mouth then closed it. The words no way in hell hovered on the end of his tongue, but the fierce determination was stamped on her features. “Brooke, I don’t think that’s wise.”

  “You can’t get in without me there. My mother is like…crazy when it comes to the house. She tried to make me give back my house key when I moved out, but dad argued on my behalf. Heck, I wouldn’t be shocked to find out she’d had the locks changed as a matter of fact.”

  Brooke tried to act as if it didn’t hurt her, but he could tell her mother’s callous behavior had. “If she has, we’ll find another way in. What about Jack?”

  “I want him with us, if you think he’s safe. My friends who kept him during the funeral…they would watch him for me, but I’d feel better having him with me, especially after last night.” Her breath hitched on a sob as she’d mentioned the funeral, but she’d soldiered on.

  “I’ve got a plan, too. It’s getting late. We should get some sleep,” he murmured watching her lick her lips. His body was getting hard with her’s pressing against his.

  “Bed sounds good. Of course, so does this couch.” Her head bent, and she brushed her lips over his. “Make me forget for a little while, Jase.”

  She wanted to forget, and he wanted to remember. Shit! He wanted to build memories and hopes and dreams that he could live the rest of his life on, with her, the one and only woman he’d ever loved. “Brooke, you don’t know what you’re asking for.”

  Brooke bit his bottom lip. “Yes I do. I’m asking you to make love to me.”

  He opened his mouth to respond, but her tongue slipped inside. There was no tentative young girl in the woman now. No, his Brooke decimated any and all his protests as she kissed him with passion that ignited his blood. His arms came around her, hugging her to him as he took over the kiss, thrusting his tongue into her mouth, imitating what he wanted to do with his dick inside her.

  Her moan echoed his groan as she shifted on top of him, making the tight confines of the black cargo pants press against his erection. If she kept moving in the circular motion, he feared he’d have more than blood wetting his clothes. The thought had him shifting their positions until he had her beneath him on the large leather sofa. Its squeak as they moved the only other sound in the quiet of the room.

  Glazed hazel eyes stared up at him as he loomed over her. “Are you sure, B?” he asked.

  She smiled, her hand trailed between them until she could grasp his dick through his pants. “Most definitely, sure. I wanted you three years ago, and I want you now.”

  He took a deep breath. “I have a condom, but clearly that didn’t work last time.”

  “I’m on the pill. Not because I’m sexually active, ‘cause I’m not, but because it leveled out my hormones and monthly visits from aunt flo.” Her cheeks turned a rosy red as she spoke.

  “I’m clean, but I’ll wear the condom for extra protection. Not because I don’t trust you, but clearly we’re potent together.” He thrust his hips into her hand that still held his dick. “Woman, if you don’t stop stroking me, I’m gonna make a fool of myself and come in my pants.”

  “Oh, I’d love to watch that. I’d video it for future spank bank times.” She giggled up at him as she continued to massage him.

  He narrowed his eyes. “Spank bank, huh. I’m gonna give a hard pass on that.” He pulled her hand off him, settling them beside her head and covered her mouth before she could protest. He hadn’t been lying when he’d told her he was close to coming. It had been a long time since he’d been with a woman and having Brooke under him was almost enough to have him blowing his load right then and there.

  His lips sipped at hers, plucking at her top lip then her bottom, before moving down her jaw and then her neck. He remembered from before how much she enjoyed it when he sucked and nibbled just beneath her ear. Her body shivered at the first press of his lips on the sensitive spot he’d filed in his memory box. Scraping his teeth down, then sucking slightly, had her bucking up into him. Jase chuckled, making her shift from side to side. Oh, he was a hundred percent sure if he reached into her panties, she’d be wet.

  “Oh god, yes,” she whispered as he sucked her earlobe into his mouth.

  Jase sat back on his knees and reached for her shirt, pulling it up and over her head with her help. The plain nude colored bra had her arms coming up to cover her from his view. “Hey, don’t hide from me,” he admonished. “You’re bigger.” He traced her hardened nipples with his pointer finger. “You said you breastfed?”

  “They got a little bigger after Jack and yes for almost a year. I would’ve nursed longer, but when he started getting teeth, he was really bitey.”

  Reaching under her, he unfastened the bra and drew it away from her. “I like to be bitey, too. It must come naturally to him.” He gave a wolfish grin then bent to take one tiny bud into his mouth. Looking up at her, he let her see his teeth just before he tugged on her nipple playfully.

  “Son of a biscuit eater,” she moaned.

  With a laugh he moved to the other, giving it the same treatment. “I love your breasts. They’re perfect. So responsive.” He flicked his tongue over one tip then the other.


  “You’re killing me.” She ran her hand through the top of his hair.

  A mischievous smile curled his lips. “You ain’t seen nothing yet, sweetheart.”

  Brooke didn’t think she’d survive, but she couldn’t wait to see and feel. “Bring it on.”

  Jase scooted down her body, placing sucking kisses down her abdomen. He paused at one of her stretch marks. “Warrior stripes,” he said then kissed each one he found.

  She nearly cried as he kissed each mark left on her body from her pregnancy with Jack. The fine silver lines weren’t hideous, were barely visible, but somehow, having Jase call them something so amazing had her smiling. The smile turned into a gasp as he pulled her pants down.

  “Lift up,” he instructed, staring up at her with such need she could do nothing other than obey.

  Her pants were removed, leaving her in a tiny thong that was flesh toned. God, if she’d known someone would be seeing her in lingerie, she’d have worn something sexier.

  “Son of a bitch, Brooke. You’re killing me, here.” He tossed her words back at her, fingering the top edge of her panties.

  “They’re boring,” she blurted.

  His gaze caught and held hers. “Babe, there is nothing boring about you. Everything about you intrigues me. From the inside out, you captivate me. I want to delve into your mind and know all there is to know,
but first, I want to do this.” He pulled the thong off, tossing it onto the pile and then dipped his head, fingers spreading her open for him, and then his mouth was moving on her pussy.

  He urged her knees further apart with his shoulders, making more room for himself as he licked up and down again and again. God, she was so open to him, vulnerable. He brought his fingers into play, running one through her wetness. “You’re fucking gorgeous, even here,” he said, his voice strained.

  She cried out as he pushed one digit inside her, followed by another, making her writhe beneath the pressure he applied, driving her closer to an impending orgasm. “I’m so close, Jase.”

  Her words seemed to spur him on as he sucked on one side of her then the other, driving her wild.

  “So good, like honey on my tongue. I could eat you all night,” Jase said then went back to work licking and sucking with a single-minded determination.

  Struggling to catch her breath as she was swept away in a tidal wave of sensation where they were the only two people in existence. Her mind clouded, her pulse frantic as she neared an end that was surely as close to burning up in flames one could compare to. The climax, when it came, shocked her to the very core. Lost in sensation one moment, grinding against Jase’s face, and the next, she was moaning while her muscles convulsed. Luckily, her body still knew she had a child in the other room, otherwise she’d have surely screamed the house down.

  When she opened her eyes, her body finally coming down from one of the most glorious highs, it was to see Jase poised above her, his naked body glistening in the dim light of the room. “You ready for more?”

  The fact he had to ask, of having him inside her again, filled her with need all over again. She’d longed to feel the connection like she’d had with him. The oneness of two beings becoming one while they made love. “Yes, I’m so ready for more.”

  “You sure?” He teased her opening with the head of his cock, not entering her just rubbing that gorgeous mushroom shaped head up and down until she thought she’d go mad with need.


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