Delta Redemption, SEAL Team Phantom

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Delta Redemption, SEAL Team Phantom Page 9

by Elle Boon

  When he looked over to where Brooke lay with Jack snuggled against her chest, his heart skipped a beat. They looked so damn vulnerable. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you. Sorry I left you alone.” He had to swallow past the lump in his throat. “If I’d have known…nothing would’ve kept me away.”

  “I was going to tell you,” she whispered, her hand rubbing circles on Jack’s back. “I didn’t know I was pregnant until I was almost five months along. I know that sounds stupid, but it’s true. I had my…you know, monthly up until six months, which my doctor said isn’t uncommon. I lost weight instead of gaining. My dad flipped his lid of course. He said you were…well, he showed me the reports about what happened with you. The ones that were public knowledge. Even then, I said I was going to tell you after Jack was born, but you escaped from a maximum security facility. I had no way to tell you, and honestly I feared you finding out because,” she trailed off.

  “Because you didn’t know what I’d do?” he finished for her.

  She met his stare with a worried frown. “I didn’t think the man I’d fallen for could do the things you’d been accused of, Jase. Not once did I believe those reports, but then you escaped. How did you get out of a federal prison?”

  He lay on his back, letting out the air he’d held while she’d been talking. Shit! He owed her an explanation. He owed so many of his friends one, especially Brooke and his former teammates of his SEAL Team Phantom. “I had help, Brooke. It’s a long story, and one I only want to tell once. I need to call in some men I trust. Men who can ensure you and Jack aren’t going to be targets, or if you are, these men can and will be able to protect you. These men will come, but I’ll need to explain to them, and probably get my ass kicked in the process.” He grinned as he thought of the fight to come. Yeah, he could see Kai and Tay taking a swing or two at him. Hell, Coyle or Sully the biggest bastards would hurt the worst, but he’d take it if it meant keeping his family safe.

  Chapter Eight

  Kai looked at the unknown caller on his phone and raised his brows. Nobody had his private cell number. He thought of letting it go to voicemail then changed his mind. “Swift here, this better not be a telemarketer.”

  “Hello, Kai. Definitely not trying to sell you anything.”

  The sound of his former leader’s and teammates voice coming from the other end of the line had him standing. He glanced across the room at his friends who’d gathered to celebrate the announcement of the impending birth of a baby to their crew, knowing they’d all be affected by the call. “What do you want, Tyler? Or what’re you going by now, Traitor?” Silence descended around him as he spoke.

  “You know there’s always three sides to every story, Kai. Did you ever think to hear mine? Do you really think I could do the things I was accused of?” Jase’s voice got louder toward the end.

  He shook his head even though the other man couldn’t see it. “You didn’t deny it.”

  “The fuck if I didn’t,” Jase yelled.

  Kai paced the room, thinking back to the day they’d been told Jase had been taken into custody. They hadn’t been allowed to speak to him. Hell, he hadn’t spoken directly to him other than to send him letters to the United Disciplinary Barracks, better known as USBD in Fort Leavenworth, which he’d never received one back. Only knew what he’d heard and read in reports. “I saw the videos, Jase. Everyone saw them.”

  A loud sigh on the other end proceeded a prolonged silence.

  “Why are you calling me? For that matter, I thought you were dead. Is that another body you can add to your kills?” Kai knew he’d hit a sore spot as Jase cursed down the line. The sound of a woman’s voice had him pausing.

  “Excuse me, is this Kai Swift?”

  “Yes, ma’am. And who may I ask is this?” Kai waved his hand to quiet down the murmurs of his team and the women who’d surrounded him.

  “This is Brooke Frazee, Admiral Frazee’s daughter. I’d appreciate it if you’d stop slinging insults and maybe listen to what Jase has to say. I think you, better than anyone, should know things aren’t always black and white.” Her words had him looking at his wife Alexa. She’d been a total surprise to him when he’d found her. Having survived so much, only to be tossed one curve ball after another. Yeah, there were about fifty thousand shades of grey, especially when it came to their world.

  “Alright, I’m listening,” he said with less heat.

  “I’m going to give the phone back to Jase, but just so you know, if you so much as make his eye twitch again, I’m taking it away again. He’s risking a lot to call you, and he’s doing it for me and our son.”

  He stopped pacing at her words. Their son? “I’m putting this on speaker so everyone can hear. Full disclosure, the team’s all here, including spouses.”

  “This is a dangerous situation, and I’ll understand if you don’t want to help,” Jase paused. “I promise to tell you everything about what happened during that mission that went to shit, but what’s going on right now has nothing to do with it. Or maybe it does. Hell, this is fucked up.”

  Kai could hear Jase moving around, the sound of his boots hitting what sounded like hard wood flooring. “Where are you right now?”

  When Jase told them his location, Kai and his team all grinned. “We can be there in two hours; give or take a few minutes, we’re just south of there in a place called Hot Springs. That is of course, if you’re ready to explain what the fuck truly happened?”

  “There are some pretty crazy switchbacks as you traverse your way up here. It’s a little town called New Underwood to the East of Ellsworth Air Force Base about a half hour. Be sure and bring vehicles geared for a rough terrain. And, Kai?” Jase waited a beat. “I have a two year old son. He’s my world. You fuck with him, and I’ll rain Hell fire on you and anyone who thinks to harm a hair on his perfect head.”

  “If that’s true, then congrats first of all. Second, fuck you for thinking we’d ever harm a child. See you in a few hours.” Kai hung up, stunned at the turn of events.

  “So, we going off on a great adventure or what?” Alexa asked.

  Kai shook his head. “No, we are not,” he annunciated each word before continuing. “You and Jaqui are going to sit tight while we check things out. If everything is safe, we’ll…”

  Jaqui snorted. “Not gonna happen. I’m going. Do you really want to leave her all alone?”

  “Now, Jaq, be reasonable here. We have a little one to think about.” Tay placed his palm on her stomach.

  They were all on vacation and had just found out Tay and Jaqui were expecting a baby. Jaqui rolled her eyes. “I’m not the first woman to have a child, boys. Get over yourselves. Either take us along, or we’ll trail behind. Imagine that scenario. Pretty sure that would make us easy targets. What do you think, Alexa?”

  Kai nearly groaned as his wife nodded vigorously, making a big circle with her arms around her head. “Such a target. Oh, look at me. Come get me,” Alexa said in a scared tone then snorted. “Palease, don’t be a moron, Kai.”

  “Fuck, you women are gonna be the death of me.” Kai pulled Alexa into his arms.

  Alexa stood on her toes. “Remember the last time we were holed up in a cabin?”

  He thought back to the time she was referring to. “Yeah. You were kidnapped out from under me, and those two,” he pointed at Oz and Tay before continuing, “were almost killed.”

  Oz raised his hand. “Almost only counts in hand grenades and horse shoes.”

  They all said shut up Oz in unison. The big guy grinned and tossed his hands in the air. Sully, the smart one quirked his lips but stayed silent.

  His wife put her lips next to his ear. “You’re remembering the bad stuff. How about when we played cards? More specifically, strip poker?” She licked a slow path beneath his ear then bit his lobe, making him shiver. If she hadn’t been standing in front of him, his team would’ve gotten an eyeful of his erection straining against the front of his jeans.

  “Woman, how we g
onna recreate that with a houseful of people,” he muttered.

  Alexa laughed. “I didn’t say we were gonna be able to recreate, just trying to bring back good memories.”

  The little minx stepped away, but he pulled her back to him, placing her back to his front. “Alright, team. This is not just my decision. What do you say? All for one and one for all? I know Jase…well, he said he’d explain, so let’s set aside the fact he was charged and convicted of the most heinous crimes that a soldier can commit. He was our brother. It sounds like he’s in need of us, and we made a pact a long time ago. If any of us were ever in need, we’d always be there for one another. He made a call for help. I’m willing to stick my neck out, and I hope like hell he isn’t setting us up.”

  Tay came back in from the living room, his computer in his hands. “I did some searching while y’all were doing your thing. Brooke is the only daughter of the late Admiral Frazee. She had an older brother Mark who committed suicide. Her father was killed in a car accident recently.” Tay sat the computer on the counter and pointed at the screen. “Take a look at this.”

  “Holy shit, Tay. Did you hack into the Navy data base?” Kai squinted at the blinking red and black words TOP SECRET.

  The big blond man lifted one shoulder. “Hack is such a strong word. I sort of slipped into a slight crack and am just looking around.”

  Jaqui snorted. “You’re so cute when you hack, baby.”

  “So says a fellow hacker,” Oz said, standing over her shoulder.

  “I’ve seen him before.” Coyle lifted his chin his dark gaze staring at Kai. “He was there that night when everything went to shit. The night Jase was supposedly meeting with the enemy.”

  “Alright, let’s vote. Are we going or no?” Kai had already decided he was going, but was giving the other guys a chance to choose on their own.

  Each member gave him the middle finger then walked out of the kitchen except for Alexa. “I’m taking that as a unanimous yes,” Kai muttered.

  His wife turned in his embrace. “Did you really think it would be any different?”

  Before he could say a word, she stood on her toes and kissed his lips then moved away. “Must pack. We’ve got places to go, an ex-teammate to save.”

  Running his hand over his buzzed head, he shook his head. “You realize I’m in charge of this mission?” he called out after her.


  Jase hung up the phone and stared at it before he finally met Brooke’s eyes. “Thank you for…your words.”

  Brooke took the phone out of his hands. “Don’t thank me for saying the truth. But, you can’t get angry at them for how they feel either.”

  He swung away from her. The familiar anger simmered to the surface. Back then, he couldn’t believe they hadn’t believed him. Believed in him. How could they think he’d done the crimes he’d been accused of? “I don’t want to talk about this, Brooke.” No, if he talked about it, or thought about it, he’d lose his cool. And right now, he needed to keep his head on straight. Without stopping to think, he shot a quick text to Erik, letting him know about the team coming in. His partner’s response back was short and to the point, making his lips curl in a smile.

  “I just gave Erik an update of the situation. He said if anything feels off, to shoot first, ask questions last.” Jase shook his head and placed the phone back in his pocket. He hadn’t turned the earmic on, wanting privacy between he and Brooke.

  “Right. So, what do you want to talk about?” She asked, hands on her hips, glaring at him with her hazel eyes spitting fire at him.

  Oh, he knew what he’d rather be doing, but the sound of a little boy waking up had them both turning toward the bedroom.

  “You’re going to have to talk about it sometime.” Hurt echoed in her voice.

  Stopping her just inside the bedroom with his hand on her arm. “I know and I will. Let’s just enjoy this little bit of time with just the three of us before we’re invaded by my, by Kai and the team.”

  Her hand covered his. “They were your team too.”

  That damn lump was back, but he swallowed it down and nudged her toward Jack who was fighting to get out from under the blanket.

  “I gotta potty. I gotta potty,” he squealed.

  Brooke laughed and hurried to help their son out of the bed and into the bathroom. Their energy was infectious as he watched them move into the bathroom. While they took care of business, he made the bed out of habit, making sure the corners were tucked in properly. When Jack raced out ahead of Brooke, a grin on his face, Jase swore he’d never seen a cuter kid.

  “I did it, Jase. Mommy said I’m the biggest.” He pumped his fist and jumped in the air.

  Jase knelt on one knee. “Good job. Give me five.” He held his hand up for Jack and pretending to wince when his son smacked his little palm against his. “Wow, you sure are the biggest. So, what do you want for breakfast, and don’t say a peanut butter and banana sandwich. We big guys need some variety.” He lifted Jack into his arms. “How about some scrambled eggs with cheese on top and bacon? Do you like bacon, Jack?”

  His son grabbed ahold of his chin and forced his gaze to meet his. “Pigs go oink oink.”

  A laugh escaped him at the comment. “They sure do. What do cows say?”

  Jack went through all the animal sounds while he and Brooke worked together making breakfast for them. It didn’t surprise him that their son was so smart. At just over two, he spoke really well, knew animal sounds, and could pick them out in books. “You’ve done a great job, Brooke,” he said once they’d eaten and cleaned up the dishes.

  She glanced down at Jack who had tired of the adults and was now on the floor playing with Lincoln logs that they’d found in a closet. “He’s an easy kid to love. Not to mention teach. Seriously, he soaks up stuff like a sponge, so watch your words, or he’ll repeat them.”

  Jase sat back and placed his hands over his stomach, the bandage over the wound had been dry when he’d checked this morning as he’d replaced it. With his feet extended in front of him, he crossed one booted foot over the other. “Now that, sounds like an interesting story. Do tell.”

  Color flooded her cheeks. He always loved how easily she blushed, remembering the way her body would flush during sex as well. Shit! He needed to keep his mind off of sexy time, or his son would get a whole new education.

  She glanced down at the bulge in his pants then back at him. “What were we talking about?”

  Jase adjusted his erection, winking as her eyes followed the action. “Ignore him.”

  “Easy for you to say,” she snorted.

  “Not so easy, actually. I mean, it’s really quite…hard,” he joked. Her blush got even redder. “God, I love it when you get all red like that. I can imagine how it spreads all the way down and how hot it makes you inside.”

  She opened her mouth then closed it. “You can’t say stuff like that.” She looked over at an oblivious Jack.

  “Quit trying to change the subject. Come on, spill. What bad things did you teach our son?” Just saying the words our son out loud made him…happy. Hell, he hadn’t planned on being a father, yet knowing he was one now was something he’d never regret or change.

  “I don’t cuss as a rule, or I try not to, especially in front of Jack. Well, one day I was arguing with my mother over something stupid. I thought Jack was sleeping, or I’d have watched my words more closely. After I hung up the phone, I was so angry I called her the B word. Much to my horror Jack was not only awake, but right behind me. He calls out, loudly, the B word in perfect annunciation. Lord, my heart dropped to my stomach. I couldn’t very well get onto him when he was repeating my words, but I had to try to explain it was a bad word.” She shook her head and smiled ruefully.

  “So what did you do?” Jase sat up, placing his elbows on his knees, wondering how she handled the situation. He’d have just brushed it off and hoped for the best.

  Brooke bit her lip then grinned. “I told him mommy said a bad word.
That that was a bad word, and I was sorry I said it. I asked Jack how I should be punished, and he told me to go to timeout.” She chuckled. “Now, being a good mommy, I went to timeout, and my sweet boy went with me. When I asked him why he was going to timeout, he said ‘because he said bad word too’. He made me pinky promise not to say it again.”

  Jase barked out a laugh, picturing the entire thing in his head. Jack turned to peer at them from the floor and laughed. “God, he’s precious.”

  “He really is, isn’t he?” she asked with her hands folded against her chest.

  Although he’d known the reasoning behind why he hadn’t been a part of their lives and missed so many firsts, he still wished things had been different. Without thought, he reached for Brooke, lifting her out of the chair she was in, and sat her in his lap. “I don’t want to miss one more smile, or story like that. Never again.” His heart felt like it was going to burst out of his chest.

  Brooke wet her lips. “Me neither. I mean, I don’t want you to miss being a part of Jack’s life.”

  He caught her chin between his fingers. “I don’t just mean Jack, and you know it, Brooke. I came back here not knowing about him. I love him. God, do I love him. It’s crazy, this all-consuming love for a being I just met, but it was like click, click, boom. You know?”

  She nodded. “That’s how I felt when I found out I was pregnant. By then, he was big enough that he was moving, only I thought it was gas or butterflies.” She laughed. “I was old enough to know better, but it’s the truth. When I fainted at work, they called the ambulance. From there I was taken to the ER, and the rest, they say, is history. It was like a light went on, and Jack decided to let me know he was there. My body seemed to grow overnight, which explains the stretchmarks. I didn’t care if my entire stomach became one big roadmap of angry red lines as long as my baby was healthy.”


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